World of Warships Admirals Lounge!

Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge




Oh my, was fighting a losing battle alongside a CV, who I was trying to protect (because a Cruiser and BB was chasing her, so I wanted to give her some cover fire because good CV captains proof to be very useful) and a BB that was with me, the 3 of us was going against 6 (maybe 7?) ships. The odds are against us, especially when CV was taking the focus from a BB and a Cruiser, however I went one shot citadel the cruiser escorting that BB in hunting the CV since he turned his broadside to me, then the CV quickly dealt with the BB with a good salvo of Torp squad. So I quickly turned my attention to the BB and Cruiser that's firing at me whilst my other BB provide me with some cover, the other cruiser presented his broadside to me so boom, another one shot. BB engage didn't went as well as I hoped, I was clearly at an advantage (I think I was 30k hp whilst he was 25k) but I went down to 1.9k hp due to him citadel'd me once before he sunk, but not to worry since there's only a CV left, but looking at the timer there was only 1 and a half minutes left. I was already in cap by that time yet I know we won't make it, CV managed to spot the CV with her aircraft so I started opening fire, didn't do extremely well since the CV was angled at around 45 degree towards me so its kind of awkward to put some shots in her, my CV manage to half hp with a torp squad so gave me all the chance I needed to finish her, about 30 seconds before the game end, I killed my engine to make one final shot, the CV thought I'm going to miss and he got the draw in the bag, so he decided to kill his engine as well. 45 degree angle isn't my best so I went ripple fire instead of salvo, first shot, minimal damage, second shot, decent damage but not enough, I took a bit more time to adjust my aim further, 5 seconds before the game end I fired my last shot, citadel damage and sunk it at 3 seconds before the game end, I bet the enemy team didn't expect us to win but this sure feels awesome. I know I'm not as good as Checku-sama just yet, however I did get some tips off him so I hope I can make him decently proud with this result :P
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Seems king learned much from me and now he's displaying his superiority~ against the plebs.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

That's a lot of citadels for so little damage... poor you they must have bounced a lot of shells.

But damn, 28 hits and 6 citadels. Not bad King, not bad at all
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Seems king learned much from me and now he's displaying his superiority~ against the plebs.

I learn from the very best ;)

That's a lot of citadels for so little damage... poor you they must have bounced a lot of shells.

But damn, 28 hits and 6 citadels. Not bad King, not bad at all

Its bad because that game early game everyone is just dodge mine like no tomorrow for some odd reason, but after mid/late game everyone probably thought I just miss all the time so decided not to even attempt to dodge, that's just easy citadel you know xD Oh also people tends to fire HE at me, even BB, I'm so confused to be honest, unless its a DD (which I would hate to engage unless its the only ship there) I would fire AP at everything and just citadel all day long. I once went into match and one shot citadel a ship from 100 to 0 and that captain was like "You fire AP" and I'm like, of course, kinda what battleships are for, and he's like "Finally a god damn BB captain that actually have some sense". To be honest I think at the moment, HE for BB is pretty much constant damage, AP is going for that citadel or no damage, pretty shit if you ask me but I guess if you don't penetrate then I guess it does make sense that AP don't do that much.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Only bad BB captains shoot HE, no matter how much they tell me it's OP you are just bad if you use it. Citadels are still there and if you are somewhat decent you will get those shots or just normal pens which deal quite a bit of damage.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Only bad BB captains shoot HE, no matter how much they tell me it's OP you are just bad if you use it. Citadels are still there and if you are somewhat decent you will get those shots or just normal pens which deal quite a bit of damage.

It is extremely random now, sometimes you pen out of no where, sometimes you sure you would citadel but didn't do any damage at all.

I'm pretty sure this is a bug. Did they also nerf the RC Boat mode yet? aka turn radius? Last time someone still tell me it's normal for a BB to do a 90 degree turn, except he "forgot" (or didn't know) that it take several minutes for a BB to pull that nice turn. In game? seconds is very lolzy.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I don't know what's going on with AP though... i'm getting all these shots on the belt for 1000 flat damage on DD, CA and BB. I can't even..
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I don't know what's going on with AP though... i'm getting all these shots on the belt for 1000 flat damage on DD, CA and BB. I can't even..

If you ask me AP is a bit broken right now, I think when it connect it does a RNG to see whether the shot actually penetrate, and depending on where you shot and whether it penetrate, if both requirement is met it'll be a citadel, that's what it feels like to me at the moment.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Did you received my message in game, mind teaching where to aim:D? And sorry I didn't manage to find time to log in and play some rounds.

So, AP is broken? I'm not sure how powerful it used to be but it seems pretty okay(?) dealing 800+, 1000+, and 2000+ damage randomly. Citadel hits are always full AP damage? Also, I'm not sure how it triggers but sometimes I notice my shots lands on them citadels but they are not counted as citadel hits.
I still remember that one times against AI Kawachi, about 4-5 shots lands on her citadels but only deal 800+ damage and no citadels at all.:(

Oh Kawachi, bad BB with bad main battery placement. :whistle:
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Those freak 8100 damage hits will turns the table against BB captains that opt to fling HE every 30 seconds...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

dealing 800+, 1000+, and 2000+ damage randomly
when you get to high tier, you get 30s reload, doing anything less than 10K damage is just "fuck no". You realize that you have only 40 salvo the entire game IF you fire it continously (which is impossible), if you do 10K/damage average, and your hit ratio is 30% (which is high), then, you will do about 100K of damage, again, this is provided you fire continuously (realistically, you will do 60-80K max till time's over), which is only enough to single a single Yamato. Bad news? it could be a bunch of BB and CA that you need to sink.

