Visual Novel Cafe

After losing my motivation of playing Senmomo, September releases seems pretty dull for me. Probably I'll try only Natsu no Majo no Parade and Smee's new game , Then again Natsu no majo is the writer's first fully written game and I really really didn't like the smee's new art so I'm not very hyped for either of them.

Smee definitely has to find a new artist, I know their old one ran away for another company so probably they didn't had luxury of choosing but this is just bad imo. I'm pretty sure that they'll lose some sales at this game due to this art, hopefully they wont continue with this artist and find a new one until their next game.
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Good for me...I'm runnin' outta space from HoneySelect, and got one or two games and a couple fandisc's to do...with all the other things in my life...

Just Smee's new game for me...

I was going through PriministAr fandisc on Senri's after story...
Senri was reading a letter...I thought she was completely blind by the end...or I have missed something.
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I don't mind new writers (or companies) as I had made a few good experiences (like despite having no "depth"), but from reading the character bios' and the summary I can see how Natsu no Majo no Parade can turn VERY easily into that kind of harem setting where the female cast is "lining up" for the MC, seeing that every heroine sans imouto-san and most NPCs are fiancées of him.
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Same as Mahou on 夏の魔女のパレード, it seems very likely to turn into a mote-mote harem kind of common route with the usual lot of lucky sukebe, especially since there is mention of an agressive senpai, and two heroines at least pretending to be the MC's fiancee. After playing a number of studios' first games over the last few months, it seems they are generally pretty reluctant from going off the paved road so I wouldn't expect much from it, but I could be wrong.

From what I've played of カノジョ*ステップ so far (the prologue) it manages to recreate the particular atmosphere specific to SMEE pretty well. I kinda like the cast of heroines, personal preference goes to Kanon for now. The art I'm not a fan either, but after taking some time to get used to it, it doesn't look so bad. My main issue remains with the eyes that seem empty. I wish SMEE could have hired their usual artist, Pure x Connect certainly had the best art of all SMEE games to me.

What was so bad in 千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫 that made you give up on it Kri?
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I don't mind new writers (or companies) as I had made a few good experiences (like despite having no "depth"), but from reading the character bios' and the summary I can see how Natsu no Majo no Parade can turn VERY easily into that kind of harem setting where the female cast is "lining up" for the MC, seeing that every heroine sans imouto-san and most NPCs are fiancées of him.

Well its a dotabata comedy so as long as the jealousy scenes are funny, common route should be okay. I'm worrying about the heroine routes, hopefully he can manage to write some decent relationship progress and it wont be just sex sex sex sex > ending type games which is new writers' favorite thing since its easy and safe as fuck.
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Same as Mahou on 夏の魔女のパレード, it seems very likely to turn into a mote-mote harem kind of common route with the usual lot of lucky sukebe, especially since there is mention of an agressive senpai, and two heroines at least pretending to be the MC's fiancee. After playing a number of studios' first games over the last few months, it seems they are generally pretty reluctant from going off the paved road so I wouldn't expect much from it, but I could be wrong.

From what I've played of カノジョ*ステップ so far (the prologue) it manages to recreate the particular atmosphere specific to SMEE pretty well. I kinda like the cast of heroines, personal preference goes to Kanon for now. The art I'm not a fan either, but after taking some time to get used to it, it doesn't look so bad. My main issue remains with the eyes that seem empty. I wish SMEE could have hired their usual artist, Pure x Connect certainly had the best art of all SMEE games to me.

What was so bad in 千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫 that made you give up on it Kri?

Actually I didnt even start the senmomo yet, but hearing how all heroines' routes except the main one are pretty short (like they have been made just for h-scenes) and don't solve any problem in the story made me lose all my hype. I mean yeah I know true route is the one which matter most, but still I'd like to have full routes for other heroines as well. I'll play it regardless though, just not now.

