Visual Novel Cafe

Well I happen to like (old) SMEE's style, with its large amount of jokes (hopefully not too focused on shimoneta), its good amount of non-trivial (not just choose a character) choices that keep you invested and not completely passive (side note : nothing is gained from aiming for perfection and save/load at every turn, in fact it misses out stuff by progressing too quickly), and I don't think their relationships are any shallower than other studios, Hooksoft first and foremost. So I welcome Hooksoft's transition into something more akin to (again, old) SMEE, since current SMEE is heading off in a different direction, even more so with the permanent departure of Hayase Yuu (or did he? seems he's credited for the Harem Kingdom fandisk still).

Anyway, I don't feel games should strive to give each and every character a place in every route, I'm fine with a character getting a focus on their own route and not being too present in the others. Having other potential love interests show up often but 'forget' their all-too-obvious feelings the moment the protagonist's mind is made up on someone isn't that amazing either and between the two, I'll take the former any day.

As for the pubic hair option, just like Hooksoft's clothed/naked sex before I really don't care either way, especially given the censoring. It's not going to change much for me but I suppose it's an argument for some kind of audience.

A character distant enough to seldom to never re-appear is fine...A classmate simply ceasing to exist entirely after a certain period is another thing.

The "old" Hooksoft style is just that...the cast share a closer bond in general due to the settings so they are more or less justified in staying a bit relevant throughout and it continued for so long. That's why I said the recent Hooksoft games just don't feel "Hook".
I still don't agree to blatant disappearance of the kind that Houkago Cinderalla pulled, in any case.

Wonder if the clothed/naked will come along or the pubic hair merely replaces it...

As for SMEE's jokes, I dunno, they're just too random? Otaku-ish?

The comedy feels like routines after some time and may cease to be funny...I don't know about HaremKingdom but elsewhere it can get overwhelming at times. A rather common theme of SMEE MC trolling the heroines is also something I can't tolerate too much of. I think Pure x Connect was relatively tame in that regard...
A character distant enough to seldom to never re-appear is fine...A classmate simply ceasing to exist entirely after a certain period is another thing.

The "old" Hooksoft style is just that...the cast share a closer bond in general due to the settings so they are more or less justified in staying a bit relevant throughout and it continued for so long. That's why I said the recent Hooksoft games just don't feel "Hook".
I still don't agree to blatant disappearance of the kind that Houkago Cinderalla pulled, in any case.
If the classmate is not on too friendly terms and isn't directly related to the current story, I don't mind them disappearing. Would you rather have them occasionally say "Hi" for two seconds of screen-time, or have them forcefully included in a story that may involve a character they don't even know? Old Hooksoft game characters are usually all mutually friends so I will agree it would seem odd for some of them to simply disappear, but in Houkago Cinderella or Docchi no I ga Suki it's not really the case, it wasn't either in Amenity's Life if I remember right.

Actually I forgot one pattern when I talked about former love interest's treatment in heroine's routes, and that's when they DO remember their feelings and still continue to show up frequently. This is something that does happen in some Hooksoft as well (more recent that comes to mind is Strawberry Nauts, but also in Priministar if I remember right), where you have the occasional scene cut to the girls' side in which the rejected ones gather and console each other. Worse yet is the cursed fate of the misunderstood childhood friend, having to live with one-sided feelings while also being usually recruited, by none other than the protagonist (so cruel), for advice and help in his relationship with someone else. Honestly if the price to pay to forgo these feel-bad moments is a disappearance of character that's not a bargain I'm unwilling to make. You can also go the Asa Project route and have the other love interests ineffectually try to sabotage the protagonist's current relationship. That can be nice, if only Asa Project's protagonists where worth a modicum of the attention they get, but they often aren't and it's not as nice when it feels like the girls are fighting tooth and nail for a piece of garbage.

Wonder if the clothed/naked will come along or the pubic hair merely replaces it...
The CG variation between pubic hair or not is rather minimal compared to the CG variation between clothed and naked so I would assume both options will be present to be coherent with the studio's past. If it replaces it's more of a step-back to me.

