Visual Novel Cafe

Yes, there's supposed to be a sequel. Doesn't look like we'll ever get one though.

The story was very flat here. The gameplay is mostly from Verethragna. The artwork, while nice, is unfinished in parts. Everything feels like a rush job, either to ride on the coattails of Verethragna or to finance the next big title (Dungeon of Regalias). Sorry for the harsh review.

The alternating between the gore and the cheeriness of the heroines is rather amusing actually. You're smashing someone's face one chapter, then in the next you're having a lovey dovey sex with your future bride. Unfortunately, the plot, the writing, and even the heroines are so generic. As with so many other Akabei Soft titles, it can only be described as mediocre. Sorry for another harsh review.

isnt Kyonyuu Fantasy a nukige? or is it also have good plot (not like kuroinu though). my pont is nukige harem is nice for a fap but what i really liked and search is the romance harem like in Bloody Saga where you get each girls not part of h but part of story and developments
Kyonyuu Fantasy is like Verethragna in that you play the game expecting loads of sex but was taken by surprise by the depth of the writing. As for the nukige label, I actually found the h-scenes to be gimmicky and skipped most of them. Besides, harem + non-nukige is a hard ask. Kuroinu is dark (pun not intended), this one is comedic. Although... Hang on, the harem is only on the fan disks. That to consider then.

Dungeon of Regalias: like Verethragna before it, ends with an harem. As for the heroines being part of the story and development, yeah of course, they're your party member. The story is not as engaging as Verethragna. The artwork is a level above Verethragna. The h-scenes are great. I liked it.

Demonion I & II: basically harem-making games. Played at a frantic pace. Can be frustrating.

Denshanai de nau: IIRC the harem route is the true route. The other routes have more realistic/down-to-earth/romantic plots. In the harem route, the heroines are more like supporters in your path toward greatness than a love interest. Even the sub-heroines have decent backstories. Unusual for a molester-themed game, there are no NTR (there are scenes in which the heroines are molested by someone else but they're nothing, really). Recommended especially if you like slice of life.

Uchi no Koibito: are two girlfriends too few to qualify as an harem? Another slice of life.

Tsumamigui 3: bittersweet story with a lot of drama. Put the adult in the adult game.

Hitozuma Netoriya: the short harem route is more like a bonus story to the individual routes. Probably the nicest thing INTERHEART ever produced.

Prima Stella: you have sex with the main heroines before choosing one girl in the end. The fan disk contains a harem route.

Those are what I can think of right now. AliceSoft should have many more harem-themed games, though I don't play those. Atelier Kaguya incorporates harem to many of their games, but those are mostly disappointing.

@Game OSTs: Try contacting Veshurik about this.
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Yes, there's supposed to be a sequel. Doesn't look like we'll ever get one though.

The story was very flat here. The gameplay is mostly from Verethragna. The artwork, while nice, is unfinished in parts. Everything feels like a rush job, either to ride on the coattails of Verethragna or to finance the next big title (Dungeon of Regalias). Sorry for the harsh review.

The alternating between the gore and the cheeriness of the heroines is rather amusing actually. You're smashing someone's face one chapter, then in the next you're having a lovey dovey sex with your future bride. Unfortunately, the plot, the writing, and even the heroines are so generic. As with so many other Akabei Soft titles, it can only be described as mediocre. Sorry for another harsh review.

its cool. we all have our own views and preferences

Kyonyuu Fantasy is like Verethragna in that you play the game expecting loads of sex but was taken by surprise by the depth of the writing. As for the nukige label, I actually found the h-scenes to be gimmicky and skipped most of them. Besides, harem + non-nukige is a hard ask. Kuroinu is dark (pun not intended), this one is comedic. Although... Hang on, the harem is only on the fan disks. That to consider then.

yes for strange reason waffle make quite a series of it and here i thought they just make one title nukige series

Dungeon of Regalias: like Verethragna before it, ends with an harem. As for the heroines being part of the story and development, yeah of course, they're your party member. The story is not as engaging as Verethragna. The artwork is a level above Verethragna. The h-scenes are great. I liked it.

