Visual Novel Cafe

It seems like the pillow cover is the main product, and the FD is just a bonus on the side, hence the price.

Selling new fan-disk as a bonus for dakimakura... that's something new for eroge business.
New HOOKSOFT game announced for this summer : 放課後シンデレラ. I like that contrary to some other sister brand that shall not be named, they seem to stay true to their strength and keep things simple. Good timing too as I'm just about wrapping up SuGirlyWish from the studio's past, and quite enjoyed it (some routes more than others). I'm not really digging the CV cast of the new game, which is mostly unknown to me, but that may be an opportunity to discover new talents (wishful thinking). I like that the common/kouryaku part seems more involved that typical HOOKSOFT, but it remains to be seen if the chance encounters after school will be more than random blind choices like in E School Life, and if the conversation parts will be more involved than the example given ("You like animals? Then you must like this place too!" -> Possible answers: Amusement Park/Zoo/Aquarium). Planned for this August, something to look forward to.

In unrelated news, fans of NTR and (original) Final Fantasy VII may want to take a look at the remake. Playing this game, the story bits often felt like a VN in which you enjoy the reunion with a childhood friend, reminiscing about old times, while progressively noticing some things are not quite as you remember and feel wrong or out of place, this all culminating in the horrible reveal that your friend has been mercilessly raped and is now but a shadow of her former self, never to come back. Also too much damn actiony combat and lengthy boss fights.
New HOOKSOFT game announced for this summer : 放課後シンデレラ. I like that contrary to some other sister brand that shall not be named, they seem to stay true to their strength and keep things simple. Good timing too as I'm just about wrapping up SuGirlyWish from the studio's past, and quite enjoyed it (some routes more than others). I'm not really digging the CV cast of the new game, which is mostly unknown to me, but that may be an opportunity to discover new talents (wishful thinking). I like that the common/kouryaku part seems more involved that typical HOOKSOFT, but it remains to be seen if the chance encounters after school will be more than random blind choices like in E School Life, and if the conversation parts will be more involved than the example given ("You like animals? Then you must like this place too!" -> Possible answers: Amusement Park/Zoo/Aquarium). Planned for this August, something to look forward to.

Looks like the big town-patrol map in MeltyMoment to me...except this time it's in a chain.

The choices could be little branching paths that will make very minor to major changes along the line, MeltyMoment-style but who knows how it'll play out...there's some semblance of hint in the heroines' profiles...

It even got E-School Life's choice of nude/clothed H scene.

The heroines' names seem to be very much to the point for some reason......and people seem to gravitate towards far, anyway.

There seems to be a big box of past games modernized to operate on Win10 coming too...

As for me, I'm done with all the "led" routes for Docchi no I ga Suki Desu ka? onto the "lead" routes. The differences seem major enough to warrant a full completion before I can say anything on it...

...except for that I hate Maya...cruelty will not be tolerated...
Hooksoft/Smee/ASa fans, hello ^_^

I bought Megasuki Hoshino Yuki part on DMM for 980 yen and completed it (~3 hours).
Story and characters here.

Well... it's nukige, I think? And 1st part of game (3 parts ~3000 yen total)

I like heroine, but MC is... terrible. I mean, he is very weak. Doughfaced. Thinking about himself like garbage, I don't know how to explain. I was sick of him, especially because he decided to avoid Yuki because 'why not, I'm so annoying for her'. WHAT THE HELL!!! Poor Yuki...

Hope someone of you also can play this part and express opinion. Because... Eeeh, it's 5/10... or 4/10 for me. I like art, music and heroine design. But everything else is... meh.

By the way, the first hentai scene looked very strange. Did it start very illogical? Looks like it's real nukige.

It's the low priced game series divided into 3 mini mini parts, interesting.
Nexton (main brand) > M's Toy Box (sub-brand) > Glasses (sub-sub-brand).

I like girls in glasses, but in this part it's not her glasses anyway, and she is not wearing glasses at all, to be honest. Interesting fetish. Anyway, will wait your opinion, guys.

I never see such a weak MC in eroge. Maybe, you saw worse examples...
Looks like the big town-patrol map in MeltyMoment to me...except this time it's in a chain.
The thing that has me slightly worried is that there doesn't seem to be any heroine indication on the map, so will it be a blind choice to try and meet who you want? Or do you get to make plans, gather info or progressively get to learn the heroine's habits? I seem to remember that MeltyMoment's map screen had heroine faces to clearly show who you were going to meet by going to specific locations.

The heroines' names seem to be very much to the point for some reason......and people seem to gravitate towards far, anyway.
I noticed that too, I mean Tayori Tanomu for the girl who wants to depend on the protagonist, Youka for the center of the group of friends, Tsukushima Tsukushi for the girl who wants to devote herself (尽くす), Usagawa for the Uzakawaii senpai and Oujou Maria for the princess... The latter does seem to get the more votes so far, I wonder why, she looks like the least interesting to me.

There seems to be a big box of past games modernized to operate on Win10 coming too...
Indeed! I haven't had any issue running any of the games in Windows 10 going as far back as HoneyComing though, and it doesn't look like they'll do much to the games themselves (no new content/no updated CG).

As for me, I'm done with all the "led" routes for Docchi no I ga Suki Desu ka? onto the "lead" routes. The differences seem major enough to warrant a full completion before I can say anything on it...

...except for that I hate Maya...cruelty will not be tolerated...
I've written if before but I was somewhat disappointed in the "lead" routes as the heroine's personalities tend to fade and merge into a single "young girl desperately in love" stereotype. I've only played Mea's and Maya's version though, maybe the other two fare better. Also what was wrong with Maya? I don't remember any cruelty in her route. Looking forward to your opinion either way.

I like heroine, but MC is... terrible. I mean, he is very weak. Doughfaced. Thinking about himself like garbage, I don't know how to explain. I was sick of him, especially because he decided to avoid Yuki because 'why not, I'm so annoying for her'. WHAT THE HELL!!! Poor Yuki...
I never see such a weak MC in eroge. Maybe, you saw worse examples...
Haven't you played はにかみ CLOVER? I think I remember you talking about it. The MC in the sister's route (Sumire) was really pathetic, constantly wallowing in self-pity, failing at everything. Are you saying this one is even worse? Anyway there are tons of low self-esteem main protagonists in eroge actually, the inkya (陰キャ) stereotype unfortunately gaining in popularity lately.
Yeah, I played Hanikami Clover in 2016, but it was so boring for me, so I don't even remember the events. And MC too.
What the inkya stereotype? Depressive heroes?
To be honest, I just don't understand the attitude then MC without any particular reason decided to break up with heroine (not even talking to her!!!) just because "I will be a nuisance for her". WHAT THE FUCK.
He doesn't even talk to her, doesn't even try to be open with her, tell about his problems, lack of self-confidence, etc... -_-

The thing that has me slightly worried is that there doesn't seem to be any heroine indication on the map, so will it be a blind choice to try and meet who you want? Or do you get to make plans, gather info or progressively get to learn the heroine's habits? I seem to remember that MeltyMoment's map screen had heroine faces to clearly show who you were going to meet by going to specific locations.

Indeed...never played MeltyMoment with active clock on map though...that's why I brought it up.

I noticed that too, I mean Tayori Tanomu for the girl who wants to depend on the protagonist, Youka for the center of the group of friends, Tsukushima Tsukushi for the girl who wants to devote herself (尽くす), Usagawa for the Uzakawaii senpai and Oujou Maria for the princess... The latter does seem to get the more votes so far, I wonder why, she looks like the least interesting to me.

