Visual Novel Cafe

I skipped through Ugui's after story: What.The.Heck did I read? It's a ... unique? way for a what can be considered good ending, I guess. The mystery concept was used here, but honestly I thought the way it turned out was bad. Sorry, I'm at lost for words. The first part was fine after event X happened, but afterwards, OUCH.
Monobeno : I tried playing it after quite enjoying Lose's Maitetsu, but I never really got into it. I can't really remember why.

I really liked the route... during the first act. Rain is adorable and it was very nice to see the protagonist make real efforts to both get closer to her, but more importantly help her. I did feel the route drag on at some points but overall I'm very satisfied with this first part. I'll admit that Rain's godly abilities and that last bit of infiltration was a bit too much for me, especially coming from tonework's that has so far specialized in some of the more realistic settings in the industry. This contrasts quite a lot with Seira's route, that retains this realistic style to its end. Still, these action parts remain rather short compared to the actual romance buildup, so as a quick change of mood it worked quite well. I'm surprised Mahou mentioned the lack of interactions of other characters in this route, they do show up a LOT more than in Seira's at least, at least the two friends stay until the very end. Given my current opinion on Touka and Uguisu the less they show up the better so all is good? I would have liked the story to continue a little more after the confession rather than jump 10 years in the future, and that's because...

The after story is a lot more questionable. First, while she retains some of her personality Rain changes quite a lot in her adult form, and in so doing loses a lot of her charm in my opinion. Second, we have tonework's usual habit of trying to make the protagonist into some sort of super celebrity/talent at all costs to match or surpass the heroine, and I felt it was quite forced this time around. Finally, the story took a very hard turn towards the paranormal by the end and drags on and on on it. Contrary to the school act, this was honestly far too long and doesn't fit tonework's at all. I get the message, but by the time the tear jerking scene came up I was more bored than anything. Or should I say relieved after that rollback turned out to be a lie? It's a nice resolution, but did we really need all that techobabble and mysteries? I'm tempted to say no, and it would have made for a better story with much less of it.

Finally, no cosplay ecchi with the chuuni character, what a crime! Not even a wedding dress one. Scenes get shorter and shorter as the game progresses, rather disappointing in that department especially after the quality of the first two.
Monobeno : I tried playing it after quite enjoying Lose's Maitetsu, but I never really got into it. I can't really remember why.[/SPOILER]

does maitetsu looks a lot like monobeno? for me monobeno's problem lies with the romance, characters, and those hard to understand dialect, wonder if even japanese these days knows how those dialects.
Here's a review of Newton to Ringo no Ki. A little old but didn't have a chance to write until now. At first I had been pretty skeptical but then figured I'd get the scientific settings a try.

We already knew from promotional media that this is about Isaac Newton. Shuuji traveled to England with his childhood friend Yotsuko to find his missing grandfather, who was a famous scientist. Then all by accident, they activated a time machine while searching his study in Tenbridge University, were sent back to the past and destroyed the very apple tree that Newton got the inspiration for his law of gravitation from. An immediate screwup like this sounds like something from a comedy instead of a plot-driven story, but OK, that's trivial and I have no problem with it.

The beginning didn't leave me with a very good first impression. As soon as the game starts, we immediately see smoke and fire. This is a very important scene as it's the reason of this whole story. But instead of addressing the gravity (no pun intended) of the situation, they chose to focus on the accidental breast-groping instead. I don't find scenes like this to be so funny. It totally flops in fact. The only point of this scene is to get Alice's hostility toward Shuuji and establish her character as a tsundere, but the timing is poor. A story's first impression is very important. The readers can guess what they'll have to go through from the first scene. I almost dropped the game altogether when I thought I had to bear this for the rest of the game.

The protagonist Shuuji used to be interested in science, but gave it up and went to pursue a music career instead. But there's still an internal conflict within him and he eventually questions himself whether he wants to abandon science. I don't know why the writer ever gave him this background story, because this is never expanded upon extensively. He is also the most boring protagonist I've ever read. He's dense and incapable, not contributing much to the story if at all and sinking into obscurity. The ones that take decisive actions are almost always other characters. He shows growth and development over time but that's simply not enough to redeem his incompetence. Overall he does nothing except provide narration and PoV.

This game has a ladder branching system. Instead of all routes branching off at the end of the common, they branch off at different points, like Aiyoku no Eustia. The first heroine is Yotsuko, your childhood friend who has been with you from the start. She's a very smart scientist who doesn't show much emotions and has a weird habit; she can't resist measuring everything she sees. This is just a meaningless character gimmick though. Romance pacing is horrible. The ero scene comes so sudden you don't have time to react to it.
For me this character is a mistake. Shuuji and Yotsuko are always together and between these two she's always the smarter and the more active one. This reduces Shuuji to a mere background character. I think it'd be better to give her role to Shuuji instead.

