Visual Novel Cafe

Thanks, that was enlightening! I suppose "mean" or "jerk" is more accurate. I read quite a few shoujo manga; horror stories mostly; but most of the male protagonists there are boring goody two shoes. There are a few tease such as Tasuku from Dengeki Daisy or Kei from Special A, but if those vndb screenshots are reflective of their characters, then otoge heroes are on a different level of meanness. With that kind of personality, they would be either a villain or an anti-hero in a male-oriented eroge.

As for female-oriented h-anime, nope, I wasn't aware there are such a thing. Admittedly, I haven't been following h-anime because art-wise, they are generally poor.

As for netori, well, I guess it's harder to find someone who doesn't like them. This kind of ego-stroking works especially well in VN/eroge than in other media because it's much easier to project yourself as the MC in them.
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First short impressions of the year! No time to waste let's get right to it:

あにまる☆ぱにっく (Rune-Finished, Shiori-75%) : You know, when I saw the synopsis I had a hard time believing this was an 18+ game. I have seen a fair share of childish plots and characters but this one would probably make it to the top (Galette pedo stuff excluded). You have a dumb clumsy evil cat breaking a crystal of wishes, and a group of young girls transforming into magical heroines, complete with nostalgic sailor moon animation style stuff (except the naked bodies are not blurred out). They are helped and supported by a overworked bunny-like fairy and a very mature and dependable protagonist in their quest to restore world peace (and find love in the process). There is a saying that "Simple is Best", and I feel this game took it at heart. While it is true the game is devoid of really complicated issues which makes it a little bland, there's also a distinct lack of sore points that makes it an okay, not really interesting but not unpleasant, kind of read.

The character themselves, when I started, all felt strangely childish. The little sister may be only one year younger than the protagonist, she acts so shy and reserved that she really seems much, much younger. She's cute, don't get me wrong, but she's very much in the "we must protect" zone and not in the "see her as a woman" one. Her friend is loud and playful but I can't say I liked her character very much. I usually like this genki archetype but she, again, felt too much like a child that I'm comfortable with. The kind and dependable classmate is okay, pushing herself for others while harboring self doubts about herself. She is in a way the mirror of the protagonist, and her route plays very much on that. And finally we have Rune, the genius stray cat who does as she pleases, when she pleases, with whatever she pleases. One of her current interests happens to be teasing the protagonist, and oh boy does she not hold back one bit on it. Her route pretty much consists of him being teased to death, realizing his feelings, and then desperately attempt to approach and catch her. I liked it, as I usually do with routes that involve protagonists putting in some serious effort to get the girl they want to even notice them, and later on help her with her problems. Very cute.

I'll say one thing though, the ecchi scenes that I read through were clashing pretty hard with the rest of the tone of the game, with some borderline stuff I really wasn't expecting in this sort of moege. Maybe it was just due to Rune's fickle and overly curious character. If you're not okay with rape (from one side or the other) or even drugged sex, better be prepared. The culmination of that I felt is in Rune's after story ecchi scene, with a kind of play I really am not a fan of, pushed to extremes I really would have preferred not seeing. Even skipping through it was really off-putting, and put a few very deep dents in the otherwise nice image I had of the protagonist until then. Unless you're really desperate I'd say it's best to avoid reading it altogether.

I'll probably stop here because Shiori's route isn't that engaging, and I'm not feeling anything at all for the sister/friend duo.

自爆カノジョ : It's a nice simple romance, that is recounted in flashback form so the reason/events that led to the character going out together are left unexplained until almost the end of the game. There's nothing overly dramatic, and the main appeal is the heroine's particular personality : she acts extremely assertive and cool when she's in the presence of others, but lets out all of her steam and embarrassment when she's alone in her room. I like assertive characters, be that in protagonist or heroine form, and it was nice to follow her along as she teases the protagonist and makes him blush by either words or actions, only to silently (or not) scream later at her own boldness. The protagonist in this one was a bit more of a mixed bag, too worried and focused on trying to make the heroine blush and lose her cool, instead of just enjoying being with her. Well, as he mostly fumbles in his attempts, it does set up the scene for some gleeful critical counterattacks from the heroine, so in the end that's fine. For most of the game the only situations he manages to partially 'win' is during sex, of which there is quite a lot of (12 scenes), but he usually fails to notice anyway. This somewhat changes as the game approaches its conclusion, which wasn't the most welcome development for me, but good for the couple I guess.

Collar x Malice (Mineo) : I have only completed one route (out of 5), but I'll say that this game is a very pleasant read so far. I started very worried, and to be frank, if KK hadn't mentioned that the protagonist would seems weak at first but reveal herself later then I probably wouldn't have gone past the common route (Chapter0). The setup has everything against her, being a (forced) new member of a group of super elite, very talented, very handsome, older investigators faced with a very disturbing case, while she has nothing really to bring to the table. In fact, her most noteworthy achievement is... to have been kidnapped and targeted by the terrorist organization the group is hunting very early in the story. After that, she is given the runaround by the five ikemen, some teasing her, some insulting her, some just ignoring her, but none of them (or maybe one, but route locked!) showing any real interest for her. It doesn't help that she is overall rather shy and easily flustered, stumbling on words or just walking down the street.

Despite the game making sure we know she's a top marksman, even her job position at the very bottom of the ladder of the police force doesn't help put her in a very positive light : she mostly answers phone calls and collects statements rather than do interesting work or investigate. I would have thought that a game targeted at girls would paint its female characters in a bit more of a role model or aspirational position, rather than a traditionalist view of women as subordinates or support in society. No women superiors leading anything here, the (handsome) men are in charge, and having a few assistants and rank-and-file girls in what remains a very masculine institution like law enforcement was maybe already considered bold enough. I guess the norms are accepted from both sides of the equation (at least in Japan), which I felt was a little sad. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it though, and there's simply just not much interest for the female characters anyway, just as I generally don't have much interest for male characters (protagonist included) in chara/moeges. At least the protagonist has a face, the art isn't afraid to show her in the various CGs, and the limited female support cast has both voices and sprites which is nice.

But if our girl has one thing going for her, it's her tenacity and stubbornness. She has to, to even spark a glimpse of interest among our group of brooding heroes, and even the most friendly and less obviously "superior" Mineo takes a lot of insistence to even acknowledge her presence or usefulness. The romantic part of the novel is very cute as she multiples her approaches (deliberate or not) and just won't take no for an answer. She is mostly the one who takes the initiative in the relationship, first as friends, then partners, all the way to lovers, and this despite Mineo's attachment to traditional sexist values of what a man and a woman's places are in society. I wouldn't have thought this trait to be particularly attractive to a girl but I suppose it must be. Thankfully he is most of the time adorable in his pure, almost childlike reactions to her advances and as a subject of teasing from the rest of the group. I think he's a good fit for our heroine.