The comedy feels like routines after some time and may cease to be funny...I don't know about HaremKingdom but elsewhere it can get overwhelming at times. A rather common theme of SMEE MC trolling the heroines is also something I can't tolerate too much of. I think Pure x Connect was relatively tame in that regard...
Yes, you're absolutely right here, later SMEE protagonists focus so much on trolling the heroine for comic relief that not only does it get old pretty fast, but it also doesn't help paint the characters in a good image. Much of Sugar*Style's humor was indeed just the MC trolling a heroine, said heroine overreacting and screaming causing general chaos, followed by the MC apologizing and heroines forgiving him despite being a constant pain in everyone's ass. Everybody loses here, the protagonist looks like a selfish idiot abusing people's trust for his amusement, and heroines appear gullible and overreacting, followed by overly forgiving. I think SMEE took this direction starting from Kanojo*Step with Noe and has been expanding the idea ever since. Older games are not really too much into that style of jokes.
The comedy feels like routines after some time and may cease to be funny...I don't know about HaremKingdom but elsewhere it can get overwhelming at times. A rather common theme of SMEE MC trolling the heroines is also something I can't tolerate too much of. I think Pure x Connect was relatively tame in that regard...
Yes, you're absolutely right here, later SMEE protagonists focus so much on trolling the heroine for comic relief that not only does it get old pretty fast, but it also doesn't help paint the characters in a good image. Much of Sugar*Style's humor was indeed just the MC trolling a heroine, said heroine overreacting and screaming causing general chaos, followed by the MC apologizing and heroines forgiving him despite being a constant pain in everyone's ass. Everybody loses here, the protagonist looks like a selfish idiot abusing people's trust for his amusement, and heroines appear gullible and overreacting, followed by overly forgiving. I think SMEE took this direction starting from Kanojo*Step with Noe and has been expanding the idea ever since. Older games are not really too much into that style of jokes.
Is the trolling/bullying that bad? It actually was kind of cute in Fureraba. In Harem Kingdom's case, the troll/bully role was delegated to some of the heroines. The trolling/bullying did drag on for too long at times, but so did the other type of jokes, so it wasn't that noticeable. In the end, I guess I just don't get SMEE's type of jokes.
In Fureraba it's not too bad, it's mostly cute and only goes a little overboard in Himari's case and then again the protagonist does make up for it in other ways than just apologizing. In Kanojo * Step it starts to ramp up to the point I kinda felt bad for the heroines at times, and in Sugar * Style it's mostly this pattern which made it all the more suffering to watch, especially given that the protagonist never really redeems himself. It's typical Manzai humor (with protagonist as Tsukkomi and heroines as Boke) except you replace the usual slapstick with screaming and chaos. It gets tiring very quickly for me and I usually feel bad for the participants but it's all over Japanese TV shows so it's just culture difference I think.
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November games quick review time! At least for the couple I have tried so far, not sure if I'm going to try others or continue the one I still haven't removed from the computer and (hopefully soon) my memory. I'll maybe spend some time at least with Asa Project's Renai x Royal to get a feel for it, usually I figure out pretty quickly if I'm going to like or hate it. Also maybe give Ai Kiss 2 a quick glance, since I did complete one route of the original? Who knows, but for the time being, let's talk about what I have already gone through:

響野さん家はエロゲ屋さん! (Yui, Yukari): Given the theme, I was a bit cautious but contrary to what one would think it's actually very safe. In fact there's probably less lucky sukebe in this (I think there's like, one?, in the common route) than in standard school-life style games. The eroge-shop theme indeed focuses more on the back-end of things rather than the games' actual content, and so it's all about organizing the shop, setting up supply lines, handling the customer rushes, etc... Overall I liked that but also given the particular product they're selling I think it's treated way too "normally" : shop opened during standard hours, in plain sight, in an area with barely anything of the sort near, I'd think that the shop would stand out a lot. Imagine a sex shop in the very middle of a food court and you'll get the idea. But it doesn't matter here, everyone is polite, there are no pervert customers, no-one cares about the nearly all-female underage staff, the shop is quickly enjoying tons of customers. I appreciated the open and very blunt references to other games in the same publisher family (I guess?), some of them I actually played and maybe enjoyed (Yosuga no Sora, Ninki Seiyuu no Tsukurikata come to mind), as well as the somewhat believable business side of things (last Friday rush, explanation as to why some people still use brick-and-mortar and don't just download). All of it does remain pretty shallow and as usual with eroge this year, there's not even a hint or mention of the actual crisis that shops are suffering from everywhere around the world. You'd think about a year after it started the theme would have cropped in somewhere but I have yet to see it in any production, maybe in doujin circles?

Anyway, romance-wise it's actually not too terrible. It's, as the rest of the game, pretty shallow, but at least and that's important for me : it doesn't stem from perversion or only physical desire (unlike some other game *frowns and looks below*). Things progress very quickly and lead to ecchi rather fast, usually minutes after the confession, but the ecchi scenes themselves are pretty meaty so eh, fine. They remain in mostly vanilla flavor despite some eroge themes being mentioned in the game otherwise (no SM, humiliation, NTR that I could see). The game steers away from romance rather fast to embrace a creative pursuit sort of thing for both the routes I played, and I image the same will be true for the other routes. These pursuits are also rather shallow and any issue is solved pretty quickly and apparently effortlessly (it's not enough to just say "We worded hard, it worked, yay!"), but at least they don't overstay their welcome unlike a certain Hamidashi Creative in recent memory. I may continue on to the others routes at some point, I haven't decided yet.

