When do you randomly get sad/depressed?

Hmm... A traumatic event perhaps??
I just thought that it might be a very traumatic event that's causing it...
And people tends to push away their memories of it...
But it always never gone completely...
Well... That's my opinion on your sudden tears... :p

Do you know reincarnation?? More unlogical reason is maybe that you have some kind of connection with your another self before you were reborn as you are right now...

I would say that suppressed emotion would be part of it. Each person is very fragile at a young age, I used to be an extravert around age 5-6 but very soon became introverted because of issues in my family. (I may say more about that later if asked~)
Now it's like I have 2 sides of myself, and both are strong. I just kinda flow into one or the other without noticing much.

I don't think reincarnation is real, but I do believe in heaven, judgement and the coming days. I'm not one to slap ppl about it tho.
I've also learned plenty about how the universe works enough to believe that it has been created, which you can look up "Kent Hovind" about. He really lays out why evolution does not work. He's been very influential. He's a creation scientist that's very easy to understand. They tried to get the title of Creation Science, but instead got falsely labeled as creationism.

I might try describing the levels of walls I can't really change (yet). But the idea is that each level is about friendship/relationship closeness. I wondered why I can't seem to make close friends easy despite who I am. I love friendships that last, and some I wish would go further. I did plan on talking to a counselor about this, it might be after these tests, but I also need to sort through my thoughts.
Hmm... i was somewhat more extrovert while i was younger... or should i say less introvert? Anyhow i was just a loner in elementary for the most part with few friends... that stayed with me in middle school where i actually knew quite a few people but kind of randomly... high school brought the most changes through various random things which may or may not have been related but it made me quite a lot more introverted... im not quite sure why but i guess i just dont talk much... shy with newer people... gets difficult to make me talk although certain people can get me to do so~ Atm i think im somewhat less shy and has more of a neutral attitude towards others... not sure where this change came from but i suppose i had the thought that i needed to break out of my shell somewhere in my head... thoughts are quite powerful~
Hmm... i was somewhat more extrovert while i was younger... or should i say less introvert? Anyhow i was just a loner in elementary for the most part with few friends... that stayed with me in middle school where i actually knew quite a few people but kind of randomly... high school brought the most changes through various random things which may or may not have been related but it made me quite a lot more introverted... im not quite sure why but i guess i just dont talk much... shy with newer people... gets difficult to make me talk although certain people can get me to do so~ Atm i think im somewhat less shy and has more of a neutral attitude towards others... not sure where this change came from but i suppose i had the thought that i needed to break out of my shell somewhere in my head... thoughts are quite powerful~

Idk that you would think of me like creepy or something because it seems I always said that we're the same...
But the difference is... I have been a kind of introvert person since I was born... Even more than half of my childhood friends were picked by my mom... XD
And I always thought that quality is better that quantity in frienship... XD
Maybe that's what is making me an introvert too... XD

About that change...
Maybe it's the new sensation of being a classmate with new people you haven't know?? XD

I would say that suppressed emotion would be part of it. Each person is very fragile at a young age, I used to be an extravert around age 5-6 but very soon became introverted because of issues in my family. (I may say more about that later if asked~)
Now it's like I have 2 sides of myself, and both are strong. I just kinda flow into one or the other without noticing much.

I don't think reincarnation is real, but I do believe in heaven, judgement and the coming days. I'm not one to slap ppl about it tho.
I've also learned plenty about how the universe works enough to believe that it has been created, which you can look up "Kent Hovind" about. He really lays out why evolution does not work. He's been very influential. He's a creation scientist that's very easy to understand. They tried to get the title of Creation Science, but instead got falsely labeled as creationism.

I might try describing the levels of walls I can't really change (yet). But the idea is that each level is about friendship/relationship closeness. I wondered why I can't seem to make close friends easy despite who I am. I love friendships that last, and some I wish would go further. I did plan on talking to a counselor about this, it might be after these tests, but I also need to sort through my thoughts.