I concur. cheers on that

Demonion I & II: basically harem-making games. Played at a frantic pace. Can be frustrating.

it is frustrating. I never got to finish the first. super hard, makes you want to cheat

Denshanai de nau: IIRC the harem route is the true route. The other routes have more realistic/down-to-earth/romantic plots. In the harem route, the heroines are more like supporters in your path toward greatness than a love interest. Even the sub-heroines have decent backstories. Unusual for a molester-themed game, there are no NTR (there are scenes in which the heroines are molested by someone else but they're nothing, really). Recommended especially if you like slice of life.

never really liked densha thing as theyre usually just rape and molestation

Uchi no Koibito: are two girlfriends too few to qualify as an harem? Another slice of life.

too few. harem is at least more than 2 girls, otherwise its just a love triangle

Tsumamigui 3: bittersweet story with a lot of drama. Put the adult in the adult game.

Hitozuma Netoriya: the short harem route is more like a bonus story to the individual routes. Probably the nicest thing INTERHEART ever produced.

Prima Stella: you have sex with the main heroines before choosing one girl in the end. The fan disk contains a harem route.

Those are what I can think of right now. AliceSoft should have many more harem-themed games, though I don't play those. Atelier Kaguya incorporates harem to many of their games, but those are mostly disappointing.

i dont like alicesoft games, for me they're like a comedic isekai games with a gameplay like eushully ones but inferior in story (the art is nice though especially in latter rance series)[/QUOTE]

@Game OSTs: Try contacting Veshurik about this.

cool thanks
Ahaha, now I'm the king of eroge OSTs, thank you ^_^

By the way, how long the Tsukikana is? 120 hours again, like Ginharu? Who complete the whole game already, can you express all your opinion in one comment, please, under spoiler? I just don't want to waste so big time on that game, to be honest, ahah.
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Ahaha, now I'm the king of eroge OSTs, thank you ^_^

By the way, how long the Tsukikana is? 120 hours again, like Ginharu? Who complete the whole game already, can you express all your opinion in one comment, please, under spoiler? I just don't want to waste so big time on that game, to be honest, ahah.

Hi I hope this doesn't sound imprudent but do you have Bloody Saga OST? i tried searching the internet to no avail so maybe you know how to rip game files and all

also does anyone here ever 100% completed a VN? just curious
Ahaha, now I'm the king of eroge OSTs, thank you ^_^

By the way, how long the Tsukikana is? 120 hours again, like Ginharu? Who complete the whole game already, can you express all your opinion in one comment, please, under spoiler? I just don't want to waste so big time on that game, to be honest, ahah.
Gotta thank you for Beat Blades Haruka's opening song.

@Tsukikana: finished it some time ago. Took me about a week, on and off. It was enjoyable.

To give a description of every route:
- Touka's is a thriller about vengeance.
- Rein's is a combination of vengeance and broken dreams, with lots of otaku talk. That sounds dark, but the story's actually much brighter than that.
- Uguisu's is a combination of sweet romance with bitter tragedy.
- Seira's is your typical tone work's romance.
- Kanna's is a short tale about a mangaka's struggle with work and love.
- Kiriko's is a short tale about age gap relationship. Pretty sweet.
- Kirari's is a short tale about a slutty author finding out about love. Personal favorite.

also does anyone here ever 100% completed a VN? just curious
Not sure what this means. Just reading every available routes to the end? I think most of us have. If you're talking about getting 100% completions in eroge cum action RPGs such as Verethragna... Well, I have 100% completion in most of Sirius's titles except Demonion II.
also does anyone here ever 100% completed a VN? just curious

I got 5x5 variants of endings (both CG and lines change, and secret in main menu) for MeltyMoment before the walkthrough got that far (that or I just can't be bothered checking for updates)...that takes some reading between the lines and navigating accordingly.

...well, if that even amount to something, that is. Pretty sure "read all routes" is done by most if not all who are in here. Many people would just laugh (heck, even spit) at the prospect of VNs being called "games".
i dont like alicesoft games, for me they're like a comedic isekai games with a gameplay like eushully ones but inferior in story (the art is nice though especially in latter rance series)
If Harem is your thing you shouldn't dismiss Alicesoft so quickly. Evenicle is the definition of a "love" harem making story, and has standard but enjoyable RPG mechanics. Rance is much more rapey (though mostly taken very lightly), but some of the games have very interesting gameplay mechanics that easily equal if not surpass Eushully's best. Try 戦国ランス if you haven't, it's the best of those I played (Sengoku to 9), I remember spending weeks on this game. One downside of the Rance series is that it's not voice-acted, though the recent remakes of the earliest are.

