Visual Novel Cafe

Their latest update 1.00b fixed the 産玉 bug as I just tested :P. Now whether to update or not... *lol*. And a bug where you couldn't obtain 荒魂. If you have an account on their side you can also access a training dungeon on New Game+ as well as an Easy Mode when you get a Game Over.
I see, there was an update to fix the instant-kill bug... too bad I got all the way to Kosuzu in New Game+ (Hakuto route this time) without noticing it and abused said bug to kick her minions ass and defeat her, yes... :whistle:.

Her contract binding scene was quite the letdown, especially considering it happens after the route selection it really feels off unless on someone's specific route. Oh well, I don't have an account so no training dungeon for me, and rather than an easy mode I would have preferred they made New Game+ harder (Kosuzu excepted of course), fights now have zero interest. They also mention some unreachable treasure chest, maybe that's where Ecchan's last piece of armor was hidden.

Anyway, I'm taking a break from Izumo 4 for a while and starting アマカノ~Second Season~. For some reason when reading the descriptions I failed to noticed Yuzuka is Sayuki's sister. I remember she helped quite a bit in the first game, and the note writing habit makes all the more sense. I'm definitely going her route first, hopefully her father won't be as difficult to convince this time.
Yeah, I also didn't realise that Sayuki had a little sister in Amakano. As expected, I have a great time with the sequel. You have the old female cast as recurring side character and as with PxH2, it seems route-dependant with whom our dear Amakano1 MC got together in the end. A nice improvement is also that the heroines call the MC by his default name (as I only chose that one) after they got together, unless you want, e.g., Kanade's alternative option ;).

So far, he's with Koharu in Ruika's route and with Mizuki in Honami's.
I finished Yuzuka's route last night, it was nice but it somehow felt rather uneventful. Once past the initial hardship it's really peaceful all the way to the end, I would have expected at least a little more drama given the previous game, or maybe I'm just remembering things wrong. It doesn't really matter anyway, it was really sweet, I just wish Yuzuka's kokuhaku wouldn't have been spoiled by the opening movie.

Also, during the common part, I was rather surprised at how casually Kousuke's handling Honami's issue. It turned out alright in the end but still :
what if her parents were dead? She kept referring to them in the past tense, such a touchy subject required more caution to me. At least check before making the promise to handle things.

I was quite pleasantly surprised to hear the heroines call the MC by his name, although there are the occasional '彼’、’あの人’ that still feel somewhat off, it's much better. No idea what it's like if you don't choose the default name.

And Amakano1's MC is with Sayuki in Yuzuka's route.
Looks like StrawberryNauts and Fureraba will be getting HD remaster later this year...
I couldn't really play that much the past days, but a few more highlights of Amakano 2.

Honami required actually quite a bit of "work" before she could finally act as a girlfriend. But I guess Kousuke himself didn't act as "aggresive" as in Ruika's case, imho. It was also quite a surprise? how clueless she was regarding sex. ed. I guess the "You get pregnant from kissing" is a Japanese-only (parental) fairy tale lie?
I think she was bothered too much on her early "daikirai". I mean, I could understand that the negative impact of it may have a stronger lasting effect than an affectionate word but I always had had the impression that Kousuke associated the remark with her tsun-tsun personality. His "plan" to make her honest with herself was imho golden.
The option to let her call you onii-san was in my humble opinion completely off and random. I was like "Wait what?! From where came that now?"

In contrast to Honami, her onii-sama option made actually sense. I liked the part where both of them - despite having become lovers - became sexual aware/seeing the other as as man/woman, instead of the classic "resisting the urge" etc approach.
Looks like StrawberryNauts and Fureraba will be getting HD remaster later this year...
Really? I see nothing about it on VNDB, which tends to pretty up-to-date on re-releases and such. Fureraba seems interesting though, if it's anything like Pure X Connect from the same developer.

I couldn't really play that much the past days, but a few more highlights of Amakano 2.
I didn't play too much the last few days either, but mostly because アマカノ2 kinda burned me out. I really like sweet stories in eroges, but 20+ hours of nothing but icharabu is kinda... too much, even for me. Thinking back, I really shouldn't have played all four heroines routes back to back and spaced them throughout a month or two. I think I would have enjoyed Honami's route (which I did last) a little better.