Because she's drop-dead gorgeous? She'd be my pick too if I was to click the button (I didn't)

Indeed! I haven't had any issue running any of the games in Windows 10 going as far back as HoneyComing though, and it doesn't look like they'll do much to the games themselves (no new content/no updated CG).
More of interest is that it's supposed to get all the OSTs and character songs...

I've written if before but I was somewhat disappointed in the "lead" routes as the heroine's personalities tend to fade and merge into a single "young girl desperately in love" stereotype. I've only played Mea's and Maya's version though, maybe the other two fare better. Also what was wrong with Maya? I don't remember any cruelty in her route. Looking forward to your opinion either way.

I just can't stand her sadistic side...some of her shenanigans I take as downright cruelty and not humor. I'm just that sensitive to cruelty...

Without context the weak personality is just that, weak. I'll just say that one really can fall that low IRL but not likely without something behind it...and not everyone can bounce back as easily.
What the inkya stereotype? Depressive heroes?
That's about right, from 陰 (shadow) and キャ (character), it usually represents gloomy, overly negative, usually introvert characters who just can't fit in and stay away from others and especially 陽キャ (sun characters, usually bright, optimistic and with lots of friends).

To be honest, I just don't understand the attitude then MC without any particular reason decided to break up with heroine (not even talking to her!!!) just because "I will be a nuisance for her". WHAT THE FUCK.
He doesn't even talk to her, doesn't even try to be open with her, tell about his problems, lack of self-confidence, etc... -_-

That's actually a fairly common thing to happen in VN, be that from the protagonist or a heroine. The common reasoning is that the character doesn't feel like he's worthy of being in a relationship with his girlfriend, that she deserves better than him, or should focus on her career or academic pursuits, and so "for her sake" will actually sabotage the relationship on his own. It usually stems from low self-esteem and/or from a serious inferiority complex, sometimes exacerbated by the couple's surroundings (like classmates commenting that they don't fit together), sometimes it's all just in the protagonist's head. It is most of the times irritating to watch as it denotes a lack of communication and a disrespect for the other's feelings.
I was thinking a bit more about Hougako Cinderalla's heroines' names today and I realized something...

They sounds more like JAV actress's pseudonym than...names.
I was thinking a bit more about Hougako Cinderalla's heroines' names today and I realized something...

They sounds more like JAV actress's pseudonym than...names.
Do they? I'm not really familiar with actresses names, but I'll agree that they went a bit too meta with the naming this time.

Amakano 2 quick impressions : It didn't really feel that way in the demo but there were already some rather diverging scenes depending on who you choose on the map, and especially the whole thing with Yuuhi at the end of the demo doesn't happen at all if you don't choose her. I've played up to Rei's confession scene and I'm happy to say that my prayers were answered, in that once past the 6 map selections it's very much a one-on-one affair, with only sporadic appearances of the other two heroines. The romantic progression could have skipped the "imouto" step if I have to be honest but at least it wasn't such a big hurdle to overcome (still bitter about Hina's route in SuGirlyWish). Rei continues to be a strange character, but as the route progresses she opens up (to the protagonist and her surroundings), losing a bit of her mystery and inching closer to a "normal" girl which I think is good because she was a bit too much out there. We'll see how things progress once in a relationship, but I'm fairly optimistic for once.

EDIT: I played a bit further (up to first ecchi) and I'm happy to say it's Amakano alright. The ichaicha and love-love levels are through the roof, the game takes its sweet time but I still need to slow down or I'll overdose quickly, I learned my lesson with Amakano 2nd Season. So far we got to see some familiar places from Amakano/2nd+ but none of the previous games' faces so far, I wonder if they'll show up at all. Also, I tried the voice synth auto reading-feature but it's really, really awkward, very robotic, especially interspersed with the voice actresses' line. Speaking of which, Rei's CV is doing a really good job, hard to believe she was Momoyo from Majikoi and Sachi from Noraneko, I would never have guessed.

EDIT2: Familiar faces spotted :
Interestingly enough, they are described as having about the same age as the protagonist, which means the game is taking place at about the same time as Amakano 2nd Season? Kaede doesn't have a cane or wheelchair though. And shouldn't Koharu be quite a bit older than Kaede? I don't remember who Amakano's protagonist hooked up with in Kaede's timeline, but I'm pretty sure it was Koharu? Hmm, too late to try to figure out a timeline that makes sense.

EDIT3 : And Rei's route is over. Overall I liked it a lot, in pure Amakano 2nd Season fashion it was sweet from beginning to end with no real obstacle in sight. I think there weren't quite as many touching scenes as the two previous games, but it was still a very comfortable and pleasant read with no bad note whatsoever, which is really a plus in my book. Additional cameos from previous Amakano characters were nice, especially as they serve as indirect advice-givers for the current "issue". Some music tracks also make a comeback during karaoke. The only little thing that hanged at the back of my mind the whole time was how relaxed the couple was. They sleep together every night, bathe together occasionally, and yet very rarely does it lead to sex, which is something understandable for a steady couple (see Yuzuka in Amakano 2nd+) but quite strange for two teenagers who just met two months ago. Also, I had the impression that they changed the timeframe of the game but it's still very much the same as the other ones (autumn to late winter). I'm going to take some time before I start Yuuhi's route, and who knows I may even start the sister's one after all! Good job Azarashi Soft, good job.

EDIT4: Ah who am I kidding, I've started Yuuhi's route already anyway. I absolutely loved the developments leading up to the confession, and some CGs actually sent shivers down my spine.
Unfortunately it seems like that cold stare is never coming back but Yuuhi completely steals the show in the first part of her route. I like her a lot and I have nothing but respect for the way the protagonist handled the situation, even though I wouldn't have minded her being angry a little longer...

EDIT5: Yuuhi's route finished as well. Once past the confession, it felt somewhat more flat, and more rushed than Rei's route, but it was still very well within Amakano's standards. Same impression as Rei's route, in that it kinda lacks a really touching scene near the end to seal the deal. For some reason the last ecchi scene is relegated to an extra scene in the recollection menu rather than integrated in the story, the last scene of the story is a nice closure for sure but it was kinda odd.
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@Amakano 2's partial review (haven't finished any route and only just stepped into Yuuhi's):

It could have been the effect of the quarantine or what binge-watching 100+ episodes of Forensic Files can do to one's sanity, but I've been having so much fun reading the interaction between Chitose, Rei, and the protagonist. Heck, I wouldn't even mind if the story had been about the three of them becoming best friends with little to no romantic development.

The UI could still have been better, but it has been improved since the trial, giving more readability. Once I made peace with it, I've come to highly appreciate the great job the developers did. The fact that there's an option to skip past the sex scenes shows the confidence they have with the story. Indeed, the art, the writing, and the BGMs are impressive in their own right, but they fit each other so well they're even better together.

Amakano 2 is more mature and more serious compared with its prequels, which suits my taste better.

