Visual Novel Cafe

Im looking for a romance VN maybe highschool setting would be great! Also, if possible, English translated or localized is a big help :D

Hi and I do think, that I what for you have...xD
Shari no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (prequel); Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo (sequel/fandisc); Kourin no Machi, Lavender no Shoujo (spin-off); G-senjou no Maou

Kira☆Kira (prequel); Kira☆Kira Curtain Call (sequel/fandisc); d2b VS Deardrops -Cross the Future- (fandisc/crossover); Deardrops (related)

D.C. ~ da capu

Well, these were. I hope that these you enough, but if not. Then let me know, okay^_^?
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Im looking for a romance VN maybe highschool setting would be great! Also, if possible, English translated or localized is a big help :D
That's a pretty broad criteria, probably about half of all Visual Novels happen in a high-school setting and involve romance in some way... The English localization helps trim titles out quite a bit though. Here are a few titles in different subgenres :

Little Busters!, not so much on romance that it is on friendship, but there's still some romance involved on most paths. It's a nakige (tearjerker game) so expect drama and tears, if that's not your thing don't play it. I'd recommend an all-age version as the sex scenes don't add much to the game and for the most part feel off, but that's up to you.

Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai!, focuses on anime-styled combat and comedy but there's also some romance and drama in there. It also has a sequel which translation got finished just recently if you liked the game and want more.

Steins;Gate, not much to do with high school and more sci-fi/science theme if that's your fancy. The romance part is a little weak compared to the others but it's there. The VN itself is very good though.

It seems like I haven't played a pure high-school/romance game that got translated to English so I can't really recommend one, but if you're willing to challenge Japanese then 星織ユメミライ (Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai) is probably the best I've played so far.
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There's also Clannad, although its visuals are getting pretty dated. Ef is also above average I would say.
Boku ga Tenshi ni Natta Wake should be getting released in English sooner rather than later so you might want to keep it on your radar.

Generally you can just go down this list.
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Thanks for the recommendations!! I will be downloading them as soon as my current download is finished. :):):)
I played the trial of キミトユメミシ and it was okay-ish. It doesn't seem to be a story-heavy VN. We have an MC with strange powers to enter the dream of others (with help of his self-created aroma oil stones). These dreams are - surprise surprise - ecchi dreams for our dear main heroines where they have different personalities. And some really strange exceptions *lol*. So this game caters to some fetishes. Obviously, the MC and his best friend are perverts. There are some normal elements with the dream, like a reoccuring one with a "mysterious" girl who hasn't appeared in the real world yet in the trial (but is portrayed with the main girls on the VNs homepage), and probably in the individual routes where he uses his dream hijinx to help the girl of choice with her problem(s) like he did in the trial with a little girl NPC.
I will play the full game because why not :whistle:? But I guess the always used (lucky) sukebe trait won't appeal to too many veterans here as I also tend to get annoyed or tired of it depending on the frequency.
There's also Clannad, although its visuals are getting pretty dated. Ef is also above average I would say.
Boku ga Tenshi ni Natta Wake should be getting released in English sooner rather than later so you might want to keep it on your radar.
Have you played Clannad ? I haven't really touched the older Key games, the furthest I went was Tomoyo After. It was pretty nice apart from the one-way road with forks to bad endings. Haven't heard of either Ef or Boku ga Tenshi ni Natta Wake, are they worth playing even when comparing to VNs that didn't get translated?

I played the trial of キミトユメミシ and it was okay-ish. It doesn't seem to be a story-heavy VN. We have an MC with strange powers to enter the dream of others (with help of his self-created aroma oil stones).
Reminds me of 妄想コンプリート! which was... not very good. Generally speaking, and after playing a little bit of ナツイロココロログ, the whole idea of peeking onto girls' dreams (and of course, these dreams reveal them as closet perverts...) just doesn't sit too well with me. Especially if the girls remains unaware of it and the MC doesn't show one bit of remorse over it. It makes the MC a hypocrite since all he wants is satisfy his curiosity/lust at the cost of the girl's privacy, under the pretense of 'helping' with whatever trauma or aspiration she may have. Not a good start to a balanced relationship.