And I definitely agree with the eyes, man they feel like soulless or something. Well I have played many games which have worse art than this so its not that big an issue for now, but I really would like to see smee games with some better art than this. Specially the "hair change" thing in the Loverable & Fureraba were awesome, but most likely Kanojo Step dont have that feature since most of the heroines' hair styles dont have any room for it.
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Got my hands on カノジョ*ステップ...from the looks of it, seems to be heavier on the story than graphics, as evcg seems pretty sparse.

I'll get down to it later...

EDIT: Past the prologue into the 'pickup' stage...gotta say I'm not really fond of the humor...
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Specially the "hair change" thing in the Loverable & Fureraba were awesome, but most likely Kanojo Step dont have that feature since most of the heroines' hair styles dont have any room for it.
Sadly, you're right and changing either the hair or the clothes of the heroines isn't available in the game. Well, it wasn't an option for Kuon but I wouldn't hope for it for the other girls. That's a shame since Kuon actually has an outfit with a different, shorter hairstyle so I believe it's something that would have been doable.

EDIT: Past the prologue into the 'pickup' stage...gotta say I'm not really fond of the humor...
The humor is very much in the same vein as Fureraba and Pure x Connect, pretty heavy on the shimoneta especially when it's between guys. It's not as bad as Pure x Connect and its MC who made lengthy discourses about his ona-holes and Sora shadow-boxing with his dick, but sometimes it goes a little too far for me as well. Worse offender was the whole "observe your own semen" little sequence... On the other hand I found Kuon hilarious as she teases the MC at every opportunity, and rare thing for an eroge : her character doesn't break down into a simple dere-dere even after getting in a relationship. Big Sis's lessons are also pretty funny.

I'll probably write more once I've played a few other routes but I'm overall very satisfied with what SMEE has done with the game, apart from the graphics which really don't do the game justice. Some of the events CGs and ecchi are a little odd, and the artist seems to have trouble with drawing hands. Apart from, I do really appreciate the return of the kouryaku part, it's reminiscent of Fureraba with quite a lot of events to go through, each of them offering three answers to choose from. It's not as good as Fureraba's conversation trees but it's a step back in the right direction after Pure x Connect.
Sadly, you're right and changing either the hair or the clothes of the heroines isn't available in the game. Well, it wasn't an option for Kuon but I wouldn't hope for it for the other girls. That's a shame since Kuon actually has an outfit with a different, shorter hairstyle so I believe it's something that would have been doable.

The humor is very much in the same vein as Fureraba and Pure x Connect, pretty heavy on the shimoneta especially when it's between guys. It's not as bad as Pure x Connect and its MC who made lengthy discourses about his ona-holes and Sora shadow-boxing with his dick, but sometimes it goes a little too far for me as well. Worse offender was the whole "observe your own semen" little sequence... On the other hand I found Kuon hilarious as she teases the MC at every opportunity, and rare thing for an eroge : her character doesn't break down into a simple dere-dere even after getting in a relationship. Big Sis's lessons are also pretty funny.

I'll probably write more once I've played a few other routes but I'm overall very satisfied with what SMEE has done with the game, apart from the graphics which really don't do the game justice. Some of the events CGs and ecchi are a little odd, and the artist seems to have trouble with drawing hands. Apart from, I do really appreciate the return of the kouryaku part, it's reminiscent of Fureraba with quite a lot of events to go through, each of them offering three answers to choose from. It's not as good as Fureraba's conversation trees but it's a step back in the right direction after Pure x Connect.
By the way how did they handle the open / secret relationship feature? Do they merge at some part of the route, or is it like two different routes for a heroine or something? Also is it important for the game, like changing events etc or is it just there for a couple different lines?
By the way how did they handle the open / secret relationship feature? Do they merge at some part of the route, or is it like two different routes for a heroine or something? Also is it important for the game, like changing events etc or is it just there for a couple different lines?
I've only played the "Open" part of Kuon's route so far, but from the Omake screen I can tell I've seen all the CGs so I doubt routes will diverge too much, the main events will probably remain the same. I've quickly reviewed the first three chapters of Kuon's "Secret" route and it does change things : for instance at some point the MC and Kuon go to a Cafe and meet Shiina and Chie. In the open route they openly flirt in front of them (a-n, etc...) while in the secret one they'll hold hands under the table and make allusions. Things may diverge more from there on out, I'll update when I've progressed further.
The humor is very much in the same vein as Fureraba and Pure x Connect, pretty heavy on the shimoneta especially when it's between guys. It's not as bad as Pure x Connect and its MC who made lengthy discourses about his ona-holes and Sora shadow-boxing with his dick, but sometimes it goes a little too far for me as well. Worse offender was the whole "observe your own semen" little sequence... On the other hand I found Kuon hilarious as she teases the MC at every opportunity, and rare thing for an eroge : her character doesn't break down into a simple dere-dere even after getting in a relationship. Big Sis's lessons are also pretty funny.

