Visual Novel Cafe


A Sequel with Nobuchina being a main heroine? DEFINITELY count me in. Seems like there'll be two new heroines as well. I guess its time to spend some money for harukaze.

Also Azarashi Soft is making a FD too, Amakano + for first game's heroines; As a fan of Mizuki, it'll be pretty nice to having fun with her again.
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A Sequel with Nobuchina being a main heroine? DEFINITELY count me in. Seems like there'll be two new heroines as well. I guess its time to spend some money for harukaze.

Also Azarashi Soft is making a FD too, Amakano + for first game's heroines; As a fan of Mizuki, it'll be pretty nice to having fun with her again.
Count me in for both as well. I'm glad to see Nobuchina finally gets the attention she deserved, from the comments on the popularity contests results the staff always looked surprised at how popular she was so I wasn't sure they would decide to do anything with her. Still, I remember them noting a lot of people wanting to see a deredere side of her, not sure that'd fit her character that well... here's hoping her route doesn't suck like Shachi's did.

EDIT: Looking at the announcement text more carefully, looks like the game is scheduled for 2017. And apparently Noratoto went out on February 2015?

Also happy to see the Amakano heroines make a return, but with a release scheduled on Winter 2016, does that mean no Amakano 3 for that time period? I'd honestly prefer the latter since with the base game and the append I don't know if there's enough story left to tell to fill a complete game. Maybe they'll do something like 星織ユメミライ's afters and prolong the stories all the way to adulthood and to a wedding? I would be interested in that.

As far as VNs lately, I don't have much to tell, I've only been slowly continuing 千恋*万花. I finished Rena's route which was fine, but the revelations in it kinda make the other routes look bad in comparison, since they only offer partial resolution to the curse. I guess if there was a true route it would be her's, especially since her ending actually contains a title drop. The jokes surrounding her conveniently bad Japanese get old pretty fast, especially since she trips on proverbs and particular words while understanding complex curse explanations and ancient Japanese, that doesn't make much sense. Kiritani Hana makes a good performance as always though. As an aside, does somebody know who voices Rena's great-great-grandmother during some of the earlier flashbacks? I know I've heard that voice before but her character doesn't get a mention in the credits.

I also played Roka's route, which was, as with Koharu, pretty much done once the branching is past. Roka shows a little more of a clumsy side and that's about it.

Finally, I finished Mako's route lately and it was certainly not my favorite. Having played Rena's route all the plot elements surrounding the curse I already knew in advance and the resolution is partial at best. As far as romance goes... it isn't really the games' strong point to begin with. Still, a few laugh at some of the situations here and there and I liked how proactive Masaomi was for once. Not that much of a fan of the mostly "ijiwaru" kind of ecchi scenes in her route though.
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Count me in for both as well. I'm glad to see Nobuchina finally gets the attention she deserved, from the comments on the popularity contests results the staff always looked surprised at how popular she was so I wasn't sure they would decide to do anything with her. Still, I remember them noting a lot of people wanting to see a deredere side of her, not sure that'd fit her character that well... here's hoping her route doesn't suck like Shachi's did.

EDIT: Looking at the announcement text more carefully, looks like the game is scheduled for 2017. And apparently Noratoto went out on February 2015?

Also happy to see the Amakano heroines make a return, but with a release scheduled on Winter 2016, does that mean no Amakano 3 for that time period? I'd honestly prefer the latter since with the base game and the append I don't know if there's enough story left to tell to fill a complete game. Maybe they'll do something like 星織ユメミライ's afters and prolong the stories all the way to adulthood and to a wedding? I would be interested in that.

Well we already passed 8th month of 2016 so 2017 is a reasonable date imo, most likely it'll get released at february again or early spring. Also this FD is a great chance for redeeming Sachi & Yuuki routes, both of them were pretty good heroines in the first place anyway, their biggest problem was being too short and not having any ichaicha etc scenes (Hell both of them were 3-4 hours length at max). Now They just have to make some good after stories and everything will be fine.


And seems like they're the new heroines.

For Amakano I'm not really sure how will they fill a complete game with just 3 after stories either. I was expecting a FD since they actually told that they have some plans after the Amakano 2, but I thought it would be something like a Amakano + Amakano 2 FD, which could be easily filled with 7 after stories.
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For Amakano: I agree with the sentiment of you two. There's really only the actual marriage and their lovey-dovey time leading towards it left since all possible "drama" points had already been resolved (i.e. Sayuki and MC's hurdle with being approved as a couple within her Shrine Maiden role and Mizuki's [heavy] 寂しがりや issue). But using that for a full game, and not FD material?

SenrenxBanka: I finished Yoshino and Rena's route. I'm overall very satisfied with Yoshino's route. Her epilogue was sweet. My only "gripe" with the route was how the two became after their first time too focused on wanting to do it again. It has become nearly the meat of all their conversations =/. And Masomi became too focused on Yoshino to the point he couldn't concentrate enough in school. I wished Yuzusoft would have done (a bit) more with him correcting the "habit" - after Murasame pointed it out to him - for Yoshino and his sake, instead of just sort of glancing over it in the epilogue narration.