Character-wise, I wish she keep her thorniness intact after becoming the protagonist's girlfriend. That's what makes her attractive in the first place.
It could have been the effect of the quarantine or what binge-watching 100+ episodes of Forensic Files can do to one's sanity, but I've been having so much fun reading the interaction between Chitose, Rei, and the protagonist. Heck, I wouldn't even mind if the story had been about the three of them becoming best friends with little to no romantic development.
I assume you're talking about their interactions during the common route? I can't say I agree, though on second read it did feel more bearable that during the first pass through the demo. I just can't stand Chitose, she's like a combination of all the traits I've grown to hate or dislike : overly large chested, doting big sister, but also childhood friend, utterly oblivious to her own behavior (especially in Yuuhi's route, it hurts), ultra talented (both school and work), loving and loved by everyone, and on top she's voiced by Ayumi Sarah that I've come to associate with so-so characters since she's everywhere, especially in crappy mobage. If you do end up playing her route please do share your opinion of it, as much as I liked the other routes I just can't bring myself to start hers for fear of bringing my opinion of the whole game down.

Character-wise, I wish she keep her thorniness intact after becoming the protagonist's girlfriend. That's what makes her attractive in the first place.
Indeed, she quickly turns into more or less Honami, in how clingy and in need of reassurances she gets. I still liked her but also wished she kept a little more that side of herself she showed first in the park.

Other than that, lately I've been looking for a good game featuring Toono Soyogi in the cast as a main heroine, but I keep getting stalled or sidetracked in other heroines' routes. If there's any game in which she particularly shines in then please let me know. So far I've tried:

Clover Day's Plus : Dreamy CV cast (Kitami Rikka, Kusuhara Yui, Kiritani Hana are tough competition) and fully animated e-mote too, but I'm currently stalled on the first choice. The story is slowly but surely edging towards long-lasting one-sided love of the oblivious protagonist from the childhood friends and it's just not what I want to read right now. Though it is cute to hear Toono Soyogi speak in Kansai accent.

恋色マリアージュ : One of Marmalade's early titles, quite good actually, a bit worrying at the start given the protagonist's attitude but it's pretty safe after all. This one got me sidetracked in Nekoko's route, because her feelings are so obviously laid bare for all to see (except the protagonist...) that it just felt right to fulfill her wish. Toono Soyogi's character is yet another childhood friend (and even worse, little-sister zoned) in a one-side love relationship, and she shows up kinda late in the story and barely gets any action in the common route, a bit worrying for her route.

あねいもNeo+ Second Sisters : Might as well go nukige with boot-up, but this time the game's "prologue" (in name only, far too lengthy...) is what kinda drove me away from her character, for its sheer amount of endless repetition of the same situations, over and over, day after day. How many times have I seen the protagonist grab Mai's chest as she comes to wake him up, I lost count. You'd think she'd learn and be more cautious but it actually gets worse and worse. I even turned off sound effects as the "boop boop" booby touch sound grew ever so irritating as the story (slowly) progresses. Eventually I went for Reiko who managed to stay one of the least clingy, she actually had a decent route start until the sex started and went on for 16 scenes straight, one after the other with barely an intermission. Lots of repetition of situations and reuse of CG during ecchi scenes didn't help either, as well as questionable anatomy (uterus sex, never-ending ejaculations, special "sealing" semen, etc...). As a nukige it's pretty good but exhausting, and Reiko's not even one of the central heroines!
I assume you're talking about their interactions during the common route? I can't say I agree, though on second read it did feel more bearable that during the first pass through the demo. I just can't stand Chitose, she's like a combination of all the traits I've grown to hate or dislike : overly large chested, doting big sister, but also childhood friend, utterly oblivious to her own behavior (especially in Yuuhi's route, it hurts), ultra talented (both school and work), loving and loved by everyone, and on top she's voiced by Ayumi Sarah that I've come to associate with so-so characters since she's everywhere, especially in crappy mobage. If you do end up playing her route please do share your opinion of it, as much as I liked the other routes I just can't bring myself to start hers for fear of bringing my opinion of the whole game down.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to reading both Chitose and Rei's routes. In fact, I'll probably start over now since I can barely make any progress in Yuuhi's route after the confession.

Chitose seems to have been toned down since the demo, but I'm not sure. I quite enjoyed her company now. The common route here is much more enjoyable, or bearable if you will, since Azarashi went with less expressive/more toned down VAs for the side characters (though I can barely tell the two male friends apart by their voices, lol).

I enjoyed Yuuhi's jealousy. She needs to show more of her dark side because without it she seems so generic. Also, Honami is by far my favorite heroine in the entire series. Her name may have been a combination of popular JAV actresses at the time, but she has the perfect VA for her character and the perfect balance between the sulkiness and the sweetness. It also helps that she's the one driving the story forward in Amakano 2s. I still can't read her fan disk story to the end though, it was mind-numbingly flat.

Other than that, lately I've been looking for a good game featuring Toono Soyogi in the cast as a main heroine, but I keep getting stalled or sidetracked in other heroines' routes. If there's any game in which she particularly shines in then please let me know.
I remember enjoying bitter smile. though I've completely forgotten the story and from what I see, the VA doesn't voice the main girl there.

Uhou Renka was pretty nice, though I've forgotten most of it too. It's a nukige featuring rape (by the protagonist) and sex with all the heroines in the common route. It's one of the rare nukige where the sex is mostly consensual but pretty hardcore (BDSM, ahegao... stuff like that).

あねいもNeo+ Second Sisters : Might as well go nukige with boot-up, but this time the game's "prologue" (in name only, far too lengthy...) is what kinda drove me away from her character, for its sheer amount of endless repetition of the same situations, over and over, day after day. How many times have I seen the protagonist grab Mai's chest as she comes to wake him up, I lost count. You'd think she'd learn and be more cautious but it actually gets worse and worse. I even turned off sound effects as the "boop boop" booby touch sound grew ever so irritating as the story (slowly) progresses. Eventually I went for Reiko who managed to stay one of the least clingy, she actually had a decent route start until the sex started and went on for 16 scenes straight, one after the other with barely an intermission. Lots of repetition of situations and reuse of CG during ecchi scenes didn't help either, as well as questionable anatomy (uterus sex, never-ending ejaculations, special "sealing" semen, etc...). As a nukige it's pretty good but exhausting, and Reiko's not even one of the central heroines!
I haven't read as far back as AneImo, but bootUP! definitely has one of those "read one title and you've read them all" vibe in their products. Their M.O. has stayed the same over the years: multitudes of fan services (rather pointless in a nukige tbh) followed by never ending sex sequences. But when you look beyond the tediousness, their stories are actually decent. They have a pretty good writer.
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Yeah, I'm looking forward to reading both Chitose and Rei's routes. In fact, I'll probably start over now since I can barely make any progress in Yuuhi's route after the confession.
I'd suggest to at least go up to the first ecchi scene in Yuuhi's route for some excellent protagonist insight and self-control. I was truly impressed by how he managed to read the situation and react appropriately to it.

I enjoyed Yuuhi's jealousy. She needs to show more of her dark side because without it she seems so generic. Also, Honami is by far my favorite heroine in the entire series. Her name may have been a combination of popular JAV actresses at the time, but she has the perfect VA for her character and the perfect balance between the sulkiness and the sweetness. It also helps that she's the one driving the story forward in Amakano 2s. I still can't read her fan disk story to the end though, it was mind-numbingly flat.
Strange that you favor Honami but find Yuuhi generic, because I find they have a lot in common, at least in that mix of sulkiness and sweetness you talk about, as well as deeply rooted insecurity. The fact that Honami was so involved in the common route of Amakano 2 was actually one of my early complaints, I'm quite glad they put Yuuhi's stuff in her route of she would steal the show in the game even more.

I share your opinion about the Amakano / 2nd season fandisks, they aren't adding much to the story until the later half, and it takes quite some willpower to power through the first. It can also be quite difficult to place the first half in relationship to the append ending the games had. I still enjoyed Koharu's for the first game, and especially Yuzuka's for the second, again mostly for the second half and ending. Speaking of which, did Azarashi Soft announce anything concerning potential appends for Amakano 2?