Next girl is Lavi, a mad French scientist who does not care about morals when doing research. Always curious and always thinking outside the box, she is a very fast learner and is capable of understanding modern inventions very quickly. Her intuitive thinking often clashes with Yotsuko's methodical approach. Lavi's route is the single most important plot point to the historical conflict between Newton and Hooke. You are required to finished her route before playing Haru's, Emmy's or Alice's.
Lavi is objectively the best character in the game. She's the only character with significant development. She's interesting, unpredictable, and always in the center of plot progression. As a heroine, she's pervert and crazy. Don't expect normal vanilla moments here, just madness from the extreme end of the spectrum.

Next is Haru, a kind Japanese girl who came to Tenbridge to study astronomy. She's very excited to see Shuuji and Yotsuko because she's very curious about the state of Japan at the time (Japan was isolating themselves from the world at the time.) Of course, they couldn't reveal the fact that they came from the future.
In contrast to Lavi, Haru is the character with least development. She remains insignificant through most of the game except the moment when her role really matters to the plot. In fact this is true for most characters in the game, but especially true with Haru. Her route can be quite boring, but it's the safest route in the game, just a happy love story between a boy and a girl. Romance pacing is horrible though, similar to Yotsuko's route. If you like vanilla this is still not bad. Other than that, there's not much to say.

Next is Emmy, a kind and hardworking maid who loves potatoes very much. She cooks potatoes for every meal and cannot live without potatoes. Her reactions when she suffers mental shocks are hilarious. Putting the meaningless gimmick about potatoes aside I actually like this character. However, a great deal of her character already overlaps with Haru. I don't think it's a good idea to have two heroines of the same type at the same time.
Emmy's route is about her past and her relation with Newton. There are a few revelations that caught me off guard. This route can actually be interesting were it not for the fact that it's already way past the high point of the story. For me, that is the Newton-Hooke feud after Lavi's route. There's not much uncertainty toward the main issue about Newton's publication anymore. At this point it's very much a drama that is thrown in so that Emmy can have her own route. And have I said romance pacing is horrible yet?

Last route is Alice, a twintail loli tsundere. She is actually the one who will write the Principia. She's going under the name Isaac Newton because of gender prejudice at the time. A typical tsundere here. If you like the trait you'll probably like her. She's one of the better developed characters, maybe because she's the titular character who has the main plot centered around her.
Alice's route is purely about romance and sorting out personal feelings. All the romance up until this route feels like filler contents to provide ero scenes for other heroines, but her route is somewhat special. Romance pacing is not horrible anymore, and it is a very touching one. Nevertheless, Newton to Ringo no Ki's main focus has always been the Principia. As I stated before that problem is already 99% resolved; it's already way past the high point. This route doesn't build up to anything anymore. There's no excitement anymore toward the end.

Anyway, despite all the flaws, the ending is impressive and wraps everything up pretty nicely. But wait, there's still more. After everything's seemingly over, there's a new option that leads to Alice's after story. Those who don't like the bittersweet ending will finally be content to see Alice get the happiness she deserved. Now don't get me wrong. I'm also a happy ending person. But abruptly inserting a deus ex machina to please the audience like this, what's the point of all the drama in Alice's route after all?

I think this game is stuck between being being a moege and being a plotge. On the surface, these girls are definitely cute, but apart from using them to provide moe vibe, the writers utterly failed to develop them properly. They severely lack depth. Some only exist for certain plot points, before and after which they're totally useless. Romance buildup is almost nonexistent. Some girls that have been acting normal toward you just throw themselves at you when it's time for ero scenes, like some nukige.
About the story, it's probably this game's only saving grace. Even though it suffers from character development, the main plot is quite interesting and it has ways to engage the readers with suspense and emotions. If there are some faults though, it's the drop of intensity after Lavi's route, and the real after story ending that kills all emotional impact.
Overall, this game's story will keep you occupied while it lasts. But absolutely don't play this game for the heroines.
Here's a review of Newton to Ringo no Ki. A little old but didn't have a chance to write until now. At first I had been pretty skeptical but then figured I'd get the scientific settings a try.

We already knew from promotional media that this is about Isaac Newton. Shuuji traveled to England with his childhood friend Yotsuko to find his missing grandfather, who was a famous scientist. Then all by accident, they activated a time machine while searching his study in Tenbridge University, were sent back to the past and destroyed the very apple tree that Newton got the inspiration for his law of gravitation from. An immediate screwup like this sounds like something from a comedy instead of a plot-driven story, but OK, that's trivial and I have no problem with it.

