Visual Novel Cafe

Yay Hayase Yuu is back on scenario! Oh wait... What's the title again? HaremKingdom..? I have felt that SMEE was veering away from their past orientation with Sugar*Style, but this is something else. Mandatory harem, five different harem styles, (yay! not), H possible from the very beginning, isekai bullshit story. Welp. Guess that's one less company to follow then, more time to play other games! Oh wait...
Hooksoft did their isekai foray with TravellingStars...they went right back on track the very next game...

Fantasy is like uncharted territory to them least the music was good.
Honestly when I hear isekai and harem all I can think of is cheap nukiges and mobage with barely enough scenario to fill a 10 minutes introduction before the sex begins. While harem does seem to be the fad lately, is isekai even trendy anymore? It feels like it's a thing from years ago that's come and passed. Since it's uncharted waters for SMEE it's even more the reason to be worried.

I get that they're going for the comedy angle with the protagonist otaku personality and his fear of women, but this has been done to death already too. If you're going to be unoriginal anyway why risk everything on something you're never done and not just make Fureraba 2? I doubt the revenue from these games is enough to feed the people working on it, but is that reason enough to voluntarily sink your own company's image and anger your fanbase for an "experiment" completely outside your expertise? Maybe it's just me, maybe SMEE fans want harem and isekai, maybe SMEE lost all of its credibility with the latest game and needs a new audience bred on aforementioned mobages, maybe I'm just old and should just shut up.

What I do know is that I won't be playing this game, and my opinion of (current) SMEE just sank a little further.
Let's see if SMEE can do something interesting to their new setting. They're experimenting, so, I wonder what they will present to us in full game.

ensemble also making 10th anniversary project with all trap protagonists... Ahaha, BL? Looks like that, but no?.. (nah, ensemble would going down if they even tried that).

And they released whole otome series in 1...
Giving as present >100 digital illustrations? It's more like "we sell all-in-one then goind under".
20000 yen for 13 games (well, 7 series with their fan-discs)... is normal price, yeah?
So, October games. I wasn't particularly looking forward to anything, and unfortunately nothing really managed to grasp me from what I've played. Quick comments below:

アイキス : A sequel to one of Giga's better remembered entry of the Kiss series, Kiss Ato. The writer is coming straight from past Clochette and Campus works which could have been a good sign. Alas, it utterly failed to grasp my interest and I quit the game at the second choice, past the common route. The main heroines of the games, the twins, are insufferable from the very beginning with their complete lack of restraint towards the protagonist. And oh boy do they mean it, and they will show it constantly by being always present, from day to night, peeking at everything he does (including his porn folder), following him around everywhere he goes, becoming friends with anyone he meets... This is just too much! Can a guy have some privacy please! When you finally can tell them to fuck off that you want "to explore other horizons", then it's the senpais' turn, with one side being completely perverted and fascinated by anything that can inspire excitement (like violence...), while the other has a past of light bullying and needs a friend who isn't looking for something more (but she's okay with the protagonist because... he's the protagonist). And that's where I stopped. The art angle feels less pronounced that in Kiss Ato, perhaps because the protagonist lacks his own specialty and is just average at everything, probably to adapt to the heroine of the day.

クロスコンチェルト : As a mystery game, I tried to keep the spoilers to a minimum before starting this one, but I really should have looked up the writer's name at least. Kizuki isn't a bad writer at all, in fact he excels at setting up a mysterious mood, but for all I've read in both VN and mobage form, the hype built during the early stages of the game rarely translates into an actual deep or interesting climax. That was the case here too : the game starts with a good setup for what ends up being a rather plain, deja vu story. The structure of the game itself doesn't help: it is divided into three parts, and progressing to the next part requires finishing up all the branches of the current part first. That includes all sub and sub-sub heroines, with stories varying from mildly interesting to utterly shallow. These side branches tend to be pretty short, a large part of the game's content being located into after scenario unlocked by finishing particular endings, which require that you actually take yourself out of the story to go and read them by yourself, as a sort of side contents. At no point did I feel the rush to go read any of these, and I finished the game without even touching them. Judging by the gallery, many of them are additional H scenarios, which is definitely not the game's forte. Anyway, I think the game would have been better if it didn't force the protagonist into the arms of everyone before the main heroine, but then again, her story with a very lengthy NVL part (non voiced) isn't the most engaging to read either.

