Visual Novel Cafe

[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION] just got this a few hours ago


despair hours and lament begins!
[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; Yes, I am well aware of the delay, extremely saddened myself. Dont know if i should delay purchasing monthly premiums to ease downloading burdens earlier now.
Well i'm unsure if this is the right place for suggestions but feels spammy to make a thread just for it. I've been looking for some certain types of games kinda in vain sofar.

First and probably what I've been looking for most would be a game with a Otme-game feeling with a high amount of sexual content.

Second would be a non mindbreak/slave/ntr/monstery, orgy/groupsex game with a female protagonist (not genderbent, altough thinking about that maybe some female-> male genderbender wouldn't be bad in general, don't remember seeing that(guess that makes third)).

Third (fourth) is probably gonna be the easiest, non ntr/mindbreak game with lots of "condom scenes", as in scenes where condoms are used for more than just protection. With lots i mean a larger amount the usual 1-3 condom drinking/eating/counting scenes some games have.

^you should search games between mid 2004 to early 2007 then... most all of you description matches with games in those years, though at those times rape theme games are also popular.
Not that I have much to talk about, but I want to say that MeltyMoment is truly a SoL - not a shred of conflict to be seen after route locking. And it takes at least five runs to fully clear a main heroine's route (Even more if you can't comprehend what's going on, and some triggers are in the normal route). Sounds bland, but fun to read if you are reading it actively rather than passively (VNs are not as passive as they may seem to be). Only have one more route to go (and hopefully, only two more runs).

And four versions for each heroine's theme (normal, girly talking, music box, and piano)...but the piano versions are not available in gallery (which are some of the best things this game has to offer IMO).

Nothing really pique my interest at this time save for the upcoming (and confirmed) Dreaming Sheep, plus all the postponements that have been happening...I guess I'll just start going through unfinished and/or untouched games in my stash...
what's SoL??? im still backlogging MeltyMoments.... i don't have much time anymore :donefor:
Slice of life...I should've known better not to go overboard with abbreviations.

I take down note as I go through the divides...and there are overlaps that need to be returned and retrieve on the next run. Still, all the 'doesn't matter' choices in the normal route do drive for replays...
I heard from my friend who is working for Key that according to a economic professor in Japan, the eroge industry will die out in the next few year if they do not come out with some breakthrough idea. What is your thought on this subject?
^i think true enough... most of the eroge lately are too depend to graphics... which makes nukige's business run fast, including doujin production there's over 50 titles per month. it'll be just a matter of time before they spread out like american porns. and when that time comes, people will lost their interest!

i mean, an eroge with good stories or good play style are very few... you can count them almost with 2 hand in a year.
I also heard in the past 1990s, there was also a prediction that the eroge industry would die out. At that time, the innovation drive for the eroge industry was the harem theme with the heroines going icha icha with the main protagonist. The prime example of that was Da Cappo I think. Eventhough the story is not good comparing to our standard, it was still quite successful at that time. I think that if someone in eroge or anime industry in general comes up with a new breakthrough theme, the industry will last for a longer time.
I also heard in the past 1990s, there was also a prediction that the eroge industry would die out. At that time, the innovation drive for the eroge industry was the harem theme with the heroines going icha icha with the main protagonist. The prime example of that was Da Cappo I think. Eventhough the story is not good comparing to our standard, it was still quite successful at that time. I think that if someone in eroge or anime industry in general comes up with a new breakthrough theme, the industry will last for a longer time.

another true fact... if it wasn't because eroge and hentai were actually sells in US at 90s... the hentai industries would die before millenium. i say this because i actually been there at that time, where tentacles rules everything... many tentacles...

i started play eroge back at 1995... back then eroge only shows the picture of the girls being naked... no man were seen or even background and that being said, no intercourse graphic. and there goes at 1998, some of eroge trying to put on rape scene, so they have to make a graphic that looks like it, and therefor some of scene shows males... with this eroge has evolved another step.

at 90s... most of eroge were non voiced... i forgot which was actually had them voiced for the first time (i think it's around 1998-1999), but that works very well... at the start of millenium (around 2001), most of eroge company use VA for their game product. only several company still hasn't used them... alicesoft was also one of them (their first voiced game was 2004).

back at that time... as far as i could remember, eroge company were:
Studio E.go! (converted to Debonosu Seisakujo)
Basil (which inverted to Navel later)
Zone (closed)
Cherrysoft (closed)

and most of them release game once a year, except for eushully that was still a very small company. they were the start of eroge revolution that makes it continues until now.
Past: A little past 300 frames of HCG at most...