The beginning didn't leave me with a very good first impression. As soon as the game starts, we immediately see smoke and fire. This is a very important scene as it's the reason of this whole story. But instead of addressing the gravity (no pun intended) of the situation, they chose to focus on the accidental breast-groping instead. I don't find scenes like this to be so funny. It totally flops in fact. The only point of this scene is to get Alice's hostility toward Shuuji and establish her character as a tsundere, but the timing is poor. A story's first impression is very important. The readers can guess what they'll have to go through from the first scene. I almost dropped the game altogether when I thought I had to bear this for the rest of the game.

The protagonist Shuuji used to be interested in science, but gave it up and went to pursue a music career instead. But there's still an internal conflict within him and he eventually questions himself whether he wants to abandon science. I don't know why the writer ever gave him this background story, because this is never expanded upon extensively. He is also the most boring protagonist I've ever read. He's dense and incapable, not contributing much to the story if at all and sinking into obscurity. The ones that take decisive actions are almost always other characters. He shows growth and development over time but that's simply not enough to redeem his incompetence. Overall he does nothing except provide narration and PoV.

This game has a ladder branching system. Instead of all routes branching off at the end of the common, they branch off at different points, like Aiyoku no Eustia. The first heroine is Yotsuko, your childhood friend who has been with you from the start. She's a very smart scientist who doesn't show much emotions and has a weird habit; she can't resist measuring everything she sees. This is just a meaningless character gimmick though. Romance pacing is horrible. The ero scene comes so sudden you don't have time to react to it.
For me this character is a mistake. Shuuji and Yotsuko are always together and between these two she's always the smarter and the more active one. This reduces Shuuji to a mere background character. I think it'd be better to give her role to Shuuji instead.

Next girl is Lavi, a mad French scientist who does not care about morals when doing research. Always curious and always thinking outside the box, she is a very fast learner and is capable of understanding modern inventions very quickly. Her intuitive thinking often clashes with Yotsuko's methodical approach. Lavi's route is the single most important plot point to the historical conflict between Newton and Hooke. You are required to finished her route before playing Haru's, Emmy's or Alice's.
Lavi is objectively the best character in the game. She's the only character with significant development. She's interesting, unpredictable, and always in the center of plot progression. As a heroine, she's pervert and crazy. Don't expect normal vanilla moments here, just madness from the extreme end of the spectrum.

Next is Haru, a kind Japanese girl who came to Tenbridge to study astronomy. She's very excited to see Shuuji and Yotsuko because she's very curious about the state of Japan at the time (Japan was isolating themselves from the world at the time.) Of course, they couldn't reveal the fact that they came from the future.
In contrast to Lavi, Haru is the character with least development. She remains insignificant through most of the game except the moment when her role really matters to the plot. In fact this is true for most characters in the game, but especially true with Haru. Her route can be quite boring, but it's the safest route in the game, just a happy love story between a boy and a girl. Romance pacing is horrible though, similar to Yotsuko's route. If you like vanilla this is still not bad. Other than that, there's not much to say.

Next is Emmy, a kind and hardworking maid who loves potatoes very much. She cooks potatoes for every meal and cannot live without potatoes. Her reactions when she suffers mental shocks are hilarious. Putting the meaningless gimmick about potatoes aside I actually like this character. However, a great deal of her character already overlaps with Haru. I don't think it's a good idea to have two heroines of the same type at the same time.
Emmy's route is about her past and her relation with Newton. There are a few revelations that caught me off guard. This route can actually be interesting were it not for the fact that it's already way past the high point of the story. For me, that is the Newton-Hooke feud after Lavi's route. There's not much uncertainty toward the main issue about Newton's publication anymore. At this point it's very much a drama that is thrown in so that Emmy can have her own route. And have I said romance pacing is horrible yet?

Last route is Alice, a twintail loli tsundere. She is actually the one who will write the Principia. She's going under the name Isaac Newton because of gender prejudice at the time. A typical tsundere here. If you like the trait you'll probably like her. She's one of the better developed characters, maybe because she's the titular character who has the main plot centered around her.
Alice's route is purely about romance and sorting out personal feelings. All the romance up until this route feels like filler contents to provide ero scenes for other heroines, but her route is somewhat special. Romance pacing is not horrible anymore, and it is a very touching one. Nevertheless, Newton to Ringo no Ki's main focus has always been the Principia. As I stated before that problem is already 99% resolved; it's already way past the high point. This route doesn't build up to anything anymore. There's no excitement anymore toward the end.

