Visual Novel Cafe

Hey guys, it's been a while, I hope everyone's alright. I'm fine and still playing VNs, as usual one route or two here and there but there's been an exception lately and that's hibiki-work's latest return to the xCation series after more than three years of absence, with Re CATION ~Melty Healing~. I actually finished it, which is rare enough to be worth pointing out. As a fan of the xCation series from early on, I was very eager to see if hibiki-works would manage to make a return to the spotlight, so there's going to be a lot of comparisons to previous games in the series. Overall, I feel this is one of the cheapest entries, not quite on the level of PrettyxCation 1 bare-bone and rushed story but generally speaking it feels like there's a lot missing that I was expecting from a game bearing the Cation name.

Mechanics-wise, the game trimmed a lot from the series familiar gameplay elements. Cation games have always had a rather involved stat management/item collection mini-game that did more than influence whose heroines route the protagonist goes on to, but actually went further by unlocking specific events with the right stats/items, all the way to adding variation to H-scenes depending on a variety of parameters (again, items, stats, affection level). It was possible to play the game on Easy and largely ignore the stats requirements but I still really enjoy when games give an incentive for carefully reading the text and listen to the heroine's lines, to look for hints on where to go, what item to collect, and get rewarded with a little something in return. Niiduma LovelyxCation's foray in random events was a bit of a mistake, but enough about that, because all of it is gone. Poof! Re Cation features only a generic choice based, very obvious journey, with little to no replay value, no hidden things to hunt for. I guess this is a sign of the times, nobody cares about actually playing the games and just wants the rewards immediately. Cation games have also always featured a rather extended Lovely Call system, which is a way for the heroines to say whatever name you want during some of the voices lines. Alas, hibiki-works has made zero progress since Niiduma, with said name being read separated from the rest of the sentence ("*name*..., let's do x") and in a slightly different tone, making it feel forced and unnatural most of the time. It seems that there's going to be one append story in August featuring swimsuits, but nothing further has been announced so far, so the Cation games tradition of numerous appends is probably gone as well.

As far as the story goes, it's very close to the latest entry, 新妻LOVELY×CATION. In both games, the protagonist is a young working adult, this time he starts to work in a new branch office, is thrown in a position of responsibility and gets to meet a few girls along the way. I like that for once the protagonist's job doesn't involve the usual eroge professions (writer, cook, inn/cafe manager, sales rep), and I felt a little closer to him as we both work(ed) in IT in a consulting firm. Heroines are a different story, with some more or less forced encounters and interactions, especially with Haru, which revolve on one of the game's biggest problem in my eyes : the time-frame. It's typical in stories involving working adults who don't have a lot of free time and no good excuse to be together, but things have to move very fast and I can count the number of times the protagonist met each of the heroines on one hand before the common route is over and it's time to make a choice. I was not a fan of the way this choice was introduced, stemming from the rather negative feelings of an overworked protagonist who wonders "who don't I want to see sad" rather than "who do I want to see happy". Thankfully our protagonist is quickly and forcibly saved from his woes by his heroine of choice (regardless of personality/circumstances), who goes on to nurse him back to health and give a few life advice along with other questionable behavior (especially for single women with no romantic experience), leading him to quickly confess after getting better. For two of the three heroines this leads to immediate sex, while one takes a little longer, but for all of them the ecchi is initiated from the heroine's side. From there on out it's mostly smooth sailing with tons of sex, a few dates, and very few further plot developments all the way to a very similar ending for all three of the heroines. Overall, this felt like the plot of part 1 of 新妻LOVELY×CATION, except with lots of sex, and with everything tightly packed in a couple months rather than a whole year.

Let's delve further in the heroines themselves :

Riho seems like your standard career woman but she has a secret life as a twitch broadcaster, except she only gathers single digit viewers count and streams retro games. I like that they didn't make her a famous and popular net personality and kept it small. As luck would have it our protagonist is one of her regular viewers, which made them closer as they shared discussions about older games and such after he confronted her about it. Of course, even though she's very good at games and our protagonist haven't played in years, he can still easily beat her but whatever. As a result of their relationship she completely abandons her broadcasting hobby which was quite the letdown, saying that she just wanted someone to enjoy games with and now she has a real-life partner so she doesn't need twitch anymore. Feels bad for her other regulars but okay. She teaches the protagonist her own way to relax, spending their free time without worrying about making the most out of it and just doing whatever they feel like, which turns out to be mostly sex and games. This relaxed feeling continues all the way to the end, with a few happenings in between but nothing too serious, culminating in a spontaneous marriage proposal that felt more induced by their surroundings (mostly Riho's boss) that an actually desire or thought-out decision but I guess this fits the couple's way of life.
Haru is an university student who also works multiple part-time jobs, in a small cafe-restaurant during the day and convenience story during the night. She's very friendly and cheerful, but she has troubles with technology, which created perfect opportunities for the protagonist to help with his IT know-how. Haru is probably the weakest character in the game, as her circumstances as an university student makes it hard for her to fit into the overall theme. This is a game about our protagonist being pandered and 'healed' from his stress and overwork and Haru, given her young age, is not in the best place to be giving life advice and take care of him as much as the other two. So the game decided that to compensate for that, she would be the perverted one of the group, accepting of the protagonist's own perversions, especially his obsession with smells. Apart from that, she is mostly completely guided by the protagonist who even goes on to find her a job at his company. She doesn't seem to have any passion or ambition apart from supporting her family, and is ready to follow the protagonist wherever he will lead her. This point is pushed further by the multitude of references to her dog-like behavior, which I found rather rude. She has a bit of an issue with her relationship with her sister but the situation essentially solves itself, and once again the game finishes with a marriage proposal that felt more spontaneous than anything.
Hinako is the landlord of the protagonist, who just finished major renovation of her childhood home and is looking for new tenants, our protagonist happening to be the first. She's new to the landlord life, and thus can be a little more intrusive that our protagonist would expect, but of the three I find she is probably the best match for our protagonist in how forceful she can be with him. Our protagonist is clearly looking for a support rather than a partner, a mom rather than a wife, and she fits the bill perfectly with excellent cooking and homemaking skills, complete with an experience in DIY renovation (please no more drill sounds, I beg you!). Her story progression felt the most natural of the three, as she's in the best position to see the protagonist slowly slipping into overwork and is there to nurse him back to health when he needs it. The romantic progression also happened to be my favorite of the three, with less rushing to sex and more events in between. This stays true for the entirety of the route, and is probably the only one in which the marriage proposal is actually a bit thought out before being made: the apartment had trouble looking for tenants, but Hinako has a deep emotional attachment to the building and don't want to let go, so the solution our protagonist found is to turn it into a school dormitory. Problem is, he would need to move out since he's not a student, and Hinako doesn't want that, unless there's another way for him to keep living there after it turns into a dorm..? Of course! Let's get married! I'll admit this isn't the most romantic of reasons but the simple fact that there IS a reason puts it far above the other two.
The art is pretty good but for a full-price game with only three heroines felt a little short quantity-wise (25CG each), especially as a few CGs consist of simple close-ups of standard character sprites. Unfortunately this game has neither Niiduma's Iizuki Tasuku art or e-mote integration going for it, and the heroines all share rather similar proportions (big boobed long haired) which makes it hard for them to feel unique and memorable. Music is okay and so is sound, mostly unremarkable for no bad note either. The CV do a pretty good job but it's not my favorite cast either, and this isn't really the game to push their talent to the max, although Riho's change from business-like voice to game commentary is quite impressive.

