Visual Novel Cafe

PxH2: Pushed Usagi's route all the way for some reason...can't say it's too good for my tastes and I certainly am glad I got through it...Mama-san's parts were fun to read though, and the final portion is...well, just how much more perverted "they" have become?
Another point of this expanding on what the heck is the third committee that exists only on this particular route does...which I didn't quite paid attention to.

Gekka girls' routes appear to be much more relaxed than the first title (esp. Mashiro, with everything that happened six years ago it's doubtful that Gekka did not change its stance on romance)...but "It's my turn to protect you" makes me think something is brewing...
Besides, both of them got onto first name basis in their respective routes (certainly not the case with Usagi and yet to be seen with Tateha...side story excluded...WTF with classmates?)

Jamais vu : What happened to Usagi and its immediate aftermath.
Jamais vu : How the situation with Mashiro's dad initially defused (in part).
Deja vu : Tateha's initial situation (they were rather explicit about that, too).

"Penis-san" >>>>>>>>> "Chin*n" et al.
Maybe it's because Japanese is not mother tongue that I find the latter not as erotic...or it has been overused (bleeped most of the time too) that it does not carry the feel anymore...
The third comitee thingy sounds like it would have showed up in PxH1 Haruhi's route. I never finished her route because its loli vibes were too strong/crass for my tastes, so I cannot say more. Well post-confession and during the h-scene to be precise. I can confirm, btw, first-name basis for Tateha's route, or at least first name + honorific (Tateha-chan, Daichi-kun iirc)

Usagi: You mean the whole no romance aspect due to her idol job? After Daichi became her personal bodyguard thanks to Haruhi's influence, Haruhi became some sort of sponsor I think. So Usagi's old agency shouldn't have played any importance anymore. Ecchi ahoy!
Mashiro: After the inital misunderstanding was cleared up - Daichi thought her father was the stalker due to Alice's vague statement before, and her father thought Daichi would cause some other problems which I can't remember -, her father didn't show up anymore. He gave ultimately his consence to their relationship and that's all you've heard of him.

Another cameo: A very short apperance of Yuzuki during Tateha's route before the final conclusion.

@Royal Garden: Upon reflecting, I agree that it really strechted the suspension of belief during the Grand Route's climax. Honestly, I liked it because the MC's trolling act was fun and he fairly admitted innerly to not want the King as an enemy *lol*. But then again, I'm rather easy to satisfy when it comes to my comfort zone in VNs. I'd love to have a Touka append route as well. I also enjoyed listening to some of its music tracks. After Amakano it was a different direction and reminded me slightly at the extreme change from Lovesick Puppies to Gleam Garden (in terms of the change from pure romance, no drama to an ultimately [quite] serious story).
@Royal Garden: Upon reflecting, I agree that it really strechted the suspension of belief during the Grand Route's climax. Honestly, I liked it because the MC's trolling act was fun and he fairly admitted innerly to not want the King as an enemy *lol*. But then again, I'm rather easy to satisfy when it comes to my comfort zone in VNs. I'd love to have a Touka append route as well. I also enjoyed listening to some of its music tracks. After Amakano it was a different direction and reminded me slightly at the extreme change from Lovesick Puppies to Gleam Garden (in terms of the change from pure romance, no drama to an ultimately [quite] serious story).

Yeah its definitely not at the same level seriousness as Amakano, and to be honest I'd enjoy this more if they didnt add this much problems in it. I mean I could understand a few, but as I said they definitely digged too deep and made too many problems to solve. Yes in the end they solved all of them, but it didnt left any space for romantic or ichaicha scenes. Mc just solved one after the another in all game, I'm not even sure why the hell is he still hanging around those girls, its just too troublesome.