To quote Ruika : "えへっ、私たちは織姫と彦星でもロミオとジュリエットもないんだから、障害なんてない方がいいよ". Not that there aren't obstacles or problems, but the MC is really REALLY good at telling what's wrong with the heroines (Honami excepted) and what should be done to fix the issue, is quick to act and is always right. Really, this guy is so perfect, it's hard to believe he's just a high-school student and never had a girlfriend before. As such, any hint of drama is quickly solved and followed by sweet icha-icha.

Honami's route was to some extent an exception, but her issue was so blown out of proportions (by herself) that it was frankly getting more annoying than anything else. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned I preferred by far Yuzuka's route, but it's hard to tell if that's because I liked her best or if it's because I played her route first and was not yet overdosing on the sweet atmosphere. Still, I liked Ruika's route better than Kanade's although I played the latter second, so I don't know.

The return of Mizuki, Sayuki and Koharu was a nice touch, although really only Sayuki gets a real role, in Yuzuka's route. It was also kinda weird that they weren't given back they character sprites (just portraits on the left of the text), and that their names was never spelled out in the dialogue (for example Sayuki is always referenced as お姉さま、巫女姫様、etc..., never her name). As said before, who the MC of the previous game ended up with changes depending on the heroine. In Kanade's route, well...

As a side note, I kinda like the ending theme, enough to actually go look for the OST for the full version, I can upload it if someone's interested. Also, there's quite a few mentions of a famous temple at the end of train tracks, I have no idea what it refers to, anyone knows? Also, are there any plans for any appends like the first game?

- Skiing with someone as big as Kanade on your back when you're not a pro, isn't that extremely dangerous?
- It's snow country, in the middle of winter, and the sun is up at 6 AM?
- In Ruika's route, it's mentioned that she could stay in the school if she fails to graduate, has this kind of situation ever happened in an eroge? I'm kinda curious.
- Ruika's last secret actually surprised me. I was expecting her to wear breast pads or something but nope. It's not too off-putting but it does look kinda weird (sorry Ruika).
- Honami's お兄さん・浩輔さん calling choice really came out of nowhere. To be honest, I would have preferred she stayed with センパイ.
- In Ruika's case, the MC calls her 涙香 without an honorific, she's older though...
- Honami's second ecchi scene circumstances were rather extreme. Outside, in broad daylight, in a public park, ahem... She also made no effort to hush her voice or anything, and the playground equipment wasn't hiding much either.
- I preferred Honami's first set of clothes.

I think I'm going to play something different now. I downloaded 淫らに喘ぐ七人の夜這いする孕女, no idea how far I'll go. I tend to dislike the atmosphere of nukiges, especially when they tend the harem side, but at least I won't have second thoughts about giving up halfway through. I'll give it a try to change my mind before starting QUINTUPLE☆SPLASH next week.
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Really? I see nothing about it on VNDB, which tends to pretty up-to-date on re-releases and such. Fureraba seems interesting though, if it's anything like Pure X Connect from the same developer.

While I liked Pure x Connect as well -didn't play all routes though, will finish one day-, Fureraba is definitely better than it imo. Smee really knows how to do those moeges, specially little details like how MC mets every heroine's parents and how every heroine met with MC's, How it takes time to get h-scene instead of just classic confess > go to bed at the same day type thing, hair style select opinion etc. Yeah their humor is not as great as AsaProject but it doesn't bore you for sure and they are great at making heroines too, they definitely have everything I'd like to have in a moege.

I didnt try Quintuple ☆ Splash yet but still I'd recommend trying Fureraba instead of it mate, Misaki is too cute to ignore. Hell even I want to replay it now, I guess I'll just play misaki route again after finishing Amakano 2.
I really like sweet stories in eroges, but 20+ hours of nothing but icharabu is kinda... too much, even for me. Thinking back, I really shouldn't have played all four heroines routes back to back and spaced them throughout a month or two. I think I would have enjoyed Honami's route (which I did last) a little better.

Haha, I feel for you but it's in my case the complete opposite. Maybe because I decided to expose myself mostly to these settings, it has become somewhat like my comfort zone. I can replay VNs like ラブラブル~Lover Able~ (from Smee) every few years without getting bored. In return, I've become almost hesistant if I somehow get (bad) drama vibes. The ctrl-key and I have become best pals thanks to it.

@Fureraba: I'm still 100% a Rina fan, even though each girl has her great parts. The squarrel with Yuzuyu and the funny false impression about Misaki :).
淫らに喘ぐ七人の夜這いする孕女 turns out to be, for better or worse, exactly what I expected it to be. That is, little more than a succession of ecchi scenes. At least the quantity is there, about 70 scenes if I counted right. I finished Riho's path in a few hours, and I think I'm good. I'm not gonna nitpick at the scenario (what little there is), but I find the whole reasoning behind the events a little light to convince all the young women in the village to go along with it. Once the route is set, no second thought about the other heroines (including the MC's little sister) who all went all the way is also a little scary.