Overall, hibiki-works makes an okay return to the Cation series, having trimmed a lot of of its identity in the process, to deliver one of its cheapest, most generic entries. I hope the game does well and they manage to resurrect the series further but I really wouldn't count on it making a full comeback. As it stands, Re Cation : Melty Healing is arguably inferior to Niiduma Lovely x Cation in every way, and isn't speaking much about hibiki-works ability to improve on the formulae.
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@ReCation: Fully agree with the importance of Iizuki Tasuku's art (looking forward to reading Suiren & Shion in September). E-mote is overrated though (totally not because it stops me from creating folder icon with the heroine's standing CG).

Reading the review, too bad it doesn't seem to have a rejection scene. I love this twist in xCation series.

Finished most of the routes in Sex Open World e Youkoso recently and it was quite fun despite its numerous flaws.

Despite its title, SOW has no harem scenes and very little adventuring. The lack of harem scenes is particularly baffling because:
- the protagonist gets 7 brides almost right off the bat
- the game mechanic forces you to select multiple girls during a single playthrough

Not counting the bad ends (if there's any) there are a total of 7 individual endings and 1 harem end. The harem end is very underwhelming (no extra CG nor scenes) and as such, not worth the trouble. The sex scenes all follow a fixed pattern which make them boring very fast. The story on occasion gives interesting plot twists, but for the most part is immensely skippable.

Now wait a minute. Didn't I say it was quite fun? Oh, yes it was. The trick is to focus on a single heroine and read the story as if you're reading a normal individual route. Backed with solid voice actings and nice visuals, it was quite fun reading about the world and the heroines told from their own perspectives. 6/10.

Also read a bit of Petrichor. Unfortunately I can't think of any good thing about it so I won't write about it.
Thank you very much for reviews, as always. But I'm really interested in Petrichor's story, can you please tell about this? I played only demo version, but I read that if you choose all Erika variants... you ended in Akari's route. And same for Akari... You will get Erika ending. Like... what the hell?
Thank you very much for reviews, as always. But I'm really interested in Petrichor's story, can you please tell about this? I played only demo version, but I read that if you choose all Erika variants... you ended in Akari's route. And same for Akari... You will get Erika ending. Like... what the hell?
Lol, that sure sounds messed up. Kinda remind me of Koi Shichi Yo in which the protagonist is tasked to coach his love interest, who has now become another man's fiancee, in sex. IIRC there are a total of 3 heroines, but the protagonist can never end up with his love interest. That's some top notch heartbreaking story right there.

Back to Petrichor, I only read up until the first h-scene, which is about 3 minutes in. Everything, from the writing, the artwork, to the voice acting were mediocre at best. It's just too hard to read on when nothing really stands out.
@ReCation: Fully agree with the importance of Iizuki Tasuku's art (looking forward to reading Suiren & Shion in September). E-mote is overrated though (totally not because it stops me from creating folder icon with the heroine's standing CG).

Reading the review, too bad it doesn't seem to have a rejection scene. I love this twist in xCation series.
Do they? I never knew! Do they happen if you don't have enough affection after being locked into one heroine? I never even tried and I don't think I would survive being turned down by Hinata (LxC2) or Aya (LxC), but just in case I really want to feel depressed.

I kinda like E-mote actually, when it's done well it can bring some more life to the characters than otherwise. I've written it before but I'm kinda wary of Suiren & Shion because it shares writers with Oneechan no Yuuwaku, and the story and genre makes it look like it's going to be sex focused and harem styled. Maybe if each girl has a proper route.

In other news, I expected the Hooksoft 20th anniversary pack to be available but since a week after release it's still nowhere to be seen I've been spending time with some games I generally wouldn't touch, two nukiges of genres I tend to avoid: NTR with 俺の彼女は他人棒が気になるようです and lolicon with 現実が見えてきたので少女を愛するのを辞めました.