水蓮と紫苑 (Shion) : Sometimes I hate being right. Some posts ago, and also when the game was announced, I made a few predictions considering the pitch and writer and I'm sad to report that these were spot-on. The protagonist is a spineless sexual monster who only has one thing in his mind : sex. This is also his one way of communication. Apart from sex scenes, about half of his lines are like "... Uguuu", or "...Errr", along with endless monologue about observing the girls' bodies. Never does he actually make a stand for what he thinks and he keeps getting led around by the two heroines, all too happy to provide him with all the sexual relief he could ever need, because it's tough to live with two beauties and not masturbate, you know? While you do as the player get the choice to pick a route relatively early (but not before some ecchi with both girls because gotta try the goods first I guess), the protagonist remains indecisive till the end and the best you can do is hold off on the 3P scenes until later, never does he fully commit to one girl or the other. I hated that. Of course, to allay any guilty feelings the current love sex interest tells you she's fine if you cheat with her sister, but even if you refuse said sister when she conveniently offers herself few minutes after, the protagonist just tells her to wait a while for things to settle down, and in the rest of the game makes it clear he loves them both and doesn't have the willpower to refuse the other indefinitely. Sigh.

So it's down to the heroines then to actually drive the story, and are they all too eager to do that. I could not stand the big sister Shiren from the start, the way she tries to seduces by acting innocently (but is it? if she's that way with everyone she'd be taken by now, and she fakes sleeping and secretly watches seemingly everything). She multiplies completely out-of-the-question proposals (let's bathe together, let's sleep together, let me take care of your sexuality...) that are out even for a little brother. She kinda reminds me of Maya from Onee-chan no Yuuwaku, and in fact the game describes her as displaying the very same behavior in Shion route: she's willing to fulfill any of the protagonist sexual requests, except she has no real desire for it on her own. She's all too happy to just be a sex doll as long as she keeps the protagonist close. Shion mostly plays the silent tsundere in her route and keeps throwing signs the protagonist can't understand, resulting in a lot of random sex with no feelings behind it. Even after feelings have been spelled out it's still pretty awful in that regard, with acts and actions that don't reflect any emotion but physical lust and not much else. Communication failure if you ask me. As with the previous collaboration between Iizuki and Taira Norimitsu, the art is good but the text and story is so awful and angering that I just couldn't enjoy any of it, and the game has now been deleted out of spite after playing one route, I don't even care about checking out the rest of the CGs since I know I won't use any of them. I'd rather go back to Lovely X Cation 2 and play Wakoto or Hime and not pollute my mind with these soul-less lookalikes.
Yeah, if I could somehow erase my memory I would probably be pretty satisfied with just downloading a CG pack and treating the characters as slight variants of previous Iizuki's designs. Unfortunately the damage is done.

Also, I played one route of 恋愛×ロワイアル (Nonoka). If I were to describe the game it would be one long series of insults thrown at everything and everyone around by every single character. Some of them hit the mark and I can't deny that it can be entertaining to have eroge tropes and character flaws poked at so violently, but it does get tiring pretty quick and many times it just feels bad for the characters (especially the good friend but traumatized Yoshinori gets it pretty bad). The game does try to weave a drama with promises turning to curses and lasting trauma, but unfortunetaly as a romance story it lacks one crucial element: why the various girls fell in love with the protagonist in the first place. One heroine is a childhood friend so "of course", another is a little sister that was supported after the mom's death and the dad's lack of attention, one is supposedly a unconquerable fortress but really just a narcissist idiot that fell after a few shallow compliments, and the last is a jealous idol that fell in love with her co-unit former boyfriend, for reasons. From Nonoka's route, it would seem most of this attraction is by default, for lack of better candidate around, as spelled out by one of the sub heroines. That is pretty sad since the protagonist isn't really anything special, but maybe there's something more in each heroine route. In fact his false donkan attitude can be pretty irritating, the only thing worse than an idiot is someone faking to be one just to escape dealing with the affection he is the subject of. Anyway the story remains shallow all the way through to make room for the jokes insults and the writer's (Nanoka) fascination for love triangle is still a thing, going as far as forcing one of the sub-heroines into sex "just to try it out", which the protagonist is all too eager to engage into (what about your trauma dude?). I wouldn't expect much for the ero either, the art is okay but the jokes make their way in the ecchi scenes as well which is a sure way to kill the mood. In the end, a decent title if you want to see idiot heroines being bashed by everyone around them, but not much else.
Hello, guys! Glad to see any opinions here, about Koirowa... Well, I only watched the opening and got feeling like "useless romcom harem, where all heroines love MC without any reasons, because it's eroge". Hope they all not only because of his dick... LOL
Maybe, I'm not wrong, ahaha...
You're not wrong, there's barely any reason the heroines are in love with the protagonist, especially so strongly, since he really never does anything for them. At best a shallow compliment here and there, but that doesn't excuse the constant dodging of straight-up affection. His attitude doesn't really improve once in a relationship, as he tends to neglect his chosen partner : either just after confession for Shione, content to let her sit alone for weeks, or in adult life with Nonoka in which he flees to work and lets her take care of the child. Also, he keeps his harem around anyway, letting his childhood friend sleep in his bed, etc... As I wrote above one of the male support character at some point wonder why he's so popular in the first place, and the answer was that the other boys are just all even more useless, he has pretty good looks and boys are 90% about looks.