As for Rena: I liked the flashbacks and the japanese lessons themselves in the VN + the room party with the whole gang. To be honest the ultimate solution to the whole curse felt a bit cheap as in the dream part. Koma running off at the end was a "Wait what?" moment *lol*.
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For Amakano I'm not really sure how will they fill a complete game with just 3 after stories either. I was expecting a FD since they actually told that they have some plans after the Amakano 2, but I thought it would be something like a Amakano + Amakano 2 FD, which could be easily filled with 7 after stories.

For Amakano: I agree with the sentiment of you two. There's really only the actual marriage and their lovey-dovey time leading towards it left since all possible "drama" points had already been resolved (i.e. Sayuki and MC's hurdle with being approved as a couple within her Shrine Maiden role and Mizuki's [heavy] 寂しがりや issue). But using that for a full game, and not FD material?
I'm pretty sure they intend to make a full game out of it, not a fan disk, and only including the 3 original heroines (Koharu, Mizuki and Sayuki). The teaser image on their website seems pretty clear that this is supposed to be their fourth project, the previous ones being the two Amakano and Royal Garden. I'm curious as to what they could possibly include to fill a complete game...


As for Rena: I liked the flashbacks and the japanese lessons themselves in the VN + the room party with the whole gang. To be honest the ultimate solution to the whole curse felt a bit cheap as in the dream part. Koma running off at the end was a "Wait what?" moment *lol*.
To be honest all the route I've played so far have had their share of "Wait what?" moments (Roka & Koharu excepted but since there's nothing in them...). I don't remember that many of them in Sanoba Witch (apart from Touko's route which was just weird) but it's been a while.

Lately I've finally given up on my personal quest to find a decently priced Ar Nosurge Japanese version and bought an English one instead. Now that I've finished the game after a little more than 40 hours, I can firmly say that I should have waited and looked for a while longer. The translation job has to be the most atrocious I've seen in quite some time. I'm willing to looking past the numerous typos during the main storyline, but the team didn't even seem to agree on the names of some characters (Cosal? Korzal?). At least the game is nice enough to allow for Japanese dubbing for the main events but the text often just get things wrong and makes the numerous dialogue choices very confusing during the various text-only parts. Things get really ugly with the random NPCs dialogs which has lines mixed up and don't make any kind of sense. To add insult to injury, the game is apparently missing an optional boss and the ability to change costumes...

Despite all that the game was quite fun, though not as much as the Ar Tonelico series was for me. Many characters seem to come back from Ciel Nosurge but since I don't have a PSVita, I haven't played it so the reunions and numerous stories and references about the good old days were not that interesting to read about. At some point we did get to see a tiny bit of Shurelia and Ayatane, that was cute but apart from one joke ending they don't really get involved much, quite a shame. The story seems like a direct sequel to Ciel Nosurge and bears only minor relationship to the Ar Tonelico series, apart from explaining the origins of the Teru tribe. I like how they tried to include the player as a character in the story but I have to admit it did make me a little bit uncomfortable at times. Maybe that's why I couldn't really feel for the character's plight, especially when the game purposefully makes me act like a jerk.

Combat-wise, it's a mixed bag. Song magic is both more impressive and less useful, relegated to a simple time-saver rather than play an actual role during fights. No more song evolution or special effects, no special timing required, I still think the system they used in Ar Tonelico 2 was the best they made. I like how they merged all the random encounters of an area in a single big fight. The game on normal is extremely easy, and the higher difficulties only made fights took longer rather than make them more difficult. The Ar Tonelico series have never been difficult games to begin with, but I remember some tough fights in Ar Tonelico 2 against level 9 IPD that were really fun to attempt with a low level party. Crafting is still in in a more or less untouched form, I happen to like it but I can understand the little scenes for each item can get pretty tedious.

The heroines in this one are pretty standard, and there's no real choice since they both start paired with someone already. Their genometrics (aka cosmophere) are pretty straightforward except for Ion's first one which just requires to wait. Rather than focus on the heroines, the various genometrics levels involve issues for a variety of characters as well which is nice but that leave little room for the heroines to develop any particular trait apart from their starting one.

The OST is pretty good in this one, not as good as Ar Tonelico 3's in my opinion but it has some good moments. I'll definitely download it and listen to it outside of the somewhat clumsy editing during the in-game cutscenes.

To sum it all up, I liked the game but would have probably enjoyed it much more had I played Ciel Nosurge before and bought the Japanese version instead, so if it interests anyone don't make the same mistakes I did.
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I'm pretty sure they intend to make a full game out of it, not a fan disk, and only including the 3 original heroines (Koharu, Mizuki and Sayuki). The teaser image on their website seems pretty clear that this is supposed to be their fourth project, the previous ones being the two Amakano and Royal Garden. I'm curious as to what they could possibly include to fill a complete game...

Seems like there'll be two arcs for each heroine, One 夏 (summer) and One 未来 (Future) arc;

I'm pretty fine with this and 6 arc should be enough to fill a full priced game. Having Sayuri & Koharu as a mother will be definitely worth of checking at least.
Seems like there'll be two arcs for each heroine, One 夏 (summer) and One 未来 (Future) arc;

I'm pretty fine with this and 6 arc should be enough to fill a full priced game. Having Sayuri & Koharu as a mother will be definitely worth of checking at least.
Thanks for the additional info Kri. Turns out they did go the "extended after" route, probably going even further than YumeMirai did. I'll be sure to check it out as well, it should deal with subject matters not usually seen in your average VN.