Not sure why I feel that way despite playing both of those before...must be better artwork of the previous titles that made me focus significantly more on text here and my worldview...would rather see Sora using tissemand as punching-bag rather than actively trolling your friend who've just transferred...

Come to think of it, I never liked the MC being a dick to Himari back in Fureraba, either.

I must be getting old...looking forward to pushing onwards though.

Update: With so much on my hands, I try dual-wielding VNs, reading two feels weird to say the least...
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Not sure why I feel that way despite playing both of those before...must be better artwork of the previous titles that made me focus significantly more on text here and my worldview...would rather see Sora using tissemand as punching-bag rather than actively trolling your friend who've just transferred...

Come to think of it, I never liked the MC being a dick to Himari back in Fureraba, either.
Yeah, the MC is pretty mean to Kenshou in the beginning, but they're very friendly afterwards so I didn't make a big deal out of it.

I finished Kuon's "secret" route. It does change things, mostly whenever other characters are involved in the scene as well, but not only. As suspected, the main plot points and the ending remains the same though, so I'm not entirely sure it's worth playing both since there's a lot of skipping involved. The first few chapters (1-5) were relatively different though so maybe just the beginning of each heroine's route is enough to get the most of the differences.

Anyway, I finally received my copy of Persona 5 (along with a hefty customs tax supplement...) and so far the game is really excellent if a bit darker than the previous entries. I'll probably take a break from VNs for a week or two, or go back to Kanojo Step to calm my nerves after a cheap death.

Update: With so much on my hands, I try dual-wielding VNs, reading two feels weird to say the least...
How does that work? If you have enough time to read two lines of text at the same time why not read only one VN at a time but twice as fast..?
How does that work? If you have enough time to read two lines of text at the same time why not read only one VN at a time but twice as fast..?

I can make progress on both at once...and I don't play on fullscreen so I can shift between each other merely by clicking.
I'm starting Kanojo Step today as I NEED a break from Seinarukana, even though I'm near the end of my personal 2nd last playthrough (3 out of 4 runs) :yawn:. I'm not even that big of a fan of the in-verse lore and stuff...
I have played a couple hours of 夏の魔女のパレード which I have talked at some posts above, unfortunately its kinda bad unlike my expectations. You can definitely feel the writer's lack of experience in it and Its a big shame imo since the game itself is actually not "bad", but a couple points stand out too hard and makes it annoying.

The first problem; Carol definitely doesn't fit in this game. I really liked all other three heroines' personalities; We have a hard brocon, a very energetic senpai who confess to mc at every opportunity with different ways and Arisa who is very shy but still tries her best to approach to the mc. Okay so far so good, but when you add an arrogant, always follow the rules and scold others type heroine into those three it just destroy the entire comedy and tempo with herself. Also I got a little triggered by her reason to chase mc; she didn't even see mc before the game and is not in love with him at all (at least at the first arcs) but she just wants to marry with him because she promised to mc's mother, which makes her even more annoying.

Now the second problem; While I really liked Arisa's personality, SHE SPEAK TOO GOD DAMN SLOW. Okay she is very shy and not used to talk with men I understand, but when all of her lines takes like one minute because of the all "ah, uh, etto, mm, ano" etc it becomes too annoying even for the people who likes her. The writer certainly didnt even think about the sound while writing those lines.