JK妹。 ! It's been a while since I've played a Kaguya game, but has it always been so stupid? The excuse to start the sex and the behavior of the characters, protagonist first and foremost, are just so dumb. As usual with this particular studio there's some occult element but again it's just a joke and/or an excuse to play with special toys. Finally, for a game featuring JK in the title, why so few uniform scenes?

AI*少女 : Maybe I was a fool to expect any kind of story, but the premise of the deserted island and the survival/escape lured me in. There's no story that I could see though, at least from the couple hours I played. You can tailor the girl's personality but she remains painfully generic in her responses, and spreads her legs as soon as you ask her. I suppose this is more a game for people able to fill the gaps with imagination and make up their own story. I can't say the survival and crafting aspect kept me interested for long.
sprite returns and plans to resume working on Aokana after stories. OK.

Hulotte announces a new game with invisible man protag. Maybe this finally will not have a divine stuff plot, because I think it will be less boring that way.

Windmill announces Happiness! 2 fandisk (ugh). I see no potential in expanding this. If they want an excuse for a trap route they should just make a mini fandisk.

Cafe Stella to Shinigami no Chou mastered up. Game to play for this month because there is nothing else to look forward to.

Is that Cross Concerto review spoiler-free? Because I plan to play it some time later. And can someone review Aisuki?
Hulotte announces a new game with invisible man protag. Maybe this finally will not have a divine stuff plot, because I think it will be less boring that way.
After the time stopping shenanigans, now it's invisible man's turn to play pranks on girls? If I remember right from the comments on the time stopping game, the gimmick was barely used as one would imagine in a eroge, so I image this one will also be quite tame in that regard. Still, it would be a very misleading title if it turns out that way as well, but the previous game's title was also very misleading about the content of the game.

Cafe Stella to Shinigami no Chou mastered up. Game to play for this month because there is nothing else to look forward to.
I haven't looked at this month's releases, is there really nothing else? I've mostly been lazy lately and just waiting for the sum up on omochikaeri. This game's plot rings a bell, I can't remember if it's because I noticed it before or if I played a game with a very similar setting (protagonist dies, resurrected as shinigami).

Is that Cross Concerto review spoiler-free? Because I plan to play it some time later.
Are you talking about mine? It's mostly spoiler-free, yes, I don't really say anything about the plot but I do touch on the game's structure a bit which is somewhat of a spoiler, although I would say it's something easy to figure out after finishing even one of the very first routes.

And can someone review Aisuki?
Do you mean どっちのiが好きですか?? I have played about two third of it : Mea (both), Maya (both), Koyuzu (follow) and am currently on Anna (follow). So far I really like it, it's probably one of my favorite Hooksoft titles after Melty Moment and Honey Coming. I'll maybe write a more detailed review when I'm completely done with the game, but overall it's very reminiscent of "old SMEE"'s style, like a Kanojo*Step but with less insistence on shimoneta. It's nice to see a protagonist proactively searching and moving towards getting a girlfriend. Contrary to Kanojo*Step that had the open/secret relationship only change about one chapter out of two in the heroines routes, here the routes are completely different depending on whether the protagonist chooses to take the lead or follow along. As a result these routes tend to be rather short (8 chapters for each so far), but each variation has its own set of 3.5 H scenes. Some CGs are reused between scenes, and there's a general lack of non-H CGs, mostly due to the need to have two versions for each heroine's confession, ending and epilogue.