Anyway, despite all the flaws, the ending is impressive and wraps everything up pretty nicely. But wait, there's still more. After everything's seemingly over, there's a new option that leads to Alice's after story. Those who don't like the bittersweet ending will finally be content to see Alice get the happiness she deserved. Now don't get me wrong. I'm also a happy ending person. But abruptly inserting a deus ex machina to please the audience like this, what's the point of all the drama in Alice's route after all?

I think this game is stuck between being being a moege and being a plotge. On the surface, these girls are definitely cute, but apart from using them to provide moe vibe, the writers utterly failed to develop them properly. They severely lack depth. Some only exist for certain plot points, before and after which they're totally useless. Romance buildup is almost nonexistent. Some girls that have been acting normal toward you just throw themselves at you when it's time for ero scenes, like some nukige.
About the story, it's probably this game's only saving grace. Even though it suffers from character development, the main plot is quite interesting and it has ways to engage the readers with suspense and emotions. If there are some faults though, it's the drop of intensity after Lavi's route, and the real after story ending that kills all emotional impact.
Overall, this game's story will keep you occupied while it lasts. But absolutely don't play this game for the heroines.

hey its been a while. I also once played it but dropped it due to time machine setting. I really didn't like time travel setting and the story didnt really helped with lack of character development
Here's what I wrote about まいてつ when I played it a few years back. Beware moderate spoilers about the story. I don't remember exactly how similar to ものべの it was (apart from the loli angle), here's what little I had to say about ものべの if you're interested.

thanks that explains a lot. it seems lose games is all about pretty places and lolis huh? wonder what happened to lose. also the engine on monobeno is also the one used by yuzusoft in senrenbanka right? i really liked that engine. feels refined
Thanks for the Newton to Ringo no Ki review, I had the game on my radar (and hard drive) at some point but never got around to play it. Any plans to play the studio's sequel Mirai Radio?

I haven't played enough Monobeno to really remember anything about its engine, and it's been so long since Senrenbanka I don't remember much about its engine particular either. I don't think it had fully animated sprites like Maitetsu (kinda like the later xCation emote). Lose seems to have a Maitetsu fandisk in the works but that's about it.

Nukiges...some things are best enjoyed out of or without context...
Any nukige bothered you with useless plot and/or context lately?

I've gone about as far as I think I'll go with Tsuki no Kanata de Aimashou, wrapping up the three sub heroine routes. I still haven't touched Touka and Uguisu's routes, but after reading more of the game I think this game will probably share the same fate as every other tonework's game so far : quit before finishing, with a vague hope to go back at some point. The mystery/SF is pretty much completely explained in Rain's route, and what's left is the character's particular drama, which have already been hinted at elsewhere (Touka's sudden disappearance, Uguisu's departure for Germany). Anyway, before the route comments themselves, I find it ironic to make the main protagonist so involved in the writing industry, especially in the after stories. Ironic, because the various traps and pitfalls the writers have the protagonist trip over... this game does as well. Maybe each member of the writing staff should have gathered their advice on written works and share it with the other writers, and maybe it would have been less obvious. The main one that really stuck in my mind is "know who you're writing for", one of the most basic rules of any writing, and yet this latest game seems to have ignored it, with such a departure from tonework's previous style. Maybe the last game didn't sell well enough and they're chasing a new audience?

Without further ado, Kanna route. As a sub heroine she gets quite a lengthy route, perhaps double the length of the other sub heroines and about double the CGs. It's an okay route, it starts very nice but then it becomes clear where the drama will come up, and when it comes that drama (and resulting separation) lasts for pretty much the rest of the route. The make up (sex) only happens near the end, then credits, and epilogue. Hmmm, tonework's doing a drama heavy story, up to confession, then straight to bed, without much expanding on the aftermath. That's so unlike what the studio has done so far... I was surprised at the sudden sex after confession in both Rain and Seira's route, but at least that wasn't the end of the routes. Anyway, the drama is fairly predictable but probably my least favorite type, as it really is mostly the protagonist being the vector of things going bad. Not only that, but we get to hear endlessly how he regrets his mistakes, before he FINALLY mans up, but by that point we're in the last stretch of the route.

Kiriko was a fairly standard older heroine romance. I swear I've read the very exact same plot before but it's fine, it doesn't last too long, and it was actually refreshing after Kanna's drama. Kirari's route was probably the one with the least effort put into it. Gone are the realistic feelings of the usual tonework's route. Genius writer can make a best seller in a day, genius editor can edit it despite his hierarchy being against it (this is Japan we're talking about...), super bitch girl is completely overwhelmed by the virgin's sexual technique. Sure, it's nothing new. But this is the last thing I'd expect to read in a toneworks game.

