Visual Novel Cafe

No, seriously, I didn't expect THAT from Parasol! Mystery haunting just because H. They decided to make it more nukige or what happened with their fantasy? Oh my gosh...

And Mikeou do all art. It reminds me last Princess Sugar title "Hime to Otome no Yakimochi Love"...
never a fan of parasol so i don't know what their genres... but many company goes down when about touching their first decade... my guess is that their selling point has changed from story to moe H... since all of their product contain moe chara only...

since the demand are so high these past years... you rarely seen any 'kirei' girls anymore in eroge (aside from nukige)... most of eroge that released are 'kawaii' girls
There was a long delay before this title announce which inbetween they announced a goods brand (Umbrella)...I thought Parasol'd be gone for good until I heard this.
I waited almost two years for that... Ahaha.
Well, I will wait the trial, maybe, it still has something interesting in plot, but... Ah, to be honest, I laughed a lot when read a story from their site. Just totally brilliant.

MC didn't understand what they said, because only one thought in his mind was... "Titty loli".

And the ghost who makes others to masturbate - reminds me Sanoba Witch a bit...
I don't know what you expected from Parasol, their previous games have been pretty terrible. Well, I can't say anything about the very latest one, but both Quintuple Splash and Kanojo to Ore no Lovely Day were awful, the latter so much so that I dropped it without even finishing the common route. Same writing staff so I wouldn't bet on this new entry turning into a masterpiece, but who knows? Parasol seems to have had a moment of glory but that was before I started playing eroge, haven't read anything memorable (in a good way) from them yet.

If you like masturbation scenes, you should play Yuu's route in Kotonoha Maichiru Natsu no Koe, there's quite the scene in there. Other than that the game is not very good, unless you really are dying to hear CVs rehearse the same couple of lines over and over with variations. I like CVs, but this was just plain boring, as usual with Hanno Shuusei there's just too much details and explanation and too little plot/character development. I also couldn't stand the humor in this one either, it's more tame than in Apeiria but I still don't find it funny.

Anyway, looking forward to the upcoming SMEE by the end of the week.
Yumekoi wasn't exactly that good story-wise and Harenocchi kito Nanohana Biyori was an utter trainwreck and a big mess with wasted potential...or it flopped bad that they shelved their plans for every other "side heroines". Koi'Imo was okay, IIRC, but not THAT good either. Didn't play Sakukoi yet... least the music's good...
Here are my impressions of Sugar * Style after finishing Mao's route. In short : rather disappointing and probably my least favorite SMEE game so far.

SMEE's tendency to go towards the shimoneta jokes isn't anything new, but this time I think it went too far with the amount of lucky sukebe in the prologue alone. And not light lucky sukebe either, full naked peeking and "accidental" touching are there as well. Given the setting it was to be expected and since the game actually pretty much stops that trend once entering the common route proper, I wager it was included to satisfy the vocal fans that demand such scenes in a women's dorm setting. Nevertheless, it's clumsy and the protagonist despite claiming to not be at fault is 100% at fault. You don't just enter the women's bathroom the first day you arrive!

Speaking of the protagonist, the usual noisy troublemaker from SMEE got a grade up and doesn't seem to take ANYTHING seriously. So much stupidity and 'teasing' that would have him get ignored so quickly, and yet all his antics are forgiven because he's the protagonist... Usually SMEE protagonist compensate their annoying traits with some serious moments of courage, reflection and hesitation. Alas there's little to none of it here, at the very least in Mao's route. There not even a tear jerking confession! Maybe in the other routes.

As far as jokes as concerned, there's a lot of noisy screaming and overreaction and yet, not too many funny situations. SMEE games have never had a highbrow humor but I feel like the team tried to up their game too much from their previous works and failed in the process. There's the usual shimoneta in large quantities but that was never SMEE's strongest point. The game can be funny but I think that's the first time the common route felt so long and boring, but maybe that was because:

The decision to have the heroine selection right at the starts and then intersperse the first half of her route with the common route was a failure in my opinion, for one simple reason: one minute Mao will be over our protagonist, defending him, and the next she'll call him names and ask him to go away as if... nothing happened between them. But then all of a sudden she can't help herself and confesses... what? The story progression felt clumsy, didn't really let me appreciate the two character getting closer since any progress is reset as soon as we're back in the common route. Having the heroine choice very early and then see the protagonist going around all the other heroines trying to win points with all of them anyway was a little frustrating. The game would have flowed much better if all the common route events were glued together, and the heroine episodes were left to the beginning of their own routes.