Generally speaking I like the "follow" routes better so far, because the "lead" route have had the heroines fall desperately in love with the protagonist and lose large parts of their character in the process (in typical Hooksoft fashion one might say). The "follow" version of the protagonist doesn't really feel that much less proactive, he does try to take the initiative but the heroines are just acting first. As far as heroines goes, I'm certainly partial to Mea and Maya, I wasn't really feeling Koyuzu but her route was alright, and I'm not too much into Anna so far. I would actually prefer the route to be about her little sister Risa, or even her "friend" Yukariko.
Micchi hasn't written his preview yet so I browsed through the list in his blog's sidebar. I may have missed something but nothing I saw really interested me. Yet another Ensemble's trap game... Yet another Koihime milking... There are a few single-heroine titles I think. Maybe I'll try Aikotoba, but I don't know if I'll like it cuz imouto heroine.
Good evening friends! :)

What do you guys think of Baseson? I was browsing through vndb and really liked the look of Shin Koihime series, if anybody tried playing any of them before, would you recommend it?
Baseson? Koihime series? Summon [MENTION=36284]Kri[/MENTION]; (hopefully still around) !
Baseson? Koihime series? Summon @Kri; (hopefully still around) !

I don't know who they are but looking forward to hear more from them and get to know about the game. :)

I always liked talking about games but never had the chance to discuss visual novel's since it's not that as popular here compared to west and asia, so I decided to write down a small review about what happened in my アマカノ gameplay. (and a lot of rambling)

If I had to say one thing about this game it would be that it's just too sweet, even in Otoge I don't usually or actually most of the time don't encounter such pure elements (before the h scenes of course) when it comes to character development and story writing style per se, and other than this game the only other galge I most played was 恋がさくころ桜どき and right after the start when I saw Mio I knew I was the type to like airheaded and cute girls, which is again strange to me because my preference is totally different when it comes to Otoge (I like older & mature types of guys) so playing eroge/galge made it clear to me that you can't stay biased when it comes to visual novels cause you never know lol.

Anyways onto アマカノ, I really...really enjoy slow burn romance, and hate it when the love interests starts to like the mc right at the beginning it's such a turn off to be honest. I mean it just makes the whole game completely boring, and アマカノ I think might maybe not the best (since I'm still new to the game and I wouldn't like to judge anything before finishing and experiencing more games) but it's good example for sure. The gameplay is very fun and it doesn't tire me at all, which I really appreciate.

Especially the chibi scenes..for example the scene where Koharu, Mizuki and Yuuki built a snowman together, even such a simple moment was very enjoyable to read for me.

I also enjoyed that the game has the feature to show other's point of view to the situations, because seeing from the eyes of love interest(s) is such a great way to get into the story imo.

Anyways before I start rambling again I'd like to write of what happened so far; first and foremost the senpai/kouhai relationship was quite fun at the start but to be honest since I knew it had to change later on I just wished I could've enjoy a little bit more. Now, I'm not saying it was short but since I really enjoyed it I just wanted more lol. Koharu is fun to tease and the cutest smoll mochi ever, I wish there were more characters like her, if you know any please let me know!! :)

Secondly /me sighs...

Mizuki, oh how I adore her but I just don't like it when I'm the one who gets teased, it's just a turn off for some reason. And it's not just because she is a female, I just don't like it in general. So sadly I'm gonna have to play her route after finishing the first two.

And Hime, ugh she is just so darn adorable. I like to call her Hime rather than using her real name and I'm at the point where she still calls me anata-sama, everytime she says that it makes me smile because I know she truly just needs a friend but she is so naive, blushing at every little thing...not knowing how to handle conversations and that's why I love her, because she is genuine girl.

Oh dear. I was just going to write about Koharu for a little but this turned into a me fangirling over amakano lol.
I don't know who they are but looking forward to hear more from them and get to know about the game. :)
He's sort of an expert on the series, you can actually get quite a few good comments on the various games and remakes by him just by searching this thread for "koihime".

Anyways onto アマカノ, I really...really enjoy slow burn romance, and hate it when the love interests starts to like the mc right at the beginning it's such a turn off to be honest. I mean it just makes the whole game completely boring, and アマカノ I think might maybe not the best (since I'm still new to the game and I wouldn't like to judge anything before finishing and experiencing more games) but it's good example for sure. The gameplay is very fun and it doesn't tire me at all, which I really appreciate.
Amakano is really something special, and I have played *a lot* of visual novels to compare (in the hundreds...). It's not just the slow burn romance, it's the whole package that really makes it stand out: very good writing that manages to remain slow-paced and yet not boring, cute characters, competent protagonist, no rushing to questionable humor and/or fanservice like so many games, a very progressive deepening of the relationships (the period between confession and new year's eve is probably my favorite), excellent art and some of my favorite CV cast.