I also played and finished 家神女房~恋する因幡は金髪うさぎ~. Nothing much to write about, it's a pretty typical love story with very light accent on drama, and a conclusion that can be seen coming a mile away. Still, the gyaru heroine was pretty fun to follow around, but both the romance and the ero development come far too fast to get involved in either, so eh.

After reading so many recommendation about it, I've procured a copy of LOVESICK PUPPIES that I'll probably be starting tomorrow. I hope it'll meet my expectations, although the "living together" and "few choices" tags on vndb are already somewhat worrying.
Nukiges...some things are best enjoyed out of or without context...

nukige as the name suggest is just something to help one's fap (an okazu) so it dont need to have a deep story just a nice obscene h scenes so it wouldn't be wise to expect an award winning story out of a nukige.... though however theres always an exception to everything, i've played BLADE X BULLET, and while its so littered with h that i'd consider it a nukige it have a deep and very nice story coupled with nice op and ed song so if you're looking for a story nukige my suggestion is find one with large file size as it usually implies its length and therefore story
@Tsuki no Kanata de Aimashou
The "after only" heroines do have rather shallow stories, mostly because they don't get much screen time. Even the "full-length heroines" have conflicts which seem rather forced and a bit cheap, though. All of the routes are bittersweet with emphasis on bitter for the full length heroines (except Seira's. Her route is a standard tone work's fare) and sweet for the "after only" heroines.

I feel the freedom given to the writers was rather half-arsed. Good story variations weighed down by predetermined development. They went as far as introducing non-virgin heroines and borderline stuff but stopped short of making it truly special.

The time slip wasn't cleverly implemented and only seemed to introduce plot holes. The conversations between the past and future protag were cringeworthy.

Still, it's a monumental improvement from the utterly boring Gin-iro Haruka. The focus on a single girl was great. Having two male best friends again was great. Making the protag an expert on sex right away was not realistic but it made for great h-scenes.

7.5/10 overall.

And while I'm at that:
Hatsukoi - 9.5 (one too many childhood friends, otherwise it's perfect)
Hoshi Ori - 7 (has the best "after" parts, but the writing at times is sloppy)
Ginharu - 4 (has the best songs, but only one good route)
Last edited:
Any nukige bothered you with useless plot and/or context lately?

Nothing much, really...

So I (finally) get to play へんし~ん!!! ~パンツになってクンクンペロペロ~ and there was one thing that rubbed me the wrong way.

Getting to fuck the future counterpart of your girlfriend, all grown up, in both body and mind.

that sucked.

So just a little detail that had a little too much personal ramification...
Lose is still around?
Are they not? They still have an official website, regularly updated, with products lined up.

The "after only" heroines do have rather shallow stories, mostly because they don't get much screen time. Even the "full-length heroines" have conflicts which seem rather forced and a bit cheap, though. All of the routes are bittersweet with emphasis on bitter for the full length heroines (except Seira's. Her route is a standard tone work's fare) and sweet for the "after only" heroines.
I wouldn't really call Kanna's route sweet though... A good half if not more is spent on the bitter part. Anyway, that just confirms my suspicions about Touka and Uguisu's route, and I'm not ready in the mood for more bitterness right now. Maybe down the road.

The time slip wasn't cleverly implemented and only seemed to introduce plot holes. The conversations between the past and future protag were cringeworthy.
About the time leap, isn't the system (forgot the name) only supposed to work during a super moon? At least that's what I've got from Rain's route ending. I've only experienced the protagonist's conversations with the past through the after story's common route, but it seemed he could just keep talking to his past self as much as he wanted throughout multiple days...
Still, it's a monumental improvement from the utterly boring Gin-iro Haruka. The focus on a single girl was great. Having two male best friends again was great. Making the protag an expert on sex right away was not realistic but it made for great h-scenes.

7.5/10 overall.

And while I'm at that:
Hatsukoi - 9.5 (one too many childhood friends, otherwise it's perfect)
Hoshi Ori - 7 (has the best "after" parts, but the writing at times is sloppy)
Ginharu - 4 (has the best songs, but only one good route)
Well, I tend to prefer the sweet (some might say boring?) range of things rather that the bitterness, so my opinion of tonework's games is somewhat in reverse. Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai is most certainly my favorite of the lot, even though the writing can indeed be sloppy. I liked Gin'Iro Haruka, at least all the routes I've played, in order Yuzuki, Mizuha and Hinata. I'm not sure what route you consider to be the only good one. It did overall feel a step back from Hoshi Ori, more polished but lacking some critical elements like friends and a more defined protagonist character. I hated Hatsukoi 1/1, and didn't even complete one route. I went as far as the "first" confession of Runa, and then quit the game after the protagonist's utterly dumb and inexcusable reaction. I can't enjoy a romance VN if I don't feel the protagonist even slightly deserves to be happy, and that was irredeemable.