But maybe append patches can fix this, some nice ichaicha after stories would balance it pretty well, we will see. In the end I still enjoyed and think it as a succesful title for Azarashi soft, but it has some improvable parts for sure. It got 73/100 from EGS and I think its a pretty reasonable score, I'd give this 73-75 too. -Mostly thanks to mc's and heroines' personalities-


Also we are finally getting this, I have waited too long, but seems like it will be worth of it. All h-scenes at the main website are too hot, and new characters seems interesting as well. They are also saying that there will be 270+ cgs (which is twice of the original) and many new events at the main story and heroine parts, which is even better than I expected. I'm a little concerned about "とある事件の後、行方不明となる。" part from Sakuya and Oboro's profiles, maybe they will become onis or something, but well since they are saying this at their character profiles I dont think its a that big spoiler. Will see when it gets released I guess.
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The third comitee thingy sounds like it would have showed up in PxH1 Haruhi's route. I never finished her route because its loli vibes were too strong/crass for my tastes, so I cannot say more. Well post-confession and during the h-scene to be precise. I can confirm, btw, first-name basis for Tateha's route, or at least first name + honorific (Tateha-chan, Daichi-kun iirc)

Usagi: You mean the whole no romance aspect due to her idol job? After Daichi became her personal bodyguard thanks to Haruhi's influence, Haruhi became some sort of sponsor I think. So Usagi's old agency shouldn't have played any importance anymore. Ecchi ahoy!
Mashiro: After the inital misunderstanding was cleared up - Daichi thought her father was the stalker due to Alice's vague statement before, and her father thought Daichi would cause some other problems which I can't remember -, her father didn't show up anymore. He gave ultimately his consence to their relationship and that's all you've heard of him.

Another cameo: A very short apperance of Yuzuki during Tateha's route before the final conclusion.



The said third committee was , indeed, Kazuma/Haruhi's idea, and that Haruhi tried to force Kazuma's name into it was there, too (the first thing that happened in Haruhi's epilogue was Kazuma disapproving an idea of hers, out of duty...being a baka couple they are, Kazuma almost could not stay professional).
Haruhi's dad was heard from again in the epilogue of her route - he and Kazuma went for an outing in the mountains (Kazuma talked briefly of it), and Haruhi said she was jealous of them for being so close.

What happened to Usagi reminds me of what happened to Sera...although this time stems from a different reason, and resolved with help from a powerful family friend, whereas the previous time it resolved with help (more like mediation) from a certain powerful family member.

This time has more EHHhhhhhHHHH!? moments jam-packed into one scene though...

Also: Does ecchi until dawn looks familiar?
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Started "Watashi ga Suki nara "Suki" tte Itte!" so far? good, well the system not really good, since a few key event won't come out if you don't trigger some event at other heroine, but you can figure it out eventually or just go straight to walkthrough, and H-scene actually a bit weird? since there's no foreplay, it's kinda rushed.

just finished 2 routes since i'm busy like hell, good-heroine but the story/plot was kinda cheap, so many deus ex machina used with QP-fairy

my favorite heroine in this one: Yuuki with her shimo-neta habit lol, Maya and Eri, surprisingly i love side-chara more than main lol
my favorite heroine in this one: Yuuki with her shimo-neta habit lol, Maya and Eri, surprisingly i love side-chara more than main lol

You're not the only one, Maya is actually close second in character rankings for the game. I remember QP mentioning in the tutorial that if the game sells enough they may make a fan disc with additional routes for Maya, Eri and Aoi, any idea what the goals are and if they're likely/unlikely to meet them? I wouldn't mind seeing a Maya route as well, though it would be kinda awkward to date you ex's big sister...

My favorite was Mahiru (with Chiho in close second), they're just too cute.

Finished Shinon's route in 天ノ空レトロスペクト, it was okay. They really pushed her stupidity a bit far to the point where it was no longer cute but appalling by the end, but she kinda redeems herself. No cosplay ecchi is just a crime.
I didn't find Amanosora Retrospect very interesting. I was kinda stupid to let the sweet atmosphere of the h-scene trial influence me, though. But yeah the mystery setting and such couldn't really fully capture me. A few nice moments here and there nontheless. Forunately PxH2 (despite its weaknesses), Unlucky:Rebirth (despite the dense MC *lol*) and Royal Garden made this month of eroge pleasant enough.

@dating your ex's sister: There was in fact a title where the heroine was the younger sister of the ex-gf. Love Revenge. Given the ex was a bit messed up in her logic and the MC had developed a woman phobia (dunno how it's called) due to it. It's a shame that the title itself was rather bad. There are not many VNs where an introverted/fearful-of-woman MC is being done satisfactory.
Such a lust for senpai...