This game utterly failed as a nukige for me due to how the sex scenes are constructed : they're very short, fast-paced, and finish so quickly that I barely had time to get aroused before they were over. The game makes it up in quantity, with tons of variations of the same scenes, switching positions, etc... but none of it really worked. The story was actually not as terrible as I thought, I'm not one to enjoy the NTR genre but the game is featuring one of the most perverted heroines I had seen in a long time. She spends the whole game manipulating her boyfriend for them to get the most pleasure out of sex as they can given their particular fetishes, even if that can take some peculiar form (netorare, swinging). The heroine's manipulations are pretty obvious even in the protagonist's viewpoint, but he is weak enough to go along with all of it without questioning it too much or take a firm stance. I was not too sold on the perverted friend of the protagonist, or his pretty shallow girlfriend either. Lastly, I found the animations to be pretty lackluster in general, far from what even doujin circles can do (see クレージュA).
It is a weird game, at the same time denouncing lolicon and embracing it fully with a family that turns out to be, one character excepted, completely okay with it. The protagonist is trying his hardest to renounce his lolicon ways, and while he does try to resist his urges I find he fails way too often and has very questionable behavior even with he doesn't give in. He's in fact so sick that holding back eventually leads him to a quick death, maybe seeking professional help would have been a better idea... The mom reveals she's a lolicon as well and a die-hard fan of the protagonist lolicon ero-mangas, even though she was married, had two children, and desires the grown-up dick of the protagonist so much. So much that she's willing to invite the wolf into her house and let him loose on her two daughters, one of which being completely perverted by the protagonist's ero-manga (planted by the mom...) and all too eager to explore her sexuality with a man thrice her age, and the second so young that it never feels like she knows what she's doing. It's fine if the daughters are happy and know what they're doing, says the mom, except they don't have the capacity/maturity to judge either, which is why (physical trauma aside) pedophilia is wrong in the first place! The only sane person in the family in the big sister, who has a child's body so the protagonist desires her. She sees him for what he is immediately, but she unfortunately also gets corrupted by the mother's ideology and begins to accept the protagonist and his perversions, and even falls in love with him. The game has a ton of self deprecation, from the protagonist who tries but fails to change, to the heroines themselves who don't want to break the family, creating a not-so-funny mood that contrasts heavily with the high amount of sexual content where not much of these interrogations are present. While the journey sometimes was interesting to follow (mostly the sister route) I can't say I felt convinced by any of the endings, making for a very awkward title I really can't recommend to anyone, lolicon or otherwise.
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Do they? I never knew! Do they happen if you don't have enough affection after being locked into one heroine? I never even tried and I don't think I would survive being turned down by Hinata (LxC2) or Aya (LxC), but just in case I really want to feel depressed.
Ah, I was referring to Hime (LxC2) and Aiko's (Niizuma LxC) routes in which they rejected the protagonists's approaches. As for the triggerable bad ending, AFAIK it's exclusive to one heroine per title (Yuni in LxC, Seine in LxC2, Yuki in Niizuma LxC).

I kinda like E-mote actually, when it's done well it can bring some more life to the characters than otherwise. I've written it before but I'm kinda wary of Suiren & Shion because it shares writers with Oneechan no Yuuwaku, and the story and genre makes it look like it's going to be sex focused and harem styled. Maybe if each girl has a proper route.
Well, I'm just happy there'll be another title with Iizuki Tasuku's artwork. It sucks, but great eroge artists almost never got paired with a writer they deserve anyway.

This game utterly failed as a nukige for me due to how the sex scenes are constructed : they're very short, fast-paced, and finish so quickly that I barely had time to get aroused before they were over. The game makes it up in quantity, with tons of variations of the same scenes, switching positions, etc... but none of it really worked. The story was actually not as terrible as I thought, I'm not one to enjoy the NTR genre but the game is featuring one of the most perverted heroines I had seen in a long time. She spends the whole game manipulating her boyfriend for them to get the most pleasure out of sex as they can given their particular fetishes, even if that can take some peculiar form (netorare, swinging). The heroine's manipulations are pretty obvious even in the protagonist's viewpoint, but he is weak enough to go along with all of it without questioning it too much or take a firm stance. I was not too sold on the perverted friend of the protagonist, or his pretty shallow girlfriend either. Lastly, I found the animations to be pretty lackluster in general, far from what even doujin circles can do (see クレージュA).
Was thinking of reading this, but ANIM has burned me enough times with their lackluster writing. Guess I'll skip this after all.
Guys, hello! I just wanted to ask you for help.
How to run trial version of "Princess Heart Link"? It's RealLive engine, and Locale Emulator (also Alpharomdie) doesn't help at all.
I don't want to change system to Japanese locale at all only for demo.

Is it first full-price game for Hadashi Shoujo? I never played their games.
Hm, can anyone explain me this engage link system? What is it?

2x oppai as a sales point is... ehm... wonderful :)
Ah, I was referring to Hime (LxC2) and Aiko's (Niizuma LxC) routes in which they rejected the protagonists's approaches. As for the triggerable bad ending, AFAIK it's exclusive to one heroine per title (Yuni in LxC, Seine in LxC2, Yuki in Niizuma LxC).

Well, I'm just happy there'll be another title with Iizuki Tasuku's artwork. It sucks, but great eroge artists almost never got paired with a writer they deserve anyway.

Was thinking of reading this, but ANIM has burned me enough times with their lackluster writing. Guess I'll skip this after all.
Ah I see, not complete rejections but more like troubles getting into a relationship in the first place at the beginning of their actual routes, requiring more effort from the protagonist. Those were nice, although I remember the protagonist being a bit too forceful with Hime (almost raping her?). I haven't played Yuni's route in LxC so I can't speak for this one, but Seine's "bad" ending was kinda striking (especially since there are risks during all other H scenes and it only matters that one time). I don't remember Yuki having a bad end in Niiduma, is it one in which you don't make up with the parents? Anyway, you were right, nothing like that in Re Cation.