I remember enjoying bitter smile. though I've completely forgotten the story and from what I see, the VA doesn't voice the main girl there.

Uhou Renka was pretty nice, though I've forgotten most of it too. It's a nukige featuring rape (by the protagonist) and sex with all the heroines in the common route. It's one of the rare nukige where the sex is mostly consensual but pretty hardcore (BDSM, ahegao... stuff like that).
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be sure to check out bitter smile as the two scenarists worked on games I've appreciated before. I had checked out Uhou Renka but skipped it after finding out there's mandatory sex in the common route, glad I did so if there's rape in it as well.

I haven't read as far back as AneImo, but bootUP! definitely has one of those "read one title and you've read them all" vibe in their products. Their M.O. has stayed the same over the years: multitudes of fan services (rather pointless in a nukige tbh) followed by never ending sex sequences. But when you look beyond the tediousness, their stories are actually decent. They have a pretty good writer.
I don't know, the premise was pretty good in AneImo+ but the ending falls flat. I understand the main issue being ignored in a sub-character route like Reiko but it's pretty much the same for the very central Sakura.

In short, the protagonist has been entrusted to a single mother with two daughters since young age, but not actually adopted. Now that all children are about to end high school, the financial situation of the family is pretty dire especially if the eldest daughter decides to pursue her education. So the mom accumulates overtime and part-time jobs to make ends meet, but she's clearly overworked. In comes the long forgotten aunt of the protagonist, who offers to take him over and thus ease the financial burden of the family, to which everyone is opposed of course since they all love the protagonist so much. And so the protagonist has to decide between going with his aunt to ease the family's troubles, or stay anyway for one reason or another.

That's fine so far, except in Sakura (the mom's) route, the protagonist falls in love with her, and his solution to the current dilemna is... to fuck her every night (or every other opportunity) and eventually impregnate her, while promising to support her and marry her. I just can't see how this isn't making the current situation even worse, both in terms of Sakura's health/stamina and in terms of the family financial situation. The aunt did offer to help but they refused, and only accepted a loan for the wedding ring.

Anyway none of it matters since it's a happy ending anyway with no hint of trouble whatsoever, during which the protagonist swears he'll have three children at least with Sakura to surpass her deceased husband. Tough given the mom's age but no problems thanks to the protagonist's super-active sperm, I guess.
Anyway, one other thing that stood out a lot is the sheer amount of typos and wrong kanji conversion in the text. I did apply the latest patch but there's still a whole lot of them, including weird stuff like Nana wishing to become the protagonist's husband (旦那様) in the text while correctly wishing to be his bride (お嫁さん) in the voiced line. I don't know if the later boot-up titles also suffer from such poor proof-reading or if it's just this one.
I'd suggest to at least go up to the first ecchi scene in Yuuhi's route for some excellent protagonist insight and self-control. I was truly impressed by how he managed to read the situation and react appropriately to it.
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.

Meanwhile in Chitose's route, things have been pretty bad thanks to Chitose's total obliviousness and the protagonist being overly conscious around her. It can only get better once they start realizing their feelings to each other, hopefully.

Strange that you favor Honami but find Yuuhi generic, because I find they have a lot in common, at least in that mix of sulkiness and sweetness you talk about, as well as deeply rooted insecurity. The fact that Honami was so involved in the common route of Amakano 2 was actually one of my early complaints, I'm quite glad they put Yuuhi's stuff in her route of she would steal the show in the game even more.
Sayuki was the main story driver in the first Amakano too, but unlike in 2s, the two other heroines have strong character developments to counterbalance this.

It's unfair to Yuuhi, but her living a sheltered life has echoes of Sayuki and after Sayuki, I'm pretty much fed up with seeing someone being surprised at every little thing most people should be familiar with.

There's indeed a shadow of Honami in Yuuhi. But Honami keeps true to her character throughout the story and her cuteness goes off the charts once she start dating the protagonist, much to her VA's credits. Honami's also the best kind of tsundere, the ones who lack violent tendencies. Yuuhi on the other hand, is a bit of a sociopath, though I don't dislike that side of her. It also doesn't help Yuuhi's case that she's portrayed as a sheltered village girl who lacks general skill and knowledge while Honami is as smart as Yuuhi while also being a competent athlete, a great cook, and a stylish dresser.

I share your opinion about the Amakano / 2nd season fandisks, they aren't adding much to the story until the later half, and it takes quite some willpower to power through the first. It can also be quite difficult to place the first half in relationship to the append ending the games had. I still enjoyed Koharu's for the first game, and especially Yuzuka's for the second, again mostly for the second half and ending. Speaking of which, did Azarashi Soft announce anything concerning potential appends for Amakano 2?
Not sure about the appends considering that the recording is usually done some time after the release and we're in a middle of a pandemic right now. Probably very late this year or some time next year. The appends generally aren't much good anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be sure to check out bitter smile as the two scenarists worked on games I've appreciated before. I had checked out Uhou Renka but skipped it after finding out there's mandatory sex in the common route, glad I did so if there's rape in it as well.
In retrospect, Giga had a good run of romantic eroges before the Kiss series (Hinata Terrace, bitter smile., Sucre). By today's standards these titles would probably be classics. other thing that stood out a lot is the sheer amount of typos and wrong kanji conversion in the text. I did apply the latest patch but there's still a whole lot of them, including weird stuff like Nana wishing to become the protagonist's husband (旦那様) in the text while correctly wishing to be his bride (お嫁さん) in the voiced line. I don't know if the later boot-up titles also suffer from such poor proof-reading or if it's just this one.
That sounds bad. Guess I'll be skipping AneImo after all.

Not bad. The worst thing is probably the flute in her associated BGM which quickly becomes tedious to listen to. Her pre-existing relationship with the protagonist means that she lacks that discovery feeling you get from meeting the heroine for the first time. To compensate, she's given many sides, which she slowly reveals as her view toward the protagonist evolves. This makes the early parts of her story, when only the doting sisterly figure of her is shown, especially weak. Though by the time she's started going out with the protagonist, she's just like other Amakano heroines.

As with Yuuhi, her confession scene is more natural when you let her take the initiative.
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Right. I'm done with Docchi no I ga Suki Desu ka. Been writing this in small bursts for days if not weeks a chunk to say about it even for a junk that is this thing...needing to read the thing twice in all totaling 8's less of a review and more like listing random stuff at this point.

So here may not make sense occasionally because I'm writing it against the backdrop of other games from the same maker.

First some general/random stuff:

Common route is split in two halves and you choose who you would end up halfway through. Simple. The prologue doesn't matter because you get the option to skip it altogether although it does have minor alterations if you go through it...while leaving certain plot holes in there like you don't know who Mea is despite having met and gone out with her in prologue if you chose to do so.

The arranged version of heroine's themes: It feels like something that comes into use when you "subvert the expectation", leading the sadistic Maya or Koyuzu-senpai and being led by your kouhai Mea or Hannah the "ojousama" as they totally do not appear otherwise.
...also the alpha patch programmed Koyuzu and Hannah title screen wrong, flipping their themes...which sucks.

The heroines are not wasted (i.e. not magically disappear) in any route, which is a plus...for me, anyway.

The female minor characters with face makes the possibility of fandisc involving them something not to be discounted...PriministAr gave Kayano (a mum with known daughter) one after several years and one last update to the main game that gave another minor character story...

