Visual Novel Cafe

Rikka was nice. Probably the most popular Hoshi Ori's heroine too since the developer even released an extra story to celebrate her birthday. Speaking of Rikka, I'm impressed to find that the singer who sung Rikka's character songs also sung this:

@Tsukikana: Wise decision, I imagine Uguisu's route would have hit you hard. That said, the more I thought about Uguisu's route, the more I came to appreciate it.
Ah, the first Amakano, and Honami's route in the second were great. They came out in the right season too which made it easier to get you in the mood.
We need more Amakano, such good games. Too bad Azarashi Soft is hell-bent on making low-price games of very questionable quality these days.

Guys, anyone played Carol Works games? It seems like almost all is just nukige, except "Natsuiro Ramune".
I've played some routes of M rear and Boku no XX, their first two games. Most certainly nukiges, with the fetish tangent (M in both these cases) a bit too pronounced for my tastes.

Windmill announces English localization of Happiness! 2: Sakura Celebration, Witch's Garden, and Hyper-Highspeed-Genius on their official website, in English. This is quite cool because I don't recall having seen other company does this before?
They're licensing the translation to SolPress, not doing it in-house, so it's not that uncommon. Funny fact, this same SolPress already did Newton to Ringo no Ki and will do Mirai Radio too, talk about a coincidence. No idea how good their translations are though.

Rikka was nice. Probably the most popular Hoshi Ori's heroine too since the developer even released an extra story to celebrate her birthday.
Wait, what? Where? Was this a drama CD or an actual append with CG & all? Anyway, I liked Rikka but my favorite in Hoshi Ori remains Natsuki.
We need more Amakano, such good games. Too bad Azarashi Soft is hell-bent on making low-price games of very questionable quality these days.
Azarashi is giving each Amakano heroines their own character song and re-releasing the entire lineup again :|.

Wait, what? Where? Was this a drama CD or an actual append with CG & all? Anyway, I liked Rikka but my favorite in Hoshi Ori remains Natsuki.
Nothing that great. It wasn't even voiced.

I don't have a favourite Hoshi Ori's route, though I really like the "after" stories.
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@Tsukikana: Wise decision, I imagine Uguisu's route would have hit you hard. That said, the more I thought about Uguisu's route, the more I came to appreciate it.

I did skip rather quickly through Uguisu's after story, actually xD. Only her after story, to be precise with a savegame. I could cope with her "first" fate before the plot element kicked in, seeing that I also survived Clannad and Hatsuyuki Sakura *lol*. But the development after the sending-sms-to-past-self made me faceplam hard. I can't pricely pinpoint it down, but it simply irked me off.
I did skip rather quickly through Uguisu's after story, actually xD. Only her after story, to be precise with a savegame. I could cope with her "first" fate before the plot element kicked in, seeing that I also survived Clannad and Hatsuyuki Sakura *lol*. But the development after the sending-sms-to-past-self made me faceplam hard. I can't pricely pinpoint it down, but it simply irked me off.
Well, the future protag did rather needlessly destroy the past protag's relationship with Uguisu, when he really only needed him to convince Uguisu to stay in Germany until she's fully cured.

All that said, the young protag's messages are annoying no matter which route it is. They are way out of character given how reserved the protag is, and it only happens when he's texting to his future self. I wish they came up with a subtler method or event went full Your Name.
I just noticed that Marmalade's スタディ§ステディ has been delayed to September, too bad as that was one of my more anticipated titles for the end of the month.

I also just learned that Clochette's ココロネ=ペンデュラム! features a mind-reader protagonist and my interest in it dropped instantly because of this. I'm fine with magic powers but not so much when they interfere with the romance with cheated abilities, and this is one of the worst offenders, along the various hypnosis and 発情 switches. Add in the fact that Clochette has a bad habit of focusing on their surrounding settings rather than their core of romance/comedy.