It is sad that good artists rarely pair up with good writers. You'd think they'd have leverage enough not to be stuck with an unknown nukige mass-producer but what do I know. I'd say Iizuki got it pretty good up until Oneechan no Yuuwaku though, not the best writers but could have been much worse.

Guys, hello! I just wanted to ask you for help.
How to run trial version of "Princess Heart Link"? It's RealLive engine, and Locale Emulator (also Alpharomdie) doesn't help at all.
I don't want to change system to Japanese locale at all only for demo.

Is it first full-price game for Hadashi Shoujo? I never played their games.
Hm, can anyone explain me this engage link system? What is it?

2x oppai as a sales point is... ehm... wonderful :)
The trials runs for me after using the alpharomdie cracker (2012) on Reallive.exe then choosing 'Cancel' when you're getting prompted about the game being Japan only.

I think they've done other full-price games, like らぶ撮りハレーション or 新妻こよみ. They're nukige angled towards the Shota (with big D) genre, some scenes have rather OK animations.

The engage link system in their new game seems to be a system in which the heroine and the protagonist link their minds (everything but actual thoughts) so the heroine feels the protagonist's pleasure when sucking him and can't stop, or the protagonist feels the heroine enjoying his foreplay (even if she hides it due to embarrassment) and can escalate and make her come regardless of what she says. Seems like a compromise between straight-up mind-reading and heroine PoV, though the examples given appear to be very one-sided (protagonist in control, heroine not so much).

Hadashi games have always forced on the breasts, they don't seem that much bigger than their other games but it is a new pair of artists for the studio. At least you have Hazakura Minato with more standard (if a little restrained) body proportions.
Guys, hello! I just wanted to ask you for help.
How to run trial version of "Princess Heart Link"? It's RealLive engine, and Locale Emulator (also Alpharomdie) doesn't help at all.
I don't want to change system to Japanese locale at all only for demo.

Is it first full-price game for Hadashi Shoujo? I never played their games.
Hm, can anyone explain me this engage link system? What is it?

2x oppai as a sales point is... ehm... wonderful :)
Just click Cancel twice when prompted. I think you don't need AlphaRom crack for Hadashi's titles.

Hadashi Shoujo = gorgeous art + ultra lightweight stories. They're like Lune's better looking sibling. Though, while Lune now gravitates toward darker stories, Hadashi always sticks to happy stories.

I don't rate Hadashi's titles highly, but they have some of the most fan-minded developers in eroge industry so bless them (I mean, what freak would release a FREE, fully voiced extra scene patch more than two years after the original title was released?).

Ah I see, not complete rejections but more like troubles getting into a relationship in the first place at the beginning of their actual routes, requiring more effort from the protagonist. Those were nice, although I remember the protagonist being a bit too forceful with Hime (almost raping her?). I haven't played Yuni's route in LxC so I can't speak for this one, but Seine's "bad" ending was kinda striking (especially since there are risks during all other H scenes and it only matters that one time). I don't remember Yuki having a bad end in Niiduma, is it one in which you don't make up with the parents? Anyway, you were right, nothing like that in Re Cation.
Yuki's bad end is when you tell her to go home instead of telling her that her home is right here with you. I sent her home the first time since I didn't want to be seen as a kidnapper lol.

In Hime's case, I think it qualified as a rape since I don't remember her consenting to it until after the deed was done (although she didn't show any resistance either). Yuni's bad end has some parallels to Seine's, though Yuni's route as a whole can be viewed as one sick, twisted love story. Just as I like it.

It is sad that good artists rarely pair up with good writers. You'd think they'd have leverage enough not to be stuck with an unknown nukige mass-producer but what do I know. I'd say Iizuki got it pretty good up until Oneechan no Yuuwaku though, not the best writers but could have been much worse.
True. Best sellers don't always equate to the best titles, but being a part of several best sellers is undoubtedly amazing.

There are now more good erotic artists than ever before. Unfortunately, good erotic writers are still very rare. Maybe it's the stigma of being associated with porn industry? Maybe writing light novels is just much more profitable? Maybe eroge's future lies in developing AI writers which learn from the very best and are able to churn out stories quickly? Ah, well, I'm just rambling now.
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A-a-and... they have fetish on... phimosis? Eugh... :confused:
MC always have this, well, at least in two their last titles.
It's either the developers' fetish or the fans'. Hadashi run a lot of surveys asking about what their fans would like to see in their new title. Kinda like WAFFLE in that respect. Having a collaboration where WAFFLE handles the script and Hadashi works on the art would be amazing.
Through with prologues and pickpus of Houkago girl gets no pickup scenario (instead she gets a glimpse on very last pickup of somebody else), which is good because it had been dragging for long enough...yet bad because said girl's the hottest one...I already want to kick Youka in her mouth after her pickup..."Said girl" has a slow start, but worth it so far... for Strawberry Panic (PS2)...there are still much more to go, but I'm still enjoying getting to new that one time when the artist that painted you dozed off and dreamt she was painting your nude...which effectively made her one who saw you naked...or so you thought, even wondering what you'd do if she asks that for real...a bit spicy yet simultaneously wholly wholesome.