Third one; The 4th (Brocon one) heroine joins the game way too late. Seriously for being able to see her you have to play at least 3-4 hours of the common route, maybe even more. And its not like there were some important events between other heroines until then either, its just the boring witch talk one after the another.

Lastly, The writer have to write some better tsukkomis. The heroines actually created many good scenes which could make some good laugh here and there with some proper lines from the mc, but instead of it he just goes like " WHAT, HOW, HEY, NO, KORA" etc.

Well in short, writer has failed himself in this. He actually wrote some good heroines and setting for a better version of Yakimochi Stream, but so far fucked it up with some details. I'll still play one or two routes though, heroine routes or the second half of the common route might be better than this.
Decided to go fo Asuka's route first in Kanojo Step and I must say I really like their interaction. It's nice how her reaction became more adorable after the first "bonding" event with her. And while she's indeed somewhat dense concerning her own charming points and such, it was handled nicely imho.

As for the the common route and comments:
I think the decision to send the MC to the country side and make him afraid of insects is somewhat too simple and obvious as a humorous trait. And I agree that the shimoneta jokes were, well, not that funny. I don't know to what degree the Japanese like this kind of comedy, but the semen examination kit talk, the one about holding back the urge to pee and the teacher joining the conversation was not really that amusing.
Other than that, I had my good share of laughs. Personally, I would have wished for more screentime with the other heroines after the kouryaku part had begun. Well, Fureraba was similar with Misaki as she wasn't introduced, but just mentioned in the common route and all the other heroines were in the same class as the MC.

Kuon made a splendid first impression with her teasing and fun personality and Shina seems to be fun as well. Noe's insect knowledge is unique but it left me rather indifferent.

Noe's last two pre-confession events were adorable. Her suddenly tearing up due to inidrect peer pressure, even though she tried her hardest to ask MC for a date herself. And in my eyes it's always a plus if the MC was quite aware of her intentions, instead of someone gvining him the clues afterwards.
Shina's second last event was also quite nice, especially as I was never fond of those anti-relationship rules in families.

But some of the conservation topics were really hit-or-miss with their ero content.
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The first "EVCG" event with Kuon reminds me of this...

...maybe I should consider triple-wielding VNs...I'm so very behind...
say... does anyone has the full size picture of the header on hinata katagiri's (baseson's illustrator) twitter?

Nope, I actually got in contact with a couple of people from the twitter one week ago for that, and searched it even at the chinese websites like a maniac but no, there isn't even a track of it, at least in the internet. Probably he made that just for himself, or for a possible new visual art book.
So..snooping around with Kanojo Step indicates that there are jealousy scenarios...I think I'll get around to exploring it after I'm done with all open stories and doing closed ones.

10 chapters+epilogue for each heroine full page of saves are enough for each...with the first chapter branching of open/close on the branch saves.

Shiina's route's friggin' Schadenfreude, and one chapter revolves around what, in my view, amount to child abuse. That's IMO going too far (Shiina herself said it too, but with more implications than my view alone).
...and for the same character, the gallery unlock order is broken, as second H scene unlocks the fourth H scene instead (but not the CGs), and vice versa when you watch the fourth scene from the gallery (along with the scene's CGs)...saves me the trouble of reading it during main story I guess (two chapters to go)...

Not much to comment on Kuon's story...just that she's one mischievous junior, and the story is okay.
say... does anyone has the full size picture of the header on hinata katagiri's (baseson's illustrator) twitter?

Apparently they just started to sell it as a super rare a-3 poster;

Actually I was going to buy it if it were some reasonable price, But seriously what the fuck is 40.000 yen (something close to $380) and with the proxy & shipping & tax fees it'd get like $500 or at least somewhere near to that.
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So..snooping around with Kanojo Step indicates that there are jealousy scenarios...I think I'll get around to exploring it after I'm done with all open stories and doing closed ones.
Do you mean extra events triggering outside each heroine's route? Because especially in the open stories there's at least one chapter dedicated to jealousy and/or cheating.