So I (finally) get to play へんし~ん!!! ~パンツになってクンクンペロペロ~ and there was one thing that rubbed me the wrong way.
So kinda like self NTR? That can be quite the bad surprise if not expected.

I've played quite a lot of LOVESICK PUPPIES -僕らは恋するために生まれてきた- the last few days. The game started really, really strong, so much that I took liberties with my sleeping schedule (shouldn't have...) to keep going further. Unfortunately, that quality didn't really transfer over once past the common route and into the heroine I played, Orie, even though she seems to be the main heroine. Suddenly, chapters that used to last 2 to 3 hours each now take barely half an hour to complete, much of the plot resolution is sped through in brief NVL sections, days fly by at high speed, and while there are hints to plenty of icha-icha moments none of them were detailed enough to really satisfy me. It's like the writer got bored with this route after the confession and just wanted to end it up quickly, providing minor context to the ecchi scenes. I also wasn't too much a fan of the characters' personality switch once in a relationship, too much teasing from the protagonist and too much dere from Orie. I hope the other routes are better but this is quite the disappointment after such a strong start.
So kinda like self NTR? That can be quite the bad surprise if not expected.

It wasn't even the NTR that got me rustled.

The time travel shenanigans(I don't mind the time rewind that justifies the clear data loading but that final reveal that needed unlocking) and the ensuing ending doesn't go well with me I suppose. That ending is basically the future she came from come full circle. It doesn't carry the same impact as a future that came on its, being concrete yet empty.

That I had to slog through every other routes (have to fully start over with clear data each time and overwrite it after each ending to get the requirement for that route for five times in total) to get to this point seems to have amplify the disappointment.

When the character you think best in a given game is given a treatment you do not like...
Just finished LOVEREC. it's quite old but good, nice art and seiyu. the H scene feels fun and quite obscene (at least Rino's route). the story is light with elements of supernatural, quite so-so; not exactly wonderful nor bad but if you're a veteran then you'd probably yawn at it. the humor is good though not as funny compared to tomefure, at least for me. overall its a decent Vn
I wouldn't really call Kanna's route sweet though... A good half if not more is spent on the bitter part. Anyway, that just confirms my suspicions about Touka and Uguisu's route, and I'm not ready in the mood for more bitterness right now. Maybe down the road.
Well, on Kanna's route, I felt that the bitter part really wasn't a big deal. I did play Touka's route before though, which had much greater stakes than anything on Kanna's.

*Time travel spoilers*
Reading the young protag's messages annoyed me.
It too was rather twisted that the protag would generally be happier if he didn't get in a relationship with anyone while in high school. The ability to change the past honestly feels more like a curse here.

Well, I tend to prefer the sweet (some might say boring?) range of things rather that the bitterness, so my opinion of tonework's games is somewhat in reverse. Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai is most certainly my favorite of the lot, even though the writing can indeed be sloppy. I liked Gin'Iro Haruka, at least all the routes I've played, in order Yuzuki, Mizuha and Hinata. I'm not sure what route you consider to be the only good one. It did overall feel a step back from Hoshi Ori, more polished but lacking some critical elements like friends and a more defined protagonist character. I hated Hatsukoi 1/1, and didn't even complete one route. I went as far as the "first" confession of Runa, and then quit the game after the protagonist's utterly dumb and inexcusable reaction. I can't enjoy a romance VN if I don't feel the protagonist even slightly deserves to be happy, and that was irredeemable.
Runa's sense of inferiority was a big part of that. I don't think what the protag did was inexcusable. He was only a highschooler and had never been in a relationship before. I also liked how he tried to solve things rather than being passive and wallowing in self-pity and regret like Ginharu protag did. Hatsukoi's stories wasn't revolutionary, but it was written at a very high standard. It was sad and painful in parts but very rewarding in the end. And, oh yeah, so many great jokes too.

On Hoshi Ori, the lack of significant conflicts hurt. It made the cheesiness much more noticeable. If Hatsukoi made me want to sacrifice everything for the girl, Hoshi Ori was just about enjoying the relationship. It wasn't bad, but wasn't very rewarding either. The after part, though, was great. A vanilla eroge (if you'd overlook the anal sex) with adult characters and at this level of writing is rare. The only other title I could think of is Tropical Kiss, though it's a nukige.