Note: Speaking of meta-names, Otonashi Kushina (Love Sweets), when read together, goes to the effect of "be quiet (大人しくしな)".
Mind: Blown. Never noticed it after all these years until I revisited it on a whim...
I have been going through 放課後シンデレラ as well, a little further than you since I've completed one route already (Youka, incidentally). I also found the succession of pick-up scenarios for each heroine one after the other once past the opening movie a bit tiresome, I'm glad they skipped one and I can't say I'm that interested in the character anyway. Generally speaking, it feels like Hooksoft is trying more and more to be like SMEE used to be in its prime, especially in the humor department in the random encounters and intermissions between heroine events. Not necessarily a bad thing but it's doesn't work quite as well without the writing staff to support it. You can feel the mimicry as it even starts to rush to shimoneta jokes (long and tiresome imouto fetish explanation, popular porn sites search terms, long discussion on the benefits of mirrors in love hotels, etc...), this is not a direction I like to see Hooksoft going but these events are at least largely irrelevant and can be skipped with no second thoughts. Heroines interactions also are somewhat reminiscent of SMEE games, with dialogue choices to raise affection quicker by answering correctly (all very easy so far). The back-from-school route selection system isn't adding much since you can only see one event per day, you'll need to pick a heroine about 10 times (out of 20 days) to enter her route, so there's not much room for random exploring apart from deliberately ignoring heroine progression. First time around you can ask for (more of less obvious) hints, second run through you can just pick the heroine's name on top and skip it entirely. The protagonist feels more like a SMEE protagonist, with his endless tsukkomi and his shouted over-reactions, than the typical Hooksoft calm and popular protagonist, which is sort of a shame. It doesn't really translate well too, since while he's not as popular as some of Hooksoft worst offenders (Priministar, Strawberry Nauts), he's still the center of attention of the school's top girls and it just doesn't make as much sense given his personality and his looks (what's with this hair dude? can't even see your eyes, are you an inkya or what? I'm surprised Youka isn't ashamed to be seen with you).

Anyway, the meat of the game is clearly in the houkago part and to some extent in the first part of the heroine route, where it's pretty cute to see the couple get friendlier and closer (with added friends for some) and just enjoy having a good time together as friends. Once the lover parts hits, these friends (Misachi for Youka), who so far played a rather important role, are more or less shoved to the side and it's a standard romance story, complete with SMEE-like typical episodic structure with all the quirks that involves (sudden mood swings, quick resolutions, overly predictable "drama" at the end). Once the sex begins it feels rather rushed, as scenes are presented one after the other without much in between. Said scenes share the same problem I had with E-School Life in that they're generally too short and abrupt to get anything going. Overall, the heroine route I played is not bad, but after playing some of Hooksoft's past games from the 20th anniversary pack it's difficult for me to make a favorable comparison. Especially as far as osanajimi route, I was much more pleasantly surprised by Lovely Quest's Hami. I've started reading the senpai's route (currently on first 'progression' chapter) but I'm not really feeling it too much so far, I may take a break and check out Purple and Saga Planet's offering before coming back to it. Or I'll just continue Lovely Quest, Iroha and Hami were just really nice.
Looks like E-School Life II indeed, so posh yet so empty...of course I did Maria first. One crazy girl and one crazy family...Sakura Bitmap (inc. Sendo Inn and the shrine) makes a cameo. Aside from my white hair obsession (and dang is she hot overall)...she hardly has anything noteworthy as a character...not enough to really write about, anyway.

This rich girl sure got some hijinks in store...

Maria wanted to buy MC's blazer for 10 million yen and wrote a cheque for that amount on the spot. Before that she wanted to buy a whole swathe of land.
Waited for MC at his school gate causing a bit of commotion.
Demolishes game city with glee.
The MC was kidnapped right in front of his school gate to Maria's house so she could ask him to live with her under the same roof and so he did...good thing too, the loft bed sucks.
Walked in on MC trying to fap.
Took a day trip to a familiar town and returned by choppa.
Had sex while Maria's dad's (who looks like mafia boss but in reality was simply doesn't care about appearance) visiting.
Transferred to MC's school for a day and even arranged for an empty classroom to "make memories" with.
Maria's mom wanted the MC for herself. Underneath her fearsome, strict exterior she's quite a dopey character.
Mom challenged MC to a bout of fighting game...with her approval of relationship with Maria at stake.
MC gets assaulted by both Maria's dad and mom in the bath, and mom was in birthday suit too.
MC clearly was traumatized by the little girl he helped much earlier on about his surname...

I got a feeling that Maria, for all intents and purposes, will not exist outside of her own route...if so, it's a waste, even if it's in character for her. (Same feeling for Yukiko too)...

Having nonsense as filler sucks. Total waste of space...Can't remember if some Smee entries had that sorta filler, but seems familiar somehow...

It's more Smee than Hook (both are Peter Pan - mind blown), yeah. Multiple choices of three or more (along with circular choices) and a heroine scenario every so often is a reminiscent of Kanojo Step. Not a lot of shimoneta outside of daily fillers it looks to me, which is nice and all...and why do I got the feeling that this world of two thing is also Smee thing...Making Lovers? Gotta be it, there the heroines are more or less self-contained. Hell, what the MC does is even totally different across all five.

The Hooksoft signature "Girly Talking" makes a comeback albeit seemingly halfheartedly implemented. Showing who's speaking on the main screen (rather than colored fonts) detracts from its impact, and seems like there's no specific background for each heroines. Doesn't have much anticipation on knowing what's on the girl's mind this time as such......

Picking the returning route seems like four chances to make things right instead of one...yeah, not adding too much.

All the small details would seem to be covered in the common/going home parts and hardly anything else goes on afterwards as you say. Like, I don't feel as excited to learn more of the heroine as the past Hook(soft) games did.

Sure feels like Hooksoft had lost its way...or they drawn too much staff and influence from Smee?

Now onwards to Tsukushi...her common arc's actually pretty good if not a bit dragged out.

Note: Make sure to start a new game or the auto select function won't be there if you load a save from first run's selection screen.
Pardon the double's always so quiet around here and indeed, VN takes some time to read.