The gimmick this time around, the role selection, plays little role in the common route and none at all in the heroine one. Same goes with the room inspection. Gotta love how the tutorials always mention how these two have no effect on the ending, what were they scared of, players exploring their games and being disappointed? As it is : four heroine, four roles, so one role per route is enough. There's no reason not to click on everything in the rooms, we've come a long way from Kanojo*Step's hidden heroine and Fureraba dialogue trees.

Heroine-wise, there's not much that isn't revealed right from the first few hours of the game, and not much development in (Mao's) route as well. For a bunch of lonely girls without friends and much contact with men, they adapt far too quickly to the protagonist and his antics. I understand the desire to keep things light but let's try to at least maintain a modicum of suspension of disbelief. Given what he did, the normal reaction would have been to throw him out of the dorm the day he arrived, at the LEAST.

So much negativity, I know, I know, but it's a real step back for SMEE, after the refreshing young adult setting of Making Lovers and the otherwise slow, steady developing relationships that we've had since Lover Able. Not much to say about the art, it's okay but some poses/faces are way off. Music is okay.
I will probably play the other heroine routes eventually but not in the near future.
Come to think of it I haven't finished SMEE games fully since PurexConnect...the shimoneta gets to the point that they are no longer funny...

I had better wrap up what I've left before I start this one...
I only payed far into the common route also with Mao's route as goal. And while I quite liked Mao (already from the beginning), I agree with kzel. The coherency between individual character chapters and common route chapters is totally ignored and even sometimes between the common route chapters as well. I didn't mind the general theme of getting accustomed of each other, but jeeze, resetting the whole interaction between Mao and the MC shortly after was even for my low standards quite annoying. Not too much a fan of those early tensed atmosphere. Fortuately it's not as faceplaming depressing as 金色ラブリッチェ's common route.
YUK0002 : ねえねおにい凄くない?日本だよ日本!私たち、ほんとに日本に帰ってきたんだよ! 
Hey brother, isn't it great? It's Japan, Japan! We really came back to Japan!
YUK0009 : ???? sounds like just screaming random sounds to me

She's on the high pitch range of voices but I've heard worse.

Finished Kohane's route in love clear, Giga's latest offering. Ending excepted, it was actually pretty decent, with cute characters with relatable troubles. The protagonist is a little slow on the uptake and on the action but what you can do, at least he has common sense unlike someone else in recent memory.
Some random, unfinished impressions:

Sugary Style: I finished Ichika's route. Outside of what I already said, the route was fine. It's Smee so I don't need some extra (artificial) hardship. However, while the MC commented how he seems to be someone who decides his (professional) future on the partner/loved one, they could have spent some more time on his motivation to pursue the bakery path outside of the afore-mentioned. And Smee, please add a scene skip or scenario jump/selection feature. Skimming through the whole common route for the individual segments becomes quite tedious after a while.

Love Clear: I like the general theme and idea of "Nomika" and though it was a shame that it was only used quite sporadically. A few nice bgm tracks and the heroines are funny on their own. I really love the the short 恋心モノローグ of each heroine. It's corny, but I think the PoV change is greatly utilized to see the heroine slowly becoming aware and falling for the MC.
The meh aspects: I don't like academically useless MCs. The poison-tongued classmate is so-so as well, but I guess they tried to wash over it with her HUGE cat lover trait.

Sorceress Alive: Only skimmed through the true route: Good OST, likable cast and apparently competent MC. The plot element of the "Alive" route/chapter feels hard on the border of suspension of disbelief. The true end's outcome was personally not my cup of tea. It's nothing too uncommon in a broad sense I guess.

The whole deal about Yuumi/Miyuki being the ultimate big bad evil feels a bit over the top. Combined with the time travel bit and the reoccuring loops in some kind of "mind world" was quite weird. I don't know if that revelation turns the whole "Sorceress" story with the first batch of endings void. Miyuki disappearing at the end is as mentioned nothing too uncommon with these kind of setting, but eh... not my cup of tea. I guess the girl in the epilogue is her reincarnation, so she may find happiness with the MC-lookalike? young boy. Can't really put it in words.
I've spent a couple evening on さくら、もゆ。 -as the Night's, Reincarnation-, the newest Favorite, but after going up to the first choice I'm unsure if I want to continue.