As I've wrote before I like protagonists that are willing to go to great lengths to get what they want, and I have a lot of sympathy for the protagonist of this story for how she handled the romantic aspect. I have to admit though, that I am disappointed, after finishing Mineo's route, that she ultimately doesn't really play a very central role in the actual investigation and resolution of the crimes. Most of the time she would just... be there, making tea, providing morale support, or simply happen to be in the right place in the right time. At best she would play the assistant, bouncing off ideas to characters who have already it all figured out. It never really felt as she was in control of the events around her, that she was able to really see through the case and formulate her own plan of action. She also needed rescuing a tad bit too much for my liking, be that from simple blunders or very serious situations. I realize there has to be scenes in which the heroes flamboyantly rush to her rescue and swoop her away princess-style, but these felt a bit too fabricated for me.

We'll see how this trend goes in the other routes. If anything the romance aspect is very pleasant to follow, especially as I expect she'll need to do a lot of work to be recognized by some of the more colorful members of the cast.
Oh dear you actually did try CxM! Thank you for writing a review too! And starting off with Mineo is good, since the adviced route order is Mineo>Takeru (I dislike him the most...and don't get why people like this seaweed head that much he is just too annoying, at least for my taste:nekopara_puzzled:)>Kei>Shiraishi and last but not least the hidden route Aiji (my favorite:nekopara_blush:). Now, I totally agree with your critism when it comes to Hoshino since in Mineo's route there isn't much she does other than well like playing the support character I guess, and believe me...she is a really good MC for an otome game compared to the other ones I ever tried, and I played pretty much everything lol. Though I'm glad you didn't dislike it! The plot/game gets darker and darker (especially the bad endings) as the route line goes, which is quite fun actually. And I think you're going to enjoy Aiji's route the best, and maybe for the second Shiraishi's. :)
Sooo, quick question here, but how much would I miss by skipping up entirely on Takeru's route..? I'm currently struggling through it, I think I'm past the halfway mark but the way things are developing are really not to my liking. It's not so much Takeru's abrasive personality, his arrogant and over-self-confident ways actually lead to some funny situations (like the family dinner). What ticks me the most is the protagonist's reaction to all of it. I was hopeful at the beginning, during which she had to actually use her brain to pass his little test (although it's still just to get on everyone's else level). But what she earned is the extreme honor of being his... pet. And while she may complain whenever he treats her like one, she still obeys his every order, blush uncontrollably when he pets her, and wags her tail when he deigns to praise her and give her a literal treat. The worst part is that she's conscious of this, and the further it goes, the more she seems to like it! What the heck Ichika!
Well you know each route unlocks a certain point in game about X-Day executioner's back stories and well since they are not endings you will need to play the entire route as you know. Soo if you're not interested in Takeru's story of his past I'd say skip but you'd miss out some information about the incident. Though there is nothing major imo and if you use a guide then there won't be any problem, which I recommend.
I was actually more worried that going in the routes out of order would spoil something that I wasn't supposed to find out until later, but it seems you can actually do any of the first four routes (Shiraishi's a little questionable but not majorly spoilery) in any order without really revealing much about the ulterior motives of Adonis, that is apart from their leader being completely obsessed with Ichika and...
totally Saeki going by face structure, and taking into account Zero's disappearance right after Saeki was wounded in Mineo's route, and Shiraishi's reaction whenever Saeki shows up. Hoping I'm wrong.
I have now finished both Okazaki and Shiraishi's routes, and my favorite for now remains Okazaki's route. Not only does Ichika takes the investigation into her own hands much more in this route, Okazaki being more in a support role, I liked the idea of the clash of ideals that went on during most of the route and required so... much... effort to resolve. It did feel a bit padded on at some points though, especially when Ichika started acting exactly the way she complains Okazaki shouldn't the whole time. I understand that it was to put characters in mirror situations with roles reversed as the game likes to do so much, but it felt a bit forced. The ending though? A little too far fetched for me, I mean it's dramatic and all but maybe too action-y compared to the rest of the game that was more grounded in reality. The park scene was also a bit much for me to maintain my suspension of disbelief.

As for Shiraishi's... I think this route would have been more enjoyable if the alternative perspective phone calls weren't so frequent and revealing. They are kept intentionally vague so I was never quite sure if anything Shiraishi did was an act or a honest reactions to what Ichika says or does. I liked it more during the early parts where the investigation takes a central part, and it was nice to see Ichika again put her brain to work even though she isn't really the one to solve the situation (and does it get solved anyway? pretty sad outcome). The route ending was also somewhat of a letdown, and I especially didn't appreciate the fact that you HAVE to shoot (and kill!) to get the good ending despite the whole game telling us that this is Adonis's way of doing things, a method and ideal that Ichika's been fighting against since the very beginning. I understand that capturing the baddy alive was out of the question not to spoil the final route, but still, it kinda felt like the writer betrayed the ideal that the whole game tried to sell. I'm not even going to get into the post credit drama, I would have much preferred seeing Shiraishi and Ichika having to deal with what he did than this.

Well, back to Takeru's route and then on to the grand finale I guess.

As a side note, I for some reason really like the various mid-route enforcers in this game, and found myself wanting to play a route with a character of that type as a heroine more than once. So if anyone knows of a good VN in which one of the heroine is most certainly the bad guy and a little crazy perhaps (with tragic backstory attached), but the protagonist still helps her out of love, I'm all ears. Best if he doesn't necessarily have to redeem her along the way and has the option to accept being corrupted alongside her for her sake. No jerk/bad guy protagonist though, at least not at the start.

EDIT: although now that I think about it that sounds a lot like Minato from RealLive, and I heavily disliked this route, so maybe not after all.
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As a side note, I for some reason really like the various mid-route enforcers in this game, and found myself wanting to play a route with a character of that type as a heroine more than once. So if anyone knows of a good VN in which one of the heroine is most certainly the bad guy and a little crazy perhaps (with tragic backstory attached), but the protagonist still helps her out of love, I'm all ears. Best if he doesn't necessarily have to redeem her along the way and has the option to accept being corrupted alongside her for her sake. No jerk/bad guy protagonist though, at least not at the start.
Villainous heroine? Hmm, in a way, Iris from Aku Yome. It's one of Kaguya's better titles, though the bar is not very high. Also, Demonion series and some of Empress, Frill, and Black Lilith titles. Not something you're likely to enjoy though. The next closest thing is probably heroines whose "dark side" is slowly revealed as you progress. For this kind of heroines, I really recommend Haha Ranman if you haven't read it. Mind that the MC starts out as a gentleman but ends up as a not-very-agreeable guy. Also, Touka from Tsuki no Kanata de Aimashou.