So, fuck no. LoL.

Back then I tend to citadel and do consistently average 20K of damage per salvo. For CA/DD, I usually one hit them. AP is now so bad against DD. BB was never OP against DD. BB reload time is 30s, and the turret turn is so slow. In contrast, DD can throw a salvo of torp that do 15K/damage per torp at 45s or so (10 torps), meaning it do a lot more damage than BB. DD also have great concealment that BB won't see a DD to even shoot at the DD. And then, they nerf the BB by nerfing the AP. BB is now extremely hard to play. Not enjoyable at all.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Well DDs only get 45 sec reloads till T5. Minekaze is rather OP, everyone knows that but Mutsuki and above are rather balanced (Edit: Mutsucki is shit, they are balanced from Hatsuscrewyou and above).

BB play gets worse and worse with every patch, but i'm still a proud captain and will always reluctantly return to them after a few games with cruisers/DDs/CVs. It's a good thing that i enjoy every class

PD: How many battles do you guys have already? i'm sitting at 133
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I'm at 0, until WG sort this fucking mess out.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Did you received my message in game, mind teaching where to aim:D? And sorry I didn't manage to find time to log in and play some rounds.

Yea I've, but I just don't log into WoWS regularly enough recently to reply message on a daily basis due to the fact that the exp it takes for me to get my Kongou is really off putting, Myogi suddenly went from 4 turret to 3 turret was a bit weird...

PD: How many battles do you guys have already? i'm sitting at 133

Probably 20 odd, the experience gained and how much more you have to farm to get to at least Tier V now is rather off putting to me, not only that but the fact now Tier V onward other than Yamato (and Izumo?) have a Hull A and Hull B configuration makes me sad, the Hull A looks so fucking bad.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Yea I've, but I just don't log into WoWS regularly enough recently to reply message on a daily basis due to the fact that the exp it takes for me to get my Kongou is really off putting, Myogi suddenly went from 4 turret to 3 turret was a bit weird...

I still haven't got the chance to online since my last message to you. xD

About Myogi mains (you're talking about them right?), you gotta kudos to the devs for making it up. Myogi only existed on a piece of paper (blueprint) and is the design base for Kongou-class.
I wonder who gave them the idea of stripping her mains as upgrade when she was never born in the first place to even get a refit.
Silly balancing in play perhaps.

The Kongous never got strip off any of their main batteries for their refits.

[MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION]; I see, so the damage I'm dealing are crap. Oh well.. lets hope they actually fixed it up. Reading your post makes me lost interest pretty fast. Can this game even still be call World of Warships?

Instead of getting that fear feeling when encountering a battleship like in real life, we get that from just encounter a freaking destroyer now? :D
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I still haven't got the chance to online since my last message to you. xD

About Myogi mains (you're talking about them right?), you gotta kudos to the devs for making it up. Myogi only existed on a piece of paper (blueprint) and is the design base for Kongou-class.
I wonder who gave them the idea of stripping her mains as upgrade when she was never born in the first place to even get a refit.
Silly balancing in play perhaps.

The Kongous never got strip off any of their main batteries for their refits.

No, but the Kongou you saw back in CBT was the WW2 one, but in fact Kongou is probably one of the oldest "BB" in the IJN that participated in WW2, she was laid down back in 1911 and launched in 1912, basically what Hull A looks like, not the awesome looking 1931 onward configuration, back then she was just about a battlecruiser rather than a "battleship". Yes as far as I'm concern Myogi was a paper ship, but so was Montana, and Tier X Hakuryuu (known as G-11 I think?), Wargaming is famous for bringing those papers to life and give them weird configuration.
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I had my first CV game today and now it's my favourite class :/
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I had my first CV game today and now it's my favourite class :/

They are quite fun i must say, it's a nice change of pace from the fast matches of DDs/CAs (and even BBs to some point). Remember to never send your planes back directly otherwise you are pretty much screaming to the enemy CVs where you are.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

They are quite fun i must say, it's a nice change of pace from the fast matches of DDs/CAs (and even BBs to some point). Remember to never send your planes back directly otherwise you are pretty much screaming to the enemy CVs where you are.

Yeah it was very fun. I was on the edge but then when people here were saying how BBs got nerfed I decided not to go for Kongou and bought a CV.
I learned that one from other players mistakes.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

From my previous playthroughs of the IJN BB tree i have to say getting the Kongou is a giant relief and joy. Kawachi and Myogi are just terrible. Myogi did get a lot better after 4.0, mainly because of the new hulls which give a rather impressive range of 22km with the scout plane activated.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

From my previous playthroughs of the IJN BB tree i have to say getting the Kongou is a giant relief and joy. Kawachi and Myogi are just terrible. Myogi did get a lot better after 4.0, mainly because of the new hulls which give a rather impressive range of 22km with the scout plane activated.

I rather have my 4th turret back than the scout plane, majority of the time shooting at the "impressive" range of 22 km will end up as a miss due to it taking 13 seconds for the bullets to travel, meaning people can see it miles away (due to the angle curve) and even BB majority of the time they've enough time to dodge most if not all of the salvo.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Carriers are great at the starting tier because almost no ships have any meaningful AA...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

^ Yamato never met any Allied ships, true and that's to show that Allied ships are pussies. :P
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

^ Yamato never met any Allied ships, true and that's to show that Allied ships are pussies. :P

Actually if I remember, Iowa was present during Operation Tengo, but was only there as Escort ship. Not sure whether they're scared that Yamato will bring her down if they went too close...

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