I will play the full game because why not :whistle:? But I guess the always used (lucky) sukebe trait won't appeal to too many veterans here as I also tend to get annoyed or tired of it depending on the frequency.
Have I been here long enough to be considered a veteran already? I think I'm the only one really complaining about it all the time, but maybe I'm too self-conscious :). Anyway, thanks for the heads-up on the game, given what you've written so far I'll probably not play it but I'll be looking forward to your comments on the full game anyway.

As for me I haven't read too much lately as much of my free time was spent on Star Ocean 5. However, the game turned out to be rather short (~35h with about 90% of the sub-quests completed, and a good part of the optional dungeon cleared) so it's back to VNs for me. I'd replay the game to try and get another character ending (got Miki + Riria "family" ending) if there was New Game+ but there's only higher difficulty modes and no Clear Data import option, and I really don't feel like redoing all those fetch quests and item creation recipes. Fun fact, while watching the credits I noticed Ogura Yui (the credits are written in Romaji) as Riria's CV and was really surprised, since I didn't recognize her voice at all and would find it odd for an eroge voice actress to appear in such a mainstream game. Turns out it's not 小倉 結衣 but 小倉 唯, credits in Romaji are nice for style (and easier to read) but they fooled me for a minute.

I continued a little of 恋する気持ちのかさねかた ~かさねた想いをずっと~ with Ichika's route and it was alright. As usual with time jumps there are little discrepancies and behaviors that don't really make sense for a couple that is supposed to have been together for more than a year, but it was still pretty sweet, and helps make up for the really short story she had in the base game (she was a bonus heroine after all).

Apart from that, I've been starting ラブラブル~Lover Able~ and its sequel/fandisk 同棲ラブラブル. I'm currently playing through Satsuki's route in Dousei, which is nicely developed. That's a welcome surprise after the rather disappointing mini-fandisk I've played for Fureraba. It's also nice since her route in the base game is pretty short and helps flesh out her character a little more. Her parents are also hilarious, I love it so far, it easily manages to put me in a good mood.
Have you played Clannad ? I haven't really touched the older Key games, the furthest I went was Tomoyo After. It was pretty nice apart from the one-way road with forks to bad endings. Haven't heard of either Ef or Boku ga Tenshi ni Natta Wake, are they worth playing even when comparing to VNs that didn't get translated?

I love Ef. It consists of 5 different stories, each with its own couple, yet not all characters are total stranger to each others. So you don't have heroine-of-choice, which is just something to keep in mind. Even though I can't say that I like every route, I really like Ef itself. It has some bitter-sweet and solem elements.
Clannad is a classic (all age) romance drama. Tomoyo After is based on the same-named route/its ending. It has routes which aren't bound to romance and are abount the more important side characters. As you need every route for the True True Ending, it *is* a fairly long journey. To be honest, the ultimate way to the real happy ending is drawing on your suspension of disbelief, and some drama aspects were tedious.
Error 403? What the...

Hm, okay. Waiting is waiting.

Maybe, anyone will be interested in append disc for Noratoto (DLC, if I right)?
Just leave the link here -!XlhnyASY!z2m6Jsg_uwcQAgjjEfjyxgjwzi-pighnPc_eJtL_01U
Can't find it on torrents, so, if anyone can upload... Thank you!
Having trouble accessing Anime-Sharing as well? I couldn't access the site at all on Monday, but it seems fixed now. Thanks for Noratoto's Visual Fan Book append, I've been looking for it! It's a short (~1 hour) story in which the gang goes to the beach. It's light, funny and full of references, a style the original game was really good at. The CVs are great as usual. Finally, more of Nobuchina's adventures and Neko no Kangae are always welcome, the 3 letters acronyms one is hilarious.