Also, there's this otoge title (Torikago no Marriage) I recently skimmed through where nearly everyone including the heroine is a crap human being. The most decent guy gets friendzoned. Heh. Can't say I enjoyed the story, but it was great to see guys with a personality, whereas in male-oriented eroges everyone is rather cartoony. Gonna try Koezaru wa Akai Hana next if I could find a reliable link generator.
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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll definitely try them out.

I've been known to enjoy some Kaguya titles, though from the Gassa-Q team I've only somewhat enjoyed Koakuma and quit very early in Toshi Shita due to too strong harem vibes. I've also liked some of frill's games, but what I've played was more about corrupting characters than actually featuring a heroine with questionable morals or goals to begin with (at least as far as main heroine is concerned). I'll try Haha Ranman, even though the sexual healing theme and the usual wariness with anything AliceSoft does apply : I hear there's no NTR in this one, but that doesn't mean it's not full of the usual AliceSoft culprits such as rape, harem, and utterly obscure gameplay. I could go back to Tsukikana, but didn't you say that the protagonist in Touka's route is particularly dumb (especially with his interaction with past self)?
I've been known to enjoy some Kaguya titles, though from the Gassa-Q team I've only somewhat enjoyed Koakuma and quit very early in Toshi Shita due to too strong harem vibes.
In Aku Yome, the MC has four brides from the start. The majority of time, though, is spent focusing on the one you'd like to be the main wife. So, unless you deliberately choose the harem route, the girls you don't select barely appear in the story. Of course, this being an Atelier Kaguya title, the sub-characters also get an action in every route. Aku Yome is the only Gassa-Q's title I managed to finish. Most of their stories just aren't interesting enough and the pre-pubescent-looking characters aren't my cup of tea either.

I've also liked some of frill's games, but what I've played was more about corrupting characters than actually featuring a heroine with questionable morals or goals to begin with (at least as far as main heroine is concerned).
Yeah, I read that. The Headmaster from Frill's Sei Shoujo prepares her pupils/subordinates to be prostitutes, though admittedly she's a sub-heroine. The main heroine/villain of Lilith's Aku no Onna Kanbu seduces and eventually completely corrupts the MC. It's a fun twist on mahou shoujo genre. Though, having said that, the main heroine is a monster girl. Considering that you detest kemono stuff, I suppose this is out too.

I'll try Haha Ranman, even though the sexual healing theme and the usual wariness with anything AliceSoft does apply : I hear there's no NTR in this one, but that doesn't mean it's not full of the usual AliceSoft culprits such as rape, harem, and utterly obscure gameplay.
As for Haha Ranman, it's highly recommended to consult a walkthrough to avoid wasting too much time. Haha Ranman only has one route, which leads to 4/5 different endings (2 good + 2/3 bad) depending on your relationship level with the main heroine. This time AliceSoft actually uses real RNGs, but the implementation is such that it becomes an annoyance rather than improving the gameplay. Thankfully, the poor gameplay is more than compensated with intriguing story, sublime art, great voice actings, and solid BGMs.

I could go back to Tsukikana, but didn't you say that the protagonist in Touka's route is particularly dumb (especially with his interaction with past self)?
As for Tsukikana, the interaction between the younger and older MC is more distracting rather than dumb. I understand there's no need to be polite as the MC is practically chatting with himself. Still, the antagonistic attitude from the younger MC is jarring, especially when contrasted with how he treats other people.

Though, I suppose interacting with your future self is by all measure freaky. Yeah, put that way, I could accept the antagonism as the way the younger MC copes with the situation.
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In Aku Yome, the MC has four brides from the start. The majority of time, though, is spent focusing on the one you'd like to be the main wife. So, unless you deliberately choose the harem route, the girls you don't select barely appear in the story. Of course, this being an Atelier Kaguya title, the sub-characters also get an action in every route. Aku Yome is the only Gassa-Q's title I managed to finish. Most of their stories just aren't interesting enough and the pre-pubescent-looking characters aren't my cup of tea either.
I've played a tiny bit of Akuyome and I definitely see what you mean by villain character with Iris. At least at the start she is pretty much the stereotypical villain : rude, conceited, self-interested and completely ignoring of other's feelings. The other brides are not that far behind as far as their motives either, they're just a little less open about it. To be honest, this is not quite what I was looking for when I mentioned "bad guys" characters, to give a little more perspective let me mention the story of the enforcers in Collar x Malice that I liked:
One is an inveterate fan of a particular indie singer and has been supporting him forever, in a very one-sided relationship as he pushes her away at every turn. She's willing to go to extreme lengths to "protect" her love and his dreams, including offering her support to the young member of the band. How far would that go is unknown given he rejects her too, but she does talk of going pretty far. She has no qualms and even enjoys taking extreme revenge on people that hurt her beloved singer, even though she knows he will never show any interest towards her. I guess this kind of character would be found in NTR novels, in which the protagonist would "romance" a heroine that is clearly interested in someone else but they would both be willing to compromise to get closer to their idol.
Another is a victim of years and years of stalking by a man that keeps approaching her to profess his love to her but doesn't mean any of it since he does it to other women too. She is forced to move multiple times (hence no friends) and change jobs (since he would call her job pretending to be in an affair with her) and is clearly on the brink of mental breakdown, yet the police never acts. So when she was offered an alternate solution to her problems, she saw the one offering as a god and instantly deeply fell in love with him, even though she's just being manipulated. In the end, even after getting rid of one stalker she gets targeted by another one, poor girl just can't get a break.
The last is the twin children of a teacher who was pushed to murder-suicide by her students after she refused to go in an affair with the popular rich boy of the class. The mom was driven to insanity by constant bullying from the students and a complete abandonment of her hierarchy since the rich boy's family pays a large contribution to the school. Even her most trusted colleague is hesitating to act and support her, afraid to lose her job. One day, she is convinced that her existence needs to be erased, and all proof of it including... her two young children. They witness her trying to murder them, their dad interfering and getting killed in the process, and then their mom committing suicide. Does it stop there? Oh no, they get shunned by society afterwards, both by relatives and classmates alike, for being the children of a murderer, and the girl twin develops a sort of split personality to help her cope that scares her and is taking over more and more. Their only oasis is in the formerly mentioned co-worker who tried to look after them as she could, all the while being devoured by guilt over not acting (she quit her job right after the suicide). When they come of age she finally reveals the real reason for her mom's actions to the twins, and they decide to enact revenge on the people who basically destroyed their lives and that of their loved ones.
So there you have it, deeply scarred characters that have clearly embarked on the wrong path, some beyond redemption already, but whom I would have liked to provide more support in either being used to ease their pain or carry out their plans. Kinda like the characters in Kitten Philia now that I think about it.