I have to warn you that it's not all sweet in Miyuki and (especially) Sayuki's route, but it's mostly sweet and the temporary change of tone isn't unwelcome actually.

Anyways before I start rambling again I'd like to write of what happened so far; first and foremost the senpai/kouhai relationship was quite fun at the start but to be honest since I knew it had to change later on I just wished I could've enjoy a little bit more. Now, I'm not saying it was short but since I really enjoyed it I just wanted more lol. Koharu is fun to tease and the cutest smoll mochi ever, I wish there were more characters like her, if you know any please let me know!! :)
For some reason I've always associated Koharu from Amakano with Honoka from あの晴れわたる空より高く. They kinda look alike, are voiced by the same CV, and fit in the same "genki kouhai" position. I would recommend the game as it's one of my favorites as well but it's been so long since I've played it, I'm not so sure anymore. If rockets are not your thing the info dump can be a little thick. Also, considering my opinion on Hanno Shuusei's games lately, his humor can be quite difficult to adhere to especially if you dislike being teased, but it's been so long I don't remember how this particular game was in that department.
So, I'm also trying to revive that thread, so, I decided to see Getchu ranking preorders that month.

Yeah, Yuzusoft is TOP1, of course.
I think with such big audience they will have good sales every time with any game.

Next is... Karin-chan? Seems like RPG from NEXTON sub-brand.

Hoshizora no Memoria HD Remake...
Well, as I can see, creators makes remakes often that usual... Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate remake next March... And that...
Trying to survive in that market?..

Next is... eeeh... Nukige title by Guilty? I never heard about that company and don't understand why it's top-5... But it's WillPlus brand, eh... Well, omg, that Guilty has other sub-brands, eeeeh... I'm confused, I never understand why creating so many sub-brands etc...

Next is otome MUSICUS game, which got crowdfunded and now can be sold for less price that usual fullprice game (1/2 of price, to be honest). That's great.

All trap-protagonists ensemble crossover "Shiny Sisters"... Wow, that's genius. But low price, all ages, and... eeh... Meh :(
I'd see their romantic relations in more ways, hah.

8th place... Low price company Hending with usual moe.

9th... Oh, Cabbit. You're still alive... And delaying that game again. Hope it will be the last delay, otherwise I don't know what to think. Seems like they don't have enough budget to finish the development... Even tokuten illustrations still wasn't colored on site after so many months... *sigh*

And 10th place is... Agh... Dark eroge... With fetishes... No, thanks.

So sad that Getchu no ever publish their sales ranking by number of sold copies... Why is it now closed information, I don't know, really.
I'm a bit surprised to see Aikotoba, the upcoming single heroine game by Azarashi be only 22th, but then again there are other places than getchu to get the game. And while checking for more info on Azarashi's site, I just noticed (about a month after the announcement) that Amakano 2 has been delayed from March 20 to April 20, noooo! Since Michi's summary is taking some time to come, which isn't surprising given the season, I've downloaded a few demos and will probably try some games as I'm about done with my current playthrough of SMEE's early title Love Delation.

Well, I've actually already skimmed through the demo of the upcoming Guilty nukige 孕女. Guilty has always been focused on rape, either of the heroines or of the protagonist himself, and this new game falls in the later category. Contrary to the previous games in the same series, the "dream" pretense and the actual reasons for the villagers' behavior are explained very early, once the deed is done and there is no turning back. As usual it's stupid and doesn't make any kind of sense but eh, it's a nukige so I'm actually happy they don't drag on this plot element for too long. Hopefully what remains is a quiet and happy life in the countryside impregnating the girl of your choice (or all, knowing the brand...).

I'm not sure Musicus is otome, at least the vndb page lists a definitively male protagonist.