I don't hate it, but there are several points that make the reading a little uncomfortable, first of all the writing style that tries to emulate fairytale/picture books. The abundance of repeated adjectives and sentences quickly eroded the sympathy I had for adhering to this writing style and the more I continue the more it just feels like useless padding for a game that is already extremely dense on info dumps. Perhaps too dense, the "dream world" is very detailed in its functions and inhabitants but to be honest, I'm never that interested in fantasy worlds themselves, but more in what the characters make of them, and contradictions are not very difficult to find at this early stage.

About the characters, they are also a little difficult to appreciate for me, starting with the protagonist. I'm not a fan of the stream of comedians we've had lately but this one can be seriously depressing, what with his desire to be a hero and yet failing at it at almost every opportunity, and his obvious deathwish combined with the typical "better for them to hate me" style of thought. Despite that, the surrounding cast and especially the "mom" (because sister isn't fitting at all for her position) spoil him so much, it's very unsettling. I'm sure there a lot of past between the characters, but with the amount of information I currently have available the protagonist felt more like a brat that could use a good scolding to be put back in his place and given direction, rather than being handed down magic powers and sent to save the world/the girls hearts. The story is built with an enormous dissonance between player and protagonist knowledge, since our boy knows exactly what happened while we as players are left guessing, and I'm sure there are some big reveals along the way but that doesn't change the way I feel now which is what matters in my motivation to continue or not.

As far as heroines go, the general impression I have is... childish. It fits the magical girl theme, although they are supposed to be ten years older, but in their behavior and speech pattern, their really don't give the impression to have grown up at all. I don't mind childish heroines, but only if there is an older or more mature counterpart as the protagonist, which isn't really something the game seems to be aiming at. Kuro is clearly the center heroine from the various flashbacks and interactions, and she is the most interesting of the bunch so far, but route lock and all... Players of previous Favorite titles (this is my first one) may be able to enlighten me here, but I feel that ecchi scenes in this game will feel about as odd and out-of-place as ecchi scenes in Key games, if not more.

And yet, the first real happening of the game throws us up against the nightmare of a young girl who was abandoned by both her parents in succession and is contemplating suicide, but can't gather the courage to do it due to a questionable upbringing. I'm sure the game will have its fair share of cruel fates and other sad happenings to compensate for its other childish aspects, and the contrast is probably something that was aimed at, so I haven't completely written the game off yet. The mood and especially the music are top class, but I'm not too big a fan of the painting like background and the strange poses of some the character sprites (also, boy with flower hairpin, can't unsee).
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I'm still studying Japanese but your reviews are very fun to read kzel, they give me some insight as to what I will be trying in the future.
Thanks for posting them here.
I'm still studying Japanese but your reviews are very fun to read kzel, they give me some insight as to what I will be trying in the future.
Thanks for posting them here.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm amazed my rants "reviews" could motivate you to pick up any game I've covered since I tend to always focus on the bad points. You could say anything I don't mention was relatively okay though! I wish I had some more to write about, alas I'm not much in a VN mood lately, in no small parts thanks to the avalanche of Valentine events in mobile games sucking up all my time. Speaking of which, here are a few comments on some with a more pronounced VN component :

ぼくらの放課後戦争!-AFTER SCHOOL WARS- : A light school-life with excellent art by a variety of artists and a good CV cast. The battle system is unfortunately entirely forgettable, just put it on auto and forget it even exists. The main/event story are for the most part very readable, sometimes funny. Each heroine actually has their own 12 chapters mini-route which is something extremely rare in the world of mobile games, they usually go straight to the sex scenes after a short introduction. I've grown more attached to these characters than any of the 200+ I have in other games. Unlocking characters doesn't take too much effort thanks to the daily free gacha, and the rare (or pricey) SSR cards only add some extra scenario/H so they're really not worth the money. In fact, considering you can buy a full game with 40+ CGs for the price of one character or two (usually 1-2CGs and 10min of text), I would say none of these games are worth spending any money into. I know I haven't.