Do anyone know a game with content like Eroge rule #76 ?
I can't think of any other than Island, but it's not 18+ (no sex scenes) so that's probably not what you're looking for.

New releases are coming out at the end of the week and I haven't even finished 千恋*万花 yet. This month, one must-play title and a couple more interesting ones I might check if I can free up the time, which is going to be even harder given that Persona 5 goes out in about half a month :

銀色、遥か : the latest tonework's release, hopefully closer to 星織ユメミライ than to 初恋1/1. I haven't read much about the game or played the demo, so here's hoping tonework's can make another miracle happen.

STEINS;GATE 0 : I almost bought it when it came out on PS3 at the end of last year, but stopped due to rather poor reviews. I'll probably check it out since I like the Steins;Gate universe, without expecting it to surpass or even equal its predecessor.

1分の2恋ゴコロ : The delays are finally over and the game should go out by the end of the week. Will it have been worth the wait? I hope so but with a new company and mostly new staff it's hard to tell.

生命のスペア : Given the premise of the game (one sister with a deadly disease and another born just to give her heart to said sister), I'd expect some heavy drama. Not sure I'm up for it but I sometimes just feel like reading something depressing so I'll probably keep it around.

恋するお嬢様はエッチな花嫁 : Doesn't look like it's going to be super interesting but I enjoyed Ensemble Sweet's previous game エッチでヘンタイ! ヤキモチお嬢様!! so I'll probably give it a try, especially since two characters are voiced by Akino Hana and Kusuhara Yui.
While waiting for 銀色、遥か as the hopefully main attraction of August's releases, I've started playing 恋する乙女と守護の楯 ~薔薇の聖母~. I don't mind the crossdressing in the prequel and here, even though it doesn't count as my favorite genre element. Just finished Lili's route. Most of the action scenes were alright, but it's annoying that Shuuji once again got outplayed by the main opponent of the route. Well, I guess it's understandable as the enemy is from the same crime organisation as in the first title which caused panic in Shuuji + their mind control as means was unexpected for him. In exchange, it was nice that there was support from one of the heroines of the first VN and the fights he won were also nice enough. Overall not too bad and Lili's deredere side was adorable :D

Otherwise, I will also look in ensemble sweet's VN. I don't mind their more ecchi-focused VN(s).
I'll admit I was in a bit of a rush to finish the current games before August releases come out, so take the following comments with a grain of salt.

I finished 千恋*万花 with Yoshino's route. It was alright but as with most other routes the romance part was not the greatest. Probably the most problematic thing was that there's basically no big difference between what happens in this route and the others, and yet Yoshino's feelings are completely different. I can understand the MC's feelings being different as an extension of the will of the player, but for the heroine to act so differently I would have liked a couple more events to bring the two closer together. Other than that, the supernatural elements are more low-key in this route than the others and it deals a bit more with family, that was nice. Once they're resolved it's just a succession of ecchi scenes though, I was excepting something else maybe with the numerous people interested in Yoshino's particular position in the village, but nope, everything happens in between the credits and the epilogue and apparently without any major issue. Her first foray outside of her home village would have been a nice thing to explore as well, but it's all summed up in one line of the epilogue, kinda disappointing.

All in all, the game's pretty good but I think I preferred Sanoba Witch. Apart from Murasame's route I can't say I felt much of anything for the heroine, so from a charage's perspective it's a bit of a failure. I'd have gladly traded the triangle love route of Roka/Koharu for a bit more romance happenings (especially early stage) between Masaomi and the heroine of the day.

I've played a whole 30 minutes of アマツツミ before deciding the game is not for me. During said 30 minutes, hypnosis (kind of? mind control at least) rape from one of the heroines, and the MC builds himself a place into the family of complete strangers with the same kind of methods. I don't like Saimin at all, and that felt just wrong, so no thank you. Reading some comments on EGS, looks like the MC also likes to fool around with other girls while on a relationship with one, that's another no for me. It's a far cry from Chrono Clock which only had sex scenes as an after story...

I played a bit more of 恋する気持ちのかさねかた ~かさねた想いをずっと~. Yukie is as lewd as she was in the main game, I see the team decided to stick with her personality even though it really stands out from the rest of the game. Akane's story involves beach-volley as expected, and was fairly okay. As with many other routes Ren takes on the role of a supporter rather than that of a leading character, I kinda like that.

Lately the birthday appends of PRETTY×CATION were finally released so I gave the game another try, but the text is as bad and the relationship as rushed as I remembered. Especially with Nozomi and Retche, I just can't get past the first ecchi without closing the game and shaking my head in disapproval. As far as the birthdays themselves, I only read Sakura's and it was mainly two very short sex scenes, nothing much else to write about. Certainly not Hibiki-Works's greatest work for sure.

EDIT : This post isn't nearly long enough so I'm adding some comments about 生命のスペア that I finished last night. Since it just came out a couple days ago, as you may have guessed the game isn't very long, it took me between 5 and 6 hours to complete. As usual with drama-heavy games I found the rather abundant ecchi scenes unneeded past the first one and skipped them all, I suppose reading them thoroughly could add a couple hours to the game, but I was just not in the mood. The game only features one heroine, Meguri, and only one path which is another small disappointment from me. I was expecting at least some possible variations, for instance Meguri choosing to let Ria do what she wants or not, or going with Ria and letting her again do what she wants or not, but the fate of the characters is set at the beginning of the game.