I'm not done yet with Persona 5 but I still managed to finish Kanojo Step in the meantime. I haven't completed it 100% since I still have most of the "secret" stories to go through, but that will have to wait a bit.

It's been mentioned earlier but I think SMEE took the shimoneta jokes a bit too far in this one. Their games always had a somewhat perverted teenager as a protagonist but some jokes or conversation topics, especially with the heroines was seriously off-putting. I was fine with it with Kuon since she's actually able to strike back with some of her own teasing but with some of the other heroines (Noe in particular) the things the MC says to them were sometimes seriously creepy, hard to image they wouldn't step away from him after some of his comments.

Thankfully the game isn't all about that and some parts are genuinely funny. My favorite route remains Kuon's for her ability to keep up with most of the MC's jokes rather than just let them fly through (Shiina) or blush silently (Noe & Asuka). SMEE still manages to make somewhat emotional scenes but I found that the transition from cheerful to tears, and back to cheerful was a bit brutal. The sudden bursts of tears felt a bit forced most of the time, and prevented me from connecting with the character as much as in some of the previous games. They still manage to bring out the characters' charming points well enough, even though I found it quite disappointing that most of the heroine's issues seemed to stem from the same root : lack of self-confidence. I would have enjoyed a bit more variation on that front.

I was rather surprised at the length and details of the secret character route. If you'd rather avoid using a walkthrough to find it like I had to, try to hunt the ??? events on the school map and she'll eventually show up. I first thought this extra route would involve Maki or Momomi-sensei but it's an entirely different character, and one I happened to appreciate more than most of the central heroines. She's certainly special and her route is one of the funniest, I really recommend taking the time to play it, especially as it doesn't really feel tacked on like most extras these days : it's still about 2/3 the length of one of the main heroine's one (both in kouryaku and actual route), she just doesn't have a open/secret option.

Almost time for October release, but I haven't really found anything great to look forward to. Still, here's what I'll be keeping a eye on :

Re:LieF ~親愛なるあなたへ~ : new studio, pretty standard "inaka" setting, might be good?

空のつくりかた -under the same sky,over the rainbow- : I haven't played anything from Cosmic Cute, it seems fairly generic but once again, why not?

愚者ノ教鞭 今しかできないことがたくさんあるんだ! : Akabee Soft 3, which can be really hit or miss with me. Also, it seems to involve kids and it's 18+, which is kinda scary. I'll admit I can be quite the lolicon but that's a bit too young for me... Still, when reading the word Fool in the title and with a story about rebellion against a messed up world, I couldn't help but draw parallels to a certain Persona game I'm currently playing, enough to get me intrigued.
Almost time for October release, but I haven't really found anything great to look forward to. Still, here's what I'll be keeping a eye on :

Re:LieF ~親愛なるあなたへ~ : new studio, pretty standard "inaka" setting, might be good?

空のつくりかた -under the same sky,over the rainbow- : I haven't played anything from Cosmic Cute, it seems fairly generic but once again, why not?

Cosmic cute's Lovesick Puppies and Gleamgarden no shoujo were pretty great games so I'm definitely looking forward for this. Yeah their 3rd game (Love, Vampire Flowers) was boring and bad but I'm willing to give them one more chance. I'd specially recommend both of those two if you have any free time, Lovesick puppies is a really well made moege from the every perspective and gleamgarden has a pretty nice theme with a great mc.
I'm mostly looking forward to 空のつくりかた. I loved Lovesick Puppies and even ended up enjoying Gleamgarden, despite its gloomy setting (which wasn't really in my comfort zone). So I can easily ignore the lackluster Love, Vampire, Flowers, even though the h-scenes were imho gorgeous *lol*. Still not enough to count as its saving grace.

I will try ふれるてラブコネクト. Nephrites first game was honestly very simple (maybe rather bland/boring depending on personal preferance) and sweet, so I obviously enjoyed it, and it had a certain charm to it. I also liked their job on the German phrases for Mitsu.
Something I forgot to mention...Yumekoi got its final update (and final set of extra stories) at the end of September...

Parasol sure as heck leave folks waiting high and dry for like three bloody years...

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