Present: ...400-500+ seems to become the norm...especially 2012 and after. I too late to the show?
^no no... welcome...

do you mean past is 2007?

coz at 90s and earlier millenium, 100 and probably the most...

well, at earlier millenium VN style games were booming... until now.
I also notice another important thing that is the decreasing population of Japan. With the decrease of young labour, they may need to face tougher working schedule and do not have time to enjoy time consuming hobby like eroge. I think that this will push the eroge companies to think to expand their business outside Japanese. We have If my Heart had Wings last year recognized officially by the ERSB for Teen. This year, I think more companies will follow their footstep
I also notice another important thing that is the decreasing population of Japan. With the decrease of young labour, they may need to face tougher working schedule and do not have time to enjoy time consuming hobby like eroge. I think that this will push the eroge companies to think to expand their business outside Japanese. We have If my Heart had Wings last year recognized officially by the ERSB for Teen. This year, I think more companies will follow their footstep

well the fact that japan would perish in 200 years isn't just a hoax... around 60-70% of the girls are refused to married, while the boys are too dreamy and insist to hook up with beauties...
but surprisingly... many of my friend who work as illustrator nor mangaka still found they're own way to have free time to do their hobby.
/me looks at chat with great interest

Cant comment much on the industry, me myself have only been enjoying good CGs/art/h-scenes for the past years as far as I know. But the last 2 years have been dry for me, 1 reason being myself being absolutely unable to play any games due to other commitments, as I can only helplessly watch my backlog pile up. There has been stand-out games which I am dying to play, yet even given the time, I cant play with this only desktop sitting right in the middle of my house's living room where everyone is around.
^no no... welcome...

do you mean past is 2007?

coz at 90s and earlier millenium, 100 and probably the most...

well, at earlier millenium VN style games were booming... until now.

Before 2000 I don't think much, if any, even made it past the hundredth digit. It's almost not worth playing just for faps due to the lack of skipping, too. The first White Album I counted a piddly 21 frames of HCGs, the first ToHeart is around 60...that's about what I know before 2000 - I came in a little bit late for the show of that time.

That 'early 300 number at most' figure I took from Keyorina (which was late 2005, and the exact figure is 330). It's worth noting that Binary Pot only got around late-40 frames of HCG, Priholi around 160-170, give or take a few, Hanihani's got 272, and it seems to had stabilized for August since then - 264 for Fortune Arterial, around 200 for Moonlight Cradle, 267 for Aiyoku no Eustia, and 295 for Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai.

I chose August to crunch because the HCGs are explicitly marked such.

Curious mere late 40 can jump up to almost 200 then to almost 300 and stabilize there... the turn of the decade I see some non-nukige titles go near, if not into the thousandth digit for HCG frames, even, from what limited experience I have...I wonder if this even have anything to do with what had been going on...

And where are we going now...I don't think I know enough to comment on the above couple posts that drifted into real world, serious stuff...
Before 2000 I don't think much, if any, even made it past the hundredth digit. It's almost not worth playing just for faps due to the lack of skipping, too. The first White Album I counted a piddly 21 frames of HCGs, the first ToHeart is around 60...that's about what I know before 2000 - I came in a little bit late for the show of that time.

That 'early 300 number at most' figure I took from Keyorina (which was late 2005, and the exact figure is 330). It's worth noting that Binary Pot only got around late-40 frames of HCG, Priholi around 160-170, give or take a few, Hanihani's got 272, and it seems to had stabilized for August since then - 264 for Fortune Arterial, around 200 for Moonlight Cradle, 267 for Aiyoku no Eustia, and 295 for Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai.

I chose August to crunch because the HCGs are explicitly marked such.