Not much to say about Meguri, she's a fairly typical heroine for this kind of stories, bright on the surface but with dark thoughts and anxiety underneath. She's voiced by Tachibana Mao which I personally think is a bit of a miscast. She makes a fine job for the most part but her screams and pain groans are more comical than anything else. Maybe I'm just too used to hearing her in lighter games, but I just couldn't take her seriously which made the dramatic pain sequences... not that dramatic. The drama that occurs with her is fairly predictable, especially given that the opening credits spoiled most if not all that happens in the game (hint : do not watch it). It was nowhere near as heart-wrenching as the drama that occurred in できない私が、くり返す。, although it's written by the same guy and also featured a dying heroine. I didn't experience a single shock or shed a single tear throughout the game, but maybe my heart's just frozen to compensate for the surrounding heat. The last days in particular were honestly more boring than anything else.

I suppose my detachment also came from the rather hard-to-believe setting, with an unknown disease hitting people at random? Or is it genetic? But in that case why doesn't Ria have it... Is is a parasite? A virus? There are a lot of conditions we can't cure yet but we're not so ignorant as to not identify at least the possible sources of infection, especially for something apparently so widespread. Yet this disease at the end of the game remains as mysterious as a god's curse would be. Same goes with the designer baby angle, would a simple artist (apparently not that famous) really have the means to pay for the underground medical staff required for it? What was the plan for the transplant, kill Ria first or take her heart while she still lives? I'd image the surgeon who does the operation wouldn't be cheap or easy to find either... Details maybe, but I think going with a well known disease like cancer would have been a better decision in gathering sympathy and understanding, at least from me.
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I've been spending the couple last nights playing the much anticipated new tonework's 銀色、遥か, and after playing Yuzuki's route all the way to the end I must say the game is turning up excellent and will probably earn a place among the select list of games I keep around even after playing them. While it doesn't quite live up to my expectations after 星織ユメミライ, it still manages to hit most of the right notes with cute heroines, drama that remains on the light side, a very likable main character and a story spanning an extended period of time.

So far as complaints go, I'd say the drama was toned down a bit too much compared to the previous game. Yuzuki's route started very well but once entering the high-school part, I think the game started to make the same mistake 星織ユメミライ did on most routes by making the characters succeed a little too easily at very difficult tasks. Not saying the characters don't put in efforts, but some of the latter developments don't really match up with the skills the characters are supposed to have and make the world a little hard to believe in. This feeling was particularly strong during the middle-school phase, with a MC that is easily more mature than most highschooler would be. To be honest, this first phase felt very much like an usual high-school setting and I can't say I felt the "middle-school" much in it. I'm also a little sad to see no male "friend" character for the hero to talk to, Momochan-sensei takes on this role sometimes but it's just not the same.

Other than that, I loved it from beginning to end and for once, I wasn't even tempted to skip the text at any point. Time flows rather quickly and problems don't stick around too long before getting a resolution which I found to be very relaxing. As with 星織ユメミライ, there's quite a lot of stuff to learn (in Yuzuki's case : sweets) beside just reading about the love story, it always helps to maintain interest. As far as an imouto route it remains light on the family drama which was good, I was a little worried at first but in 銀色、遥か's world everyone is a nice and understanding person. All in all it was very sweet. The ecchi scenes are on the short side and with few CGs (9 scenes, 1 CG per scene for Yuzuki) but I liked that the "hentai" play was kept to a minimum (at most some cosplay) and that most scenes stayed pretty lovey-dovey.

Next route I'll play will probably be Hinata's who remains a bit of a mystery, especially in the future. Everyone's path is pretty easy to guess except for hers.
Next route I'll play will probably be Hinata's who remains a bit of a mystery, especially in the future. Everyone's path is pretty easy to guess except for hers.

I've just reached Hinata's school story past their first ecchi scene. Everything up to that point during the middle school was quite fitting to her genki character: full of energy and fun. I didn't expect that she turns out so skilled in many work fields. The scene where she's really flustered or embarrased are quite golden as they throw her off-guard *lol*. Her confession scene and proactive role was very nice as it felt like she could pinpoint Yukito's standpoint and thoughts and made her appeal right at these aspects :)

Otherwise, I've reached the After chapter of Momiji's route: Their story was gut-based slow(er) paced as they progressed through their relationship and was dealing more with how both were holding back for the "sake" of the other (which seems to be the main point with Yukito's personality in putting others always above his own hapiness). In this route - during the school part - you have also the club activity where they didn't reach their common goal in the first try.