After all those comments, I also started PxH2 since I had free time until the next releases. While I cannot say anything certain since I'm only at the halfway of the common route, so far I think PxH1 was way better than this, specially as the cast. Usagi is just annoying for my tastes and Tateha & Mashiro seems like a cheap version of Yuzuki & Kanna. But more than those, I'd prefer Kazuma instead of Daichi for sure. He just feels like "forced to be MC" imo. Alicetia is really cute as hell though, and I think her VA did a great job at her character but I'm not really sure if this game is worth of playing just for her or not. I'll continue a little more, but to be honest I was expecting something better than this.
You're not the only one, Maya is actually close second in character rankings for the game. I remember QP mentioning in the tutorial that if the game sells enough they may make a fan disc with additional routes for Maya, Eri and Aoi, any idea what the goals are and if they're likely/unlikely to meet them? I wouldn't mind seeing a Maya route as well, though it would be kinda awkward to date you ex's big sister...

as far as i know Chuable pretty much selling, but considering many games will come out at last month of this year they will not sell a lot more and another reason was most of their game either generic or released at bad time *ex: other title more interesting at that month

for PxH1, i love it so much that i need fandisc for side-chara..... just started PxH2 and yes so many deja vu, rather than making another title i hope they make fan-disc for new character or for Bitch-san :'(
Whoever wrote the PxH2 Usagi's side story "Usagi-chan and Bodyguard-san" doesn't know what Avtomat Kalashnikov 47 is...
Alrighty, then I'll offer my fair bit of criticism as well.

PxH2: I agree about the deja-vu to some degree. I kinda expected it with the title being a direct sequel, but well on some parts it felt too similar (ignoring stuff like the reoccuring omnipotent but dense[er] MC). I mentioned it before: Tateha being one reason. Yuzuki her she were really too similar. Personality, part-time job, inital problem solving mission by Kazuki/Daichi going as far as the build up to the confession. Of course the reason itself was different but you could still see the approach in their routes were the same. I'm afraid all those made me unconsciously too closed-minded to "rate" Tateha herself (and I don't hate Yuzuki and her, btw) as I couldn't really enjoy her route that much.
Offender No. 2 : The vagueness about Kazuki aka 777. It was for me irritating how he received some kind of negative reputation and even Micchi in the common route kinda stammered around the issue probably due to her slight? crush on him in PxH1, which further lessened Daichi's image of 777. Or how about that with exception of Usagi's route, nobody cares to actually mention that Daichi's MA master is the former 777. For no real reason nontheless. Well, it could simply be that Kazuki never mentioned it in most routes out of embarrasement, yet a short mention of it being the reason would have been enough for me.

@Royal Garden: Im finding myself listenting to BGM 21 + 26. For me, those tracks did fit really great to the respective dramatic moments or moments of higher tension and the one of the final showdown.
When I started playing it first, I actually thought that MC might maybe unknowingly act his true/hidde royal self *lol*. But Yue being Yan is nothing I would complain about. When I saw first the CG with her opened eyes I thought it was kinda scary :whistle:
What I found generally a bit lame was that prior to her route, his contract got all of sudden canceled and in turn gave him a cheap-ish solution to enter the romance without any real drawbacks despite Yue's reminder of a breach of contract. At that point that breach did hardly matter anymore. But that kind of reveal would need to happen sooner or later as he probably wouldn't be able or want to keep it a secret from Yue. In other Novels like Noble Works the true identity got out by accident or the MC himself and he got only screwed in one route iirc.

As for the Grand Route: I and probably most readers expected that Yue's impulse action when she confronted her father would horribly fail the way it did. In these kind of settings the poor girl would almost always be "too soft" and turn weak-willed against the authorian father figure. Personally, it would have been nice if she would have used the opporunity her father himself offered and the MC stepped in just as the knife was about to reach the king *lol*. Exaggerated cliché and melodramatic, though.
I didn't find Amanosora Retrospect very interesting. I was kinda stupid to let the sweet atmosphere of the h-scene trial influence me, though. But yeah the mystery setting and such couldn't really fully capture me. A few nice moments here and there nontheless. Forunately PxH2 (despite its weaknesses), Unlucky:Rebirth (despite the dense MC *lol*) and Royal Garden made this month of eroge pleasant enough.