I'm done with Hougako Cinderalla...objectively, it's just another later Hooksoft. Pick the chara you like and go after her. Nothing to be seen here...almost. Don't have much good things to say this time except the H is some of the better ones among Hooksoft and Maria's one of the best character, appearance-wise, among all, so far. I wasn't quite readily digging in and find myself rushing at times (not skipping though). I was okay with Maria and Tsukushi, then it started to go downhill with Yukiko. I'm neutral with Tanomi. Youka though............(not here; see below).

The routes' story structure that goes from one happening to another indeed are poor hooks (pun not intended) and doesn't very much make me feel invested and eager to proceed.
The routes' story be like, first day after confession, date, sex, sex, sex, sex, drama, with some variations...the new winning formula?
For some reason talking on way home during common route feels more like info dumps that is not used anywhere rather than conversations to, I don't feel like it even mattered if I know more about them.
And I reiterate, nonsense filler in common route is a waste of time and energy.

I was right about other heroines not appearing out of their scenarios. This "literally everyone has disappeared" thing is not like Hooksoft at all.
Tanomi practically (she does pop up in one occasion but I can't recall any more such times) disappearing without a trace out of her feels disturbing in hindsight - she's your CLASSMATE of all things. Tsukushi and Yukiko also completely disappear if you focus on one heroine that are not them. Same deal as E-School Life and the two lesser main heroines with less presence, but even worse when one of your classmate is, for all intent and purposes, spirited away when she was not chosen.
Guess it makes sense to me now to not have pickup for Maria. Come to think of it, she's as self-contained as Misaki (Fureraba) in the sense that you need to manually go out of your way to even meet her to begin with.
Youka's omnipresent though, being the osananajimi and all...and even then adds little if anything to other routes. She's at the central of action at one time, but other times not so much.

The BGMs don't stand out much, I think due to the lack of specific character themes and the rest just feel bland to me.

It gets personal though...

I wouldn't trust Yukiko (who later did regret how she made the MC mistrust her and how it's going to bode badly for her love), but even moreso with Youka. She rubbed off on me in such a wrong way that I almost punched her face along with my notebook screen at one point...and said point was already on her route.

I dare say...Youka managed to one-up'd Maya from the previous game on my hatred meter. I endured anyway, and the ending (not the epilogue) to Youka's route was extremely stupid and unnecessary beyond all other type of unnecessary dramas to top off the grudge I already hold. Semantics being at work, I find how it played out stupidity at its finest.

...and how I hate surprises...they tend to be stupid, but this one in particular gotta take the cake.

About the extra scenario...
While on the theme of crossovers, the Amenity's Life amusement park makes a cameo in one route......

The 20th anniversary scenario is probably better than about 75% of the main game (and the reason why that rural town was chosen as one of the cameo in main game...almost the whole town was utilized) and it's like a breath of fresh air I needed after the main game's mess. I managed to recognize at least half the cast from the 22 in total, and I can't describe the feeling that one of the chosen 22 is Mikamo... I can also recognize lots of BGMs in the hodgepodge.

...but my mind was blown when I saw Mio and Mikamo having the same VA (is it only because of this that she even made it in?), only for it to dissolve into a pile of molecules when I saw Yunoka, Hina, and Shioji having the same could that nagging imouto share the voice of the absolutely murderous bodyguard?

None from LovelyQuest or Amenity's Life made it into the chosen 22...I'm guessing saving on the VAs.

The cast I recognize:
Mio, Clair, Raido [Ichigo] (HoneyComing)
Yunoka (Sakura Bitmap)
Hina, Kurumi (SugirlyWish)
Touko, Mikamo (StrawberryNauts)
Shioji (PriministAr)
Yuka, Misao (MeltyMoment)
Lea (TravellingStars)
Yoshino (IxSheTell)

I don't know about the earlier girls, but...

Shioji and Ichigo having a staredown.
Yuka nonchalantly chomping on snacks and sipping tea when Misao did not see it that way and get spooked.
Yoshino getting cursed for denying romance.
Clair being an angel and be the first to talk to Lea the demon.
Lea actually stand down when realizing Ichigo is a teacher.
Yunoka and Hina having a catfight.

Hooksoft seems to really be losing their way...will they be able to get back on track again?
Already finished with the game? Hougako Cinderella isn't particularly long but I have been distracted by other August releases lately and haven't made too much progress on my side. I did finish Yukiko's and Tanomi's routes though. I think Tanomi's route is my favorite so far (among Youka, Yukiko and Tanomi), although its ending was completely spoiled by Youka's ending, not that "the twist" would have been hard to figure out otherwise. I didn't really feel anything for Yukiko, she's okay but she never really comes across as a sempai but more like a friend. Of the school journal trio I would have liked an extra route for Yuna just because she hates the protagonist's guts and would have been an interesting one to pursue. I don't know what Youka did in her route to anger you that much but she was pretty haughty and demeaning in her pickup and early common route parts. It comes with the gal archetype I guess, something I kinda like but I can easily see how it can piss someone off.

I think the balance of story and sex was pretty good in this one, not rushing to H after the confession was definitely a plus for me but at the cost of stringing H-events one after the other in the later parts of the routes. I've written it before but the episodic format of the story means that there's no real long-lasting issues and the ending drama usually comes out of nowhere (Youka, Tanomi) or involves an obvious question that was largely ignored before (Yukiko). Youka's definitely the worst because of its predictability, and with how easily it could have been avoided or solved with just a minimum of thinking, without even the last minute reveal. I kinda liked Tanomi's ending that ends on a open question to the reader, even after the characters stated their minds it was hard not to pick yes considering all the circumstances. I don't think it matters anyway.