Yeah, I read that. The Headmaster from Frill's Sei Shoujo prepares her pupils/subordinates to be prostitutes, though admittedly she's a sub-heroine.
I liked this one, but the headmaster's route is probably the lowest point of the game since she basically gets raped and then hands over both the school and the prostitution ring to her rapist to do as he pleases. The protagonist is a giant manipulative dick the whole game but especially in this route he's really bad.

The main heroine/villain of Lilith's Aku no Onna Kanbu seduces and eventually completely corrupts the MC. It's a fun twist on mahou shoujo genre. Though, having said that, the main heroine is a monster girl. Considering that you detest kemono stuff, I suppose this is out too.
Did I give the impression I'm against kemono characters? Words are hard, I don't actually dislike them, I just don't appreciate when it's being used as a way to skip or shorthand relationship development steps : "well she's a *insert animal here* so she doesn't care for that "feelings" stuff, she acts on instinct and is a-okay with sex right off the bat". Not to mention the mandatory heat periods (something that is often also used for humans that you know... don't?) that needs "calming down" (looking at you nekopara!), and the general "pet" angle that I really don't find appealing as far as romance is concerned. Anyway, I'm all in for having a protagonist be seduced by the bad guys of the story, just as long as it's actual seduction and not just rape into submission.

As for Haha Ranman, it's highly recommended to consult a walkthrough to avoid wasting too much time. Haha Ranman only has one route, which leads to 4/5 different endings (2 good + 2/3 bad) depending on your relationship level with the main heroine. This time AliceSoft actually uses real RNGs, but the implementation is such that it becomes an annoyance rather than improving the gameplay. Thankfully, the poor gameplay is more than compensated with intriguing story, sublime art, great voice actings, and solid BGMs.
Thanks for the warning, I'll swallow my pride and use a walkthrough from the start then. Does the fact that it only has route mean it's harem though?

As for Tsukikana, it's more annoying than dumb. I understand there's no need to be polite as the MC is practically chatting with himself. Still, the rudeness is jarring, especially when contrasted with how the MC treats other people.
I think this will the next route I play after I'm finished with Collar x Malice.
To be honest, this is not quite what I was looking for when I mentioned "bad guys" characters, to give a little more perspective let me mention the story of the enforcers in Collar x Malice that I liked: -snip-
Definitely sounds like Empress' heroines in particular Marie (Starless) and Celine (Closed Game) in the way they toy with people's lives. Though in these cases, they don't really have deep motives. Just sadistic perverts.

Did I give the impression I'm against kemono characters? Words are hard, I don't actually dislike them, I just don't appreciate when it's being used as a way to skip or shorthand relationship development steps : "well she's a *insert animal here* so she doesn't care for that "feelings" stuff, she acts on instinct and is a-okay with sex right off the bat". Not to mention the mandatory heat periods (something that is often also used for humans that you know... don't?) that needs "calming down" (looking at you nekopara!), and the general "pet" angle that I really don't find appealing as far as romance is concerned. Anyway, I'm all in for having a protagonist be seduced by the bad guys of the story, just as long as it's actual seduction and not just rape into submission.
Ah so I misunderstood. As for the pet angle, well, I can't decide until I read it but in case of Nekopara, the combination of it being available in English and having censorship instantly killed it for me.

the MC eventually discards his humanity and becomes the heroine's partner in crime. There's a twist at the end which suggests that he doesn't turn completely evil.

Thanks for the warning, I'll swallow my pride and use a walkthrough from the start then. Does the fact that it only has route mean it's harem though?
Given the heavy amount of RNG manipulation (read: save scumming) required to get a good ending, it's much more sensible to do it in the fewest possible playthroughs. And yes, the MC does end up having sexual relationship with all the heroines, but it was dictated by circumstances rather than his own initiative. Well, at the beginning at least.
The heroines are a jealous bunch so I consider this to be cheating rather than an harem.

I think this will the next route I play after I'm finished with Collar x Malice.
When I consider the antagonism from the young MC toward the older MC might have been his way to cope with the strange situation, I don't find it to be so bad anymore. Maybe.
Definitely sounds like Empress' heroines in particular Marie (Starless) and Celine (Closed Game) in the way they toy with people's lives. Though in these cases, they don't really have deep motives. Just sadistic perverts.
Thank you again for the suggestions. I'm not sure how much I can sympathize with a villain character if they don't have a sob story to justify their actions though. I'll be sure to look them up and give them a shot, as soon as I'm done migrating to Windows 10 (gonna take a while...).
Thank you again for the suggestions. I'm not sure how much I can sympathize with a villain character if they don't have a sob story to justify their actions though. I'll be sure to look them up and give them a shot, as soon as I'm done migrating to Windows 10 (gonna take a while...).
Ah, I should warn you that story-wise, Empress' titles are not much. They're nukige with niche fetishes and great art.

@Upgrading to Windows 10: After you're done upgrading, go check your Windows 10 version. If it's lower than 1909, download the latest iso using the media creation tool (click the "Download tool now" button). Mount the iso and "install" Windows 10 to get to the latest version. From my experience, this seems much less problematic than using the fail-prone Windows update.
Actually, the media creation tool turned out to be the source of most of my wasted time trying to upgrade to Windows 10, I'm not sure I would recommend it. For reference, I was using it from the start because I wanted both a clean installation of Windows 10 (without the accumulated blob of my old Windows 7 one) and also because I wanted to keep the old installation in case things went wrong one way or another, and have a failsafe option readily available. Unfortunately, many a evening was wasted waiting for it to download and create a bootable USB key, only to find out that that key can't install Windows 10 properly due to one error or another (one time : unable to create partition on an empty drive, few times : required files apparently missing (error 7025D)). In the end what worked was downloading an actual ISO of the Windows 10 1909 installation media from a mirror, burn that to a USB key using a third party software (in this case, Rufus), and finally get the install going.