Overall, I'm also not disappointed. I really love this warm and positively touching settings. But wow, Hinata sure had a growth boost, same as Bethly who became quite the beauty :D. The only thing that made me cringe at first was some of Hinata's high-pitched voices but I got used to it after a while.
I've just reached Hinata's school story past their first ecchi scene. Everything up to that point during the middle school was quite fitting to her genki character: full of energy and fun. I didn't expect that she turns out so skilled in many work fields. The scene where she's really flustered or embarrased are quite golden as they throw her off-guard *lol*. Her confession scene and proactive role was very nice as it felt like she could pinpoint Yukito's standpoint and thoughts and made her appeal right at these aspects :)
I've just reached up to this point as well, and I was pretty surprised. None of what happens in her route was even hinted at during the common/Yuzuki's route, apart from a rather minor mention during one of the early days. Now that I've reached that point I see the way the MC is going to go but as far as Hinata what she will end up doing later is still pretty much a mystery. Generally speaking I like the route, looking it up on VNDB it's written by the same person who wrote Sora and Natsuki's route in 星織ユメミライ, and so far the route is shaping up to be pretty similar to Natsuki's at least in mood. It was one of my favorite routes for being so laid-back, smooth and just fun to read through, and also because it was the most down-to-earth as to what the characters accomplish, so here's hoping for more.

Overall, I'm also not disappointed. I really love this warm and positively touching settings. But wow, Hinata sure had a growth boost, same as Bethly who became quite the beauty :D. The only thing that made me cringe at first was some of Hinata's high-pitched voices but I got used to it after a while.
Everyone has quite a growth boost entering high-school except Yuzuki, a bit too much to my liking. I think the proportions were better during the middle school phase. Hinata's voice is certainly something to get used to, but after so many hours I rather like it now combined with her gyaru way of speech. I agree that she can however be pretty loud sometimes.

EDIT : Hinata's route cleared. I must say I'm quite disappointed in this route, it wasn't nearly as sweet as Yuzuki's. The high-school part focused mainly on the MC's aspirations and search for a dream, while Hinata just does whatever strikes her fancy and succeeds. There are a few touching moments with Mafuyu but not too many with the main heroine of the route, quite a shame. I'll admit I also grew a bit tired of Hinata's character as the game went on, especially since she doesn't change much if at all during the whole game. The after story was... mostly more of the same, once again more or less focused on the MC's efforts as a vet. However, while the ideal world of 銀色、遥か worked in the context of a sweets shop for Yuzuki, I found it a little too hard to look past when the game ignores the realities of dealing with animals : 100% success rate is impossible, and as the MC's father wisely warns, common pets rarely live past 15~20 years old. I'm also sad the rest of the cast also doesn't play much of a role in this route, apart from some rather low-key (and pretty lame) support for Hinata's latest idea, so the "friends" angle wasn't used much either. Anyway, not wanting to be mean to the MC since he is a nice guy, but I would have been more interested in reading about Hinata's efforts rather than his, or at least keep things a little more balanced. As it is Hinata succeeds instantly at whatever she tries and her problems are solved by two minutes conversations, that's just not enough.
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I loved the general flair of her route. Fortunately, I can easily embrace the perfect world concept so it didn't bother me that much. What I was surprised at was the rather large timeskip. I would have liked to read more about their post high school time, instead of straight time skip of 4 years past Hinata's first shop activity. To be fair, Momiji's route also hasn't had much of the university feeling but you spent at least some time during that time frame. So yeah, for me it's the opposite a bit. I liked the parts where Yukito found relatively early in which direction he wants to work at. The "live saving" moments with Bethly's rabbit were for me a nice touch, as it was simply in my strike zone. Yukito as a vetenarian was alright, but I kinda thought he'd specialise more in the Animal Therapy field. So yeah, Hinata's VERY active driving force was the ultimate support factor and I enjoyed her character as such. The repeated moments of her keigo usage was worth a few laughs, even though these nervous moments (outside of ecchi) didn't really fit her optimistic trait.
Momiji's route was overall also nice. As I mentioned before the progress felt a bit slower-paced but I feel like that was the intention somewhat. Yukito was more hetare here, seeing that the story dealt more with two "clumsy" people becoming attracted to each other and slowly progress in their relationship. His work life felt here more generic than in Hinata's route and he discovered his final desired work field quite near the end, which was a bit of a shame.
I dived also in Bethly's route, a good way into the high school chapter. It's been heart-warming. While their first bonding event (pre confession) was very cute, the situation surrounding it felt rather random, tbh.
But I'm not that fond that they need to keep their relationship secret due to her home stay situation at Yukito's home. I'd have rather prefered how it was in the other routes with her staying at Momochan-sensei's place

As for the University part: At first I was annoyed at Lillian and thought Jake would cause some lame relationship drama as a playboy trope. But ultimately it turned goody-goody and a "Canada" friend circle was formed. On the other hand, due to the whole situation Yuzuki-tachi had outside of one video call + an appearance of Mizuha no screentime during that episode =/.