Each of the heroine arcs, all the way to their pickup scenarios and common route parts, all feel like separate entities and Youka is really the only one to make an appearance everywhere, usually as a vector for jealousy/uncertainty for the heroines. Even then, there are some discrepancies like the protagonist claiming he never ate her cooking in one route when he sure did at the very beginning of the game... The conversation parts are also unfortunately largely irrelevant since you can for instance find out one heroines likes spicy stuff but later in her route the protagonist will still be surprised when she mentions it.

About the extra scenario:
There are also some character from _summer (and oh boy is the donkanness of the protagonist in this one absolutely unbearable) that I played recently from the 20th anniversary pack, Chiwa being my first pick. I mostly skipped through this omake scenario though since I'm not done with Hooksoft games including their most popular entries : I'm still halfway through my first route of Strawberry Nauts (Yao) and can't say I really like how it's going, I've stopped Priministar a while ago after a route and a half (Shioji then half of Senri) for some reason, and there's still some games I have yet to try at all. None from Lovely Quest is quite the letdown as it's quickly become one of my favorites.

I've mentioned being distracted by other August releases, and these are Purple's 青春フラジャイル and Saga Planet's かけぬけ★青春スパーキング!. Both of these share the "Seishun" theme, that period of youth that Japanese people like to idolize whereas for me (and most of the people I've spoken to including friends AND family) it is viewed more as a period of regrets and embarrassments. Each of the game has a rather distinctive approach, 青春フラジャイル went for the super-popular donkan protagonist angle with tons of lucky sukebe (including not one but two bath peeking events), before largely forgoing romance in the route I played (Rizu) to tell something else.

かけぬけ★青春スパーキング! puts the "seishun" at the front with characters that keep mentioning it and how they want to share it with everyone (meaning: the protagonist). I remember one game saying that the only ones who cling to the "seishun" concept are older people who have let it pass already and I kinda agree, it's not something you can intentionally do. The prologue was kinda boring with obvious story arcs and very forceful characters (Hibiki...) that don't really take good measure of the situation the protagonist is in : keeping 1st place in the school's ranking is certainly no easy feat, especially since the protagonist isn't that smart and also has to work long shifts part-time... The sporadic card battles had a very predictable outcome and weren't interesting to follow since they were more about cheating than having an actual strategy. Anyway, it gets much better in the heroine scenarios, at least for Riri and Ritsu that I found both adorable, not so much for Nagiko.

More on these two games when I'm done with them.
Gotta admit I kinda rushed with Houkago Cinderalla. Didn't skip outside of H but I certainly have skipped all the nonsense fillers cutting significantly time spent in common route. At first my attention was with Maria and to a lesser degree Tsukushi. I read almost at skim pace starting from Yukiko to Tanomi then Youka, they just didn't keep me into it much anymore.

A missed opportunity indeed to pull an E-School Life and let the subheroines be legible from ground up. Would be interesting...Mutsumi gives a Chiemi (MeltyMoment) vibe and Akira would be interesting because she's boku...and Misachi/Yuna getting hit with actual love...also, you could drift off a heroine's route to that of the servant in TravelingStars so a Hayami scenario (or 3P with Maria) wouldn't be out of the picture...alas, ran outta budget I guess.

Tanomi's disappearance is the greatest discrepancy of all...only Youka and Misachi plus male friends and background students allowed in class...and no interactions outside of class.

It's probably Youka's being pushy and demanding (particularly before confession; also like you said, demeaning), her tastes in things, and being more devilish than the actual devil...I guess a certain murderous girl being cruel but doing so straight-up and bluntly is better than being nickel, dimed, and stabbed in the back in jest...

I suppose you won't be enjoying much of the anniversary scenario if you don't have much bond with Hook[soft] charas and especially so among the chosen 22. I think Mikamo singlehandedly did it for me. But TBH I didn't really pay full attention to it.

Gotta believe in fate when you pray to God that she wait for you then you walk out of the cathedral to find her really waiting for you sending you into a panic...
It doesn't matter either way. I tried.

Tanomi sings Koinohana (Sakura Bitmap OP) and fails after the second part when the rhythm changes before the final third, Youka sings Bokura no Watercolor (Docchi no I ga Suki desu ka, OP), which the MC brought up to Tanomi along with Iridescence (Docchi no I ga Suki desu ka, ED), supposedly the latest "drama songs" in-universe on their karaoke trip. The MC sings anime and game songs when going there with Youka...something I can sympathize with...

I just realized I've missed out on quite a few things after all the years (and learned some new things) with LovelyQuest so I will finish it with Aino being the last to go...
As for hindsight I wonder how I could go on with it all given all the shenanigans that happens, but I grew to like Mikamo so much just through the common route events alone, and with her my memory's the most vivid as I can't remember too much the details of others' stories...doesn't help that I re-read her story on the HD Renewal sometime ago.

Maybe I'll check out the much older Hook titles later sometimes...
Hello, guys! Rarely see new post here. How are you?

Also, anybody played Harenochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori from Parasol? How it was? That one major spoiler on VNDB confused me...

It's a tragedy, emotional trainwreck, and one big mess. It'll be a MASSIVE spoiler to explain more. Not much of what I like but I trudged through it anyway...

Do tell if you want it though along with how much, and I'll do what I can...
It's a tragedy, emotional trainwreck, and one big mess. It'll be a MASSIVE spoiler to explain more. Not much of what I like but I trudged through it anyway...

Do tell if you want it though along with how much, and I'll do what I can...

I won't play it anyway (I don't have a time at all with work and other activities, ugh), so I'm ready for this! ^_^
I won't play it anyway (I don't have a time at all with work and other activities, ugh), so I'm ready for this! ^_^

Very well, you asked for it. Keep in mind I'm doing it from like 5+ years memory so there will be errors.

