What kind of stuff do you dislike?

I dislike people who smoke and then discard their butts on the floor. THROW AWAY your damn nasty saliva cancer sticks!!!
I dislike people who smoke too close to a restaurant or wherever im at... makes the whole place smell and poisoning me at the same time =.=
I dislike making a good drawing then realizing that I made a huge mistake on a certain part.
I dislike being too lazy to finish the song that I have been working on for a few months.
Hmm its called short term memory xD
I dislike how it takes so long to get across campus...
I dislike the moments when the wind blows my bands onto my eyes and I constantly have to adjust it.
I dislike it when I have to put on multiple bobby pins just to let a group of hairs stay in place.
I dislike the moment before you go to bed, when you don't want to go to sleep, but you don't feel like doing anything anyways, so you end up staying a awake while accomplishing nothing.

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