This game isn't about romance anyway, at least not directly. It's all about some rather stupid and messed-up girls fighting over a boy they share some affection for. Most of the scenes are comprised of girls fighting and insulting each other, in which the protagonist isn't heavily featured at all anyway. He's present but at best he'll comment by saying "Don't talk like that when I'm standing right here" and give it no second thought. Asa Project's previous game was also very much like that, so it's a theme Nanoka must like. At least this protagonist isn't as much of a complete scumbag as the previous one, but he's not too much better and certainly unworthy of the attention he gets.

I'm "done" with Shione's route by the way. I put done in quotes because near the end of her route the protagonist has the opportunity to cheat on his girlfriend with her best friend, and refusing to do so gets you an instant bad end. Well fuck you too Nanoka.
Hey everyone, here's an update on my VN readings as the year comes to a close. I hadn't really looked too deeply into this month's releases but it seems that all we get are remakes, bundles of previously released low-price games and a couple new single-heroine attempts. Maybe one title skipped my cursory glance but it doesn't look like there was any major release. Anyway, onward to 2020's last comments, enjoy your late Christmas wall-of-text present:

アイベヤ2 :
As much as I love Azarashi Soft for their Amakano series, their single heroine offerings have mostly been sub-par at best, and this game's prequel certainly didn't leave a good impression on me. Overall, this sequel is a nice improvement but remained predictable and uncompelling all the way through. Momiage Lupin-R did write this, which boded well as he was also featured in Azarashi Soft's previous Aikagi 2, given that it remains my favorite of the multitude of single heroines attempts by the studio. Unfortunately, while both games share a common "flawed heroine" theme, this one is treated much more lightly. Saku's shy personality does come into play in conversations but in the end she turns out to be more proactive than many "normal" characters (protagonist included). As usual with this theme there's the typical heroine "bad habit fixing" into play, but she does it on her own, no outside help needed, just a little bit of reassuring presence and support. As far as story goes it's your typical childhood friend setup, Saku starts the game infatuated with the protagonist, while he remains oblivious to hers and his own feelings until she starts making more obvious appeals (insert template swimsuit scene). It's not as bad as Aibeya in that front (no bath peeking and such) thanks to a rather serious protagonist, but it's a setup seen a million times and the twist, the shared room, doesn't really lead to any noteworthy situation. The relationship develops along familiar paths with study sessions, beach events and summer festival, all the way to school festival, nothing new or enticing here either. The transition from friends to lovers is a quick one (expect confession -> kiss -> sex in rapid succession), and the relationship mostly remains a secret till the end so there's no dealing with either parents or classmates.

As with Aibeya, the main couple shared the spotlight with some friends that help them along the path to realizing their feelings. As with Aibeya, they have neither sprite nor voice, but their importance in the story is also somewhat diminished, so the impression of low-budget and low-effort (only one voice actress) is not as strong in this one. I think Aibeya had overall more CGs and ecchi scenes variations (this one has 5 2-CG scenes) but I can't be sure. I wasn't too impressed with Koibane Moko's CV performance, I thought her high-pitched voice fit the oddball Mashiro in Making*Lovers much better than Saku's more serious and quiet type. The art is pretty good but without any emotional investment in the characters I quickly found myself fast-clicking through ecchi scenes. Overall it's an okay short VN, very safe but ultimately completely forgettable.
アマカノ2 (Chitose) :
More than half a year later I returned to this game to give Chitose's route a chance, even though I swore I wouldn't given that the doting onee-chan is one of my least favorite archetypes and Ayumi Sarah is certainly not my favorite CV. I managed to make it all the way through to first ecchi, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but also didn't entice me to play any further. Chitose loses her "doting sister" trait relatively quickly to become a flustered and confused girl dealing with feelings unknown. It was a nice change of pace to see her being the donkan of the couple in the early days but she comes around rather quickly, much faster than your typical boy donkan anyway.
アイキス2 (Maju, An, Junko) :
I was very confused when I started the game. I was under the impression that the game took place after Ai Kiss's normal ending, having characters in their second year of school. Also adding to the confusion : me misremembering and mixing up this game's characters with Ai Kiss's prequel Kiss Ato. Anyway, the game actually shares the same beginning as Ai Kiss, along with the annoying and overbearing childhood friend twins, and the duo of strange sempais. The beginning is essentially the same all the way to the first choice, which either leads to a side branch with a short route featuring Maju or the game's new content proper : the continuation of the first year. We get to meet new characters as the protagonist handles some school event, and are treated to a brand new map selection system, but we're still in the first year. Eventually, unless the protagonist branches off into Junko's route, we finally get to enter the second year proper with more events with the new characters. Speaking of which, I can't say I really liked the new arrivals, probably because they fall to the protagonist charms (?) all too quickly.