Talking about traumatic incedents... suddenly, I felt like I want to tell you guys about my life... :|
About my changing life!! I want you guys to know... XD
It's not like it's a private thing anyway... And knowing me more won't be hurt isn't it?? XD

I have a broken family since I was born... I was actually never wanted to be borned by my parents before.... I was just born... Never knowing what happened with my family... Why did my father seems never went home?? What happened?? And I remember once... When I was in kindergarten, I shouted something like Papa!! Mama!! you may not fight!! in the middle of the day... Maybe that's what brings up this twisted personality of mine... I don't know why... but sometimes... I do something... And sometimes, I do the opposite just almost easily as I did the other... Sometimes my emotion is unstable, and sometimes, I'm emotionless that I have to force myself to put on an emotion in front of my friends so that they wouldn't worry too much... :p
I always wreck everything at school when I'm at grade 1 - 4 about once every month... Turning tables upside down when I'm feeling depressed... :p
One day, I even shouted that I'd rather die... :p
Since elementary school, I always have this deep thought sometimes when I'm alone... Why I was born? Why does the world exist?? For what reason?? Does my being here would change anything?? Who I am inside this world?? Who I am around these million people?? Does my presence here means anything?? And when I get to middle school, my depression comes up more and more... I abandon all my school life... I just try to leave all of it behind, and enjoy my life as it is... I feel that I don't have any reason to live... My friends would be happy, with or without me...
but that fateful night changed me... When I get a diarrhea... Yes... A diarrhea... A baby was born as my little brother... One day... In another fateful night... I lay in the bed beside my little brother... suddenly, I felt this urge, that I may live for someone now... I felt that I shall have something set to be my life from now on... I'm a believer, so I prayed to God, and I swear by His name (even though I know that it is a sin that we sweared by His name on something :p) that I will always protect him, and He shall be my life, and his shall be mine... Since that day, I changed little by little, from always think everything negatively, to everything positively... Little by little I felt that life is great... Once... I want to die when I was in elementary school... But now... I want to live... I want to make many great memories with my friends... I want to show to many people out there... To many people that really hate how they live till they wants to die... I want to show them that living is as beautiful as it is... I'm not a maso, but getting hurt is kind of beautiful in it's own way... We could learn many things from it that life is beautiful... The more we get hurt... The more we will be happy when the hurting is gone... If it leave a scar... It shall be a sign... That I have done something great!!! I have defeated my past that's hurting me!!! Now you shall see!! Mwahahahaha!!!

Wait... I'm saying too much... You two made me tell it all... X3
And why does I get emotionally excited too... :XD:
I think I should give it a spoiler ... ( ' . ' )

If you want to read it... read it...
If you don't want to because it's too long, then don't...
It's just me getting emotionally excited at the moment...
I'm sorry for posting something strange here... :/
Don't mind it if you found it strange, and you may just leave it there... XD

@ushio-san Oh yeah... while i'm on it... You should try to open up yourself a little bit ushio-san...
I want to hear your story too you know... XD

About that wall... I believe that it is there to protect you from extra terrestial things that might hurt you isn't it...?? XD
Hmm... How many level of walls is there?? :)

@samy Do you have something like a turning point of life too in your life?? XD
But you don't have to share it if you don't want to... :)
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Very good~ very good indeed young warrior~ :goodtea: (no, I'm not talking about this tea XD)

For the part about swearing, it's only if you swear in vain like it was meant to hurt someone or just being angry. Do you know what a cuss word is? it's like using God's name like that~ (it's in Exodus that tells you about it).

I don't really like it when someone literally asks me to open up x_x I just end up doing that whether you ask or not lol.
Asking me something specific sounds more like someone cares enough to hear than just being curious x_x
Friendship might have to wait.

hmmm I think I'll limit this to post count since I kinda want to x_x

(warning, this is going to be very long)
To see this hidden content your post count must be 144 or greater.
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Hmm yet the tea is very good today :goodtea: Very nice for reading long walls of stuff ;p

Quality is better than quantity in that it is the reason why any change would happen~ If you just know a lot of people then they are more of acquaintances than friends because to create friendship actually requires that a person spends time with that other person and strengthen their bonds~ Ex. Lets say some one tells you that they hate you~ If it was just a person you barely knew then it probably counldnt matter less but if it was someone you are close with then you might be quite hurt... Being simple acquaintances with groups can make stuff happen but it wont do anything where it really matters... It takes a bond and willingness which friends have to motivate someone to do something major for you... Friends are also quite a strong source of support when needed~