I didnt try Quintuple ☆ Splash yet but still I'd recommend trying Fureraba instead of it mate, Misaki is too cute to ignore. Hell even I want to replay it now, I guess I'll just play misaki route again after finishing Amakano 2.
All right, I downloaded it and will give it a try over the week end. If it's remotely as good as you say it is I'll probably continue it next week instead of Quintuple☆Splash. - The news release in Japanese. I think it's only announced as the year's plan right now.

There will be one mini-fandisc from Hook too...what could it be?
Nice find there. As they say at the end anything written there can be changed or removed without notice, but at least it's in the works. I'm not entirely clear on what they mean by HD Remaster, I don't think both games are old enough for a full remake, so it may just be a high resolution update : the version of Fureraba I have right now is stuck in 1024x576...

Haha, I feel for you but it's in my case the complete opposite. Maybe because I decided to expose myself mostly to these settings, it has become somewhat like my comfort zone. I can replay VNs like ラブラブル~Lover Able~ (from Smee) every few years without getting bored. In return, I've become almost hesistant if I somehow get (bad) drama vibes. The ctrl-key and I have become best pals thanks to it.
If anything, I also like icha-icha parts the best in Eroge, but it's like eating your favorite dish every meal for a week : at the end it starts to lose its flavor. I don't remember Amakano having the same effect, maybe because it was shorter due to having only three heroines, or because there was real obstacles (the temple 'trials') that changed the mood a little. I really liked Amakano2, but to be honest, when I finished it the first thing that crossed my mind was "At last...".
All right, I downloaded it and will give it a try over the week end. If it's remotely as good as you say it is I'll probably continue it next week instead of Quintuple☆Splash.

Nice find there. As they say at the end anything written there can be changed or removed without notice, but at least it's in the works. I'm not entirely clear on what they mean by HD Remaster, I don't think both games are old enough for a full remake, so it may just be a high resolution update : the version of Fureraba I have right now is stuck in 1024x576...

I wouldn't think they would be a full remake...more like getting it up to the more standard 1280x720 used nowadays (or even higher)...for some reason Fureraba was made in 1024x576 though.

What I think will be a possible change is that StrawberryNauts will come in the BGI engine rather than the original YukaScript engine...but if PriministAr fandisc is of any indication (it still uses YukaScript, the one PriministAr was made in and the game is already 1280x720 to begin with), it's probably stay in its old engine.

Fureraba is nice...although it has been two years so I don't remember too much of it.
At least for Strawberry Nauts, the renewal edition is official. It's announced for 2016/01/22, right here :

As far as details, as you predicted, resolution is up from 1024x576 to 1280x720, and some screen and option windows got redesigned. There's still a little bit of mystery with the last item, "Special Goods", still not revealed.
If I'm not wrong...looks like to be digital distribute only. Not like the first time this happened, but...things may be more complicated...

Damn i cant even remember the story anymore, back in the days i was frantically searching for suzume patch which was only available to comiket go-ers.
Oh well, normal rabu-rabu stuff is never gonna work for me anymore.
@淫らに喘ぐ七人の夜這いする孕女: Well, the setting is on its roots the same as the prececors. The name of the MC is used across all ~夜這いする孕女 titles, just with a different backstory each time. But the premisse of that really shady flower incence (as an age-old village secret thingy) with its lucid dream-ish hypnosis effect is exactly the same... There's fortunately nothing too much to miss or regret if one drops it (or simply ignores it from that point onwards)
I don't remember reading anything about the flower having any kind of hypnotic effect, it seems to be used mostly to knock the MC out after one 'visit'. I only played Riho's route so I may be wrong, but it seems all the girls are perfectly aware of what they are doing, and the MC remembers everything. Besides, the girls seem to be immune to it, and just who does release the incense when the deed is done? Is there someone always spying on the act and waiting for the right timing? Creepy...

I'm currently partway through Yuzuyu's route in フレラバ, and I really like it so far. The whole conversation choice thing is pretty neat, I spent quite a bit of time just exploring all the options. I think Yuzuyu went dere-dere a little too fast but that may be because I missed stuff by focusing on her during the friend part, I'll have to get back to it eventually. Anyway, it's really funny so I'm definitely going to keep playing.
It's been quiet here lately, is everyone too busy with new year stuff to play eroges ? I haven't had too much time myself but I still manage to sink in at least a couple hours per day anyway.