While there's two sides of the story and therefore two sets of HScenes, only a handful of them are actually unique as others are just variants of one another which clogs up the HCGs with similar CGs.

Now for the story...

It's literally just getting to know the girl as time passes by, with something going on at tail-end. Typical (later) Hooksoft. This time's gimmick is the lead/led split...which make for stories can be seen as either mutually exclusive or something that should've been one long story...through both sides form a (more) complete image of the heroines. The story here would be mostly about the heroine's character as it get developed on the way. The problem is that much of it is so bland even for a Hooksoft, and not many things are memorable. I'll say it right here, this one got hard-carried by one girl...IMO, anyway.

Calling heroines by their given name in general seems to take place at least one chapter earlier in "lead" side compared to "led". None starts out as being referred to by their given names to begin with which gives something to look forward to.

The timeframe is rather rigidly defined as one month before summer break for common route, the first five route chapters spanning the summer break, with number four being the fireworks festival, and the second semester for the last three. The concentration is nice coming from E-School Life that's pretty much everywhere due to covering far too long of a period like one day per month per chapter...but it does come across as being a bit too stiff at times when things appear to be done at pretty much the exact same time, every single time... Whether the relationship is progressing too fast or not is up to the judge...I don't care either way in that regard.

Another thing is that the humor here is manzai. Pretty sure there's presence of this prior, but here it feels so jarring and immersion-breaking having almost everything being played out as gags at every turn...more on that later...

The MC...Tsujidou Tadaomi, lives alone in a rented apartment. Hobby is fishing which is only directly used once and mentioned only a few times...(in comparison IxSheTell's MC, Hajime, pretty much flaunt that BBQ-ing talent of his all over the place). Works part-time at a bookstore in the shopping district and familiar with the folks there. Goes to cram school. Head of the school's moral committee, but rarely exercises throws it outta the window anyway.

Another minor character of note is Watari Kokone, the daughter of the caretaker of Tadaomi's apartment. A small child who helps out around the apartment (and gets paid for it). She appears every so often around the apartment and a few times take the front stage. Very responsible and dutiful for a child her age, carrying out her tasks with competence.

The heroine stories, in order that I played, in two loops.

1. Yotsuya Granger Hannah - "The Modern Trend" of Finnish girl ending up in Japan.

She hard-carried this game by being much lighter (or at least not very explicit) on the manzai and actually being memorable...and I'll be heavily biased here, because there's quite a bit of details of her.

Born in Finland and only recently moved to Japan. Same year student. Speaks fluent Japanese and not a word of Finnish (in the story, anyway), with enough command of English to communicate according to her. Goes to an all-girl school and being extremely popular, known as "princess" among peers, yet actually wants to live life and make friends like a normal girl. Likes old drama from where she pull archaic mannerisms from time to time. A patron at the bookstore where Tadaomi works part-time. Likes ramen (contrary to her refined airs), even going to so far to create an alter-ego "Mitsuya" in a vain attempt to fool Tadaomi...she uses this name again in "led" side confession to talk about her concerns. Ramen-pals.

Reads Tadaomi's name on his bookstore nametag as something else entirely and was very embarassed by it that she knelt down. Asks Tadaomi if they could be friends on her initiative, starting their friendship thus.

Not blood related with her current family (her real parents died when she's very young) and therefore reluctant to be happy when she still had not paid them back...told straight in "lead" confession and roundabout in "led" confession. Her adoptive father is almost always absent working abroad and lives with her adoptive mother in a rather posh house.

Has a younger [step]sister, Lisa, who goes to the same school and has bad legs (can walk but needs a cane), and how Tadaomi was introduced to Hannah after trying to show-off by helping her crossing a road then running into the sisters later. She's something of a focus on the "lead" route that focuses more on their bonds as a family, going as far as calling Tadaomi "Onii-sama" on this side - she do not on the "led" side and has less appearance on that end. On the "lead" side, conscious that she keeps getting into her sister's time with her boyfriend, tries to give them space by sacrificing things on her end, but Tadaomi would not have any of it, always finding solutions that work to positive ends. The three of them were thought to be husband and wife taking the latter's sister along at the pool...and at the start of second semester went to school together by the three for a time when the girls' mother couldn't drop Lisa off at school. They're real close as a family on the "lead" side.

There's a common theme of letting go on both sides of the story. On the "lead" side, she learns that there is memory of her birth parents left in a photo in a locket which was entrusted to Tadaomi by her adoptive mother, which Hannah wants to throw away so to truly be one with her current family...and Tadaomi told her he'd hold onto it, thinking it might someday be of use...and it did, on their wedding, she come to accept both set of her parents by that time, proudly wearing the locket.

On the "led" side, Hannah, wanting to get something for her adoptive father as he's coming for his rare visit but through money she earned by herself, thought to put her herbarium of Lily of the Valley - Finland's national flower, a reminder of her homeland - for sale at the free market (circumventing her school no part-time job policy; at first she asked for work at the bookstore) along with Lisa's knitted dolls to get that money. She seemed willing to part with it to put closure to her insecurities of not having repaid her current family. Tadaomi, with help from Lisa, get her father to drop by the stall, and he bought that herbarium after a bit of talking, seemingly solving two problems at once...and approves of her relationship with Tadaomi.

As a bookstore patron and friend she does appear elsewhere making sharp observations and giving advices. She gave good advice when Tadaomi thought to get a birthday gift for Maya... "'s meaningless if the receipant only receive it out of ceremony" or something to that effect left an impression...and even before that (in the common route), to communicate in foreign language with the heart, that even if the language is incomprehensible, the feelings will go through somehow. Tadaomi took this advice to heart right when he had to use it soon afterwards, saving Maya from embarrassment when a foreigner approached her.

2. Kaminoyama Mea - "Tiny Meteor Shower" of manzai............

Mea, one year junior. A bubbly character and quite popular among boys. Works part-time at the same bookstore that Tadaomi works so headstart there. Hobby is handicraft, which she takes very seriously. Not very studious nor getting any good grade. Masochist, especially on the receiving end of Maya's antics (which in my lens tend to come across at outright cruelty at times).

The problem with her story is...the manzai is so outward and explicit that it leaves almost nothing of substance to talk about. It is as if their entire relationship is a manzai duo going at one another 24/7. At least that's how I feel, I can't remember many things because of that.

The "lead" route touches more on her lesser academic ability with it being point in several occasions. When they got into a fight over a broken handiwork, Tadaomi compiled a study notes for her, and they did reconciled quick when the impact was felt at work and she apologized afterwards.

Getting caught by her friends at the arcade meant that they never did get to use the purikura...sad.

The "led" route.....sorry, can't remember much except the end. Tadaomi got so worked up over Mea going out with her old friends that all of his friends noticed, and after talking with them (especially Maya) realizes he's not gonna make it without her. Mea stopped her friend from confessing in style by telling that she owes her lover for what she has become up to this point.

As the co-worker and junior she makes sporadic appearance elsewhere, commenting on Tadaomi's state from time to time...and of course, the'd either be amused or be very, very tired...

3. Hanabusa Maya : "Come with Me"...not.

Student Council president. Classmate. Sadistic, but only go after people she likes (lies...). Hates losing. Works part-time at the "Yonezawa" cafe as a waitress which doesn't stop her from dropping bombs on her acquaintances whenever they're found there.