Apart from the isekai stuff, Alicesoft also makes "real world" games, stuff like 妻みぐい does feature some harem endings but be aware that most of these games also have a NTR element (but avoidable for those I played).

By the way, how long the Tsukikana is? 120 hours again, like Ginharu? Who complete the whole game already, can you express all your opinion in one comment, please, under spoiler? I just don't want to waste so big time on that game, to be honest, ahah.
For the routes I played (Rein, Seira, Kanna, Kiriko, Kirari), it's about normal VN length, the common route is fairly short and actual routes are maybe a bit longer than usual (10-15h for the main heroines, 10h for Kanna, 5-8h for the other two subs). It's nothing like Gin'haru in terms of length.

also does anyone here ever 100% completed a VN? just curious
Some VNs don't even have choices (kinetic novels), and you can just skip/auto your way to completion, so it's not really any kind of achievement. Unless you're talking about VN with gameplay elements, especially the more grindy types (Eushully with post game content, ugh).

I used to play all routes and unlock all CGs, not so much anymore. In fact my playstyle has changed over the years, I used to start with the least interesting character (to me) first and go crescendo, but now I go straight to my favorite and usually don't put up with characters I don't feel right from the start. The only games I do finish these days are games with true ending, although even those are becoming a rarity and it's getting more annoying than enjoyable. I haven't yet resorted to downloading saves to skip routes but that's a line I can see myself cross in the future.
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....Alicesoft.... have very interesting gameplay mechanics that easily equal if not surpass Eushully's best.....
I doubt it. I only ever played the pirate ring stuff from Eushully and sucked hard at it, but it feels like a real game. Alicesoft do usually have interesting mechanics, but they love to give you faux randomness such as predetermined roll of dice or scripted enemy action. That kinda defeats the point of having those mechanics.

I used to play all routes and unlock all CGs, not so much anymore. In fact my playstyle has changed over the years, I used to start with the least interesting character (to me) first and go crescendo, but now I go straight to my favorite and usually don't put up with characters I don't feel right from the start. The only games I do finish these days are games with true ending, although even those are becoming a rarity and it's getting more annoying than enjoyable.
I second that. With a lot of eroges now having multiple writers and artists, route skipping seems so normal now.

This is off-topic, but I'm s****ing myself at the news of arson at Kyoto Animation. What a sicko. I hope no one else, in particular the eroge companies, ever suffer this fate and hopefully this doesn't discourage the writers from writing bold stories.
Not sure what this means. Just reading every available routes to the end? I think most of us have. If you're talking about getting 100% completions in eroge cum action RPGs such as Verethragna... Well, I have 100% completion in most of Sirius's titles except Demonion II.

both. completing all routes (without skipping off course) in a regular VN or finishing all gameplay. The only VN I ever 100% fully read is just a short nukige. other than i mostly just pick a girl and be done with it at the end, moving to another game than another heroine. what luxury we have
I second that. With a lot of eroges now having multiple writers and artists, route skipping seems so normal now.

This is off-topic, but I'm s****ing myself at the news of arson at Kyoto Animation. What a sicko. I hope no one else, in particular the eroge companies, ever suffer this fate and hopefully this doesn't discourage the writers from writing bold stories.

I kinda feel guilty if i skipped. skipping H scene is one thing but skipping story makes me think if its that boring and unenjoyable than just drop it and move on. also i hope they gave the death penalty to that lowly arsonist and i hope to see him burn (though unlikely) for his sins. if you dont like something say it and be done with it otherwise we're all burning here and then

also multiple artist? does that explain the discrepancy of stand CG with event CG in some nukige and visual novel i played?
I got 5x5 variants of endings (both CG and lines change, and secret in main menu) for MeltyMoment before the walkthrough got that far (that or I just can't be bothered checking for updates)...that takes some reading between the lines and navigating accordingly.