Speaking of which, an additional Neko no Kangae available only on Youtube :
And also, checking their website there's supposed to be a special voice recording for Yuuki's birthday that was released on 7/7, but the link leads to a 404 not found, anyone happens to have it? It says Japan only but even with a proxy, same error.

I love Ef. It consists of 5 different stories, each with its own couple, yet not all characters are total stranger to each others. So you don't have heroine-of-choice, which is just something to keep in mind. Even though I can't say that I like every route, I really like Ef itself. It has some bitter-sweet and solem elements.
Sounds interesting, I'll keep it on my list of games to try out. The five different couples thing could be a good thing. It might make a good change from the usual "only the MC gets any girl at any point" thing that often happens because the support cast is either there as best friend support or comic relief.

Clannad is a classic (all age) romance drama. Tomoyo After is based on the same-named route/its ending. It has routes which aren't bound to romance and are abount the more important side characters. As you need every route for the True True Ending, it *is* a fairly long journey. To be honest, the ultimate way to the real happy ending is drawing on your suspension of disbelief, and some drama aspects were tedious.
Thanks for the info, I may give it a try at some point but I'm not too keen on starting a huge VN lately, which is mainly why I've been putting back Sengoku Koihime so much.
Thanks for Noratoto's Visual Fan Book append, I've been looking for it!

Not at all. I'd want to buy a digital artbook, but, unfortunately, don't know how to do this, because I don't live in Japan, and even VPN doesn't help. Amazon is strange site.

Glad that you're like this!

Hope that developers can release a normal English version without "not so good" language, like their flyer on Anime Expo.
I've been slowly going through ラブラブル~Lover Able~+同棲 for the past week, clearing Kaho and Tsugumi's routes. I kinda liked how in Kaho's route, the brother/sister incestuous relationship was so openly admitted to everyone around them (and eventually the whole town through various events), it's a nice change from the usual 'secretive' ways these stories go. That said, the two contests at the end of the main game were not the best part of the game, but were thankfully short enough. Also, for once parents (at least one) who opposes it instead of being all too understanding and even supportive, but not too stubborn either, they were pretty nice but nowhere near as fun as Satsuki's.

Tsugumi's route started pretty bad with a hint of 'trial' relationship. Even though Tsugumi's lie was pretty obvious I've seen enough games in which both parties are pretending to be interested in someone else while they in fact like each other, and the relationship gets fucked up in all sorts of ways because of that. I was also not too big a fan of the MC downgrade during her route, he really plays the fool a lot in both the main game and the fandisk. It's an act the MC is used to (as revealed in Kaho's route), so I'm willing to accept some of it since it's all just to let Tsugumi plays the serious/supportive role she wishes to have. Still, didn't feel very honest to me.

I haven't finished any VN from June yet and July releases are already showing up next week. Here's what I noticed after a quick browsing session on Getchu:

Rewrite+ : I haven't played the original game, this might be a good opportunity to catch up on it. I know next to nothing about the game but since it's Key, I'd expect a good story and a good amount of tears and drama.

フローラル・フローラブ : The latest Saga Planets game, which seems to be a respected brand but of which I haven't played anything yet. I tried a couple titles but alas my laptop was unable to render them correctly, so had to pass them. Maybe this time will be different? The premise looks alright, heroines with quirks is something I tend to like, all of them being super popular not so much though. Akino Hana and Kusuhara Yui as main heroines is certainly a big plus.

千恋*万花 : Newest release from Yuzusoft. I liked their previous game Sanoba Witch and the main writer seems to be the same guy, that's a good thing. Seems to be a light/comedy game with some supernatural elements, that doesn't sound too bad. The CV cast on this one also looks pretty good, with Kiritani Hana as a main heroine, and Kotorii Yuuka whose voice I liked in a few previous games.

アマツツミ : the new game from Purple Software. I played their previous release Chrono Clock and was not too impressed with it, in fact I didn't finish it but only did a couple routes (Misaki and Michiru if I remember right). The MC's ability to control people doesn't sound too appealing, I try to stay as far away as I can from all the Saimin/Hypnosis stuff as I can and that looks awfully like it. The MC is described as honest but also unaware of society rule and prone to rely on his ability too much, I can see accidents happening already... Still, Akino Hana and Ogura Yui as CVs is mighty tempting.