I did say I hate her sometime ago, but it's really only on a personal level because I simply cannot agree with her. She's not a bad person per se, as she's aware that she had been hurting Tadaomi all this time when he confessed and expressed that she does not want to be a hated woman when she does the confessing. Not absolving her from belief in reign of terror though...she just takes this "sharp tongue" thing up to 11...either I have forgotten or things have never got this bad prior, as girls with really sharp tongue (e.g. LovelyQuest's Iroha and PriministAr's Shioji) and use of violence (of note is how in SuGirly Wish the MC and his sister Hina are basically pro wrestlers and Hina keep selling everything thrown her way...and Shioji's a bodyguard that actually gets action and she's outright murderous to the MC at times)...maybe it's this particular type of torturous cruelty that really triggers me..............

"Mayaya doesn't understand" . Her catchphrase when being led. Which pops up all the way to their marriage.

Does not like small children but can go along with older children that would listen to reason...She agreed to take Kokone along when they were going to the pool on the "led" side. On the "lead" side she did have to take care of her little cousin, with Kokone tagging along when they ran into her.

Had first sex on her birthday...and the gift was a mug cup.

She made coffee while nude. This makes tolerating her worth it in the end.

Tries really hard to hide their relationship on the "lead" side, making a rule and antagonized Mea ("your very existence is wrong") among other things over it, but not too concern about it on the "led" side.

The student council president just gotta bang in their offices............we got a president MC prior so nothing strange here.

It is revealed on the "led" side that Tadaomi and Maya had met once as children...and it was totally his fault for influencing Maya into the sadistic girl she is today by belittling her interest in astronomy...and study astronomy in tertiary level she did.
...they just got their role as prince and princess for the school festival and end by choosing Maya's dress...Nothing to it, except that the dress-seller was the student council's secretary.

As the student council president, classmate, and the local cafe's waitress she gets screen time elsewhere also. In particular taking Koyuzu's festival proposal to process on her own route (lead side, which actually involves the school festival, which coincidentally ties into Koyuzu - lead and spoils it a little) and occasionally having some words for Tadaomi and his girlfriends...and abusing Mea.

4. Tanemura Koyuzu : "Rely on Mine"...fame.

The default main menu girl. Senior. (Probably one of the few times if not the very first time that a senior girl is the default face for a Hooksoft). Extremely popular yet have refused 99 boys by the beginning of the whole thing and has quite a reputation from there. Neighbor, but given her [in]fame she prefers that the fact remain a secret to the school at large. Leaning on the athletic side; likes to go to batting center to relieve stress. Can be quite scatterbrained. (VERY) Scared of cockroaches and scared of occult (i.e. ghost). Rides motorcycle. Relieves stress by smashing balls at the batting center. Her best friend Sendou Urara, a fortune teller, had been with her since first year and knows her quite well - she's the first to know about Koyuzu getting a boyfriend on both sides because she would tell her about it over the phone.

Does a lot of manzai as well. Lots of her interactions both in and out of her routes amount to it, but at least it's not as jarring as Mea...not as.

Her family practices tea ceremony and she's expected to be the successor...not that she wanted to, and often fights with her mother over it. A conservative mother given what their house do but she had lied to her parents (they did not approve of the relationship) to get married herself and saw through the lies her daughter made immediately, and is shown to be quite supportive later on...on the "led" side; the "lead" side is just between our main characters.

Tadaomi would call her name with -san when led and without when lead.

Tadaomi's getting a motorcycle license is directly tied to her. After almost getting ran over on the "led" side and riding with her a second time, he thought to take the license exam and she helps her with that across a good chunk of the summer break...only to be told that it'll take another year before they could ride together with him doing the riding. Him taking the exam and getting it in a short order (going as far as skipping school for it) on the "lead" side is to encourage Koyuzu to work hard on her exams...apparantly the goofy photo on the license got to her more than the effort he put in, but it worked to the desired effect anyway. On the "lead" side, the pair item they got was motorcycle helmets, the one he had been wearing was actually for her friend Urara so it was a bit small.

Suggests a fishing date asking Tadaomi to teach her how to do so (sorry, can't remember which side it was). One of the only time Tadaomi's hobby in fishing was engaged and this time is put to direct use. Neither could catch anything, though.

She never did find it in her to visit the arcade preferring batting center over such matters. She got hooked on shooting zombies when on a date to that place (she asked to go there from her side)...which ended up helping her a bit with her fear of occult. All this happen on the "lead" side.

Actually redefine her childhood dream into something sensible that is opening a tea shop when she's doing the leading, her younger sister taking over her family tea ceremonies, and her mother arranges for a tea shop to let her work to get experience...which she wants to keep a secret from everyone leading to some stupid things happening that shouldn't have been. Such was the baggage of fame. It's left a childhood babble in the "lead" side until the very end. She did opened her tea joint in the end when leading but otherwise it's typical "getting married" scenario...

As the neighbor (next-door even) and an important figure at school she appears every so often. One time hosting a squid party and got Hannah to join in (Hannah-led)...and giving some curry to Tadaomi that totally coincided with Mea coming by to give the exact same thing (Mea - lead).

So the TLDR...Mea's excessive manzai ruined her, Koyuzu's meh, and Maya is of character I wouldn't want to interact it fell to Hannah to hard-carry this one. The gimmick of two stories would have worked great if the characters were great...only one fit that bill, the others not so much (though one's from no fault of her own).
Not something I'd want to read again. The repeat Hscenes between sides do not help in that regard, either.

So update on my end:

I've revisited Lovely Quest after some time for something to go along with the grindings and hot damn it's actually something engaging coming from the mess that is I'Suki. Reading the reports in the eyecatches and the chairwoman's evaluation of them is what I truly have missed after all these years.

...and finally got Strawberry Panic (PS2) to work after so long. It is actually engaging for a VN with choices coming in three flavors in total, and coming from anime makes it that much more interesting to get the main characters to go "screw the destiny" and go for the more outlandish options if only to see how it's going to work. Like, Nagisa interacting with Spica girls is something much if not totally absent from other versions I believe. Dunno if I'd get anything worth writing out of it but I sure am getting hooked. Oh, and the main characters don't get a surname for some reason.
Right. I'm done with Docchi no I ga Suki Desu ka.
Thanks for your input on the game. I have played it now more than half a year ago so my memory of it is still spotty, but I do remember most of the events you mention, for the routes I have played at least (all but Hannah/Lead and Koyuzu/Lead). I'm surprised you didn't actually notice the personality meltdown I had seen between both sides of each character, namely each girl becoming the same version of a deredere, meek and desperately-in-love otome in each of the lead routes. Maybe Hannad and Koyuzu managed to stand their own better in their routes.

As a pure charage, how much one likes the characters is pretty big factor in the enjoyment of each route, regardless of external factors like jokes and plot. I see you fancied Hannad a lot which I kinda didn't, I mean the foreigner "princess" who secretly loves manga and "commoner" culture but is afraid to admit it to her surroundings has been done to death. As a personal preference I prefer romance stories with girls who don't have that obvious edge over the others (be that in terms of beauty, academics, sports and whatnot). In fact I prefer character with obvious flaws, which may explain why I leaned towards Mea (victim of much teasing and kind of dumb) and Maya. Speaking of which, I guess she can be harsh, although compared to other games she's super tame, see bitter smile below, and even within Hooksoft I think there were much worse (honey@coming and Priministar come to mind).