I never actually went past the second choice of Ai Kiss so considering I actually finished a couple routes this time, I can safely say it's an improvement, probably thanks to the new writer. The map system does limit the group events and mass flag raising which was nice, but also features some strange "What If" ecchi scenes (skippable) here and there that are completely disconnected from the current events and story. As far as the story goes, most of the common route is pretty carefree so in heroines routes I was kinda surprised at how serious and pragmatic characters were regarding their future professional pursuits and life plans. In fact I'd say this part easily overshadows the otherwise pretty quick and shallow romantic developments of the early routes, which was an unexpected but interesting change of pace. Not interesting enough that I'd want to spend more time than needed with the twins or any of the new girls, but still nice enough that I quit the game with a rather positive impression in mind.
トラベリングスターズ :
As I slowly make my way across previous Hooksoft entries, I gave a try to their isekai attempt. I didn't make it very far. This game features Hooksoft's beloved ultra-popular ultra-competent but utterly-donkan protagonist which was an instant turn-off. I'm not into isekai much so the various tribes and races that show up (some with actual sprites) felt very out-of-place for an otherwise standard school setting. I may come back to it at some point but it just went to the bottom of my Hooksoft game list.
Orange Pocket (Haya, Madoka, Yuuki, Minori, Kiriko) :
Going way back in time with one of Hooksoft first releases, as the number of completed might suggest I found it quite interesting to follow. The very concise event system and writing style was definitely a plus, as well as the very large amount of choices. It's nice to see Hooksoft's timed-replies system already in such an early titles, and while it doesn't change much, it is as fun to try the variations as it was in Melty Moments. Characters are pretty nice, and as with other early Hooksoft entries (Honey@Coming) they each have their share of issues and troubles that need to be attended to. The protagonist isn't too friendly but he can be there when it matters, but also has his share of issues as well, especially when troubled, most evident in Haya's route second half. I think my favorite route remains Minori that is closest to Hooksoft usual style and isn't too heavy on the drama and issues, but the others were nice as well, and it was nice to see some amount of realism in play for most of them, especially in each route's final decisions. I'm not sure when and if I'll come back for the trio of childhood friends Nazuna, Sakino and Eru but I probably will.
さくらビットマップ (Yunoka) :
Another Hooksoft game, this one started pretty badly with the typical ultra-popular protagonist joking around while girls desperately try to appeal to him. Thankfully the common route in this one is rather short and once in heroine route he's much more focused and dedicated. I kinda liked Yunoka's route, it had a pretty nice romantic development in its first half, a bit more involved that typical Hooksoft routes, while the second half focused on the couple dealing together with some outside issue while deepening their bond together. Things get a bit out of hand for the character's age (dealing with Yakuza and such) and it ends a little too easily for me to be completely satisfied but it was nice enough that I'm willing to give at least a few of the other heroines a chance (at least the little sister Riko and mysterious priestess Kanae).

That's it (probably) for this year!
トラベリングスターズ :
As I slowly make my way across previous Hooksoft entries, I gave a try to their isekai attempt. I didn't make it very far. This game features Hooksoft's beloved ultra-popular ultra-competent but utterly-donkan protagonist which was an instant turn-off. I'm not into isekai much so the various tribes and races that show up (some with actual sprites) felt very out-of-place for an otherwise standard school setting. I may come back to it at some point but it just went to the bottom of my Hooksoft game list.

I did feel like it's a flop given that they really went outta their comfort zone that one time. They had to incorporate fantasy elements and make them work...which, well, didn't go too well.

It's funny how a postgame secondary scenario is more memorable than everything else put together...

さくらビットマップ (Yunoka) :
Another Hooksoft game, this one started pretty badly with the typical ultra-popular protagonist joking around while girls desperately try to appeal to him. Thankfully the common route in this one is rather short and once in heroine route he's much more focused and dedicated. I kinda liked Yunoka's route, it had a pretty nice romantic development in its first half, a bit more involved that typical Hooksoft routes, while the second half focused on the couple dealing together with some outside issue while deepening their bond together. Things get a bit out of hand for the character's age (dealing with Yakuza and such) and it ends a little too easily for me to be completely satisfied but it was nice enough that I'm willing to give at least a few of the other heroines a chance (at least the little sister Riko and mysterious priestess Kanae).

This title's somewhat more involved than most others from same company as far as I can remember it...but it's been so long and I didn't paid full attention back then...