あいりすミスティリア!R ~少女のつむぐ夢の秘跡~ : August collaborating with a mobile game, and after a rather long hiatus the game seems to be going pretty strong. The main story is the main appeal, with some good moments (especially the latest chapter) helped by some quality artwork, good sprite/background usage, very good music and a familiar CV cast. Unlocking all characters is very easy to do just by following the main story, each of them has their own mini-story (alas pretty short and skipping any romance transition) and two H scenes. Higher rarity cards unlock some more powerful variants and some mini-scenarios for each of the characters but they're not necessary to complete the main quest. I like how generous the game is with f2p players, with guaranteed SSRs gachas usually exclusive to paying players in other games. Just don't let that lull you into spending money though. The battle system is fairly simple and yet offers a lot of options in what you bring to the fights.

凍京NECRO<トウキョウ・ネクロ> SUICIDE MISSION : Despite having Shimokura Vio at the wheel, the original Nitroplus Tokyo Necro scenario writer, the main story is very lackluster and completely lost the appeal of the original, lacking either its cool animated action parts and its darker reflections on zombification. I also disliked the protagonist's strong presence in the story, considering he's a joke and about the weakest character you can get, not to mention his female magnet enhanced ex-brain of whatever. The battle system is fairly limited, it adds positioning but severely lacks variety of actions : attack, wait, one skill with cooldown, that's it. And yet, the auto AI is too stupid to make even a decent use of it. Since the difficulty is cranked way up in raid battle, it's not unusual to just get one-shot. I stopped playing at the first raid event, the management is way too eager to get players to spend money with an abundance of new 特攻 characters for each event (characters whose effectiveness is multiplied for that event), even for multiplayer competitive ones. 特攻 characters is nothing new in the the world of mobile games, but usually they'll go up to x2~300%, meaning you can cover the lack of one by just doing more runs. Here, it goes up to 1400%...
I'm amazed my rants "reviews" could motivate you to pick up any game I've covered since I tend to always focus on the bad points.

As weird as it sounds, If I see a VN I'm interested in I generally prefer to read negative reviews about it so I can know the bad points of it beforehand. Of course if it's overly negative it can result in me being uninterested but I feel like you do a good job of objectively addressing their flaws.

That said, I'm currently trying to read 戦女神ZERO and while I still can't understand most it because of the excessive terminology (it also doesn't help that only the female characters are voiced), the gameplay is pretty fun so far and I love the skill system, as well as a small unique mechanic of each character being able to equip up to three weapons.
Probably not a good idea to play a fantasy title as one of my first VNs so I think I'll just mostly focus on completing the game and come back to it later to replay/reread it.
I also very much focus on moderate to negative reviews when I look up a game, and tend to avoid those that are too lavishly praising the game. Like you I like to know about the bad points and avoid what I don't like, but mostly because I have too many times suffered from having too high expectations when starting a game. The disappointment alone can render what is actually an OK experience pretty terrible, and I prefer to be pleasantly surprised ("Oh it's not as bad as I thought") that the contrary. It's probably why I tend to go towards low-price and less popular games lately.

Doesn't Shin Megami Zero, as with most Eushully games, have a translation for at least the interface? If so I salute your courage in trying to read it in Japanese anyway as your first challenge. I wouldn't say it's a bad idea to start with fantasy, if that's a theme that really interests you. My first Japanese VN was about... rocket science. And it was not easy. Lots and lots of dictionary look-ups. But still, probably the best thing I could have started with considering I most likely wouldn't have put the effort to understand a game that was just standard school life. Once you have some basic Japanese knowledge then I think it's good to broaden your horizon and experiment with things you're not sure you'll like, as the amount of work that will be needed will be significantly lower. You may discover things you'd never have thought you'd enjoy (for me, sugary light-hearted moeges).

