Opens door after sis rings like nuts :/ Its actually safer for me to open than my parents cuz my sis doesnt throw a tantrum about not being let in faster if its me xD
I was startled awake by the blood curdling screams of my kitty. I rushed to my window in time to see my kitty deliver two right jabs to the neighborhood feral cat's face. I shouted out through my window and the feral cat ran away. My kitty gave me a look that i'm pretty sure meant, "I didn't need your help, I could have taken her!"
I was planning on getting up early today, but when i woke up my cat was sleeping on top of me and her weight prevented me from sitting up. So i just fell asleep again.
May I ask something? Where could I post a message asking for help with an error in a game? Apparently, the Otome Games, Artbooks & CDs section is exclusively for uploading games, according to what I read in the rules. :c