In other news, 1分の2恋ゴコロ got delayed once again, one month this time. At least the demo's out now, so that must mean they're making progress, maybe..?
About Purple Software: From my experience, most of their games have a sweet or - for my expectations - good premise but tend to lack in the realisation of it unfortunately in one or more aspects. I really enjoyed their games like Hatsukoi Sacrament, Memoria, even though time travel elements are always wonky to comphrend for my limited reading comphrehension; or simple ones like Signal Heart.
Then there are entries like しあわせ家族部 that sounds sweet, heart-warming in their summary, but ended up a "big" disappointment in the end (that's all I could remember right away *lol*) or 未来ノスタルジア where the MC is depicted as useless, yet an off-hand remark states he's really good at academics >_< and the only route I deemed as "good/worth it" was the true one.

Yuzusoft: Looking forward to it. I enjoyed most of their VNs.

Saga Planet: Ehhh. I prefer the few VNs that don't have an outcome that make you feel depressed afterwards, yet the VN was overall quite good... like Kisaragi Gold Star or 花咲ワークスプリング!. The new entry has comedy in the VNDB tag so I will probably try it out.
Have you played Clannad ? I haven't really touched the older Key games, the furthest I went was Tomoyo After. It was pretty nice apart from the one-way road with forks to bad endings. Haven't heard of either Ef or Boku ga Tenshi ni Natta Wake, are they worth playing even when comparing to VNs that didn't get translated?

Haven't played Clannad, or any of the Key games for that matter as they would take up too much of my time. And it's been a few years already since I read Ef but I remember enjoying the hell out of it back then. Not so sure how it would compare with my standards today though. Ef also has an anime which turned out pretty good imo.

As for Boku ga Tenshi ni Natta Wake, I have read this one quite recently in fact (altough obviously untranslated) and found it above average.
Common route is made up of a few short stories with different side characters' issues the MC helps with followed by heroines' routes depending upon the choices in the short stories. The stories (both side character and heroine), don't really have good endings to them - Overdrive went full on utsuge which, unfortunately, felt really forced at times and only the true end has a happy-ish ending to it. They also went for an interesting protagonist around whom the story resolves, with the twist that he is uninterested in romance for the most of the game.

For new releases I am mostly looking forward to two titles:
千恋*万花 - I finished Yuzusoft's Sanoba Witch just yesterday, since I missed it when it came out. While I can't say I particularly liked the setting or story, the VN had really nice art and voice acting. The comedy was also top notch so I'm hoping for the same from this one.

キミトユメミシ - First project = no expectations. Hoping it will turn out good. Also like the art.

But first I'll have to finish 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を
Probing the CGs, sh*t goes down in Floral Flowlove...judging from the scenario writers, I knew this is going to happen.

I'll just bide my time some more and finish what I have left...
heh what is going with this site lately i cant download any eroges when i ask for the reupload of the links i dont get any reply from the uploaders
I looked at the CGs of Amatsutsumi: ... ... ... :nekopara_scared:
Okay~ uhm... Hotaru has a few really creepy CGs O_O. Nothing gory or so, but the atmopshere it sends off. Mahou's wariness factor has increased by a lot.

But I enjoy SenrenxBanka. The supernatural element was resolved rather quickly, even before an individual route has begun. But I like the characters: The MC is nice, his changing relationship with Yoshino and the other heroines. Well, given Yuzusoft's track record with Tenshin Ranman, I wouldn't be surprised if the supernatural element(s) were to appear during the drama parts of the individual routes, though.
It seems that their Full-HD mode causes some memory issues here and there (as they stated on their support page), but the option to restart the game and continue where you left works without problems so far.
Am I the only one who tries his best not to spoil himself by looking at CGs ahead of time? Even those preview CGs on Getchu can sometimes make twists and revelations so much more predictable and lose their effect (looking at you Totono Getchu page...).