Otherwise: I'm rather fond of Bethly's character. Her slow-ish, careful way of speaking and her soft voice have something really soothing and smile-provoking :nekopara_cheer:
On an early note: I'm actually looking a bit forward to Tayutama 2. I can understand the uneasiness on vndb in regards to Mashiro getting a route, seeing that she still has Yuuri, but I'm willing to see how it turns out as long as it doesn't turn into some ridiculous NTR due to MC being "more" special *lol*. If LoS can combine the discovery of what a family is with the likely Tayuta issues in a somewhat balanced (both drama-wise and how much to focus on each), I'd be fine with it as I liked the trial.
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I would have liked to read more about their post high school time, instead of straight time skip of 4 years past Hinata's first shop activity. [...]Yukito as a vetenarian was alright, but I kinda thought he'd specialise more in the Animal Therapy field. So yeah, Hinata's VERY active driving force was the ultimate support factor and I enjoyed her character as such. The repeated moments of her keigo usage was worth a few laughs, even though these nervous moments (outside of ecchi) didn't really fit her optimistic trait.
The time skip part was one of the points that bothered me, especially since Haru should approach 10 years old and Rock should be around 8, that's pretty old for a large dog and quite a miracle for a rabbit, and yet they're both fine... I wasn't too fond of the Animal Therapy and Vet careers depictions. The Animal Therapy during the high-school part seemed to be only for Mafuyu, which while nice for her seems a bit unfair to the other children in the hospital the couple (Yukito&Haru) could help with their license. There's a nice scene later on but I also think they could have done more with that angle. As for the Vet thing, after much thinking and looking around Yukito's plan was pretty underwhelming, and I can't really say I agree with the cast that that would made Yukito surpass Akutsu-sensei with it. Hinata's final decision was also a bit of a downer, she doesn't give up on what she's been doing per-se but it kind of felt like it : what happened to the hair salon, the nail shop and all her other dreams?

Unfortunately I haven't had too much time to keep reading but I have delved into Mizuha's route up to the high-school part. So far, it's the route with the most drama which is actually a pretty nice change of pace. Yukito and her take a loooong time to get together (as pointed repeatedly by Hinata) but that wasn't too bad and lead to cute events and scenes for both sides. For once it's also not entirely due to Yukito being an ultimate donkan as so often is the case in these situations. The rival Arisa was also a nice character to introduce. So nice that I kind of would like her as an heroine, ahah... I like the route a lot so far, I just hope it won't turn like Yuzuki's and ditch all the drama from high-school on out.
Still haven't made much progress on Mizuha's route on 銀色、遥か. I guess I'm probably halfway done through the high-school part, maybe? There was a surprising amount of drama which was nice if a little too obvious sometimes, but I like how dedicated the protagonist is to her. I'm not such a huge fan however of the hentai/perverted way the ecchi scenes are turning though, which is mainly why I've been leaving the game on standby for a few days at a time, stopping whenever one pops-up.

Instead I've played and finished 恋するお嬢様はエッチな花嫁 which was as I expected it would be, for better or worse. The story is pretty much non-existent but I didn't have much expectations for it in the first place. The heroines either start the game in love with the MC or fall for him after a few kind words. The MC himself is your standard nice butler kind of character, a little on the donkan side depending on the route, but otherwise pretty unremarkable apart from his strong debt of gratitude towards the orphanage that raised him. Apart from Hiyoko who got some standard imouto-route kind of drama that lasted unusually long (for whatever reason, since she's not even his sister-in-law...) the relationships all went without a hitch as the MC supports the heroine of the day in whatever her winter project ends up being. I in particular liked Yukino's character as she makes very aggressive approaches and broadly proclaims her particular views on romance. Given the title of the game I would have expected more things linked to marriage but for most heroines it remains nothing more than a cosplay costume for an ecchi scene, I'm a little disappointed. As far as ecchi goes it's pretty alright, not too much hentai play apart from some costume play here and there. The CGs are not the best though, and sometime don't really make much sense (like a dress in between the MC and one heroine that shouldn't be here...). There's also a couple 3P and a harem route, but they're all more a joke than anything else : each last a couple minutes and are all pretty stupid, I wouldn't expect much from these.
With the Honey brand, seems like Moonstone can go full-on dark now...not that they don't have the majority of their main brand pretty dark to begin with.

Just look at the latest title, it appears even more dire than the last one...
Are you referring to the recently announced 仄暗き時の果てより ? It does look pretty dark, especially considering some of the preview art they have on display on the teaser website.

I thought they were going to do the Sakura no Mori: Dreamers sequel right away but looks like I'll have to wait a little longer for it. Honestly it was more gore than dark, especially as the game went further on, and by the end it was even pretty ridiculous. That said, if they can reproduce the ambiance and atmosphere the game had for the first chapters and keep it for a whole game, that might get to be quite something as far as horror games go.
I have started playing Tayutama 2 and finished Nano's route. I like the slice of life aspects and the occuring Tayutai conflict is as expected present, but is handled as nothing too tragic. There's obviously a big bad villain introduced, but he's not important in Nano's route. Otherwise, the OST is good and the characters are fun. Yumina's self-depreciating trait hasn't changed and Amelie is as "my pace" as always from what I've played in Tayutama 1.
Anyway, I think it's a good idea with Nano and Kohaku's different views of what's the right way for Tayutai to live. The main keyword in Nano's route is ありのまま where I get the basic meaning but in each sentence it's used a bit differently, making it hard for me to grasp it :D. Whereas Kohaku is following Mashiro's idea of a human-tayutai coexistence. Anyway, the drama in her route was a bit fickly in how it was built up and how Nano's final stance and solution turned out. And while I was fine with the ending based on that factor, it itself left a somewhat "meh" impression. It gives a odyseey-ish vibe with no final goal in sight.