At least there's Asa Project's 恋愛、借りちゃいました still on my radar, but what seemed like it would be a busy month suddenly lost a lot of its appeal. Maybe I'll have time to try 流星ワールドアクター after all.
There was one comment on EGS alluding to some difficulties in the programming, and since the game doesn't even have a trial out by this point, it may very well be just that.
I also just learned that Clochette's ココロネ=ペンデュラム! features a mind-reader protagonist and my interest in it dropped instantly because of this. I'm fine with magic powers but not so much when they interfere with the romance with cheated abilities, and this is one of the worst offenders, along the various hypnosis and 発情 switches. Add in the fact that Clochette has a bad habit of focusing on their surrounding settings rather than their core of romance/comedy.[/URL] after all.

we're a kin in that. I also in addition dislike biyaku, drugs and time travel
We need more Amakano, such good games. Too bad Azarashi Soft is hell-bent on making low-price games of very questionable quality these days.

have you played ロイヤルガーデン ~乙女に恋する皇子の戯曲? Its also a very good game. shame nobody share the 2 appends though...
have you played ロイヤルガーデン ~乙女に恋する皇子の戯曲? Its also a very good game. shame nobody share the 2 appends though...

I almost read common route (5 of 7 chapters), I like it now. What is your recommendation for route order?

I'd want to buy the game for 3 appends, but I don't want to buy the game for full price... Hope I can find not opened package for less price to be able to register on Nexton Passport...
I almost read common route (5 of 7 chapters), I like it now. What is your recommendation for route order?

I'd want to buy the game for 3 appends, but I don't want to buy the game for full price... Hope I can find not opened package for less price to be able to register on Nexton Passport...

I've only played the red haired girl's route and to me her route was meh (so-so), i havent played any other routes but the blonde heroine from how the story develop seems to be the true heroine and she kinda seem to go along well with the MC so i'd suggest you pick her route... again its been like 4 years? and not a single append it kinda makes me move on
I've only played the red haired girl's route and to me her route was meh (so-so), i havent played any other routes but the blonde heroine from how the story develop seems to be the true heroine and she kinda seem to go along well with the MC so i'd suggest you pick her route... again its been like 4 years? and not a single append it kinda makes me move on

Ah? You said it's good game, but completed Haruruko and it was meh? Ow-w...

I also can buy the game through DMM (it also comes with serial code), but better wait a discount...
Ah? You said it's good game, but completed Haruruko and it was meh? Ow-w...

I also can buy the game through DMM (it also comes with serial code), but better wait a discount...

how the story progress, the MC personality and acting, the OST, the settings, art and background was all very good I just thought that her route was kinda bland at the end and im very sure the other girls (probably the blonde hime) would've had a better route though for me Haruruko is prettiest compared to the other heroine and her daring personality adds to her charm. If you do manage to get them appends and share it I'll probably play it again so yoroshiku onegaishimasu :D
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have you played ロイヤルガーデン ~乙女に恋する皇子の戯曲? Its also a very good game. shame nobody share the 2 appends though...
Actually, this is the one and only Azarashi Soft game I haven't played. Reasons I skipped it are different writers from the Amakano series, and most importantly I just have a lot of trouble with the cross-dressing genre. It's like the whole relationship with the heroines is based on a lie. I already have a hard time with games that reveal it to the girls very early (Acchi Muite Koi), but when the lie has to last a very long time I just keep building up irritation towards the hypocritical protagonist who is fine with it. Cue obligatory fan services with listening to girls talk and peeking on bath scenes, ugh. Maybe this game is different but I've had enough bad times with cross-dressing games (even the best rated ones), it's safe to say the genre isn't for me.
Actually, this is the one and only Azarashi Soft game I haven't played. Reasons I skipped it are different writers from the Amakano series, and most importantly I just have a lot of trouble with the cross-dressing genre. It's like the whole relationship with the heroines is based on a lie. I already have a hard time with games that reveal it to the girls very early (Acchi Muite Koi), but when the lie has to last a very long time I just keep building up irritation towards the hypocritical protagonist who is fine with it. Cue obligatory fan services with listening to girls talk and peeking on bath scenes, ugh. Maybe this game is different but I've had enough bad times with cross-dressing games (even the best rated ones), it's safe to say the genre isn't for me.