On Ginharu, wow, what a mess. A summer release despite having winter as the dominant theme. A dream-less protagonist who seemed determined to hinder you from having a serious relationship. An unnecessarily long middle school part which featured extensive but boring group activities which not only failed to bring out the charm of the heroines but also significantly reduced any interest in them. Boring supporting characters and Bethly (there are so much wrong with her).

I only ever really read Mizuha's route, mainly because of the artist and the VA, and found it nice. Bethly's route was really awkward, couldn't finish it despite repeated tries. I vaguely remember being put off by the protag during imouto's route and only skimmed through it. The interest in the other two was killed off during the group activities.

And oh yeah, Tsukikana's bitter routes wasn't very rewarding in the end. Maybe I should reconsider the score. Tsukikana, though, has better writing than Ginharu and Hoshi Ori. Hmm...
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Reading the young protag's messages annoyed me.
It too was rather twisted that the protag would generally be happier if he didn't get in a relationship with anyone while in high school. The ability to change the past honestly feels more like a curse here.
That's a fairly standard trope in time travel stories, especially of the bittersweet variety. Try reading Steins;Gate if you haven't (Faris...).

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the protagonist during the whole common route kept ignoring Runa's constant appeals for attention. And I don't mean just misunderstanding, I mean outright ignoring, border-lining on bullying. Consciously or not, that in itself is already extremely annoying and made me very uncomfortable during the common route. But when the girl in question tries to overcome her sense of inferiority over the other childhood friend of the protagonist, gathers her courage and confesses, what is his instant reaction? "Ha, I see, you don't like me, you just want to practice being in a relationship before your "real" confession to other that guy you like. Sure, let's do it, I want to train too because I like this other childhood friend". This is just the WORST, first blatantly ignoring her, then deciding her feelings for her, hitting her where it hurts the most, and on top of that using her for his own benefit without even considering the possibility it could hurt her. I'm sorry, but being a inexperienced highschooler is no excuse, that is just irredeemable as a human being.

I like proactive protagonists, but when most of the drama and problems come from them "helping" it's worse than passivity in my eyes. When the main element triggering that desire of protection of the heroines is to save them from the protagonist's cruelty/stupidity, knowing they will fall anyway, it's just pure masochism to me. But it's okay, I'm not trying to convince you the game or your tastes are bad, especially for what little I've played of it. Before even considering tastes, we apparently just have different ideas on what is acceptable or not. I know my views are not universal, probably not even in the majority considering the popularity of love triangles stories, them dramas being usually triggered by a donkan MC unable to consider other people's feelings, or even his own. But that's just how I view things, and that made me absolutely unable to enjoy Hatsukoi 1/1.
On Ginharu[...]
I liked the winter themes in summer, because I tend to dislike summer's heat. Especially in Japan, summer can be extremely harsh, I still remember my first time in Japan (Kyoto area) where the heat was just draining any desire to do anything if it involved going outside of an air-cooled environment. Anything that can make me forget the heat during that period is actually very welcome. The protagonist didn't have a well-defined dream, and he was mostly built in each route to support the heroine in their respective paths rather than his own, but I don't think I ever felt he was an obstacle to a serious relationship. If anything he's too serious, especially in the middle school phase. I didn't find the group activities that much of a drawback, I've even replayed this part recently and was mostly fine with it. Of course, I don't mind or even prefer peaceful stories, but tastes and all.

I've played a bit of Yuki's route in LOVESICK PUPPIES. Wow, it's so much better that Orie's... I don't know if it was the fatigue or the Kiritani Hana effect but it actually even got a tear out of me at the confession part.

EDIT: unfortunately, same as Orie, the confession is the peak of the route and then it's basically over, save for a series of ecchi scenes and a tiny tiny bit of story by the end. Maybe even less than Orie's? Ah well.
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That's a fairly standard trope in time travel stories, especially of the bittersweet variety. Try reading Steins;Gate if you haven't (Faris...).
Thanks for the rec. It's not the kind of visual novel I usually read, but I'll give it a try when I run out of things to read.

@Hatsukoi 1/1 Maybe I need to re-read it. Runa is indeed very pitiful, ever after she's gotten into a relationship with the protag. All those painful episodes makes the bond between her and the (reader via the) protag feels deep though, and that's what I'm looking from jun'ai eroges.

@Ginharu Summer in Japan is indeed infamous. Winter, though, gives a bleak feeling, and that's what I took from Ginharu. A bleak story. The group activities introduced you to the heroines' hobbies and dreams, which was more than what Hatsukoi & Hoshi Ori did. But unlike its predecessors, it didn't alternate between these group activities and enough personal time with a single heroine, and that made it unbearable. Maybe it would have worked if the setting was during high school, when the characters would have been ready to have a deeper relationship.