I don't get why you frown at the all ages tag in the new ensemble game. Or do you really want to see ecchi scenes between the various trap protagonists...? I'd wager that's not what the fans want, despite always hearing the same comments about how the trap protagonist is the cutest of them all in every trap ensemble and navel game.

EDIT: Aikotoba demo impressions : Unsurprising given the theme. Young adult big brother meets with his much younger sister after 7 years of separation. As usual with this kind of romances, he tries very hard to stay a 'good' big brother and hide any 'inappropriate' feelings. Brocon little sister is completely and utterly in love with her brother but is too afraid to be a burden that she stays quiet but multiplies increasingly obvious approaches. Circumstances lead to separation with one last message, until more circumstances (convenient! all of them outside of the protagonist's will) force them to meet once again. This last bit is a bit of a sore point, I would have much preferred for him to actually realize his feeling and face them by his own will rather than 'leave it up to fate'. Other than that, I felt that the CV (who sounds kinda like Ayumi Sara) doesn't really fit the character's age and archetype. Not too big a fan of the early masturbation and obvious dream sequences either.
Last edited:
So, I'm also trying to revive that thread, so, I decided to see Getchu ranking preorders that month. is... Karin-chan? Seems like RPG from NEXTON sub-brand.
Koihime Spin-off, I think.

Hoshizora no Memoria HD Remake...
Well, as I can see, creators makes remakes often that usual... Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate remake next March... And that...
Trying to survive in that market?..
I like to think that the rise of AI upscaler (waifu2x, Topaz AI, etc.) contributed to this. What I wouldn't give for an eroge emulator with a built-in AI upscaling and a customisable universal GUI.

Next is... eeeh... Nukige title by Guilty? I never heard about that company and don't understand why it's top-5... But it's WillPlus brand, eh... Well, omg, that Guilty has other sub-brands, eeeeh... I'm confused, I never understand why creating so many sub-brands etc...
Guilty titles are generally okay. 5-6/10 in stories and 7-8/10 art. For the multitude of sub-brands, I think it's either to test the water or for tax reasons.

8th place... Low price company Hending with usual moe.
I thought Hending released a well-received, full price title some months ago.

I'm a bit surprised to see Aikotoba, the upcoming single heroine game by Azarashi be only 22th, but then again there are other places than getchu to get the game.
Not surprising because it's been completely overshadowed by Amakano 2. Not very smart of them to promote both at the same time, though maybe there are never big expectations on Aikotoba.

And while checking for more info on Azarashi's site, I just noticed (about a month after the announcement) that Amakano 2 has been delayed from March 20 to April 20, noooo!
The reason of the delay is given as getting a better grip with widescreen implementation in Amakano 2.
I reccomend to try Dark Nights by Pinlin in case nobody ever heard of it before! It's extremely polished considering it was uploaded on Otome and Mystery mix
Guilty titles are generally okay. 5-6/10 in stories and 7-8/10 art. For the multitude of sub-brands, I think it's either to test the water or for tax reasons.
Do you really think so? I've only tried a handful of the Toriko titles, and played most of the Harame ones, but each and every time the story was barely worth a mention to excuse the systematic rape that happens. Art is also somewhat inconsistent across characters and also pretty generic, I'm surprised you value it that highly. I guess the studio does do some animated scenes but they are again not that good either so... Maybe I just haven't played the right game.

The reason of the delay is given as getting a better grip with widescreen implementation in Amakano 2.
Honestly I've been waiting for this proper sequel for years, so they can take as long as they want as long as the products delivers. Widescreen worked fine in the Aikotoba demo though.