I wouldn't say 天ノ空レトロスペクト is very interesting either, but I like it, the game has a very light atmosphere. The mystery setting isn't very deep but I like that cases are rather simple and solved relatively quickly, it prevents the game from dragging on. The sudden burst of drama at the end is somewhat in contrast to that, not my favorite part of the game for sure. I kinda regret finishing Amahoshi's route second, there's so many spoilers in it for the other characters that I can pretty much tell what Misumi and Himari's major points will be about. Still going though.
Alrighty, then I'll offer my fair bit of criticism as well.

PxH2: I agree about the deja-vu to some degree. I kinda expected it with the title being a direct sequel, but well on some parts it felt too similar (ignoring stuff like the reoccuring omnipotent but dense[er] MC). I mentioned it before: Tateha being one reason. Yuzuki her she were really too similar. Personality, part-time job, inital problem solving mission by Kazuki/Daichi going as far as the build up to the confession. Of course the reason itself was different but you could still see the approach in their routes were the same. I'm afraid all those made me unconsciously too closed-minded to "rate" Tateha herself (and I don't hate Yuzuki and her, btw) as I couldn't really enjoy her route that much.
Offender No. 2 : The vagueness about Kazuki aka 777. It was for me irritating how he received some kind of negative reputation and even Micchi in the common route kinda stammered around the issue probably due to her slight? crush on him in PxH1, which further lessened Daichi's image of 777. Or how about that with exception of Usagi's route, nobody cares to actually mention that Daichi's MA master is the former 777. For no real reason nontheless. Well, it could simply be that Kazuki never mentioned it in most routes out of embarrasement, yet a short mention of it being the reason would have been enough for me.

@Royal Garden: Im finding myself listenting to BGM 21 + 26. For me, those tracks did fit really great to the respective dramatic moments or moments of higher tension and the one of the final showdown.
When I started playing it first, I actually thought that MC might maybe unknowingly act his true/hidde royal self *lol*. But Yue being Yan is nothing I would complain about. When I saw first the CG with her opened eyes I thought it was kinda scary :whistle:
What I found generally a bit lame was that prior to her route, his contract got all of sudden canceled and in turn gave him a cheap-ish solution to enter the romance without any real drawbacks despite Yue's reminder of a breach of contract. At that point that breach did hardly matter anymore. But that kind of reveal would need to happen sooner or later as he probably wouldn't be able or want to keep it a secret from Yue. In other Novels like Noble Works the true identity got out by accident or the MC himself and he got only screwed in one route iirc.

As for the Grand Route: I and probably most readers expected that Yue's impulse action when she confronted her father would horribly fail the way it did. In these kind of settings the poor girl would almost always be "too soft" and turn weak-willed against the authorian father figure. Personally, it would have been nice if she would have used the opporunity her father himself offered and the MC stepped in just as the knife was about to reach the king *lol*. Exaggerated cliché and melodramatic, though.

Seriously that 26. track is one of the best I have listened in this year, I'm still looking for a mp3 file for it. It fits so good, starting slowly, building the tension etc. Specially at the final showdown. 17 & 20 were good as well, though not as good as 26.

For Grand route I think I already shared my opinion about it at some older posts so gonna skip that.
Whew, done with PrimalxHearts 2 now...

References to Kazuma are usually quite subtle to the player (moreso if first title is not played to full completion beforehand) and there is almost no way for Daichi to realize that they go back to his master...or he just thinks of another possibility entirely. Those are probably there for folks who have played the first title to begin with as a little puzzle to connect the first to second title...but what happened depends on the route chosen...most of the time.
Daichi appears to have personally known Sera if she's Kazuma's partner (he referred to her as "Sera-san" the one time he did)...but not to other options in their respective routes (Excluding Haruhi, who used to play with him six years ago)
Kazuma and Sera [Correction: They did got married, albeit "recently"]...not so much for the others.