...haven't read at all these several months...much has been going on...
Somehow it has been more than a month since my last post already, and yet I haven't really played all that much to comment on. End/Start of year are always a busy period for me but this year was stressful in particular, but it does look like things will be calming down so I have more time to spend on my actual hobby. Without further ado, here are some quick comments on the few titles I played since my last post:

さくらビットマップ (Finished) : This is definitely one of the better Hooksoft games for me, even though it still lacks some components to make it to the top. I like the rather short common route that doesn't multiply group events seen a hundred times. The focus is very clearly on the early romance phase to confession which consists of 2/3 of each route (about 9 chapter out of 14), I won't complain about that as it's my favorite phase to follow and I'm glad to see it developed but it does make the end of each routes feel rushed, as ecchi scenes conclude each chapter in quick succession and plot points get their resolutions a bit faster than their weight would seem to imply. My favorite route remains Yunoka's even despite the strange events of the end of her route, as it feels the most balanced. All the characters get their moment to shine and that even extends to two subs (not who I expected, sorry teach) who get their own rather developed routes, always a plus.

保健室のセンセーとシャボン玉中毒の助手 (Stopped halfway) : I didn't finish this one, I can't really remember why I stopped after a few hours but I guess something urgent came up and I just never got back to it. I'm not much into kinetic novels so no prospect of choice certainly didn't help to reignite my interest. Anyway it's a story about life and death, with a protagonist in search of his sister's soul, and accompanied by a cute loli soul remnant with wind magic powers that he also fucks because why not? He certainly didn't feel too attached to her given the somewhat disdainful way he treated her most of the time (calling her useless on multiple occasions), but I haven't really read enough to explore his inner feelings. There is a surrounding cast of young students who are all immediately very interested in the protagonist and very eager to know his more closely, I don't know if anything more comes from that or if the protagonist stays faithful to his partner through to the end. Anyway, I may come back to it but... nah let's be honest I probably won't.

Little Sister -おしかけ同棲生活- : This game's story ends about 30 minutes into the game, when the sister confesses both her feelings and circumstances that allow them to date and even marry without worrying about incest or anything like that. What's left is some sort of simulation game in which you have to manage your money, as well as the heroine's love and mood, acquiring various items and repeating a small subset of standard small actions (talk to her, help her do the dishes, look at her, etc...) in hopes of unlocking some of the extra ecchi scenes before the two weeks timer runs out. I only managed to unlock 3 out of 5 or 6, even in the endless mode, so I don't know what the triggers are for them but they seem pretty obscure and the game certainly doesn't give any hints. I can't say I'm too interested in testing things further but I'm kinda curious as to what these were, in case anyone knows.

うちの主は妖怪の常識を知らない (Airu) : My track record with Azarashi Soft +1 is pretty bad, but this one took me by surprise by actually being pretty good! Don't get me wrong, it's not very interesting and the story remains predictable and shallow with very obvious foreshadows, but my inner lolicon found Airu's behavior very cute and charming enough to follow her route to its end. Even though the game is very tame and light in terms of random fanservice, I don't think I'll do the same for the maid Fuuka on behalf of her a being huge-breasted succubus, who also happens to be voiced by Tachibana Mao: the trauma I got by her voicing terrible characters is still very much alive although it seems to have somewhat lessened, I didn't immediately mute her in the options! I would have certainly preferred some more time with the two other young ladies. Anyway, the title of the game is a bit of a mislead and neither the youkai part nor the laws surrounding them is of much importance for a vast majority of the game. It does play some role in the ending but then again, it's certainly not the center of the game, and most of it is about following a cute yet childish and easily embarrassed young lady infatuated with her servant try different approaches, all the while he tries to fulfill her wishes the best he can. While I generally don't like passive protagonists, this one felt more natural given his position and at least, even though this game features two heroines, the choice for which to go for is made clearly and early and he doesn't fool around.

ごほうしアクマとオシオキてんし : Started because Kotorii Yuuka voices a character in it and the studio's previous game wasn't terribly bad, I didn't get far, essentially for technical reasons that shouldn't be an issue in this type of games. Using 50% of both my CPU and GPU and making the fans spin up while vastly more demanding games like Genshin Impact don't even trigger a breeze just doesn't feel normal, load times between each scenes feel very odd and immersion breaking, and the general UI unresponsiveness make the reading experience unpleasant. I don't know if a patch is needed, or if my computer is just too old to play these new unity engine VNs that aren't even animated, but I know this will bother me so I'm putting the game on hold for now.

That's it for today! Not really anything planned next so who knows when my next comments will be.
Oh, this thread is alive, waaah!
I wonder if kzel plan to play Glass Hime by Giga.

To be honest, I rarely see here any activity about new eroge. Seems like people have less and less interest in such games, huh? Or just too busy with their life.

And I also see less and less CG rips from new eroge, especially where there are some encryption etc. Even new eroge on Unity has encryption, like Gomashio (from Quince Soft), but also Unity eroge seems really terrible. I can run it only on Japanese locale, otherwise black screen. How devs can fuck up with Unity engine, omg... It's Unityyyyy!
Feels like end of an era, no?