Everything's good now, right? Wrong! I had prepared a separate, brand new SSD for the Windows 10 system but was stupid enough to trust the Windows 10 Installer and left my old hard drive, with the Windows 7 Install, still plugged in during the installation. I shouldn't have, I should have unplugged the hard drive and stored it safely far away until the Windows Installer had done its thing. Since I didn't, my boot sequence is now all messed up, I'm unable to boot on the new SSD directly, and my old Windows 7 (that shouldn't have been touched, that was the goal!) is now completely borked by whatever the Windows Installer did to it. Sigh.

And now after fighting against the "improved" user experience to set up things as I want them to be, having to resort to much registry editing for most of it (keyboard layouts, default folders, etc...), I'm finally back to somewhat operational after a whole afternoon of messing around. Thank you Microsoft.
In the middle of this debacle, I managed to squeeze in a little time to play the short 相思相愛ロリータ that I've had hanging around for years. As usual with porori, the game is well written but is, as often is the case with porori works, full of strange, disturbing and sometimes somewhat repulsive views on women, characterized mostly in the protagonist's internal monologue, but also by the female cast by and large. It's a strange world, in which caretakers are all too happy to give away their ward to a complete stranger without ever meeting then, in which a woman can only be independent by either becoming an idol, sleeping with the company's CEO or selling her body, in which it doesn't seem to be a problem not only to openly have a relationship between an adult and a 12 years old (or less?), but also impregnate her as soon as physically possible, damned be her own life and health. The relationship itself, behind beautiful words like "two souls with the same level of loneliness attracted to each other", turns out to be almost entirely physical and one-sided, to the benefit of... the lonely working adult, of course. Anyway, it's not my first porori and I was somewhat expecting this, hoping for at least some decent H-scenes to compensate. Unfortunately most of the game is presented in NVL form, with the text blocking the CG view most of the time, and the auto-line advancement is way too fast even on the slowest setting, further preventing me from enjoying it very much in this department.
That's unfortunate. 10 is not as good looking as the much loved 7, but it's faster and pretty handy. That said, you'd probably want to disable integrated ads and the nagging action center. Old Guilty titles (circa 2010 and before) won't run on it. Some other titles such as Princess Lover will run only if you set their compatibility to Windows 98(!).
It's been a while since I've written here, almost a month! The releases last month weren't very engaging so rather than make separate posts for each one I'll group them up here along with various comments on the recently played routes here and there. Well, let's get to it:

あまいろショコラータ : Remember Cabbage Soft? They're the ones responsible for one of 2018 best VN : Amazing Grace, a game that managed to twist the time loop mystery in interesting ways and kept things interesting all along, albeit slow and with an ending a little too focused on explained every little detail, forgetting pacing and tension. And their next game is... this. At first glance, it's a very simple moege featuring kemonomimi heroines and a cafe. But in reality, it's... exactly that. I don't think it's a spoiler to burst the bubble of anticipation anyone may have had for this game (maybe it was just me?), but there is really no mystery or anything of the sort in here. Just a standard moege, with childish beastgirls (tsundere cat Chieri or oddball dog Mikuri) for heroines, and a super donkan protagonist to lead the pack. There was potential as one is very secretive and the other can hear the voice of god (remember Angie from Danganronpa v3?), but the story remains lighthearted, there's no real issue or drama anywhere in sight, and it's very focused on the romance aspect. There are some slight reflections on human-beastgirl relationships and what it means to be an adult but it is never explored very far. Art is good and so is music, but the CV cast wasn't really for me, especially combined with the beastgirl talk (mostly Chieri). I'm somewhat suspicious of the game being truncated down to two heroines rather than the 4 in the cast, especially given the two very obvious spots for Ichika and Nana in the recollection screen hastily hidden with ??? marks. Too bad as Nana is more my kind of heroine, ah well. Good news though, it seems like Amazing's Grace scenario writer is back for their next game, maybe this one will be worth playing for the story alone.

上倉雛のヒミツ ~ごほうびは私のカラダ♪~ : Very similar in style to Astronauts: Comet's previous nukige 椎名真穂のヒミツ ~ネームはHで思いつきます~. The setting is again completely forced, after the ero-manga studies, this time it's "if you do good in sports I'll give you a (sexually oriented) reward". I liked that despite this obvious nukige setting, the protagonist and heroine are aware of the strangeness of the situation and despite initiating it themselves are more than a little reticent... at first. Unfortunately, the whole theme is thrown away rather quickly, skipping steps to go all the way as soon as the second scene, along with a rushed love confession. There was much potential in escalating "rewards" and accompanying growing feelings, but from there on out it's basically just a series of ecchi situations with no more romantic or story development. I found that some of these situations, especially the public sex ones, are a little hard to believe given how risky there are, but fine. It seems the studio's strategy is to introduce the heroine of the next game as a sub heroine first, they did this with this game's heroine Hina in the previous game, and it would seem that the next one will feature gamer hikikomori Momoha, this game's protagonist's sister, trying to handle the situation after a video of her masturbating mistakenly gets uploaded to the internet. Sounds stupid once again but who knows?

おにあま -わたしに甘えて、お兄ちゃん- : I tend to like Prekano titles, but this one was not as good as the other ones. Main reason is the time limit of one week for the whole game, which means that the relationship has to develop fast despite the obvious obstacles (age gap, super busy protagonist). A little too fast for my tastes, I generally don't really enjoy games with heroines starting at max affection and this one was no exception. Also, a little deceptive title didn't help, there's no sister here, just a childhood friend at best, and not that close a one at that when considering the rather large age difference. Anyway, things develop fast, the protagonist falls in love quickly with his young childhood friend temporary maid, which turns out for the best for him as he gets more confidence and manages to handle his overwork problem and loneliness. A nice dream for a lonely overworked young-adult I guess, which is something that can be said for most of these kind of age-gap relationship games, but is especially obvious in this one.