I've played a bit of フローラル・フローラブ, up to the opening movie and I think it's enough to say the game isn't for me. I don't hate it, but I just don't find it interesting. The few comedic moments are very cliche and none of them made me smile. Same goes with the characters, I can't say any of them really grew on me but I haven't been very far in the game so that's to be expected. The story eventually gets very serious with political intrigue and a tiny bit of societal commentary, which could have been a good thing. It's a shame that it's all resolved by some magic-like superhuman powers of the anti-hero MC. I think serious issues and superpowers don't really mix too well, and more often than not the latter are just there to offer an easy cop-out out of otherwise too difficult situations. I'll just stop there.
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Am I the only one who tries his best not to spoil himself by looking at CGs ahead of time? Even those preview CGs on Getchu can sometimes make twists and revelations so much more predictable and lose their effect (looking at you Totono Getchu page...).

I've played a bit of フローラル・フローラブ, up to the opening movie and I think it's enough to say the game isn't for me. I don't hate it, but I just don't find it interesting. The few comedic moments are very cliche and none of them made me smile. Same goes with the characters, I can't say any of them really grew on me but I haven't been very far in the game so that's to be expected. The story eventually gets very serious with political intrigue and a tiny bit of societal commentary, which could have been a good thing. It's a shame that it's all resolved by some magic-like superhuman powers of the anti-hero MC. I think serious issues and superpowers don't really mix too well, and more often than not the latter are just there to offer an easy cop-out out of otherwise too difficult situations. I'll just stop there.

I've started playing it as well. Well... it has more serious tones than Sagaplanet's last title and the MC has some serious batshit past with his "family" from what I've seen in the common route. I'm actually quite fine with the (lame) humour and had a few good laughs already. I think the characters are quite good.
But I'm pretty sure I'll skip Kano's route because her drama will certainly center around her family status and all that hijinks and I'm NOT fond of that stuff anymore, especially with an "strange" MC as in this title.
I've also played the informalnote route with a savegame. I'm relieved that it has an happy ending for the cast and the overall situation, compared to tearjerkers like Hatsuyuki Sakura or Natsuyume Nasiga (where I read a really great route spoiler summary in a blog, but decided to not touch that VN ever after coming from Hatsuyuki Sakura).
While I thought the route itself was fine enough, I'm not that huge of a fan of the plot device being used: Like how the MC couldsomehow keep his memory from each heroine route sans Aoi and was using that knowledge to resolve their "problems", just without hooking up. At least he didn't have to break a heart in a tearful way in order to be with Riku.
But honestly, I had assumed from the vndb tags that I'd be a pure light-hearted (comedy) VN *lol*. Maybe I rely too mucho n their tags :redface:
I'm also not fond of the "highborn daughter forced into marriage by her relatives" kind of plot and as you said, Kano's route will most likely be centered around her family pushing her to marry. I'd predict that A-chan's story will also revolve around her particular situation in her own family as well. I couldn't stand Kohane's character, hiding her thoughts and underlying intentions behind her seemingly innocent smile. That leaves us with Tokisaka who has been nothing but annoying and moralizing so far (with the occasional clumsy events to make the reader not hate her too much maybe?)... The MC with a exaggerated awful past didn't also resonate well with me. He starts out okay but turns out to be a cliche self-loathing anti-hero and also quite a bastard, especially when he manipulates Aoi into doing what he wants. I don't really feel like learning more about any of them really.