Enough of that, time for some comments:

Nothing much to add from my previous comments, and that's a shame. I was somewhat expecting her ability to resist the MC's shimoneta and strike back to make a bit like Kuon from Kanojo * Step, but alas, she isn't nearly as resistant as her age and posture would suggest. While Kaname is cute, her story is shallow and easy to predict from her first episodes alone, and her character displays little growth. I will say that skipping all the common route and just focusing on the heroine episode made for a much better experience than my first time through the game with Mao. The ending left me a bit unsatisfied though :
The protagonist promised her dad he would find work as soon as he graduated the school, and that was the condition for allowing the dating, but not only does he not find work in the few years after graduating, but where he eventually ends up is... as a teacher is the very school the dad's the director of. That just feels so wrong.
I liked あきゆめくくる, Sumikko Soft's next game, some parts more than others but overall it was good. And so, I had their previous work in my list of things to try for a very long time, and finally decided to give it a shot. Overall, I was not disappointed, the story managed to draw me in as much as its successor did and I finished it in just a couple of days, spending (way too) many hours reading it pulled by the desire to know what's coming next. Unfortunately as with あきゆめくくる the conclusion didn't really live up to the setup, ending up in an even more convoluted and fantastic way in a game that many praise as hard science fiction (it's not). Still, it was a fine mystery and the atmosphere was sometimes really intriguing.

Enough with the praise! As with あきゆめくくる, the humor is heavily focused on the shimoneta, sometimes obnoxiously so as it seems it's the only way the writer could find to lighten the mood after a tense scene. Speaking of tense scenes, some of them involve some rather crude depiction of joints being dislocated and borderline torture, don't be fooled by the loli on the cover, it can be quite brutal (in text only, thank god). To top it all, there are a few super-human fights in the game, but honestly I skipped all of them because I have zero interest in that sort of stuff. Reika's character in particular made me cringe everytime I saw her, because it meant either torture or fight, and I grew to really dislike her all the way to the very end, which makes her a good villain I guess. Thankfully these scenes are few and far between.

The heroines are pretty alright, if you like standard characters in loli bodies that is. To be clear, the game's romance aspect is relatively secondary to the story and in effect all but one heroine gets to have a proper future with the protagonist, all the other possibilities being erased for the sake of the plot. In that sense, it's actually good that the bond between protagonist and heroine feels shallow, especially in Himeka's case, as there's not too much regret when having to forcibly move on to the next in what is essentially a one way road. There are a few choices here and there but the route order is fixed and there is no deviation from it. Ecchi scene wise, it wasn't very good with many scenes featuring the protagonist being rather violent with his partner, or the reverse. I prefer more vanilla stuff, especially in the loli genre, that was not one of the game's strong points even for loli lovers. It's a shame as the MC is otherwise a rather decent fellow, but nothing a quick look away while holding CTRL can't fix.

Art is okay (if you like lolis), music ranges from good to disturbing but is generally unremarkable but not unpleasant. I'd recommend the game if looking for a decent suspense story with some science elements.
finally got time to finish one backlog
Deep One

Overall 4/10
even though they got plenty of characters, not much interact with them. even the dandy magician that shows up in the prologue never show up again till the end of the game.
despite it has so many text, they all plainly just narrating something that i had to skip because too long and too complicated and not too relevant. even if you didn't skip it, the game isn't actually a long run.
14gb is just too big for a short story like this. it's not even full voiced. all mob-chara is silent, even the hint animation also 'silent'
the battle animation that took many space in harddisk

Story 6/10
the prologue on the first day, which had kasumi fighting howard looks promising. but after that they just telling a random daily of the protagonist which is really not important and didn't even affect the story later on. the actual story starts after the first battle.
the plot is also dull... just a fighting between family that posses an ancient 'grimoire' and the branch family that wanted it.

Characters Development 5/10
The Protag is a completely moron and naive, i assume that the company wish to replicate Fate Series. but failed.
The Antag also quite detestable yet it's characteristic is somewhat lacking.
The Other Character as well.... despite of having quite a number of sub-character... their conversation or background is really dull. not much of telling yet they leave many mysteries.

H Scene 2/10
despite of having many lovely heroine or sub characters. it only got 2 scene in a long play. even though the number of female characters are quite a lot.