Collar x Malice (Takeru, Yanagi) : I've actually finished it a while ago, and it was pretty good, although the final resolution turned out to be a little too obvious for my tastes. Overall, the game tries to mix investigation and otome romance in a single package, but I do feel that the romance took the largest part of the effort and the investigations felt a little sub-par. Maybe it's because I played the game's routes relatively quickly in succession so I remembered details from one to the other (the early bad endings in each route are especially spoilery). Anyway, Yanagi's finale was pretty cute, with an Ichika desperate to get his attention and not pulling any punches to get what she wants. I found Yanagi's flustered reactions to said attacks a little hard to believe, especially considering his age and past, but maybe he was just too focused on his work and forgot his past life and experiences. He eventually manages to regain his footing and strikes back, but at that point he's already fallen and it's all just to make our proud heroine blush. I found the big bad's confrontation a little lacking and his reasoning completely off, but it seems as if he gets a route of his own in the game's fandisk, maybe it's worth playing just for a more thorough sense of closure.

月の彼方で逢いましょう (Touka) : This is exactly what I was looking for when I asked for a "villainous" heroine. I liked Touka a lot, especially as her mystery gets revealed and her plans is put to light. For some reason when I read her route was about vengeance, I thought it was about the protagonist taking revenge on whatever separated them at a young age, but it's not quite like that, much more sinister. What did tick me off in this route though is the protagonist's actions, and to be more specific, the version of the protagonist that experiences the events the first time and then turns into an adult. I actually much preferred the second version, more decisive, more proactive, more determined about what he wants. A large portion of the first childhood part, and much of the adult one, is spent making sure we know the protagonist is loved by everyone in his surroundings, while he remains stuck in his regrets and is afraid to make any change even though he's frustrated and unhappy. This is intentional, and even spelled out by the protagonist himself as he envies his other version, and eventually he does pull it together, but boy did it take a long time, a time I would have rather spent... with Touka. In volume at least, this route is very much focused on the protagonist and his growth as a person, rather than on the actual heroine of the route. The smartphone gimmick to the past remains unclear (especially the last "relay" reveal, which doesn't really make sense) and more confusing than it is useful, and I found myself wishing for a more detailed Touka route that did away with all that just to focus more on her plan and relationship. Last bit of complaint: I found the CG use to be a little awkward in this route, multiple CGs being used in succession in very quick scenes, some with barely any variation, and the last one only shows up during the ending credits. More Touka in adult form would have been nice as well, but the upcoming fandisk is all about Rein.

Empress : I've given them a look-over but this seems a little too violent for my tastes.
Remember Cabbage Soft? They're the ones responsible for one of 2018 best VN
Interesting. I'll try Amazing Grace next.

Should have made the senpai a pseudo love rival to spice things up. Though competitive swimming is probably a more limited theme than "net idoling" and ero studies.

In other Astronauts' news, with godawful story and gameplay, Zettai Jotei Toshi seems to be gunning (pun intended) for the worst eroge of the year.

月の彼方で逢いましょう (Touka)What did tick me off in this route though is the protagonist's actions, and to be more specific, the version of the protagonist that experiences the events the first time and then turns into an adult. I actually much preferred the second version, more decisive, more proactive, more determined about what he wants.
To be fair, Touka pushed him onto Uguisu. The older protagonist crucially made it clear very early on that it's Touka they're truly in love with and thus helped the younger protagonist made up his mind.

A large portion of the first childhood part, and much of the adult one, is spent making sure we know the protagonist is loved by everyone in his surroundings, while he remains stuck in his regrets and is afraid to make any change even though he's frustrated and unhappy. This is intentional, and even spelled out by the protagonist himself as he envies his other version, and eventually he does pull it together, but boy did it take a long time, a time I would have rather spent... with Touka.
Ahaha, that was my first Tsukikana playthrough. Not sure which heroine to pick, I chose to be nice with everyone then the game went and put me in Touka's route. Touka really sold me to Uguisu though. Bless and damn her.

The smartphone gimmick to the past remains unclear (especially the last "relay" reveal, which doesn't really make sense) and more confusing than it is useful
Going to need a refresher here. What was this about again? Also, I think the prologue never actually happened?

Last bit of complaint: I found the CG use to be a little awkward in this route, multiple CGs being used in succession in very quick scenes, some with barely any variation, and the last one only shows up during the ending credits.
Yeah, it was odd that that CG would be in the gallery. Not like it was going to be usable anywhere though.

More Touka in adult form would have been nice as well, but the upcoming fandisk is all about Rein.
I feel Touka's ending is perfect. You're left to imagine about what she did during her disappearance, and whether she truly earned a clean slate. This kind of ambiguity is one of Tsukikana's charm, although I don't think it worked in Uguisu's route.

Empress : I've given them a look-over but this seems a little too violent for my tastes.
To be honest, I instantly regretted the moment I recommended them to you. I'm relieved to hear that.

Amazing grace first impression: This manages to be unsettling right from the start. Who'd have thought you can find a Brueghel painting in an eroge?
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Should have made the senpai a pseudo love rival to spice things up. Though competitive swimming is probably a more limited theme than "net idoling" and ero studies.
The swimming part, maybe so, in fact there's not much actual swimming knowledge to be gained in the game, as the protagonist is already from the start in top shape except for his mental state. The "reward" angle though I think could have been played more, I mean they go from light booby touching over clothes in the first scene, to fellatio and unprotected sex in the second. There was certainly room for a more progressive escalation of said rewards, touching or being touched more and more, revealing more and more, I don't know. Maybe if the progtagonist had something to look forward to, then he would have won the competition, eh?

I don't know much about the upcoming Sirius game, I've stopped playing them quite a while ago. The generic dungeon crawler gameplay was okay but when coupled with a barely serviceable story it really doesn't hold a candle to the yearly Eushully. This new one sounds like femdom but actually not since the protagonist is here to teach the women their place? There will probably be lots of rape whether he fails or succeeds.

Going to need a refresher here. What was this about again? Also, I think the prologue never actually happened?
There are a couple of issues with the messages to the past gimmick, especially in this route in which they both play an important role and introduce a new set of rules that don't seem to count in the other routes. I'm not sure about the prologue, I can't really put in anywhere it the story where it would fit, in whichever timeline.

The first new rule is the "delayed merging of reality" thing, in which the corrected reality resulting from changing events in the past will only manifest in the adult future world every super moon. It's already a bit unclear why the protagonist's "messaging to the past" phone still works when it's NOT a super moon (as it's supposed to be a required condition?), but now the protagonist manages to resist the merger and remembers both timelines for some unknown reason?

Second new introduction, is the idea introduced right at the end that for the messaging to work, three actors are necessary : a sender, a recipient, AND an intermediary to relay the messages back and forth. Since the game likes to draw its inspiration from quantum physics for its technobabble, the idea of an observer being needed isn't that far of a stretch, but it does make all the interactions the protagonist has with his past self a little doubtful. Why wouldn't all message be instantly marked as read if someone was relaying them all along? What's with the long periods of silence? Finally, if a certain someone has been monitoring the whole thing all along then speak up earlier!