Haruma's memory loss is something of a PTSD of his girlfriend's death and it dragged a lot of other memories down with it too. His memories eventually resurface. As for how it depends on the routes, usually in a very painful manner. He managed to make new friends...well, not really, perhaps with an exception. The truth behind all of this is a big pile of mess that I'll cover below.

Ayasaki Nanoka isn't human, but something like a construct made by Haruma's dead girlfriend, Sakakino Ayana...Ayasaki Nanoka is an anagram of Sakakino Ayana. Something is off about her to begin with, one of which is that she literally lives in a cave. Nanoka eventually took in Ayana's soul and lived with Haruma as Ayana until she passes away again from childbirth, a daughter, named Haruno. Nanoka was reconstituted again...but I can't remember the circumstance behind it anymore.

Sakakino Konomi guessed it, Ayana's younger sister, so she's close to Haruma too. In an effort to alleviate Haruma's sorrow from loss of Ayana, Konomi cut her hair and pretended to be Ayana, and Haruma had sex with her, knowing that in fact she was Konomi after all - it's the second H scene and it's a flashback, a memory Haruma recovered when he fell into a coma again, even Hscene has drama, yay! Can't remember how it goes on after this, but they lived a happy life. The censor on the framed picture finally lifted to reveal Ayana, taking it with Konomi and Haruma.
Her ending song is the best one in the bunch along with Nanoka's...

As for Karin...this athletic girl is a friend of Ayana's and pretended to forget Haruma to keep his memories of Ayana from resurfacing. Haruma fell in love with Karin and eventually his memory began to resurface on its own, hearing Ayana absolving him of his guilt and telling him to introduce his new love to her sometime allowed him to move on. He helps Karin's younger sister Anzu with her physical rehabs, and they worked together to set Karin straight and out of the pretending that Haruma is going to "marry" Anzu instead. Not much to see here.

Amane's outside of the relationship circle but her route explores the supernatural side of things. There is this white-haired flower girl that appears every so often saying cryptic things. Only with Amane is her identity revealed - Her name is Shigure, an ancestor of Amane's (loooooooooong before her in fact, something like in the 1200s or perhaps the 1500s). Shigure died in place of her twin sister Hisame in a human sacrifice and became this...thing, "one who send the dead", basically a supernatural being that retain their form and manage the dead, and Hisame married the doctor that treated her sickness, her heritage eventually came to this day and age in Amane. Shigure grew a little too attached to the world and exhausted her powers saving her descendant Amane from a serious, possibly fatal, injury, using her remaining strength to tell Haruma what had transpired. Amane finds out about her ancestry, and a restored Shigure got a break from her obligations, living with Amane as a "big sister", going to the same school as them.
Note that all the Sakuragi family girls' names has the rain Kanji in it...interesting stuff. Amane (雨音) means "sound of rain". Shigure (時雨) is "autumn rain", and Hisame (氷雨) is "hail" or "chilly rain".

...and now we have Ayana herself. She and Haruma had been close for ages and they were in a relationship. They had sex too, and Ayana was pregnant with Haruma's child when he died saving a girl from a fire as Ayana survived. Ayana's extreme depression made her baby miscarry and her friends kept that knowledge from her (actually, IIRC, it's the very knowledge about the pregnancy). Ayana lost the will to live after she found out about it and she met Shigure as she thought to commit suicide. With her newfound power of one who send the dead, Ayana went back in time and took Haruma's place so that he live. Haruma wouldn't have any of it, and eventually came across Shigure, asking her to turn him into one who send the dead and go back again to switch with Ayana, but it wasn't meant to be, and the stage was set for the main scenario - Ayana remaining in the afterlife and Haruma out in a coma and memory loss. Confusing stuff all this is. Ayana created Nanoka as her proxy. Haruma eventually managed to move on, married Konomi, had children, and died of old age. In the afterlife, he was reunited with Ayana for good. They wanted kids, preferably nine - enough for an entire baseball team and have Karin coach them...The End.

A darned pity you can't do things with Reona the idol...who supposedly have known Haruma too.

Oops...did I do too much?
Oops...did I do too much?

Ough, no, it's OK, thanks. What the... ugh... is it nakige?
Now I can't believe that Parasol now releases "Renran Spirichu", when there are nothing interesting...
And this game was sold in various eroge shops for 500 yen not so long time ago, and it says that... ehm, maybe, it's their last game at all.

Aaah, now I understand why on main poster there is a girl behind Nanoka.
hey guys, long time no see! I plan to start Houkago Cinderella just for Tsukushi cause she's the perfect type for me and I'm wondering if it's worth reading?

See my prior posts above and in previous page about it. Tsukushi is one of the better chars there though, IMO.

...and how funny, the girls I like calls the MC by his full name more than once. The ones that do not call him with his full name (or just once) not so much...

Ough, no, it's OK, thanks. What the... ugh... is it nakige?
Now I can't believe that Parasol now releases "Renran Spirichu", when there are nothing interesting...
And this game was sold in various eroge shops for 500 yen not so long time ago, and it says that... ehm, maybe, it's their last game at all.

Aaah, now I understand why on main poster there is a girl behind Nanoka.

Was it a Nakige? Maybe. I was so lost on how the whole thing work in the main story (Nanoka, Konomi, and the final route) that I wasn't sure how to feel but gritted my teeth and kept going anyway, but the thing with the flower girl and Amane did do something to me...and a little when Haruma recovers his memory when in relationship with Karin.

Now I have 桜ひとひら恋もよう on me for ages...maybe I should check it out...
See my prior posts above and in previous page about it. Tsukushi is one of the better chars there though, IMO.
Oh~ knew her route would have better pro's in some aspect.

...and how funny, the girls I like calls the MC by his full name more than once. The ones that do not call him with his full name (or just once) not so much...

it's always the cute&cute girls that get me..:gakuran_sigh:

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