Quick update on my own readings of late:

SuGirlyWish/Megumi : After the debacle that was Hina's route, I was surprised to find myself coming back to it to play the childhood friend's. The result? I actually didn't managed to get through it, or more accurately I deliberately stopped just before the (I think?) confession scene because of the protagonist's obliviousness and dumbness all the way throughout leading to it. Sorry dude, you pushed her away one too many times, no second chances, she's gone. The route didn't have such a bad start with both sides being completely oblivious to one another, but Megumi "figures out" her feelings much sooner that the protagonist and then it's a long parade of approaches in which he just can't get the hint. He does figure it out eventually, right as she seems to be about to go away (actually she's not, she's so devoted to our idiot that she'd turn down anything to stay near him), but at that point that was too little too late, I don't actually want to see him happy with her and so I won't.

Orange Memories/Kokoro : Have I mentioned how tired I am of childhood friends? Well here's five more all packed in a single game! What could go wrong? Well, it's actually sort-of okay as it's possible to refuse the advances of the girls you're not interested in very early in the common part, which meant that I could focus on one heroine at a time. As often I am puzzled at the age-gap of this group of friends, spanning well over ten years between the oldest and youngest (enough for one to become the teacher of another still in her first year). Anyway, Kokoro's route was pretty nice, dropping regular hints of heavy trauma that are only resolved in one branch of her route (the other staying much more light-hearted) to keep things interesting. For once it's not a broken/forgotten promise at the center of it all, that's certainly a plus. I can't say I really fancy any of the other heroines despite the CV cast that drew me to this game in the first place, so unsure if I'll continue.

Bitter Smile./Mii : Welp, here's another serving of four more childhood friends all in one game! The characters are certainly representative of another time in eroge, especially in how violent (both physically with Sakurako and Isaki, and mentally with Mii and Chiseka) the characters can be towards the protagonist. Not that he doesn't deserve it, oh boy does he deserve all of the abuse he gets for how dense he can be, especially in Mii's route as he keeps misunderstanding her, manages to keep saying exactly the thing that hurts the most at the worst of time (unintentionally at least), or when he does just plain ignore her (including her attempts at confessing...). So that was a thing. He does somewhat redeem himself in the end of the route, but if you asked me if that made up for his past blunders I would have a hard time saying yes. Unfortunately the route is kinda short and ends with the making-up, and I have been unable to find the fandisk, so I'm left with a rather bitter taste which I guess was intentional given the game's title. I don't really think I'll play any other routes, maybe Kaname at some point, the shock I felt after finding out there's no Chiseka route was too big. So much setup for nothing!

わんにゃん☆アラモード!/Rui : What the hell am I even playing, this time it's SEVEN childhood friends all in a single game! I actually immediately went for the adorable school principal (and only non-childhood friend) and while her route was cute, it was extremely short and quick to get to the sex without too much setup. Which is fine since she's more or less a sub-heroine, what's even more surprising is when I tried one of the main heroine's route and found her there was even less setup for her, as it lead straight to sex without so much as a confession (Hana). Probably not going back to this one.

Since Omochikaeri has pretty much died of late, anything to look forward to in late May? I'll most likely play 月の彼方で逢いましょう SweetSummerRainbow even though it's just a fandisk but it does look to span quite a length of time, I'll probably try ensemble's Secret Agent~騎士学園の忍びなるもの~ just for the CV cast, and there's the last entry in the 美少女万華鏡 series, ー理と迷宮の少女ー, although as always with this series I remain very wary because these games tend to include rape and other violence in large quantities. Please don't rape Renge!
Thanks for your input on the game. I have played it now more than half a year ago so my memory of it is still spotty, but I do remember most of the events you mention, for the routes I have played at least (all but Hannah/Lead and Koyuzu/Lead). I'm surprised you didn't actually notice the personality meltdown I had seen between both sides of each character, namely each girl becoming the same version of a deredere, meek and desperately-in-love otome in each of the lead routes. Maybe Hannad and Koyuzu managed to stand their own better in their routes.

As a pure charage, how much one likes the characters is pretty big factor in the enjoyment of each route, regardless of external factors like jokes and plot. I see you fancied Hannad a lot which I kinda didn't, I mean the foreigner "princess" who secretly loves manga and "commoner" culture but is afraid to admit it to her surroundings has been done to death. As a personal preference I prefer romance stories with girls who don't have that obvious edge over the others (be that in terms of beauty, academics, sports and whatnot). In fact I prefer character with obvious flaws, which may explain why I leaned towards Mea (victim of much teasing and kind of dumb) and Maya. Speaking of which, I guess she can be harsh, although compared to other games she's super tame, see bitter smile below, and even within Hooksoft I think there were much worse (honey@coming and Priministar come to mind).

Quick update on my own readings of late:

SuGirlyWish/Megumi : After the debacle that was Hina's route, I was surprised to find myself coming back to it to play the childhood friend's. The result? I actually didn't managed to get through it, or more accurately I deliberately stopped just before the (I think?) confession scene because of the protagonist's obliviousness and dumbness all the way throughout leading to it. Sorry dude, you pushed her away one too many times, no second chances, she's gone. The route didn't have such a bad start with both sides being completely oblivious to one another, but Megumi "figures out" her feelings much sooner that the protagonist and then it's a long parade of approaches in which he just can't get the hint. He does figure it out eventually, right as she seems to be about to go away (actually she's not, she's so devoted to our idiot that she'd turn down anything to stay near him), but at that point that was too little too late, I don't actually want to see him happy with her and so I won't.

I don't see it the same way as you do...from all walks of life have their own attractions, advantages or no. I don't really think about that at all.

About the personality breakdown hardly crossed my mind, but thinking on it, the endings on the "lead" side all cut right at marriage (or a little bit before/afterwards) which says something about that... Maya going "Mayaya doesn't understand" every time would be one such instance. Don't really notice it (or anything really) with Mea; the manzai keep getting in the way and in this case it does, IMO, undermine her personality to some degree due to it being directly a major part of the...chemistry.

Hannah-lead's actually more familial bonding than love-bonding during much of it and eventually culminating into the final act. Hannah herself isn't very different on either side as far as I could remember. Guess I'm just a sucker for this family thing...

As for Koyuzu...the "lead" side does focus more on the present and reveals more on certain aspects of her character, noticeably her fears so I suppose it does step into that territory...given how deep (and irrational) fear of cockroaches and later ghosts is being played here...

As for SuGirly Wish...going off my memory here.
Megumi and Hina's routes were significantly more drawn out than the other three as far as I could recall (IIRC it went over 20 parts for Megumi which was just plain weird) and neither were that good. I just love Anna's eccentricity (and her white hair) and I didn't really pay much attention about how it went (to be fair, it's been a very long time)...and the relationship thing went better if rougher with Akane... for the donkan protagonist thing...

「ほら、ねぇ、誰より キミのこと見てるけど

"Hey...I've always been looking at you.
You're such a dunder...but even then I love you so"

- Pure Love, True Love - Lovely Quest OP.
...where it really is something quite central...