I reccomend to try Dark Nights by Pinlin in case nobody ever heard of it before! It's extremely polished considering it was uploaded on Otome and Mystery mix
I tend to stay away from native English VNs because whatever I see on Steam just turns me away so much, but this one is free, so I decided to give it a chance. Besides, I've been starved for a good mystery game for a while now. Mystery wise it's not incredibly interesting but I guess it's okay. The art is pretty good, and there's a good amount of CG/sprite variation as well as some minor animations that help visualize the world. It's good because the writing can be little dry. The characters (protagonist in front) are in way over their heads about their involvement in the various incidents given their age, but it's surprisingly pleasantly readable, and some of the cliche plot points did get a few smiles out of me.
"I can save him with the power of hugs and kisses!"
The ending I stumbled upon at first (Romantic 2) was a little cliche and corny and I was about to stop the game right there, but a bit of curiosity led me to try the alternative (Normal 2) and wow, things certainly got more interesting and a lot darker. I'm not sure why a certain character switches behavior so much between routes but I guess that's something to be explained in the other 3. Overall I feel this normal ending got more effort than the previous one (even though the latter is most certainly the "good" ending), which makes me hopeful for more dark twists in the other routes (I know, I'm terrible). I will most probably continue, thanks for the suggestion.
Do you really think so? I've only tried a handful of the Toriko titles, and played most of the Harame ones, but each and every time the story was barely worth a mention to excuse the systematic rape that happens. Art is also somewhat inconsistent across characters and also pretty generic, I'm surprised you value it that highly. I guess the studio does do some animated scenes but they are again not that good either so... Maybe I just haven't played the right game.
Yeah, as with most other nukiges, the stories are only used to give an excuse for the sex. Guilty, though, seems to have a knack to keep things just right. The stories are a breeze to read (one route takes about 2-3 hours to finish) because of the general lack of plot twist and filler. The plots are also thin enough that you mostly forget about them once you finish reading, leaving you with a vaguely warm feeling from their romantic stories or a guilty pleasure from their rapey ones. These combinations surprisingly work well for the replay value, as I keep rotating some of their titles depending on my mood. Of course, there's this one time when they tried to mix blackmail and romance, resulting in one of my worst eroge experience.

As for the art, on reflection, it was indeed too generous. Between 4-6.5/10 seems more right as Guilty's artists/colorists put much more effort in their rape stories than their romantic ones, resulting in a large gap of quality between them. There's also this artist who works on Guilty romantic stories whose style seems too cute for Guilty. In general, though, I like the mature looks of the characters and their expressions during scenes.

Honestly I've been waiting for this proper sequel for years, so they can take as long as they want as long as the products delivers. Widescreen worked fine in the Aikotoba demo though.
It could be more about the artist. I don't think Piromizu has ever worked on 16:9 aspect ratio CGs before? Reminds me of the time when Iizuki Tasuku drew 16:9 CGs in Hatsukoi 1/1. Those CGs, to put it politely, weren't his best work. Piromizu is a more meticulous artist, though, so hopefully it turns out fine.
Baseson? Koihime series? Summon [MENTION=36284]Kri[/MENTION]; (hopefully still around) !

Hey man, I'm glad you didnt forget me, your ping made me a little happy. I'm still alive and kicking, tho with all my job and health issues I'm having a lesser time to write around here. I'm still playing visual novels and trying to follow industry as good as I can tho.

Good evening friends! :)

What do you guys think of Baseson? I was browsing through vndb and really liked the look of Shin Koihime series, if anybody tried playing any of them before, would you recommend it?

Hello mate, I'm probably one of the biggest fan of koihime / baseson series here and as you expect, I'm pretty much in love with the series, Though I cant recommend all of them from an objective point so I'll go one by one. Loving "very long, big type harem games" is a must to like those games tho, so if you dont like "very long" or "just one harem ending" type games I really suggest you to stay away from them. But if you are okay with them;

Koihime Musou: This is the pretty much first game of the series, and we can call it a "prototype" of the incoming other titles. There is no need to play it since its pretty bad (or more like worst) and we already have a bigger - better remakes for it.

Shin Koihime Musou: Remake of the original game and something close to "keystone" of the entire series, Pretty much best of the "koihime musou" series. We recently got a remake of this with a very better artwork, OSTs and new characters (or more like 3 games) but those have their own pros and cons so you have to decide if you'll start with this or remake titles.

Shin koihime musou moeshouden: Fandisc of the "Shin koihime musou" title. You have to play remakes or OG game first before that.

Shin Koihime † Eiyuutan: this is a weird one. Technically its fandisc of the remake games, but since it got released before remake titles you can play it after "Shin koihime musou" title, like we all did.