Yeah, it was odd that that CG would be in the gallery. Not like it was going to be usable anywhere though.
That's my point, many CGs are used for barely a few minutes, and often one after the other, whereas there was very long stretches of the game withouy any CG at all. Certainly a more balanced use of CG would have made for a more enjoyable route, I felt like many of them were wasted and forgotten as quickly as they went. I don't know the exact makings of these games, if the CGs are drawn before the plot is finalized, or if instructions are given to the artist to draw scenes that fit the main story arcs (I suppose it depends on the studio?), but it did feel like the writer didn't know how to use all the material and just shoved some off whenever he had the chance.

Amazing grace first impression: This manages to be unsettling right from the start. Who'd have thought you can find a Brueghel painting in an eroge?
I hope you like it, I did and that's with the art angle usually flying way over my head, but I did manage to learn a thing or two. As I said it can be quite slow and sometimes forgetful of its own urgency, especially in the middle part and the final showdown, but it's worth it nonetheless.
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I don't know much about the upcoming Sirius game, I've stopped playing them quite a while ago. The generic dungeon crawler gameplay was okay but when coupled with a barely serviceable story it really doesn't hold a candle to the yearly Eushully. This new one sounds like femdom but actually not since the protagonist is here to teach the women their place? There will probably be lots of rape whether he fails or succeeds.
I love Sirius, but I haven't played their last two titles. A bit tired of their fantasy settings. Judging from the trial, their latest offering is very likely a dud too. I mean, the protagonist is talking about justice while recruiting every kind of rapists and scumbags in his rank. I suppose this what happens when you cut the development period to a third.

As for Eushully, unfortunately the art is a bit too cute for my (current) taste, but standards have been broken before, so who knows.

The first new rule is the "delayed merging of reality" thing, in which the corrected reality resulting from changing events in the past will only manifest in the adult future world every super moon. It's already a bit unclear why the protagonist's "messaging to the past" phone still works when it's NOT a super moon (as it's supposed to be a required condition?)


Second new introduction, is the idea introduced right at the end that for the messaging to work, three actors are necessary : a sender, a recipient, AND an intermediary to relay the messages back and forth. Since the game likes to draw its inspiration from quantum physics for its technobabble, the idea of an observer being needed isn't that far of a stretch, but it does make all the interactions the protagonist has with his past self a little doubtful. Why wouldn't all message be instantly marked as read if someone was relaying them all along? What's with the long periods of silence? Finally, if a certain someone has been monitoring the whole thing all along then speak up earlier!
I've forgotten a lot of things about Tsukikana but I doubt it's that complex.
The messaging and the supermoon are likely two separate things. The ability to communicate with the past is a human invention, while the supermoon's ability of updating the present is supposedly a natural phenomenon. So, whenever a supermoon occurs, it updates the present, except there was no technology capable of taking advantage of that before Endymion.

, but now the protagonist manages to resist the merger and remembers both timelines for some unknown reason?
I think we're given the perspective of the original/older protagonist at the end of Touka's route, yeah? Technically:
  1. The older protagonist should at least remember about the exchanges because the younger protagonist keeps his memory regardless.
  2. The younger protagonist could conceivably went through the same career path as the older protagonist because Touka didn't stay that much longer with him before disappearing again. Thus, it's possible that his life didn't change that much.
  3. If I remember right, the relayed message at the end has unknown sender, yeah? I don't remember the content, but it could be sent by that Osaka company which offered "future messaging" service. Touka might have used it after she's left the hospital.

That's my point, many CGs are used for barely a few minutes, and often one after the other, whereas there was very long stretches of the game withouy any CG at all. Certainly a more balanced use of CG would have made for a more enjoyable route, I felt like many of them were wasted and forgotten as quickly as they went. I don't know the exact makings of these games, if the CGs are drawn before the plot is finalized, or if instructions are given to the artist to draw scenes that fit the main story arcs (I suppose it depends on the studio?), but it did feel like the writer didn't know how to use all the material and just shoved some off whenever he had the chance.
Tsukikana is a fine title, but there are parts which seems unfinished, probably due to budget, length, or deadline. There were moments in the story which got me thinking if this was as far as an eroge could be taken, and whether eroge was doomed to never beat a traditional novel.

I hope you like it, I did and that's with the art angle usually flying way over my head, but I did manage to learn a thing or two. As I said it can be quite slow and sometimes forgetful of its own urgency, especially in the middle part and the final showdown, but it's worth it nonetheless.
Thanks. Hopefully I can finish it by the weekend. And, oh, it's actually Bosch rather than Brueghel. So much for my art knowledge.
Some thoughts on last month's titles:

Great writing, high production value, but also depressing as hell. Seems good enough to make anyone's top 5 read of the year, but it's way too depressing for me to finish.
Not counting Azasumi, (which seems mostly Azarashi Soft anyway) my first SMEE title. The art is lovely but the story really goes nowhere and the jokes are childish. A pretty boring read overall.
Sky House is a great artist. Didn't expect that the story would be told from the heroine's perspective, but pairing her with a rigid cardboard makes the story feel very flat. Oh, well, it's INTERHEART after all.
Is Marco really that good? I know it's Hato in the writing chair (from whom I liked parts of his previous Nora Neko Heart) but I also hear it's short (below 10 hours?) and I'm not really feeling the western animation style. Not a single choice to influence the story is also something that put me away from the game.

If you haven't played any SMEE title yet, you really ought to give Fureraba a try. Be warned that anything else the studio made pales in comparison though.

Quick comments on my own VN adventures:

はじカノ~君がいる部屋~ (Yuana) : I played it a week ago and I can already barely remember any of it. The initial setup is very forceful with girls that lack any kind of suspicion towards a complete stranger ("Sure I'll come to your room and cook for you!"), and start the game already in love with him or fall extremely quickly. Yuana is your typical tsundere brocon little sister, even though she spent barely a year (or less) living in the same house as him. There are a few flashback trying to explain her feelings but it's a little too shallow. That's about it.

卒業までの1年間、ここにいる20人の男子全員とセックスします : I was expecting some light-hearted nukige in the vein of ぱこぱこそふと but it's actually pretty dark and once past the initial stages, not that enjoyable (unless you like gang rape). A little sprinkle of craziness on top and a conclusion that doesn't really make sense don't help the game much.