He seems to have completely forgotten that he declared the previous 777 his enemy for trying to have his way with his big sister at the beginning of his new school life when the revelation came during the end of Usagi's story, too...

So, with that aside...Daichi's denseness is way over the top like I've said before, and it significantly deducts from enjoyment (to the point I dare say that the short Anna's route is the best one out of all). A plausible explanation is there for Alice, but not so much with others (esp. Usagi). Overall, not really as enjoyable as the first title because of that one gets boring pretty quickly that way, and I wouldn't consider that a buildup - it's pretty excessive in Usagi's case, taking like 2/3 of the route to get to confession just because of Daichi being as thick as an American T29's mantle armor and the rest 1/3 a shoehorned drama...or is it a way to tell us that sh*t will hit the fan quickly when you go after a pop idol...and we are talking about a main heroine's route here (Anna's route is like, 80-90% until that point, and the rest to affirm their affections, epilogue excluded).

The others did not take that long time, but it still seems like Daichi's thickness was there to stall for time rather than to build up. But come to think of it, Alice and Tateha's routes' dramas feel shoehorned to me too - they popped outta nowhere just for the sake of conflict...the first title dramas (which all routes have their own) do have their reason and buildups as far as I could remember...

There is one point in her route where I think I could leave the game on auto and record something like 3-4 H-scenes one after the's that much.
And, six years later, these kids (all of them) have got much more lust within them than their predecessors.
As a note to how thick Daichi is...he needed to have sex with Anna all the way just to get his feelings about her together.

Phew...I need to catch my breath...
By the way, the H-scene BGMs for this one are among the better ones that I have collected...
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I finished 天ノ空レトロスペクト a couple days ago, as expected Misumi and Himari's routes were largely spoiled by Amahoshi's route. They felt shorter and with less drama than the other two, but maybe that's just me. Overall, I still think the game is okay.

Now playing Steins;Gate, up to chapter 4 so far and it's pretty good, even though the science feels a little dubious. Since a) it's been a long time since I last did physics and b) I've never done physics in japanese, I try not to look too deeply at these explanations, at least they get points for not handwaving the whole thing. Rintarou's chuunibyou is somewhat getting on my nerves at times but at least there's usually someone around to call him out on it. I like the phone system, it's pretty interesting. I just wish I could preview what the answer will be when I reply to email, I see no way to not send the message once a keyword is selected. So far I've had to reload a save to see what the different replies would be, pretty inconvenient especially as the game tends to crash when loading quicksaves...

Anything interesting coming out in November ? I'm keeping an eye on 果つることなき未来ヨリ. Also コドモノアソビ, looks interesting, and there are both Akino Hana and Oogura Yui in it. Finally, I may give 僕はキミだけを見つめる a try, but I fear it may contain too much fighting for my tastes, given the protagonist's origins, job and motivation.
I'll try ensemble's Koi Suru Kimochi no Kasanekata ( Hopefully it will be lighthearted, sweet, *awww* and I'll be sold. Then, hulotte's Yome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai ( I loved their first title White Ribbon, even though the time travel part was a bit clumsy at times. Moteyaba, their 2nd entry (, was nice-ish too, but the supernatural element turned in some routes nonsensical and over the top. And while I'm sure quite a few loved the forced rejections to progress from potetial route A to B, I found that somehow too heartwrenching *lol*. It was not badly done, mind you.
Edit: I'll also add Kodomo no Asobi, even though LoS's previous title was pretty stupid (the MC! >_<)

Other november VNs will probably be decided spontanously.
PriministAr fandisc is at this time, too...

What is notable is that you get to shag Kayano this time...
Its already time for november releases, huh. And I still didnt finish Primal Heart 2 or Sukitte itte from last month, I guess my backlog will just increase even more.

Now for the releases; I'm pretty sure 僕はキミだけを見つめる ( will have the highest score in this month, I heard many good things about the original game as well so I'm expecting a great game. But to be honest I'm more like a moege guy so as @kzel said it may have a little too much action for my tastes. Will play depend on my mood and reviews, But I'm betting all my money on this game for the highest score.