Shin Koihime † Musou -Kakumei-: Now those three games are remake of the original "Shin koihime musou", each title covers a route from it. As I said above from technical point its a pretty well made remake, All the new CGs & arts & ost and other stuff are great and the new heroines which didnt appear in Shin koihime Musou made game even better, but specially in the Shoku route they kind of messed up the og route & character relationships / plot so while it has its own merits I just cant recommend it wholeheartly. I guess you gotta check titles and play whichever you feel like you want to play.

If you'd like to have some general thoughts about the series, well to be honest I think "Sengoku koihime" spinoff was way way better than any of the OG series but Koihime musou is also one of my favorite thing in the entire industry. Pretty much all the famous voice actors plays a role in the series and all the "familyish" feeling between not just protag > heroine but with heroine > heroine as well makes it like you are reading a story about a big family instead of just a protag. Its something I cheerish very much so it become very easily one of my favorites, I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did.
I'm glad that someone here is alive. Woohoo! Eroge industry are still alive, and we too in 2019! Well, almost 2020...

Also! Trial of Amakano 2 already released! I am waiting for your opinion, guys, because right now I don't have a time to play at all, ugh.
Guys アマカノ2 website is up! Though I can't seem to view it unless if I use proxy or VPN. :(
Thanks for the heads up! I don't have to use a proxy to view it so it's not Japan locked, but who knows what kind of restrictions they put. So far I like all the details they revealed on the site, especially the "Point" part, it feels like they really understand what made Amakano special and aren't trying to change the formula in a weird way.

As far as the new additions, I'm not too sure about the artificial voice reading the text, but I like the "oazuke mode", the latter parts of the games could be somewhat dense in ecchi scenes which was fine but not very practical when re-reading a route or looking for a particular moment.

The only small disappointment is with the heroines themselves. One of the charms of the Amakano relationships was that they all started from zero, and here two out of three already know the protagonist to various extents, and seem to be a little too close to him to start with. I mean, one keeps hugging him and treating him like a little brother, another just shows up and lives in his room : that screams a bit too much "typical eroge convenient (aka unrealistic) setup" which is something that the previous games have managed to avoid to a certain degree before. Getting close to the characters was more thanks to the protagonist current actions than just fate or past interactions. We'll see with the demo, speaking of which :

Also! Trial of Amakano 2 already released! I am waiting for your opinion, guys, because right now I don't have a time to play at all, ugh.
I've had some difficulties downloading the trial (all links to Google Drives linking to exceeded quota...) but I finally got the demo now, I should be able to play it over the week end.

EDIT: Also, has anyone been able to find the collaboration project between SMEE and Azarashi Soft? It's called Azasumi, and it's supposedly available right now on Fanza (for 100 yen) but I can't seem to find it. I'd buy it if anyone can give me a link to the Fanza product page.

Hey man, I'm glad you didnt forget me, your ping made me a little happy. I'm still alive and kicking, tho with all my job and health issues I'm having a lesser time to write around here. I'm still playing visual novels and trying to follow industry as good as I can tho.
I was a bit worried but I'm happy to see you're still here and enjoying the industry still, and I hope your job and health situation gets better!

Also, some quick impressions on the few games played so far:

Dark Nights : I have played further into it, completing both normal and romantic endings 1 and 4. Unfortunately, these all suffer from being a little too "Otome" for me, I mean every potential partner is a cool, dark, ancient superpower wielding entity (guardian spirit, ogre, undead lord, etc...) that also happens to have a tragic and tortured past, but comes to terms with it thanks to the love and support of our young heroine (16), whose gentleness and dedication they never encountered before. I haven't read/seen Twilight but this feels awfully close. This is fine for one route, but when the same setup is used basically everywhere, the interesting factor gets rather weak and since I'm not playing it for the characters themselves (although I like the heroine's decisiveness) it's hard to remain focused on the text and backstories. I'm a bit sad that the angel's motivations were never really explained and it feels more like she's only here to be an obstacle to our heroes than have a plan of her own. There is also unfortunately nothing quite as pace-changing and dramatic as the Normal 2 ending, the rest of the endings being, well, normal I guess. All in all, I'd say it's okay for one route and ending 2 but maybe not worth investing too much time into it. One characters' routes remains which may blow my mind (unlikely but...), and there are those after scenes locked until completing all endings that are rather teasing. We'll see.