Giga Royal Sweet Collection : (Ripple, Chocolat, Parfait, Sucre) I think I'm doing an overdose on cafe and restaurant-themed games lately, (and there's more below!), but these were nice. I liked Kei's story in Ripple, Misato's route is pretty good in Chocolat even though the conclusion is a bit far fetched but I really didn't like the sister Suzu's. Rea's part in Parfait was somewhat painful due to the heavy drama in the second section of her route, initiated by characters who think hurting (actually breaking) her will actually help. There are disturbing similarities between all four games, including a mandatory past failed relationship with one of the heroines, and some love triangle themes that are pervasive through. Considering these are from the author of White Album, I suppose it was to be expected. The difficulty of the games (especially Chocolat) was surprising : you have to hunt for specific events in hundreds of possibilities, and sometimes actively avoid choosing the heroine you want to get the true ending (the normal ending being very unsatisfying: just the first ecchi scene and a quick epilogue leaving open drama/problems unsolved). Sucre is pretty much the same thing but I like it the most so far. The drama in Ai's route was blown out of proportions and even the early "happy" moments had the shadows of past trauma lingering about, but Meika's route was surprisingly enjoyable and a good counter argument to all those games/characters that praise and encourage sacrificing relationships "for the heroine's sake".

あおぞらストライプ : Looking for past piromizu and Ryuu Gakuru collaborations, I stumbled upon this that I had heard about a couple years ago but dismissed quickly. It's difficult not to see the similarities with Amakano's heroines, at least as far as art is concerned, but the personalities are also somewhat matching too... Anyway, the common route was actually a torture to follow through, as it consists of all the heroines, who fell in love with the protagonist very quickly, escalating their approaches to try and get his attention while he remains completely oblivious to any of it. The peaceful, family-friendly beach house quickly turns into a maid-cafe (with extremely short skirts), then into a weird place with the serving staff in very revealing swimsuits, and at this pace it's a only a matter of time before the shop becomes a brothel. You bet the place is a success, but whether or not this is thanks to the protagonist's cooking (the whole premise!) is hard to argue. The common route is also FULL of constant panties shots and "accidents" revealing breasts and other intimate parts. The protagonist is loved by everyone from the very beginning, not only by the heroines but also their parents who try to push their daughters into his arms at the first occasion, never mind the nearly 10 years age-gap he has with most of them. Honestly, it was getting pretty unbearable and I skipped the last quarter or so of it, when the super talented model joined the harem in formation, falling in love after a couple generic advice, only to be rejected later. From there on and in the heroine route it's a little better, at least in Satsuki's route, the constant attacks from the harem calm down and there is finally time to explore some romance themes, at the cost of completely destroying Satsuki's character and putting some serious interrogations as to her past behavior (none of which could pass as just "teasing").
Is Marco really that good? I know it's Hato in the writing chair (from whom I liked parts of his previous Nora Neko Heart) but I also hear it's short (below 10 hours?) and I'm not really feeling the western animation style. Not a single choice to influence the story is also something that put me away from the game.
I didn't get very far in the story, but from what I'd seen, the writing and the voice acting are top notch. Events are filtered through the protagonist's messed up mind, which makes it hard to discern how much of it is real. The animation may not look much, but it does its job of "animating" the action scenes.

If you haven't played any SMEE title yet, you really ought to give Fureraba a try. Be warned that anything else the studio made pales in comparison though.
Thanks, I'll give it a try.

From there on and in the heroine route it's a little better, at least in Satsuki's route, the constant attacks from the harem calm down and there is finally time to explore some romance themes, at the cost of completely destroying Satsuki's character and putting some serious interrogations as to her past behavior (none of which could pass as just "teasing").
Regarding Satsuki, she'd been threatening to go that way right from the start. Though how she became utterly incompetent at the end was indeed unexpected. It's not like the protagonist needed yet another stage to show off.

I have more issue with how she dealt with the protagonist's confession. IIRC, it was due to some insignificant issues which should have been long resolved by that point.
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Hi folks! How are you doing during these days? I'm most concerned about my pets' well-being as they're used to eating fresh foods, which is getting harder to get because the shops are closing.

Anyway, my thoughts on some eroges I read recently:

The romantic bits can be really good, but too short and well overpowered by the not-as-good comedic bits. This kind of art style isn't exactly my favourite, but the heroine's clothes are really well designed. How they went as far as gving each heroines an alternative look is a big plus too. My favourite route's probably Rina's. At some points on her route proper (such as the failed H), I can't help but feel this is how Hoshiori's Rikka's route should have been.
A bit hard to judge, because the good and the bad parts are so intertwined. I blame the director. The story is intriguing, but erratically paced. The art is good, but can be proportionally off. The animation is generally awkward/lazy, saves for some great ones. The BGMs are catchy but are overpowering the voice acting. The engine is poorly optimized, introducing occasional stutters which is annoying. The GUI is functional but the lack of quick saving/loading is a big minus.
bootUP! titles are so similar, though from what I've seen, Hani Tsuma is the best because it has better VAs. As nukiges, the sex scenes are correctly the high points. Indeed, some of the details during Hani Tsuma's Misato's scenes are very impressive. The story is generally decent, but the writer(s)'s tendency to overdo things makes reading pretty tedious.
The romantic bits can be really good, but too short and well overpowered by the not-as-good comedic bits. This kind of art style isn't exactly my favourite, but the heroine's clothes are really well designed. How they went as far as gving each heroines an alternative look is a big plus too. My favourite route's probably Rina's. At some points on her route proper (such as the failed H), I can't help but feel this is how Hoshiori's Rikka's route should have been.

SMEE humor...which IMO is more often than not unfunny...across their games there are some that I consider to be downright cruelty (for Fureraba in particular...the shenanigans MC does to Himari in her route, IIRC; it had been so long since I last read it) that makes me seethe with rage...

Way too many distractions to settle down and read myself though.....
SMEE humor...which IMO is more often than not unfunny...across their games there are some that I consider to be downright cruelty (for Fureraba in particular...the shenanigans MC does to Himari in her route, IIRC; it had been so long since I last read it) that makes me seethe with rage...

Way too many distractions to settle down and read myself though.....
I did laugh at some of the jokes, such as ones told by faceless bystanders, but as in Harem Kingdom, I find them to be mostly childish. At least in Fureraba you can clearly see how the relationship progress, something which is imperceptible in Harem Kingdom.

The biggest let down though, is probably Misaki's route. For all the gimmicks, her route is shorter and so-so compared with the others.

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