Other than this I'll definitely try 果つることなき未来ヨリ ( since It seems good with that fantastic setting and its frontwing so why not, 嫁探しが捗りすぎてヤバい ( since Hullotte just knows how to make a good moege, even though I'm not a fan of this hiding secret thing, ナデレボ ( Because of the art & gap moe and さみだれグローインアップ ( just for the 2-G's art.

Other than those, since I'm a huge fan of clochette's big boobs so their new game ここから夏のイノセンス ( is a huge disappointment for me. I might play it since I have played all clochette games so far, but with this art it doesn't feel as clochette for sure.

ハルウソ's ( "pink lines are lies" setting seems kinda interesting too, but since they'll release game part by part, I might wait for entire thing.

Lastly I'd like to try 恋する気持ちのかさねかた ( too but after all those games most likely I'll just drop it into backlog and will play it in some far future.
Anyone finished KoiShinAi Kanojo already? I've finished Sena's and Ayane's route but I'm too lazy too read through Yui's or the student council president's route. Does it matter whether I read through all routes? Just feel like downloading a save and reading through the true route.
Anyone finished KoiShinAi Kanojo already? I've finished Sena's and Ayane's route but I'm too lazy too read through Yui's or the student council president's route. Does it matter whether I read through all routes? Just feel like downloading a save and reading through the true route.
If Yui and Rinka don't interest you, you can safely skip them and read through the true route, it's a direct continuation of Sena's route so you won't be missing any plot element. Personally I found Yui's route the best though.
Yup, decided to skip Yui's and Rinka's route. Just finished the True Route. Really touching and a good read, though quite a cliche from Nijima Yuu.
I'm not familiar with Niijima Yuu, I might look into other titles he's written, I found it quite rare and refreshing to see a "true" end not finish in a happy ending for everyone.

Speaking of which, I'm very disappointed with the true end of Steins;Gate. It feels like it completely denies the point the game was trying to make all along : you can't have the cake and eat it too. I'm happy they decided to not follow up on this ending with the upcoming sequel.

If the game ended after the first saving attempt, it would have been fine. There was some elements left alone from the prologue that needed explaining, and it would wrap up the beta attractor field timeline nicely. But no, everyone's alive, happy, and Kurisu even remembers Okabe... That's a real shame because Mayuri's end was actually pretty good.

Other than that, it was a pleasant read, and I really like some of the music tracks. The science went from dubious to complete nonsense but oh well, time travel and all that, can't expect too much. I appreciate that they deliberately kept vague whether world line kept existing or not when Okabe switches to somewhere else. I kinda agree with Kurisu's final comment, from Okabe's point of view the world is destroyed and rebuilt each time, but does it really?

I still don't understand how Feiris's father could be saved without switching Attractor Fields, since it seems everyone's death is programmed to happen on a certain date, give or take a few days depending on the world line. Yet saving Feiris's father only causes a slight divergence and he gets to live 10+ more years? Same with Moeka and FB, once you stop her search for the computer they don't have to die anymore? Couldn't the same happen to Mayuri? What makes her so special that she absolutely has to die, other than plot convenience?

Going to start コドモノアソビ next.
I'm not familiar with Niijima Yuu, I might look into other titles he's written, I found it quite rare and refreshing to see a "true" end not finish in a happy ending for everyone.

Speaking of which, I'm very disappointed with the true end of Steins;Gate. It feels like it completely denies the point the game was trying to make all along : you can't have the cake and eat it too. I'm happy they decided to not follow up on this ending with the upcoming sequel.

Going to start コドモノアソビ next.

Most of Niijima Yuu's games are like this, Specially Natsuyume Nagisa. Or more like I think the only game which didnt have this kind of thing from Nijima Yuu was キサラギ gold star so we can say that its kinda his style (I mean having this kind of atmosphere etc, of course not all of his games are finishing with unhappy ending).

But well personally I found this one as too forced unlike the all others which felt natural & necessary for the story so I'll think twice when I see Nijima Yuu's name from now.
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Got around to Traveling Stars now...still not out of prologue though, probably because not all main characters are here yet...same 'ol Hooksoft...

I'll need to redo PxH1 sometime because of unusable save from update (I did redo Haruhi's story because it was totally worth it)...among many things...

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