...well, if that even amount to something, that is. Pretty sure "read all routes" is done by most if not all who are in here. Many people would just laugh (heck, even spit) at the prospect of VNs being called "games".

thats some dedication. I usually stopped in just one route no matter how good the game is mostly because the story is settled. even if there's a true route i never really bothered other than Yosuga no Sora sora's route which isnt that hard to unlock
I doubt it. I only ever played the pirate ring stuff from Eushully and sucked hard at it, but it feels like a real game. Alicesoft do usually have interesting mechanics, but they love to give you faux randomness such as predetermined roll of dice or scripted enemy action. That kinda defeats the point of having those mechanics.
It's a tangent, but I don't think randomness is really needed to make an interesting game. Anyway, my memory may be rose-tinted by nostalgia, but I played Sengoku Rance years ago and it easily rivaled some full-price mainstream strategy games in terms of depth and strategy, and had a ton of replayability. I'd recommend it even without (despite?) the anime characters and rape elements. Rance Quest was an interesting take on the dungeon crawler genre, and Rance 9 was good too. Rance 10 takes its mechanics from mobile (gacha) games I hear, and I already play waste time enough on those already.

This is off-topic, but I'm s****ing myself at the news of arson at Kyoto Animation. What a sicko. I hope no one else, in particular the eroge companies, ever suffer this fate and hopefully this doesn't discourage the writers from writing bold stories.
Yeah, I heard about it earlier today from some friends in Japan. I'm not an anime person myself (used to be 10+ years ago) so I don't really know what the studio produced, did they make particular bold stories or anything?
It's a tangent, but I don't think randomness is really needed to make an interesting game. Anyway, my memory may be rose-tinted by nostalgia, but I played Sengoku Rance years ago and it easily rivaled some full-price mainstream strategy games in terms of depth and strategy, and had a ton of replayability. I'd recommend it even without (despite?) the anime characters and rape elements. Rance Quest was an interesting take on the dungeon crawler genre, and Rance 9 was good too. Rance 10 takes its mechanics from mobile (gacha) games I hear, and I already play waste time enough on those already.
Yes, randomness isn't a necessity. But when the game makes me roll some dices but it has already decided the result beforehand, I feel cheated. Granted, the game can be more navigable this way, but that's not very enjoyable.

EDIT: I never played Rance series, though, mainly because of the heroine designs and how they're unvoiced. Maybe these games have real gameplay and I just happened to play the worst example of Alicesoft gameplays (Beat series).

Yeah, I heard about it earlier today from some friends in Japan. I'm not an anime person myself (used to be 10+ years ago) so I don't really know what the studio produced, did they make particular bold stories or anything?
Suzumiya Haruhi, Lucky Star, etc.. I too have stopped watching anime years ago, but there's a concerning trend here where the fans are becoming more proactive about their likes and dislikes. I rolled my eyes at stories of someone defacing manholes decorated with an anime character or dragging a figurine of a character they hate behind their car. This latest development though is bloody insane. I'm afraid someone will take extreme action toward companies who produce something they dislike, though maybe eroges don't have that broad of a market.

I kinda feel guilty if i skipped. skipping H scene is one thing but skipping story makes me think if its that boring and unenjoyable than just drop it and move on.
A writer sometimes comes up with a brilliant idea but not much to write so they resort to fillers to pad out the story. These fillers have the propensity of being poorly written, so it's extremely acceptable to skip parts of even the best story you've ever read.

also i hope they gave the death penalty to that lowly arsonist and i hope to see him burn (though unlikely) for his sins.
Japan loves death penalties, so it seems given he'll get that.

also multiple artist? does that explain the discrepancy of stand CG with event CG in some nukige and visual novel i played?
Likely so. Just check vndb.
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thats some dedication. I usually stopped in just one route no matter how good the game is mostly because the story is settled. even if there's a true route i never really bothered other than Yosuga no Sora sora's route which isnt that hard to unlock

But to tell the truth I have this tendency to get groggy and miss things here and there in such long readings in a third it's not like I've read every kana and kanji.

Although the longer you're into it the more tempted you are to skip...
But to tell the truth I have this tendency to get groggy and miss things here and there in such long readings in a third it's not like I've read every kana and kanji.