Nothing really pique my interest these days, though...Covid slow everything too down it seems.

So many things to do and so little time...
At least you guys are still around, that's a relief! I'll keep this thread alive as long as I can, even if it eventually turns into just me posting my stuff into the void (which it kinda already is, but I have hope).

You'd think the whole social confinement, staying at home and limiting contact with other people would boost up demand for eroge like it has for many other types of video games, but I guess it didn't? Or maybe the studios themselves were already so out of shape that they just couldn't bank on the opportunity. It feels like big releases are now kinda few and far between and tend to keep things as safe as they can, tons of single (or few) heroine games, remaster, remakes and what-not.

Oh, this thread is alive, waaah!
I wonder if kzel plan to play Glass Hime by Giga.

To be honest, I rarely see here any activity about new eroge. Seems like people have less and less interest in such games, huh? Or just too busy with their life.

And I also see less and less CG rips from new eroge, especially where there are some encryption etc. Even new eroge on Unity has encryption, like Gomashio (from Quince Soft), but also Unity eroge seems really terrible. I can run it only on Japanese locale, otherwise black screen. How devs can fuck up with Unity engine, omg... It's Unityyyyy!
About ガラス姫と鏡の従者 : Maybe, there's not much to look forward to in February apart from the Doukyuusei remake so that leaves me plenty of time to get to it.
About Gomashio : I can run it fine (with JP locale) but the resources it takes are concerning. Bad coding or a maybe cryptocurrency miner inside?

Feels like end of an era, no?

Nothing really pique my interest these days, though...Covid slow everything too down it seems.

So many things to do and so little time...
Covid makes even simple things seemingly take forever, especially if you have to contact your administration. Getting less done in more time, all the while being more stressful at that.
Still, there are a couple eroge I still look forward to. Not that many actually, mainly Hooksoft's Yubisaki Connection and the various Azarashi low price games, half-expecting the train wrecks. Speaking of which, they hired porori to write one of their games (Toshishita Kanojo), that promises to be quite something.
Yubisaki Connection 4/30 (IIRC it was set for late March before), SMEE's 12th project teaser...
Hooksoft and its sub-brands doesn't sleep at all, producing eroge whole year ^_^
Yubisaki Connection 4/30 (IIRC it was set for late March before), SMEE's 12th project teaser...
Looking at Yubisaki Connection's vndb page I don't see any trace of a delay. Maybe they changed the date before the page got updated.

SMEE's new project is a Making*Lovers remake, this time in a school setting rather than in young-adult form. If you ask me that particular young-adult time frame was a large part of what made Making*Lovers stand out, so losing it may not necessarily be the smartest move in my opinion. Still, among SMEE's recent offerings, Making*Lovers is certainly one of the better candidates to copy from, if only because the heroine choice happened early (no bullshit harem this time hopefully). Speaking of SMEE, I recently replayed some of Pure*Connect (Arisa and Moemi) and it wasn't quite as enjoyable as I remember, I was especially surprised at how rushed the transition from friend (if even) to lover was, as well as the very high amount of blunt shimoneta. Still worth it for Arisa and Moemi's little sister Kirari characters alone.

Also played recently:
your diary +H (Natsuki, Kaho, Yua, Yuuhi, Sayuki (halfway)) : Originally just to play a game featuring a character voiced by Ui, I ended quite liking this one despite the very donkan protagonist. As can be expected I enjoyed the sub heroines (Natsuki and Kaho) routes more than the main ones, if only because the drama is more focused on the characters' issues (being a supportive friend to the main heroines isn't easy) than caused by the protagonist's donkanness (especially irritating in Yuuhi's route: "I know I promised I'll be with you forever, but I'm gonna leave now to better myself, wait why are you crying! Okay bye!"). I was a little hesitant about the very child-like art but in the end I quite like it, I may play the other Cube game with the same artist.

ガラス姫と鏡の従者 (Henri, Naomi (to first ecchi), Orihime (to first ecchi), Bernadette (a dozen minutes)) : I'm not generally a fan of hime games, so my expectations were pretty low for this one. While I expected something akin to a Ensemble Ojou-sama game, given that the writer did participate in a few of these, what I got was quite different. First off, the princesses in the game don't really act very princess-like, and are all very childish especially when it comes to relationships. This is especially disappointing in Orihime's case, quickly switching from a teasing senpai to a weak imouto character. I understand the need to show humanity in these perfect public-figure characters, but I feel that too much effort was spent on bringing them down, and in parallel on elevating the protagonist into a superior position while his role as a servant should really not. Also, much of the game is spent following the protagonist as he trains to be a personal servant, but most of what we see are fights. His role isn't to be one of a bodyguard but whatever, I guess it shows how much research was done on the topic. Many of these fights end up with the protagonist getting the shit beat out of him but due to sheer guts he stands up and wins anyway thanks to the strength of his emotion/love, not really the kind of thing that make me tick either but very anime-like. The protagonist is generally alright but sometimes his attitude can be surprising, especially for someone who wants to become a servant. Don't just leave your escortee alone because you're pissed you dumbass. The story itself isn't really focused on the romance but rather the external circumstances and issues of the various heroines, fine but nothing too interesting either. Said heroines either start the game already won or fall quickly, not really much for me to latch on. Finally, the art is really not to my liking with huge breasts for all characters (making one wonder how one manages to hide them...). I played a route to its end so I can safely say it's not a bad game, but it's not for me. Very unlikely to continue.
Go first think later as far as I can gather this new SMEE game will be, it even has a projected bundle with MakingLovers HD Remaster (not that I even finished the darned thing)...and that school corridor is retouched LovelyQuest school corridor, and the MakingLovers city...recycling saves environment, and funds.