Kohaku's route started where the common route finished (in contrast to Nano's where it started a bit later). The confession was rather abrupt and it was funny how it caught Kohaku completely off-guard, especially as she started the whole "become my husband" in the first place *lol*. Once that was more or less resolved their relationship seems to develop with a kind of trial-and-error approach (instead of the perfect couple born one). Let's see how it turns out.
I have started playing Tayutama 2 [...]
I was curious about this game as well, especially since this month's selection didn't impress me much (more on this later). Would you say it's worth playing even with basically no knowledge of the previous game and it's sequel/fandisk? Or is it one of those sequels that are made that much better by having some prior knowledge of the characters, in which case I may try playing the first games before as well. The original game has got decent ratings on VNDB but it's from Lump of Sugar, which has been rather hit-and-miss with their titles as far as I'm concerned (運命線上のφ was entertaining, but コドモノアソビ was really not that great).

Anyway, better late than never since most of this month's new releases were already published a few days ago, but here's my selection :

カノジョ*ステップ : it's SMEE and I really like their games, even though by comparion ピュア×コネクト wasn't as good as their previous titles. Not sure how important a role the concept of hiding the relationship or not will turn out to have in the story, but SMEE games never had that amazing a story, just really good characters and slice-of-life lighthearted comedy. It's this month's most (and only) anticipated title for me.

タユタマ2 -you’re the only one- : as I said earlier, not sure I'd play this is if it's a pure sequel since I haven't played the other in the series, and also not sure if it's worth playing the others to get into the series.

千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫 : only there because it was on the most anticipated list on EGS, apart from that I haven't played anything from August. It looks like a war/combat/action VN which is not really my favorite kind.

As for me, I've finished Mizuha's route in 銀色、遥か. It was beautiful and touching but as always the setting make things a little too convenient to be believable, especially for a theater as large a scale as Olympics... Arisa remains a very interesting character and I really miss the fact she doesn't get a route of her own. Yukito turns to cooking/dietitian this time, which makes him perfect to support Mizuha but continues to make his own character shallower in the scope of the whole game. He's just always perfectly fitted for the profession the heroine would appreciate the most, there are limit to how omnipotent protagonists can get. I much preferred how in Yume Mirai Ryousuke has a dream of his own, willing to bend it a little bit depending on the heroine but it still remained much the same. He also had at least one good friend outside of the group of girls. That made him seem much more human-like than Gin'Iro's Yukito who seems to be only there to bring out the heroine's good points and support her/make her happy while not leaving much of an impression on his own. Anyway, since I'm beginning to rant already I think it's a good time to take a break from the game and go back to it a few months later for Bethly and Momiji.

Finally, I've played and complete both Rewrite+ and it's sequel Harvest Festa. I came into the game not at all expecting something about super powers other than the mysterious Rewrite, which I mistakenly thought to be a way for the hero to rewrite the past/future and not his own body.

The first half of the game is as expected from Key, a light-hearted high-school comedy with very colorful characters to soften the mood and get the reader attached to the characters, before things start getting dramatic in individual routes. I was 100% expecting this formulae and I was not disappointed, but it still worked very well and I found myself shedding tears, especially near the end of Kotori and Shizuru's scenarios. Chihaya's route was also very enjoyable even though it's really more about Sakuya than her, but Sakuya's a great character so all is well. A little too much battling for my tastes in this one though. The others two were pretty good too, but I think they both tended to suffer from too much padding in the second half, a shame since the first half of Lucia and Akane's route were particularly well done.

Of course, the "real" deal starts once all heroines are cleared with the Moon and Terra routes. Both very interesting reads. For a game I thought would support ecology high and loud, it's not handled as simply as that, it's a nice change of pace. Kagari is also super-cute, and Kotarou's (the MC) efforts to catch her attention are touching.

Harvest Festa's offer a few mini-scenarios of varying quality. Kotori and Chihaya get a direct follow-up to their respective routes which was pretty nice. Lucia, Akane and Shizuru get an alternate universe story that sometimes contradicts the events of the first game (Lucia's gloves? Her condition?). Fun reads but I would have preferred to read direct follow-up to their stories as well. Kagari's route was also sort of alternate universe, I really liked Kagari's character in the main game and she's pretty nice here too, if a little too human-like sometimes (spoilers?). The game also features a rather simplistic dungeon crawling game with the main characters. The mechanics are unoriginal but fairly well done, and I found the occasional little scenes and comments funny. Fighting with the game's characters, especially some who don't talk or act much like Shimako was a good enough incentive to keep me going all the way to the end.
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I was curious about this game as well, especially since this month's selection didn't impress me much (more on this later). Would you say it's worth playing even with basically no knowledge of the previous game and it's sequel/fandisk? Or is it one of those sequels that are made that much better by having some prior knowledge of the characters, in which case I may try playing the first games before as well. The original game has got decent ratings on VNDB but it's from Lump of Sugar, which has been rather hit-and-miss with their titles as far as I'm concerned (運命線上のφ was entertaining, but コドモノアソビ was really not that great).

Mhm, that's always a bit difficult to gauge. I think it should do fine as a stand-alone, even though there *are* obviously past-title connections like the characters, who are the side cast, and the whole tayutai concept. But you receive some explanations about it and there are screen caps between scene changes that offer some terminology (and can be viewed in the CG section of the Recollection Mode).
Personally, I have only played a tiny bit of the common route of Tayutama, but decided to drop it because some character dialogues/interaction irked me off.
There's also the a Tayutai anime but I haven't watched and and these have always the risk of butchering content due to the episode format constraint(s).