I played Yuzuyu and Rina's routes in Fureraba. Both were really enjoyable even though, as with Yuzuyu I found Rina's switch to deredere mode a little too fast? I still love the conversation system, I wish more games did stuff like that. I downloaded the mini-fandisc to see what the additional scenario were like but for both Yuzuyu and Rina, I must say I was pretty disappointed. Both scenarios were very short and mostly a recap of things from the main game plus one short ecchi scene. Anyway, I'll save Himari and Misaki (whose voice I haven't even heard yet) routes for later to avoid what happened with Amakano 2.

Lately I've been giving Quintuple ☆ Splash a try after all. I played through Tomoe's route which was a pretty standard imouto story with tsundere spice on top, it was okay but the whole swimming thing was not really a main thing. Now I'm halfway through Ami's path, it looks like it'll be more about swimming this time as there's talk of a local competition, we'll see.
*Mini* Fandisc...what is your expectation of them?

Not in the mood to read...maybe later...
I guess I expected an actual fandisk, for once the "mini" word is not just for style :). More than the length itself, the content was what bothered me most, basically not much more than a summary of each heroine's personality by rapidly switching through their various "phases" (ie tsun tsun, tease, tears, deredere...), then cosplay ecchi and then end... I know it came more than a year after the original game but did they expect we forgot all about them?
It's been quiet here lately, is everyone too busy with new year stuff to play eroges ? I haven't had too much time myself but I still manage to sink in at least a couple hours per day anyway.
Oh I'm really glad to see that you are enjoying it, I really liked the conversation system as well. Yeah its kind of meaningless since it doesn't matter what you choose at conversation as long as you are selecting the same girl, but still knowing so much information about the heroine felt really great for me + I could see how writer worked hard about the game. Also its one of the few games where I liked every heroine almost equally which is nice. Its a shame that they decided to change the conversation system at the Pure x Connect, the "cellphone" thing didnt have same effect as conversation for sure.

And I just finished 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス + Amakano 2's Ruika route. I found 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス as a big waste of the potential, and its all because of the writer. Seriously you can see how much he / they got lazy at writing while you are reading the game, For example there's a scene where Rico is drawing for her sisters because she doesn't know how to write / read, then just 2 minutes later in a different scene she starts reading a letter from her mother? What the fuck, how the hell did she learn writing - reading so fluently in one day. And its not just one scene, there are many mistakes like that. I guess its because multiple writers didnt bother with checking each others' part at all.

Also gameplay become too much easy as I play, I didnt even bother with @kzel's card tactic. Just gone directly into last boss and took him in 2 turn. At first that not-so-hard feeling was nice, but you shouldnt make the last boss which is close to god that easy for sure.

In short I definitely dont recommend it, but for some characters like Marianne & Rico & Klarissa & Elpis etc I dont regret playing the entire game either, they were pretty nice.

I think I'll write my thoughts about amakano 2 after I finish one more route, but so far I can say its an enjoyable ride.
I have used most of my time to play Guild Wars 2 :whistle: to be honest.
@塔の下のエクセルキトゥス: I quit the VN near the end point because I couldn't be bothered with it. I hoped for a different character route system than Verethragna but ultimately it was the same in a lighter atmosphere (compared to the rape-happy MC of Verethragna).
I liked some character moments like Chloé's summoning event with Seyfer, but not enough to hold my interest when more "interesting" VNs came out later.
super-busy at end AND start of the year, so yeah, tired and have no time to play, just finished 3 route at Amakano 2nd season, while connection to previous game makes me a bit uncomfortable (which i wonder, why i became uncomfortable about that lol)

Story : damn nice, while some of it was generic, it's still hold what really matters when you have special someone and how to work with your relationship, either it's family, friends and your neighbourhood, that's why Azarashi-soft have special place at my collection xD

Character : our protag was nice guy with many good points, and weirdly have good intuition and a bit on how to read people emotions, well he was a bit slow to uptake at some point too, but over-all good-guy to have as friends and lover

my pick as first..... while i thinking to pick chairman as first, i pick Kanade, because imouto = justice ..... ok that's not really the reason (i think i will be killed by checkmate because i denied imouto = justice), her character was just good and easy to follow, she have her own pace and playfulness and at the same time have many good-traits that makes you want to protect her

next one our beloved tsundere classic Kouhai, while kinda generic, she try hard on her own way, and you can't hate that, so what should you do? slowing your pace, wait for her and listen to her