Although the longer you're into it the more tempted you are to skip...

call me an oddball but i actually find it easier to understand words if written in kanji than with kana and i read things slowly as to get all the detail before clicking next. i also always wait for the voice to stop before proceeding and now that you mention it japanese is my third languange, kinda make me want to pat myself in the back though im not even that proficient yet
call me an oddball but i actually find it easier to understand words if written in kanji than with kana and i read things slowly as to get all the detail before clicking next. i also always wait for the voice to stop before proceeding and now that you mention it japanese is my third languange, kinda make me want to pat myself in the back though im not even that proficient yet

Once you get used to Kanji you'll start to get confused with kana alone...and all the kanas that could've been kanji might just end up being clutters.

I wait for the voice too. It helps with the kanji.
Once you get used to Kanji you'll start to get confused with kana alone...and all the kanas that could've been kanji might just end up being clutters.

I wait for the voice too. It helps with the kanji.

granted verbal japanese and their choice of kanji are waaay easier than literal ones like those glorified form like 終焉 or 証左 or technical terms
call me an oddball but i actually find it easier to understand words if written in kanji than with kana and i read things slowly as to get all the detail before clicking next. i also always wait for the voice to stop before proceeding and now that you mention it japanese is my third languange, kinda make me want to pat myself in the back though im not even that proficient yet
Once you get used to Kanji you'll start to get confused with kana alone...and all the kanas that could've been kanji might just end up being clutters. I wait for the voice too. It helps with the kanji.
Lol. It is indeed as you both said.

Kanji is kind of broken given its origin but it's really funny that switching back and forth between three modes of writing actually makes you more used to the Kanji than the simpler kana.

@KyoAni: I thought the suspect was an angry fan, but it turned out that he is a writer who was convinced that KyoAni plagiarized his work? Honestly, it's hard to believe. He might not have a chance if they went to the court, but still really sad that he chose to take matters into his own hands. Sigh, going to stop talking about this as it only makes me feel bitter.
Lol. It is indeed as you both said.

Kanji is kind of broken given its origin but it's really funny that switching back and forth between three modes of writing actually makes you more used to the Kanji than the simpler kana.

@KyoAni: I thought the suspect was an angry fan, but it turned out that he is a writer who was convinced that KyoAni plagiarized his work? Honestly, it's hard to believe. He might not have a chance if they went to the court, but still really sad that he chose to take matters into his own hands. Sigh, going to stop talking about this as it only makes me feel bitter.

yes the history of kanji (literally chinese character) was perhaps the biggest failure of character adaptation in terms of original intention and yes time will heal erase everything so no use dwelling on it forever
So I played a bit of ロイヤルガーデン, up to the end of the common route actually, but after coming this far I have to say it's been pretty disappointing, and I'm stopping the game right there and now. The game actually started rather decently, with a protagonist focused on his acting job more than his relationship with the various princesses. The problem is, as the story progresses, that attitude gets looser and looser, with more and more risky and out-of-character behavior from the "prince" (leading to his discovery by one heroine pretty early), and ultimately culminating into a blatant betrayal of his employer's wishes for very dubious, shallow reasons. I just can't in earnest support this guy anymore.

The story itself quickly devolved from a closed high-society deception setting to a much more standard high-school rom-com. This wouldn't be bad it itself, and I'd actually prefer to do away with all the superfluous stuff and focus on that. Unfortunately by the end of the common route the game is already full of plot holes, and all the heroines are already more or less won over, so there's no real point in continuing. There would be if said heroines were more attractive to me, but I'm not really feeling Himesakura's tsundere act, Fiona's alright although certainly not acting as a British princess would and I really dislike the genius angle (not even mentioning the stuffed animal), and while Haruruko's aggressiveness is something I usually like she goes about it the wrong way (threats, really?), is generally annoying and slips up too much to earn any sympathy from me (that last phone call, really?). Yue sounds interesting but not to the point that I'd play any of the other three to get to her. The most appealing character in the game was actually the lively Natsuki, mostly because she's voiced by my personal favorite CV Akino Hana, but she's not an option anyway, and she stands out from the setting and story like a sore thumb.