Plot 3/10
too many plothole and untold mysteries.

from what i think, either the company wanted to spin off, sequel nor prequel IF the game succeed... or they will release a DLC that contains ero-scene nor DLC to complete the story. otherwise, the game is totally another kusoge with just a good fighting animation scene.
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That kusoge costs 8800 yen... Is it really that playthrough only for 2 hours? Ahaha...
That kusoge costs 8800 yen... Is it really that playthrough only for 2 hours? Ahaha...

if you do much skip or you really fluent in japanese, YES.
the game it self doesnt tell much. the conversation also not that long nor much... so... 2-5 hours is decent. since it got no other route, you can say it's a 100% complete. unless you wanna see the bad endings. which if i recall had 12 bad endings.
Seeing that Evenicle 2 comes out tomorrow, I just read the short description on getchu. I know to not expect much of "plot" reasons (from Alicesoft) to have the MC fuck his way around, but jeeze I still had to "facepalm" or laugh at the sheer amount of creativity for their idea: "セックスで病気を治せるメディカ". A medic skill to to cure the "hero illness" by the power of sex.
Evenicle 2 : Yeah, at least the previous game (and Rance to some extent) were more plausible with their protagonist just wanting a harem for themselves.

Some details about ASa Project's next game: 恋愛、借りちゃいました. This time the story is about a sis-con brother trying to gather enough money to pay for the university fees of his sister and him. And so he accepts jobs that involve faking out relationships with various girls... To be honest, at first glance that sounds just plain awful. The only way fake relationships (already a stressful and tired trope) could be made worse is by involving money into the matter. In either case, zero comedy factor, which is kinda ASa Project's trademark. Let's hope it won't turn out as Sankaku Ren'ai did, but I am worried.

Also, more news from Azarashi Soft. No, it's not Amakano 3. It's four new low-price games, with temporary titles "neighbors", black and white", "younger girlfriend" and "friend -> lover". After Azarashi Zero's failure, it seems they don't have any intent to make full games anymore, which is a shame.
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What? Azarashi "Amakano" series was awesome, isn't it? And... Why Sanctuary from their sub-brand Zero (I don't know why they created that, maybe, because of "mystery and not moe"?) was a failure?

But I am sad to see low price games... well... ton of them. Well, it looks like 4 low-price games = 1 full game.

I see that it is a trend in eroge industry last years - making a some low-price games, and then stuck all-in-one and sell for full-price. It looks terrible for me, to be honest. Those who bought all 4 separate parts should also buy complete version with some bonuses like after stories etc... Business is a business, huh?
Moonstone also goes in same way and created sub-brand Argonauts, and now I don't see any... any news from original Moonstone already... almost year soon? Terrible. Just terrible.

About ASa project new game... Well, faking relations for money... it's theme for dark VNs?.. Not? It is really difficult situation, usually in "moe" games... I don't know writers can do that. Well, I remember such things like "escort" when I see such plot... Brrrrgh... Eww... That is really shows low quality of life. Oh my gosh... ASa Project tries to bring seriousness in their games?
Yami no Sanctuary : Azarashi tried the mystery/battle/suspense genre and until about halfway through they did alright, but the later portions of the game are extremely rushed and cliched, which shows the wrong approach to creating these kind of games. Sanctuary's later half is just random battles out of nowhere and sudden plot resolutions, which clearly shows lack of proper planning. To make a decent mystery you need to have a coherent plot outline first, and then build up upon that, not add elements one after another and hope it turns out good.

Low-Price games : I don't mind them so much, for one they're easier to pick up because they don't require nearly as much a time investment as a full price game. Also, it's becoming increasingly rare for me to finish a full-length game completely, I'll usually stop after one or two routes. But still, I don't buy into the "4 low-price games = 1 full price" equation. Low-price games tend to be shorter than an actual route, and tend do not have any form of common route either. Only one heroine also means that there will mostly be interactions between the protagonist and the heroine, and few and very occasional side-characters. Plots tend to be simpler and more focused, which can be good (in case of themes already seen a thousand times) but does severely limit the scope of the story. They make much lower risk and effort products, both from a production and consumption perspective, but they're destined to be quickly forgotten. I think there's room for both styles of games, but it is a little sad to see some of my favorite developers go this "easy" route, especially Azarashi Soft with its current mass production trend (7 games planned this year...).

恋愛、借りちゃいました : It does sound like escort, doesn't it? Reading the heroine profiles, it's unlikely to be dark and serious like that, as the relationships that are "bought" range from lover, to just friend or even big brother. Still, doesn't make it any funnier. It's the same main scenario writer as Karugurashi Ren'ai which was excellent (Ayaka excepted), so we'll see.

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