I agree that the protag is too serious. Also, uncharacteristically for a tone work's product, Ginharu's jokes weren't funny, though that's more of a personal taste.

Ginharu does have great art and songs, and that makes me want to finish it someday, though I'm not sure after so many reinstalls.

Well, I guess that's all. Enjoy Lovesick Puppies. I'm going back to lurking.
The strongest steel is forged is the hottest fires, I can get behind that. But when it's the protagonist doing the relentless hammering (consciously or not) it just leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth. Sorry if I sounded like a judgmental prick in my little rant, I tried not to but re-reading it it's pretty clear I failed. It's clear that what little time I spent with the game left a rather strong impression on me, more than the majority of the other VNs I played, and that itself speaks volume. Maybe I should give the game another chance, playing some of the tamer routes, I hear Runa's is the worst in that department.

Winter is indeed bleak and cold, but that makes seeking and finding warmth in it so much nicer, doesn't it? It's part of the reason I like the Amakano series so much. I somewhat agree that the middle school part of Gin'Iro was a wasted effort. It works as an introduction but that's about it. Switching the heroine choice to the high-school period would have probably made the game more engaging. You're not the only one hoping to finish the game one day, I haven't finished it either, none of the toneworks' games in fact.
The strongest steel is forged is the hottest fires, I can get behind that. But when it's the protagonist doing the relentless hammering (consciously or not) it just leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth. Sorry if I sounded like a judgmental prick in my little rant, I tried not to but re-reading it it's pretty clear I failed. It's clear that what little time I spent with the game left a rather strong impression on me, more than the majority of the other VNs I played, and that itself speaks volume. Maybe I should give the game another chance, playing some of the tamer routes, I hear Runa's is the worst in that department.
It's fine. I, too, generally couldn't stand jun'ai eroges in which the protag is a jerk.

I'm not a loli-kei fan, but to my chagrin, tone work's tend to give those kind of characters (Runa, Sora, Rein, Seira) the best/most touching/happiest story, so you might want to finish Runa's route someday. As for the happiest route in Hatsukoi, it's Kyou's by far. Actually, more than the story, I think Hatsukoi is a masterpiece in mood making. It's especially apparent in Midori's and Maya's routes.

Winter is indeed bleak and cold, but that makes seeking and finding warmth in it so much nicer, doesn't it? It's part of the reason I like the Amakano series so much. I somewhat agree that the middle school part of Gin'Iro was a wasted effort. It works as an introduction but that's about it. Switching the heroine choice to the high-school period would have probably made the game more engaging. You're not the only one hoping to finish the game one day, I haven't finished it either, none of the toneworks' games in fact.
Ah, the first Amakano, and Honami's route in the second were great. They came out in the right season too which made it easier to get you in the mood.
Guys, anyone played Carol Works games? It seems like almost all is just nukige, except "Natsuiro Ramune".

And I think company goes down after Amakatsu, when they released disc between two pieces of cardboard for 6800 yen on 3 hours of playthrough... Nice nukige budget...
Guys, anyone played Carol Works games? It seems like almost all is just nukige, except "Natsuiro Ramune".

And I think company goes down after Amakatsu, when they released disc between two pieces of cardboard for 6800 yen on 3 hours of playthrough... Nice nukige budget...

i've only played お嬢様と憐れな(こ)執事 and yes its kinda a nukige though with a story
Yes, Mirai Rajio to Jinkoubato is on my backlog. I plan to play it eventually. Though there are a few other games I want to play first. =\

Windmill announces English localization of Happiness! 2: Sakura Celebration, Witch's Garden, and Hyper-Highspeed-Genius on their official website, in English. This is quite cool because I don't recall having seen other company does this before?
Windmill announces English localization of Happiness! 2: Sakura Celebration, Witch's Garden, and Hyper-Highspeed-Genius on their official website, in English. This is quite cool because I don't recall having seen other company does this before?

Mind = Blown.

@tone's work: I won't comment on Hatsukoi 1/1. For my mindset of "Dear Drama, GTFO", it was the worst offender. And that's fine as everyone has different priorites and preferences. Hoshiori did in comparsion a complete 180 degree turn and is probably my favorite one. I can replay Rikka's route multiple times over the years or month and not get tired of it as my favorite route. I also liked Gin'iro for it's slice of life, even though I can understand the criticism that the MC's consistency was exchanged to go along with each individual route.

As for Tsukikana: I ultimately dropped and uninstalled it. I was initially a bit hesistant based on the premisse, but not against tone work's wanting to experiment with different stuff. Yet, how the premisse only mattered in the after stories if at all and some of the potential drama (admittedly according to CGs) would have turned out, made me lose interest at the end.

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