Story is a no-go, characters range from meh to actual dislike, art isn't really my thing, music was largely unremarkable: I guess that's that. I'll just add the game to the (increasingly long) list of Azarashi's failed attempts to diversify. Just make Amakano 3 already!
So I played a bit of ロイヤルガーデン, up to the end of the common route actually, but after coming this far I have to say it's been pretty disappointing, and I'm stopping the game right there and now. The game actually started rather decently, with a protagonist focused on his acting job more than his relationship with the various princesses. The problem is, as the story progresses, that attitude gets looser and looser, with more and more risky and out-of-character behavior from the "prince" (leading to his discovery by one heroine pretty early), and ultimately culminating into a blatant betrayal of his employer's wishes for very dubious, shallow reasons. I just can't in earnest support this guy anymore.

The story itself quickly devolved from a closed high-society deception setting to a much more standard high-school rom-com. This wouldn't be bad it itself, and I'd actually prefer to do away with all the superfluous stuff and focus on that. Unfortunately by the end of the common route the game is already full of plot holes, and all the heroines are already more or less won over, so there's no real point in continuing. There would be if said heroines were more attractive to me, but I'm not really feeling Himesakura's tsundere act, Fiona's alright although certainly not acting as a British princess would and I really dislike the genius angle (not even mentioning the stuffed animal), and while Haruruko's aggressiveness is something I usually like she goes about it the wrong way (threats, really?), is generally annoying and slips up too much to earn any sympathy from me (that last phone call, really?). Yue sounds interesting but not to the point that I'd play any of the other three to get to her. The most appealing character in the game was actually the lively Natsuki, mostly because she's voiced by my personal favorite CV Akino Hana, but she's not an option anyway, and she stands out from the setting and story like a sore thumb.

Story is a no-go, characters range from meh to actual dislike, art isn't really my thing, music was largely unremarkable: I guess that's that. I'll just add the game to the (increasingly long) list of Azarashi's failed attempts to diversify. Just make Amakano 3 already!

haha that was rather quick of you to play (well it is weekend) I only went through haruruko route and at the end it kinda feels bland but it was ok for me. I also lately has been dropping various VN that feels boring or the plot angers me lately like the "I love black hair so much"(of course the title in japanese and its old VN) and Moonstone "summer nostalgia(eden)" and also namalove
Just make Amakano 3 already!
Maybe they just don't have the budget? Hence the many short novels and re-releases.

haha that was rather quick of you to play (well it is weekend) I only went through haruruko route and at the end it kinda feels bland but it was ok for me. I also lately has been dropping various VN that feels boring or the plot angers me lately like the "I love black hair so much"(of course the title in japanese and its old VN) and Moonstone "summer nostalgia(eden)" and also namalove
Since you've been reading rom-coms, I recommend Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi if you haven't read it. Its predecessor, Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka, probably has better story but also more drama. It was an era when feng was producing hit after hit and trying out unorthodox stuff such as using binaural sound during h-scenes or employing a VA who probably wasn't told she had to voice h-scenes too.
Here it is, if you want?

Guys, you didn't know that Azarashi makes Amakano 2? No, it's not "Second Season", it's exactly Amakano 2. Well, just see that tweet.
Wow, thanks! I downloaded the mp3 version from vk (?), but this is even better.

@Amakano 2: Nice, didn't know that. I don't follow their blogs or their radio show.

Though... these surely can't be the heroines? Please not another Ruika/Bethly types.
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Maybe they just don't have the budget? Hence the many short novels and re-releases.

Since you've been reading rom-coms, I recommend Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi if you haven't read it. Its predecessor, Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka, probably has better story but also more drama. It was an era when feng was producing hit after hit and trying out unorthodox stuff such as using binaural sound during h-scenes or employing a VA who probably wasn't told she had to voice h-scenes too.

i've been wanting to play that long ago especially since i liked the anime (im into inaka setting) but i have this problem: my laptop screen is 16:9 1366x768p but the game max size is like 1280x720p which in normal game when you put it into fullscreen it can just put the display at center while the rest is black box right? but when i install it for some reason it cant do a full screen and the display is fixed on the left size with my background still displayed and i cant fix that

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