3rd was chairman, while the hint was throwed all-over the place, her route was kinda normal, but still convey the message on how to work your relationship with chairman-kinda personality, while kinda overshadowed by Mizuki-nee it's still nice to see each character have their own way of thinking, and that's their charm ;)
Oh I'm really glad to see that you are enjoying it, I really liked the conversation system as well. Yeah its kind of meaningless since it doesn't matter what you choose at conversation as long as you are selecting the same girl, but still knowing so much information about the heroine felt really great for me + I could see how writer worked hard about the game. Also its one of the few games where I liked every heroine almost equally which is nice. Its a shame that they decided to change the conversation system at the Pure x Connect, the "cellphone" thing didnt have same effect as conversation for sure.
I don't know if what you choose during conversations matters or not in the grand scheme of things, but the heroine's reaction changes depending on how well it went. So far I've seen 5 patterns (great choices x2, great choice + good choice, good choice x2, good choice + bad choice, bad choice x2). Still, even choosing bad choices is interesting as the conversation that follows usually goes much further than a simple "I disagree", it really shows how much effort the writers put into making these characters and giving them opinions on a wide variety of topics. Not only that, but by exhausting all the topics from a particular category, more come up to replace them. For that reason and since at some point you are forced into a confession, I still haven't completely read through Yuzuyu and Rina's choices. Compared to the dozen or so opportunities to have e-mail exchanges in Pure x Connect, the difference is huge.

I have used most of my time to play Guild Wars 2 :whistle: to be honest.
Ahah, I used to play a lot of Guild Wars back in the day. Now I try to stay away from MMOs, especially when Free-To-Play, as they turn into huge time-sink for players like me who absolutely refuse to spend money on micro-transactions.

@塔の下のエクセルキトゥス : did anyone try the post-game content by the way? There's a few more ecchi scenes and CGs to unlock I think based on the recollection screen, but I couldn't be bothered.

I'm done with Ami's route in Quintuple Splash. It was okay, not as enjoyable as Tomoe's route but still not too bad in my book. The switch to lovers was quite sudden and unexpected, I was like "Uh? MC, you like Ami? Since when?". The swimming club activities got a little more important place this time, but still not as much as I'd have hoped. I felt pretty bad for both Sahori and all the high-school students who train everyday for years, if getting first-place is that easy. Anyway the story was mostly about Ami's character growth, which was alright but then again not something I hadn't seen before so... Not sure I'll keep going with the other three, since they are all sticking closely to their archetype, and the one thing that set the title apart seems to be little more than a background setting.

I started 空色イノセント, and played up until the first choice so far. Looks like it will be the only choice given how clear-cut said choice is ("who do you like?"). The game's atmosphere is peaceful, it's relaxing to read. The MC's cowardly personality is a little irritating sometimes, especially as he breaks up in tears at the slight remark from Nibutani. I find it strange he's fine living alone in an old house, with the closest neighbor 2km away. Also, it's a miracle he's not afraid a flying, but well he does need to have something. We'll see how that develops once he (tries to) get in a relationship.

I love Hiyoko's lines in this, but I find it odd that she doesn't go to school? If I read the text right she should be around 5 or 6, but it really doesn't feel that way.

While at first I expected the title to be focused on aviation, sort of like a あの晴れわたる空より高く but with planes instead of rockets, it turns out (so far) most of the club activities are centered around raising geese. Since the MC already knows how to fly and the heroines are all complete beginners, I don't think they'll do much more than fly the ultra light plane, too bad.

So far, it's pretty clear that Miharu is the main heroine, she's had the most screen time, the MC is since the beginning obviously in love with her, and even actually confessed once... For this reason alone, I'll do her route last, just because I like to resist writers who try to obviously lead in one direction. Personally I like Nibutani best so far, I'll probably read her route first, or maybe poor Kirimi's, she barely had any screen time...
In my opinion, they messed up with Kirimi's screentime. The moments she received in the common route were more or less important ones (plus character interaction with Hiyoko) but as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, her route felt poorly done and her lack of screentime in quantity didn't help at all. At first I thought she'd be the heroine with a (negative) past connection to the MC, at least based on her attitude to him. Even for the loner type girl, she seemed to be too disconnected in the common route. And then blow on blow, everything happened rather quickly in her own route. But maybe I just failed to see the general red string running through her route and her interaction time.

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