As for 千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫: I think I'll pass on it as well. I generally like August's games and Fortune Arterial counts to my favorite games in their selection, but yeah war/combat/action doesn't really count to my favorite genres (except VNs like Koihime Musou etc). Still torn whether to try it or not ^^

I admit to have forgotten Smee's release this month O_O. I'm a huuuge fanboy of their happy-go-lucky VNs.
Well, I decided to try タユタマ -kiss on my deity- despite Mahou's comment and I can certainly see at least a few points in the story where it would be easy to give up on the game. The worst offender in my opinion, while relatively short, was the series of events surrounding Mashiro entering Flawless and the following atmosphere of distrust and abandonment from pretty much every one. This made me seriously reconsider my opinion on at least two of the heroines (Amelie and Mifuyu) for their very stubborn and blunt positions, but well, it's not that don't make any sense either considering their knowledge of the situation at the time. Other points would be the mandatory refusal of Mashiro in a choice that doesn't even matter since things are already decided at this point, and the first half of Amelie's events in which both her and the main character act like real idiots, but once again even though unpleasant to read through I could at least somewhat relate to the both of them feeling the way they are.

The game's structure is a little inconvenient, in which the heroine-specific parts are interspersed as sort of interlude between parts of the common route, forcing a LOT of skipping. This is made worse by some very subtle differences in the text that stop the skipping and demand to keep attention on the game constantly. I would have been fine with this format if there were any actual real difference but they are all in form at best and the result is always the same anyway. The conflicts themselves all turn out to be misunderstandings and lack-of-communication which I found was a little far-fetched, but fitting in the scope of Amelie's route at least.

Amelie's route, which was the first I played, was actually my favorite of the three I played despite my earlier comments (I haven't played Mifuyu). I think it fell right on the spot of the game's theme which is conflict born out of misunderstandings and lack-of-communication, and Amelie's a good match for the MC as far as stubbornness goes. However, her endings was probably the most unsatisfying, not too unexpected considering Amelie was advocating since the beginning to just let go of the whole Tayutai business but still. Also, it's particularly cruel to have to refuse Amelie in other routes after she finally comes clean with her feelings, sometimes very bluntly.

Mahiro's route to me failed from the start by not giving any reason for her to be so much in love with Yuuri. It's sort-of explained that Kikurami created her this way but even after playing her route, I can't see why she had to do this unless she really wanted her to suffer or actually sought revenge on the Yachitama bloodline. Without at least a hint of a reason, however cute Mahiro can be I found it impossible to connect with her or the MC's feelings in her route.

Yumina's route was probably the tamest of the lot, with an interesting twist on the imouto angle but otherwise nothing too particular. Surprisingly it's the route in which the human/Tayutai's coexistence seems to be achieved the most.

Finally, I'll say that for once the ecchi scenes were actually interesting to read through since they were not the usual down-to-business acts but included some relationship development and some rather interesting comments as well. The characters are not magically experts at the thing from the get go but get know each other progressively, that was nice as well even though not the greatest way to get excited, I'll admit.

Not sure I'll play Tayutama2, especially if it follows up on Mashiro's ending.
Not sure I'll play Tayutama2, especially if it follows up on Mashiro's ending.

In that case, you'll be disappointed as that is set in stone since the very beginning (and not like PrimalxHearts2 or Amakano2 where the "prequel"-couple depends on the route). Maybe I could enjoy Mashiro and Yuuri's interaction because I didn't bother with the prequel. But we don't need to agree on everything :P. I haven't actually continued Tayutama2 and am spending more time with Seinarukana. Doing the same battle stages over and over gets tiresome after a while, but I want to finish the routes I'm interested in and which were recommended.
In that case, you'll be disappointed as that is set in stone since the very beginning (and not like PrimalxHearts2 or Amakano2 where the "prequel"-couple depends on the route). Maybe I could enjoy Mashiro and Yuuri's interaction because I didn't bother with the prequel. But we don't need to agree on everything :P.
The game's premise seems strange from the start. It's supposed to take place 50 years after the events of the first game and yet Amelie, Yumina and Mifuyu don't look like near 70 years old... I could understand Mashiro and Yuuri not aging considering what happens at the end of Mashiro's route, but for the other three?

Oh well, I've been really harsh on the game but it's not without merits. I didn't find it great either, but good enough to actually give タユタマ -It's happy days-, the first game's fandisc a try. Surprisingly, it provides some actual story development and some much needed closure. At the very least for Amelie's route it had some scenes that I would have really liked to be in the first game, even if it contradicts the epilogue a little. That would have made her ending much easier to digest, but maybe the bittersweetness was intended and this is just the studio giving outraged fans their much wanted happy end. Here's hoping Mashiro's path will also explain some of the obscure points a little better.

EDIT : Yumina's route in the fandisc is the opposite of Amelie's : take back a previously solved issue, and amplify it for no reason by cranking up the MC's donkan level... No need to detail how I wasn't very pleased by this development. I suppose it was an attempt to be humorous and then romantic but it failed on both levels for me. After managing to salvage Amelie's route so brilliantly, why would Lump of Sugar mess up Yumina's that actually stood on its own, that's a mystery.
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