Hmm turning point... i wonder xD I used to be quite... short tempered and selfish i suppose (i have various guesses as to why that is but that also involved the situation that was around me at that time)... but i knew that was wrong and somehow i changed... thats kind of how most changes to me happened actually~ If there is something that i view as needing improvement then that part would gradually change until one day i notice that that "fault" isnt there anymore or has lessened quite a bit~ Its kind of like a wound which bothers you every day but you forget about it after it heals until you remember that it was there before~ Force doesnt work well with me as im quite the stubborn person when stuff happens like that... I am quite easily effected by words and something that a person said might nag at my continually for a long time... most people around me would never notice that anything has happened to me as i usually do not show anything physically unless it is a really strong emotion... I just seem as neutral as usual... But mistakes are to be used to learn about oneself and learn~ That will never change throughout life~ Situations will differ and require a person to adapt but one you know the basics you can also twist it to for your own needs~ My neutrality allows me to avoid conflict but that also means that i miss chances which the conflict can create... It also puts me off to the side as someone others would just call "odd" and allows me to keep my personality since "odd" people do "odd" stuff right? I dislike situations that dont allow for me to express my own creative twists quite a bit... It also seems that i can understand others quite well due to that neutrality since any emotions from others can sway me past that neutral state although the neutrality also hasnt allowed me to experience very strong emotions so those will be somewhat vague to me... a few events can inspire strong emotions but they will be dragged to a more neutral state after a bit of time... I havent had any long depressions as problems will probably just be accepted as they are after a while and ignored until something new happens...

Hmm something that seems wrong to meh... well people who do something "wrong" will somehow justify it in their minds... one of the reasons why racism is still around... im sure they have some explanation for why they do such things even if it seems to be completely illogical to anyone else... it is difficult to continue hating someone for purely emotional reasons as some logic will sneak in based on those emotions which could blind a person to other reasons... then they go into denial and ignore those counterarguments... blahs anyhow my dad ruined my mood so ill stop here... I suppose i could tell my story later...
There are days when ppl think hormones take over~ :goodtea:
which btw, did you know that guys have their own kind of period? :P
noo not really~ I know it's been asked before, and some of my friends and I talked about it XD
it's just one of the other things that's interesting~ thooo guys are typically more interested in knowing about girls.. which is somewhat scary to me x_x but if they already know some things, they don't give off that vibe~ goshhhhhh can't wait to start these topics x_x
hmmm I'll explain this in detail when I talk about emotions~ but there's several ways that ppl describe it.
vibe (short for vibration or idea of rhythm), sense, feel, etc.
The ability to have this comes from the gift of Compassion, or mercy. I've heard that only about 30% of people have it as strongly.
Basically, these people have the ability to sense particular emotions that the person may or may not have at a moment, but what they sense is very accurate most of the time. for example, I've sensed alot of sadness and pain in a friend even tho she's really sweet. The more I know about a person, the more accurate I can pick up about them. There's times to where I've known what a person was thinking about, or what they were about to say.

One interesting thing is that people with this ability have been abused in some way early in their life. A person who is never healed from that pain would be... struggling to be open, honest, willing to help others, or become happy.
I can't say much for a person who has been healed from everything, since I do know that I still struggle with a little :f I do know that if they have been healed, they are usually seen as loving, forgiving, easy to approach, have a happy aura, etc.
The sad thing is that lots of people are attracted to these types of people, and take advantage of them. They dump alot of negativity or try to make themselves feel better by trying to get their affection, sometimes in very extreme and bad ways.

soooo that's just a teaser~ there's lots more gifts (7 in total) and much more to say about their strengths and weaknesses~
there's also some special traits to talk about (nearly 40?) sooo I think ppl will find it enjoyable :)
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whenever my artistic aspirations are crushed by my utter lack of artistic skill.
I talk quietly... deepish voice doesnt help either... so people cant really hear me in loudish places...

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