Curious mere late 40 can jump up to almost 200 then to almost 300 and stabilize there... the turn of the decade I see some non-nukige titles go near, if not into the thousandth digit for HCG frames, even, from what limited experience I have...I wonder if this even have anything to do with what had been going on...

And where are we going now...I don't think I know enough to comment on the above couple posts that drifted into real world, serious stuff...

well... back in 2001, you'd be surprised that there's many of good... i mean REALLY good VN lying around with twisted plot which people wouldn't even predicted at that time...
some were offering bad ending only... 'moe' factor wasn't in the charge back then... so they try to sells stories, unlike now... even a so-so story would sells if the CG and character were 'moe' and illust are good.

i forgot to mention 'Key' and 'Minori' hold an important roles in VN industries at 2000...

their product like Air (no voice), Kanon (no voice), Wind are sells like a bucket of popcorn in cinema theatre. To Heart also takes a role... and yes, white album too...

Basil break up at 2004 after release それは舞い散る桜のように which i think was their last game, some of the staff including Nishimata Aoi joined Navel and gave born to Shuffle along with Suzuhira Hiro who just ended her Contract with F&C.
The best era for me I guess was about 2004-2008 with so many super hitting titles such as Muv-luv Alternative, BaldrSky, demonbane, ...

btw: I just noticed an unexpecteed game coming in the top eroges last year is ChuSingura46+1. Anyone has played it before?
^yeah i played ChuSingura46+1 and yes it's quite a decent game... the plot were good... but too bad none of the heroines are matched my taste.

judging by the title you mentioned.... i guess you're faving action type VN or Eroge... Baldr Sky was 2009 though :evillaugh:

im a fan of Baldr Series ever since BaldrHead that was release at 1999, most of the stories of the Baldr World that spreading until now are one universe, with Baldr Force as a start!

DemonBane are no doubt... as NitroPlus were the one who produced them, the quality are unquestionable.

as MuvLuv... no one predicted that it become a Sci-Fi VN Type... this was first released at 2001 as MuvLuv and then re-released in 2002 with the first story [Extra] where you have to Complete Sumika and Meiya ending in order to open MuvLuv [Unlimited], what we know today as MuvLuv Alternatives are the sequel of them, with the conclusion of the Arc.

well i might add some of good games too...

Doop Advance, released on 2003 (a remake of DOOP which was first launched at 1997) by MBS Truth (which was in a brink of destruction at that time)
Duel Savior, released on 2004 by Giga
Raimuiro Senkitan, which didn't take long time until they released it as anime. released at 2002 by Elf.
Woods Worth which first released at 1994 and then remaked at 2002 by Elf.
well... back in 2001, you'd be surprised that there's many of good... i mean REALLY good VN lying around with twisted plot which people wouldn't even predicted at that time...
some were offering bad ending only... 'moe' factor wasn't in the charge back then... so they try to sells stories, unlike now... even a so-so story would sells if the CG and character were 'moe' and illust are good.

i forgot to mention 'Key' and 'Minori' hold an important roles in VN industries at 2000...

their product like Air (no voice), Kanon (no voice), Wind are sells like a bucket of popcorn in cinema theatre. To Heart also takes a role... and yes, white album too...

Basil break up at 2004 after release それは舞い散る桜のように which i think was their last game, some of the staff including Nishimata Aoi joined Navel and gave born to Shuffle along with Suzuhira Hiro who just ended her Contract with F&C.

Back then, sometimes, it's took so much effort for so little sexual content (Take WA or the first ToHeart, CTRL did not exist back then, and in both you have to work quite a bit to go to the correct place. You are clicking until your arms wear out all the way until you get to that little sexual content at the end) that it's almost not worth fapping over. More 'novel' than 'ero', so to say. Now? Nitrous, and like you said, moe...stories seem to move quicker, too, from what I feel recently...

But come to think of it, I really cannot handle heavy [fiction] reading...guess that's why I can keep on tolerating what is dominant (I think people call it harem), and just read them actively without going critical. I'm no action guy, either, so I stick with the normal (puppy) love stories ones, most of the time.

...or I just adapt well to mediocrity...

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can you reupload RJ01088358?thanks