That other Cube game with same artstyle...the one that literally has stage drama I take it? If it's the case the only thing I remember there is inspiring Duca songs...
Good eye there, I didn't notice the similarity in the backgrounds but after booting up LovelyQuest they do look very similar, a bit more zoomed in and the plant/flooring is different but the design is the same. It's not the first time SMEE/Hooksoft recycled their backgrounds so it's not a surprise, and I personally don't mind if they allocate the saved resources on something else. Also, I never finished Making*Lovers either, I quit during the news caster girl and never came back, even for the FDs.

The other cube game I was talking about is 恋する彼女の不器用な舞台, and it does look to be about a drama club/literary club efforts. Same artist as Your Diary, and also the same writer as the extra routes which I have enjoyed the most, no donkan tag on the protagonist : all of that make me quite optimistic. The fact that you don't remember a thing about it may be good, since I noticed that you usually remember quite well when there's a lot of convoluted drama, and that's not really what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll make an effort and listen to the songs this time, I almost always skip them because opening/endings animations are full of spoilers.
Good eye there, I didn't notice the similarity in the backgrounds but after booting up LovelyQuest they do look very similar, a bit more zoomed in and the plant/flooring is different but the design is the same. It's not the first time SMEE/Hooksoft recycled their backgrounds so it's not a surprise, and I personally don't mind if they allocate the saved resources on something else. Also, I never finished Making*Lovers either, I quit during the news caster girl and never came back, even for the FDs.

The other cube game I was talking about is 恋する彼女の不器用な舞台, and it does look to be about a drama club/literary club efforts. Same artist as Your Diary, and also the same writer as the extra routes which I have enjoyed the most, no donkan tag on the protagonist : all of that make me quite optimistic. The fact that you don't remember a thing about it may be good, since I noticed that you usually remember quite well when there's a lot of convoluted drama, and that's not really what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll make an effort and listen to the songs this time, I almost always skip them because opening/endings animations are full of spoilers. say that I don't remember anything at all would be a lie...I only remember sporadic details and a very particular line: "You're showing off", which for some reason still stick around in my head until this day.

...let's just say that this Mayuu girl's got issues (i.e. fame sucks), Momoka is frail, and Sena be naughty.
Thanks for the details, my curiosity got the better of me and I played a bit but the start is kinda rough: ultra popular protagonist, all heroines already fallen (Mayuu especially, but the others are pretty obvious as well), avalanche of lucky-sukebe (panties, naked shots, "accidental" boob grab). This is turning into a "protagonist getting romanced" kind of style that I'm not much fond of, especially given the way he interprets Mayuu's more than obvious approaches. Maybe I'm wrong, but this feels quite different from Your Diary.
Sometimes I think, that if Duca sings some eroge opening, then it's everything you should know about this eroge. :)

I don't know what the plot of new CUBE game, but that's interesting to see something new from them, they didn't release any eroge since 2017? Ah, I forgot about Kamikimi last year.

But I like the artstyle. Also I remember that Sonora's last title about selling eroge (about eroge shop) wasn't received well, and the game goes on 50% sale after two months of release. Geez... I don't know why, also. I was always interested in eroge production in terms of selling from eroge shops. Never see such theme before in eroge at all.
Hello folks, are everyone well?

Had to replace my PC due to a rogue power surge last December. Didn't read much VN since then. This and the next few months look pretty exciting though (Doukyuusei, GIKEI, Yubisaki Connection, Kyonyuu Fantasy 4, etc.).

Oh, and Vesh, sorry for uploading it this late, but if you still haven't got it, this is the Mama Sis patch which contains some uncensored draft inside.
Any recommendations of games similar artstyle, with realisitc older women like Studio Pork´s? Or VNs with "stairway to heaven" where theres a couple of lewd CGs before actual sex, to build tension? Thanks!

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Altorese wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
誰ソ彼ホテル hewwooo can you please reupload fikper or mexashare links? :(
sincyy wrote on Shine's profile.