Umm... but its not a crossdressing game. The MC does go into an all female school but openly as a male though it may count as a lie as the MC hid his real identity but still since its not a crossdress you might want to give it a try as its really good... though lacking some appends
Hmm was there a rollback? Anyway, as I wrote yesterday, the whole girls school + lie led me to believe this was a crossdressing game, but I guess I was wrong. I might play it eventually just for completion's sake, even though the hime-sama harem genre also isn't really my thing and EGS reviews are pretty mixed.
Hmm was there a rollback? Anyway, as I wrote yesterday, the whole girls school + lie led me to believe this was a crossdressing game, but I guess I was wrong. I might play it eventually just for completion's sake, even though the hime-sama harem genre also isn't really my thing and EGS reviews are pretty mixed.

to be honest this also isnt a harem game but i understand we each have our own preferences. btw can you tell me a harem game that isn't a nukige and have more emphasis on story than H like 竜騎士BloodySaga and not onomatope games, simply a story based VN where you can get all the women in the story without having to pick a harem route like also 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス and ウルスラグナ セ
Alright I guess I've ran out of excuses not to play it, I'm almost done with Lovesick Puppies and still have a bit of time before the July releases so might as well start this one.

Harem game, not nukige, emphasis on story... tough criteria there, considering harem isn't my forte. I guess you could count all the Eushully tactics/RPG games, they're definitely harem though some do have character routes like Arterial or Alchemy Meister. In the same vein, you have most of the SoftHouseChara games fall in the same category. As for purely story VN, なないろリンカネーション is very good and features a harem of demons. The "sequel" あけいろ怪奇譚 is even better but there's only a single route with multiple (loli) characters at the same time. ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート has one route where the protagonist ends in a harem with three sisters, very good game IF you can stomach Hato's style.

EDIT: I forgot the Baseson's Koihime series, I haven't played them personally but they're generally highly recommended by people whose opinion I trust.
to be honest this also isnt a harem game but i understand we each have our own preferences. btw can you tell me a harem game that isn't a nukige and have more emphasis on story than H like 竜騎士BloodySaga and not onomatope games, simply a story based VN where you can get all the women in the story without having to pick a harem route like also 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス and ウルスラグナ セ
Verethragna is an harem game. You have an harem in the end. I love Verethragna. Still waiting in vain for the sequel.

Exercitus and BloodySaga are meh. Try Kyonyuu Fantasy if you haven't, and to a lesser extent: Uchi no Koibito. Denshanai de Nau is nice too. It's got excellent VA, a very decent story, and the best eroge feature ever: chapter jumper (you can skip backward or forward). There are two harem routes: all the girls or just the sisters. If you download the complete save from sagaoz you can enable the route picker.

@Koihime series: Only played the first two games. Enjoyed the first one. A fun take on RoTK, and nice songs too. Didn't quite enjoy the second as it diverged too much from the novel (somehow, this reasoning doesn't bother me when playing Dynasty Warriors).
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Alright I guess I've ran out of excuses not to play it, I'm almost done with Lovesick Puppies and still have a bit of time before the July releases so might as well start this one.

Harem game, not nukige, emphasis on story... tough criteria there, considering harem isn't my forte. I guess you could count all the Eushully tactics/RPG games, they're definitely harem though some do have character routes like Arterial or Alchemy Meister. In the same vein, you have most of the SoftHouseChara games fall in the same category. As for purely story VN, なないろリンカネーション is very good and features a harem of demons. The "sequel" あけいろ怪奇譚 is even better but there's only a single route with multiple (loli) characters at the same time. ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート has one route where the protagonist ends in a harem with three sisters, very good game IF you can stomach Hato's style.

EDIT: I forgot the Baseson's Koihime series, I haven't played them personally but they're generally highly recommended by people whose opinion I trust.

first of all, I LOVE EUSHULLY games especially because most of their games are set in the same universe which is brilliantly described and have a wide range of character, gameplay, races, and timeline. the first eushully games i played was ikusa megami la dea (back then i didnt know that it was a series and the fact that it was flooded with difficult glorified japanese which at first makes it super difficult to understand till you studied it) and i was completely immersed with the story and character. I then played ikusa megami zero which explained how it started and it was very good, i especially liked the grim and chaotic nature of the story, how the young, goody 2 shoes brat turned into a cool aloof unsocial cursed person, what he lost and his bond with astrea was a masterpiece of a story and you have several choices which really matters. I also liked castle meister, the art and beautifully designed world and character, I especially liked Fia, she's one cute happy goddess and though some would say this game kinda is a modern ish ones compared to the rest of series and kinda cute and bright but i still love it. as for the H in eusfully is a rule that you'll get more than 1 girl to bang but its not exactly a heroine more of a encounter most of the time and like most eushully games ive played the story and heroine routes or romances are somewhat seperated which might kinda makes it feel less romantic (unless its the main heroine ones like astrea) and though the art is good and rich in H varieties and play i kinda feel that the h is seperated from the story and so not really a true harem. also fuck Rwei, Serica is the best!