...and it's back to Strawberry Panic I go...and I'm jotting down's almost 15 years old, after all, and I've waited ten years...
As for SuGirly Wish...going off my memory here.
Megumi and Hina's routes were significantly more drawn out than the other three as far as I could recall (IIRC it went over 20 parts for Megumi which was just plain weird) and neither were that good. I just love Anna's eccentricity (and her white hair) and I didn't really pay much attention about how it went (to be fair, it's been a very long time)...and the relationship thing went better if rougher with Akane...
My recent experience with the game reflects what you remember of it : Megumi and Hina's routes are drawn out and in the worst possible spot (protagonist failing to notice the heroine's feelings). This lasts for a good 10 chapters out of about 20, that's half the route! Anyway, I also loved Anna as a character, her route started light and was kinda mysterious in its end with the "illness" but it all turned out alright and she got her wish. My favorite route of the game by far. Next I also really liked Kurumi's route, just because the protagonist is rather proactive in it and works hard to fulfill her wishes. Akane was a mixed bag, I liked the character but halfway through she lost her image of a strong senpai and became more and more a girly otome, which is fine but we already had Kurumi filling that role. I also was kinda annoyed at the way the scenario forcibly had to establish the protagonist's superiority over her, by having her faint and him carry her, interceding in a fight while she didn't need help, or making the protagonist stubbornly refuse to spar with her despite being supposedly good at fencing (just because he might lose to her?). for the donkan protagonist thing...

「ほら、ねぇ、誰より キミのこと見てるけど

"Hey...I've always been looking at you.
You're such a dunder...but even then I love you so"

- Pure Love, True Love - Lovely Quest OP.
...where it really is something quite central...
Oh dear... well I can tolerate some amount of obliviousness or I really wouldn't have many games to play, I already skip a ton with my picky tastes as it is. I'll probably pick up Lovely Quest at some point anyway in my grand tour of past Hooksoft productions, but I'll probably make sure to avoid further sister/childhood friend routes in the future. This is in my experience where the donkan hurts the most, especially with heroines who have been obviously in love with the protagonist for years and everyone but the protagonist notices.

...and it's back to Strawberry Panic I go...and I'm jotting down's almost 15 years old, after all, and I've waited ten years...
I don't get the boy/girl mode selection in this game, isn't it supposed to be girl's love only?
Oh dear... well I can tolerate some amount of obliviousness or I really wouldn't have many games to play, I already skip a ton with my picky tastes as it is. I'll probably pick up Lovely Quest at some point anyway in my grand tour of past Hooksoft productions, but I'll probably make sure to avoid further sister/childhood friend routes in the future. This is in my experience where the donkan hurts the most, especially with heroines who have been obviously in love with the protagonist for years and everyone but the protagonist notices.

I don't get the boy/girl mode selection in this game, isn't it supposed to be girl's love only?

FWIW, he did apologize to his childhood friend for keeping her waiting and comes around a bit quicker to his sister.

There's supposed to be a CG specific to boy mode and supposedly change the main character's diary writing to writing letters home...Will come back on this topic later, I'm not that far in yet (of course gotta pick girl mode to start....)
Amakano 2: I've played Amakano 2 before the first one and I can say the two are exactly the same in core and sweetness but Amakano have more troubled pace in a route while Amakano 2 is more peaceful pace which is not an downside for both games. In general, I liked all routes from Amakano 2, Yuuhi, Chitose, Rei and even the Protagonist are unique!

-About Yuuhi, Chitose and Rei.
I'm impressed that 3 of them have the same impact and none of them are up or down in story, it was sweet read the routes and none of them are bad or best they are equal in quality but with different cores. The confession not all of them are good but will always have one best confession for each heroine, for me it was: Yuuhi > Yuuhi Confession, Chitose > Chitose Confession, Rei > Protagonist Confession (Not that Rei confession is bad but the other one have more feelings and starts right up giving more time to atmosphere build up). The OSTs for each heroine are marvelous and a Fun Fact: Rei OST is not on Music tab because it's the full ver. of her theme music, But you can hear at fullest when it appears for the first time.

-About Protagonist
If you are worrying about some behaviors of heroines, for example: Chitose's Onee-Chan personality, here's your savior! Seriously, this protagonist is really proactive and takes the lead of EVERY RELATIONSHIP IN EACH ROUTE, and when heroine's try to dodge from an equal relationship he just pull the lead and put it in right place to make it equal again, and this mainly can be seen in Chitose route for obvious reasons so you can read every route at ease and if you yet have a problem with some behavior just take your time and this will resolve right up(or sometime later) because of him. Some of his actions can be easily missable if you don't pay attention, if you pay, you'll know what i'm talking about. (I wish more protagonist like this one!).

-About CG and H-Scenes
This game count with 27 CG for each heroine: 10 Event CG, 10 HCG and 7 SD for each. Every CG are high quality and beautiful, the only thing that I wanted is more CG and none SD because some of CGs are rushed in game and sometimes we have a great gap between CG! H-Scenes are really good and compared with first amakano is more long, even if the game gave us an option to don't see them some of them have a great development and are worth to see, each heroine behaves very different from another: Rei > No Talk/Small Talk, Chitose > Medium Talk and Yuuhi > Great Talk/Nonstop Talk in they respective H-Scenes.

There is one thing that I was very disturbed about when played the routes and just pointing it here if someone worry about that. It was Scenery! the order of route that I played was: Rei ->Chitose -> Yuuhi while this order for me was good the sudden change of standard scenery of Rei/Chitose to Yuuhi breaked me for a while until I get used to this. So, it's a good choice playing Yuuhi route between Chitose and Rei!

PS:This review was late because of me playing the first Amakano. :D
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-About Protagonist
If you are worrying about some behaviors of heroines, for example: Chitose's Onee-Chan personality, here's your savior! Seriously, this protagonist is really proactive and takes the lead of EVERY RELATIONSHIP IN EACH ROUTE, and when heroine's try to dodge from an equal relationship he just pull the lead and put it in right place to make it equal again, and this mainly can be seen in Chitose route for obvious reasons so you can read every route at ease and if you yet have a problem with some behavior just take your time and this will resolve right up(or sometime later) because of him. Some of his actions can be easily missable if you don't pay attention, if you pay, you'll know what i'm talking about. (I wish more protagonist like this one!).
Now then, I still haven't managed to finish any route in Amakano 2, but this is one of my biggest complains about it. I'm all for the protagonist not being a stiff cardboard, but I read eroges for the girls and not for the guy, so once the story moves in to the lovers' part, I wish they just let the girls shine. Instead, the protagonist grows more and more prominent.

I find myself disagreeing with the protagonist a lot in Yuuhi's route, particularly on him thinking about "fixing" Yuuhi's personality.
Now then, I still haven't managed to finish any route in Amakano 2, but this is one of my biggest complains about it. I'm all for the protagonist not being a stiff cardboard, but I read eroges for the girls and not for the guy, so once the story moves in to the lovers' part, I wish they just let the girls shine. Instead, the protagonist grows more and more prominent.

I find myself disagreeing with the protagonist a lot in Yuuhi's route, particularly on him thinking about "fixing" Yuuhi's personality.

This is the development of the story. From the start you see that Yuuhi have her "true self" and her "facade" and the protagonist just want that she step up and be on her true self without being afraid. Being true to herself was the premise even before her route initiate. Well, without this confrontation she will not date with the protagonist and will not develop her character. Most of time he thinks about this, but, he think about letting it be for a while until she wants or have opportunity. I don't know if you are in before confession, but, if after, you will agree with protagonist.

I like when protagonists changes and develop over time when in a route and are more present in an relationship, i've already read so many VN and i'm already tired of heroines just mocking protagonists or doing something for/to him without receiving back and him just being "passive" on their actions just to see him thinking "Oh, she's so cute" and then repeat. I like to see an equal relationship with equal actions and not one-sided, and, that's what amakano 2 protagonist do everytime: maintain equaliness. That's don't make heroine shine less, on contrary, this make she shows other sides and make not only heroine but the relationship shiny more.
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