孕女~精子を欲しがる淫らな教え子~ (Chieri) : Pretty much what I expected from Guilty. It's short but there is still a bit of story/character development after the very sex-focused opening scenes. Don't expect too much though.

喫茶ステラと死神の蝶 : Well, it's Yuzusoft which is sort of a safe bet when it comes to minimum quality, but I'll admit I was expecting the second part of the title, the whole death god and related butterflies, to feature more prominently as least in the common route, especially after a rather intriguing opening. Rather, most if not all of the common route is focused on setting up the Stella Cafe as... a normal cafe with normal cafe problems. Decorate the place, hire waitresses and cooks, you know the drill, it's a very common theme in eroge, and soon enough the whole Shinigami business feels more like an excuse to get the characters together than an actual plot point. Honestly it's pretty boring, especially because everything just goes according to plans and there's not really any long-lasting issues or, god forbid, any failures that occur.Yeah characters will keep mentioning how this business is hard and all (and it is, when looking as the percentage of places closing after a single year), but the game doesn't really make it feel that way. I'm also not too big a fan of the protagonist, I can understand the character's worries and I like that he's not afraid to put in some efforts but in the end, the situations improves mostly from his surroundings rather than him (dad gives super helpful advice, childhood friend comes to work with, other friend's sister ends up being top-chef, etc...). I would have preferred (and he too) if his own efforts made a more significant difference in the long run.

There was potential for drama with Suzune's story but as it turns out her condition is more self-inflicted than anything else. I liked the character from the start, she reminds me a lot of Ushio from Mashimaro, and tried to get to her route first but unfortunately it's locked until one other route is completed. I don't get why it had to be locked though, yeah it's probably shorter than the other four but there were no spoilers in there, just let me choose who I want damnit! Oh well, just one click on "skip to next choice" with "skip all text" enabled completed the route I had ended up in on my first run (Sorry Kanna), this was enough to unlock it. Suzune's route is pretty standard but it was overall very enjoyable, relatively peaceful and without big issues or drama. I would have preferred a little more reactions from the surroundings at the odd pairing but they complete each other well so that's good enough, and there's a bit of that in the after story which is okay. It also feels like Yuzusoft put some efforts in the ecchi scenes, both in length and quality, they were pretty good except for the protagonist's lines which felt a bit odd at times, detached and not really feeling his supposed excitement. Suzune's CV manages to fill the gap more than enough though.

I'll most likely go back to Kanna's route, hoping for some more Shinigami focus than in the common route, after playing the Amakano 2 demo.
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I had been so fatigued that I'm not in much condition to read these days so I have nothing much to add...I'm still around though.
[MENTION=36284]Kri[/MENTION]; Thanks for helping out I really appreciate it! hmm...starting off with the remakes sounds fun, but if the older version is better then I might just go with that one. :D

Thanks for the heads up! I don't have to use a proxy to view it so it's not Japan locked, but who knows what kind of restrictions they put. So far I like all the details they revealed on the site, especially the "Point" part, it feels like they really understand what made Amakano special and aren't trying to change the formula in a weird way.

No problem~! :) It's strange because I used to be able to view their site without any errors, weird lol.

The only small disappointment is with the heroines themselves. One of the charms of the Amakano relationships was that they all started from zero, and here two out of three already know the protagonist to various extents, and seem to be a little too close to him to start with. I mean, one keeps hugging him and treating him like a little brother, another just shows up and lives in his room : that screams a bit too much "typical eroge convenient (aka unrealistic) setup" which is something that the previous games have managed to avoid to a certain degree before. Getting close to the characters was more thanks to the protagonist current actions than just fate or past interactions.

I feel you...*sigh* I wish they kept their story pattern but who knows maybe it's a good change? Idk, but since I have high expectations things might be different this time..I mean I started playing the first game totally blind so trying their new title knowing a bit more makes it more exciting for me.

ps. Btw, I really enjoyed your reviews!

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