About the informalnote, I haven't read it but the plot device was pretty obvious as soon as the first choice to check on someone's LaNE popped up and the hero only knew one of the addresses *for now*... As far as comedy goes it's certainly there but the game shifted from comedy, serious events and supernatural combat too much to be consistent. I don't know what the writing team eventually decided to go with or if they just keep shifting for the rest of the game.
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As I have too much time on hand as usual:

Kimi to Yumemishi: A short word play with Kimi to and Kimito (the MC). The VN was alright. I mentioned some points already earlier during the trial impression. Each ero dream of the heroine corresponds to their (hidden) fetish, and in some cases some really strange scenarios. But these personalities seem to remain only within the dream, instead of manifesting in the real world as their "true personality". Once Kimito has chosen a girl (or becomes more conscious), he can enter her dream without the aid of the aroma stones and not all of them are ecchi-related. Nice hints aka she's waiting for Kimito to make the first step etc. Fortunately, the dream entering and such is handled in a non-creepy way IMHO, ignoring the afore-mentioned strange scenarios in there. Flustered reactions by both parties the next morning.
Yui's certainly the central heroine, even though ALL the girls, except Shigure, are connected to the "hidden" fifth girl ;). Said girl and her condition will be revealed in Yui's route.
For some reason, it was afaik never explained why Kimito got the dream powers as he and the fifth girl met the first time during the incident that gave him the dream powers.
A HUGE missed opportunity is the "New Game+" route of the the "secret" heroine. The start of the route was turned into a huge joke by breaking the 4th wall and basically renders the main premise useless :rolleyes:. A shame seeing that the girl is quite likable imho.

I skipped though Kano's route in Floral Fowlove because I wanted to see the secret of the past between the two. For some reason, Sagaplanet ended her epilogue with an somewhat unpleasant aftertaste after the final dream flashback was over. Not nice! >_<. Oh well, overall SenrenxBanka remains the highlight of July's releases for me. I will stay away from Amatsutsumi. Something is putting me off for reasons I can't explain. And I'm not too fond of route structures where you apparently move from girl to girl to say "No" (even though, I don't know how it's realized in-game) just to get to the final one. It makes me too sad :whistle:
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I dont know if this is the place to ask but, i´ve been playing Ourai no Gahkthun: Shining Night, the fandisk of the series, which is split into chapters that you can choose to read. It´s divided by days, with each day containing 3 chapters. The problem is that i got stuck, since i can´t get past the sixth day, like i got a bad ending or something. To the ones that played it, can you tell me what is the order or chapters that i have to choose to keep the story going?

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@joseczs : Sorry, I tried looking for a walkthrough but could only find one for the base game, not the fandisc.

Oh well, overall SenrenxBanka remains the highlight of July's releases for me.
I've been playing it lately and it's certainly the best of July so far. Though it's only the second July title I've started so I can't compare it to much. I like how light the story is, even though some of the characters would have good reasons to be gloomy, Yoshino in particular. The common route was not too lengthy but not too short either, but it's a little bit surprising that the main threat is dealt with before entering most routes (all except Rena's).

So far I've only had time to play through Murasame and Koharu's routes, and I'm halfway through Rena's. I played Murasame's route first and it was sweet. I was excepting something akin to Ruri & Ruka in Akeiro Kaikikan but it's much lighter and with a less heartbreaking ending. There are some plot points that remain a mystery but overall I liked it, the only real complaint I'd have is that it makes choosing any other girl make me feel bad for Murasame.

Koharu's route was alright, most of it is shared with Roka's and when it finally branches off there's not much more to tell it seems. The MC's donkan-ness is pretty high in this route, but that's not to say he's ever good at noticing people's feelings in the other ones (maybe he's actually even worse in other routes...). As far as Koharu-specific events, even the cousin relationship turned out to be a non-issue, and Rentarou had surprisingly little to say as well.

Rena's route so far is alright, I've played up to confession and it looks like there may be more to the curse than what the common route had explained.

I will stay away from Amatsutsumi. Something is putting me off for reasons I can't explain. And I'm not too fond of route structures where you apparently move from girl to girl to say "No" (even though, I don't know how it's realized in-game) just to get to the final one. It makes me too sad :whistle:
I'll maybe give it a quick try if I find the time. I also don't like games in which you have to actively say "No" to each girl you're not interested in to be able to choose the one you want, it's a little heartbreaking especially if it comes after said girls just made a dramatic confession scene.
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