I havent played Arterial or Alchemy Meister but probably will in the future especially as Alchemy Meister bridged the timeline between verita and la dea. i once played なないろリンカネーション but wasnt in the mood so drop it though i plan to play it again sometime. i also tried ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート but didnt really liked it. the art is good but the comedy and the MC is disappointing for me and the anime adaptation was only short clip though perhaps i will try it again

as for Baseson's Koihime series. Ive only finished the first game which was good, theres a harem route and though you get the bang various girls its not a true harem as they're seperated. I havent played the sengoku ones though it seems to be good but for the chinese ones is kinda got milked extensively and turned into a mess especially the anime, boy that was a major disappointment (they just erased the MC existence and turned it into a all female boring friendship not even yuri or fan service crap). I also once tried the Go faction ones and though it was interesring at first I really didnt like how the MC feels like a decoration as the story revolves around the various heroines and the romance also feel seperated from story and I especially didnt like how all the female are bisexual sluts with few exception. also their art doesnt really evolve much and feels static and the battle gameplay are boring
Verethragna is an harem game. You have an harem in the end. I love Verethragna. Still waiting in vain for the sequel.

Exercitus and BloodySaga are meh. Try Kyonyuu Fantasy if you haven't, and to a lesser extent: Uchi no Koibito. Denshanai de Nau is nice too. It's got excellent VA, a very decent story, and the best eroge feature ever: chapter jumper (you can skip backward or forward). There are two harem routes: all the girls or just the sisters. If you download the complete save from sagaoz you can enable the route picker.

@Koihime series: Only played the first two games. Enjoyed the first one. A fun take on RoTK, and nice songs too. Didn't quite enjoy the second as it diverged too much from the novel (somehow, this reasoning doesn't bother me when playing Dynasty Warriors).

Verethragna is the first astronaut games i played and i really liked it, the art, story, romances, the MC and the H. the duel battle was awesome and the various H and hidden (bad end) H is also arousing, it was one of the first VN i played though so i kinda have holes on the story and would like to replay it again (i havent played other astronauts games). also the ending is after we defeat the OP goddess right? after that credit rolls and if memory serve me well theres another chapter. back then i stopped at that chapter thinking the next story would be in the next chapter but you said it was supposed to be in the next game? also Exercitus have a very similar though easier card battle than verethragna and its story is lighter (most of the story is H) but its not a true harem as each of the womens route are seperated with exception of the 3 girls from rival party and the extra, the H is good and the art is very good though the gameplay feels bland and boring. Bloody Saga have a special place for me as first it was the first MC voiced game i played (really liked the voice character and the MC being a mature awesome guy), the atmosphere and art is amazing really feels like medieval setting, and the heroines are all nice and cute and interacts with the MC as a normal person would (no highschool trope character and the like) and the best of all its a true harem story. the MC gets all the women and they all interacts with one another even have together play and its part of the story which is amazing. the story itself nothing special. the last stages feels rushed and couldve had more time to develop but i really liked it. oh and the OST is awesome, does anyone know where to find it? i dont know how to rip game files.

also isnt Kyonyuu Fantasy a nukige? or is it also have good plot (not like kuroinu though). my pont is nukige harem is nice for a fap but what i really liked and search is the romance harem like in Bloody Saga where you get each girls not part of h but part of story and developments
Royal Garden plays with the idea of an harem in the aftermath of the True Route. The main couple still remains, but you have this lingering feeling that it could easily turn into an unofficial harem at the end. My hazy memory prevents me from being more precise. The resolution of the true route drama requires a fair share of suspension of disbelief regarding the scale of conflict, which may be something to keep in mind when the time comes.

@Verethragna: I typical game with a pretty nice main cast, but a - for my taste - unlikable jerk MC.
@Verethragna: I typical game with a pretty nice main cast, but a - for my taste - unlikable jerk MC.

I can understand that but for me i prefer jerk MC who's not NTR/rape nukige level as they're unique rather than the generic boring "kind is my only selling point" MC of most highschool romance visual novel

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