World of Warships Admirals Lounge!

Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I doubt Yamato could do anything. She need her scout planes to aim far and the skies are full of allied planes. :whistle: Plus, who in their right mind would get close to Yamato? :rolleyes: Wait wait, it's the DDs in this game.
The allies probably learnt their lesson from encountering Musashi. Took them so much effort just to sink her.

Still sad to see people praising Montana better than Yamato. It kinda pisses me off seeing a blueprint being better than an actual battleship.
H44 will kick Montana's butt anytime.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I rather have my 4th turret back than the scout plane, majority of the time shooting at the "impressive" range of 22 km will end up as a miss due to it taking 13 seconds for the bullets to travel, meaning people can see it miles away (due to the angle curve) and even BB majority of the time they've enough time to dodge most if not all of the salvo.

Myogi never had a fourth turret, ever (in the game, obviously not irl since it's a paper ship)

^ Yamato never met any Allied ships, true and that's to show that Allied ships are pussies. :P

Battle of Samar differs.

I doubt Yamato could do anything. She need her scout planes to aim far and the skies are full of allied planes. :whistle: Plus, who in their right mind would get close to Yamato? :rolleyes: Wait wait, it's the DDs in this game.
The allies probably learnt their lesson from encountering Musashi. Took them so much effort just to sink her.

Still sad to see people praising Montana better than Yamato. It kinda pisses me off seeing a blueprint being better than an actual battleship.
H44 will kick Montana's butt anytime.

Can't blame them when Montana was actually an anti-Yamato BB (1 more turret than Iowa and unlike Iowa, Montana's armor could actually block her own shots), not quite a paper ship since the only reason she never set sail was because the war was over and Carrier stole the capital ship place from Battleships.

H44 will be OP as f*** if not nerfed from launch since it's a paper ship that it's impossible to ever be built. The scale of that is like all nazi designs, oversized for no reason. Talking about kriegsmarine, i'm really hoping they add them soon so i can sink that T7-8 Bismarck with my Nagato heuhuehueueu

I have IJN bias so i will always like japanese ships more though (sexy superstructures mang)
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

not quite a paper ship since the only reason she never set sail was because the war was over
The Montana was ready to set sail? I don't know about her ever being completed. :o_O:
Also, they can brag about her being Anti-Yamato / strong armor when there isn't even an actual thing to prove she can.

Carrier stole the capital ship place from Battleships.
Even in this game. Carriers ruining everything.
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Myogi never had a fourth turret, ever (in the game, obviously not irl since it's a paper ship)

I swear Myogi in CBT had 4 turret like Kongou, but its been a long time since I sailed with her that memory must have failed me.

Can't blame them when Montana was actually an anti-Yamato BB (1 more turret than Iowa and unlike Iowa, Montana's armor could actually block her own shots), not quite a paper ship...

Montana is a paper ship, any ships that weren't built is considered paper ships, since its all on designed stage and never set sailed...Also if I remember correctly the Type 1 46cm vs the Mark 7 (or was it Mark 8 on Montana?) have roughly the same penetrating power of each other, meaning that neither ship will be doing much at certain ranges because Yamato herself is also designed to withstand her Type 1 46cm, so if it comes down to a battle I think both would be even, though certainly Montana have the edge of 12 guns instead of the Yamato's 9.

H44 will be OP as f*** if not nerfed from launch since it's a paper ship that it's impossible to ever be built. The scale of that is like all nazi designs, oversized for no reason. Talking about kriegsmarine, i'm really hoping they add them soon so i can sink that T7-8 Bismarck with my Nagato heuhuehueueu

I think H44 will never make it into the game without A150 being in the game, both have the same caliber of guns after all. Bismarck will most likely make her appearance in the future as Premium ship is what people believe...
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

The Montana was ready to set sail? I don't know about her ever being completed. :o_O:
Also, they can brag about her being Anti-Yamato / strong armor when there isn't even an actual thing to prove she can..
She was authorized in April 1942 but put on hold as the US was building more Iowas and Essexs and then cancelled after Midway. Part of her hull was used for the Midway-class. Her armor was planned at 16inch STS for her belt which is more than possible and reasonable. I blame carriers for not being able to see such a great ship at sea.

I swear Myogi in CBT had 4 turret like Kongou, but its been a long time since I sailed with her that memory must have failed me.

Montana is a paper ship, any ships that weren't built is considered paper ships, since its all on designed stage and never set sailed...Also if I remember correctly the Type 1 46cm vs the Mark 7 (or was it Mark 8 on Montana?) have roughly the same penetrating power of each other, meaning that neither ship will be doing much at certain ranges because Yamato herself is also designed to withstand her Type 1 46cm, so if it comes down to a battle I think both would be even, though certainly Montana have the edge of 12 guns instead of the Yamato's 9.

They would only be even if you took out Montana's radar, and even at that point their guns are roughly the same while Yamato has roughly the same armor size (Montana has 409mm and Yamato has 410mm) but Montana has STS which is far thougher.

I make some distinctions with paper ships, there are cases like Myogi or Izumo which were ships made as rough designs which would be later used for other ships (Myogi= Kongou, Izumo= Yamato). Then there are paper ships which could have been done if the nations didn't run out of money or thing of that nature (Montana, Ibuki). Then there's unbuildable designs like the german H-classes or japanese A-150 (they had trouble building the 460mm guns, how on earth would they build 510mm guns?).
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

She was authorized in April 1942 but put on hold as the US was building more Iowas and Essexs and then cancelled after Midway. Part of her hull was used for the Midway-class. Her armor was planned at 16inch STS for her belt which is more than possible and reasonable. I blame carriers for not being able to see such a great ship at sea.

They would only be even if you took out Montana's radar, and even at that point their guns are roughly the same while Yamato has roughly the same armor size (Montana has 409mm and Yamato has 410mm) but Montana has STS which is far thougher.

This is a small extract from Naval History and Heritage Command regarding the BB 67-71 Montana Class (which they describe their job to be "Collect, preserve, protect, present, and make relevant the artifacts, art, and documents that best capture the Navy's history and heritage):

"The Montanas also would have been the only American ships to come close to equalling the massive Japanese Yamato."

So even with the Motana they weren't even sure whether they would have beat the Yamato, but only to match it, without it ever being built it is kind of hard to suggest that Montana was far superior to Yamato. One thing is clear though, Montana is most likely able to land shots much better than a Yamato due to the much better radar the USS possess, this cannot be argued, its a fact. However Yamato is also known to be able to fire shots at over 42km, further than most other ships back in history including the Iowa class (which the Montana is basically the improved and better version of Iowa)

"The five battleships of the Montana class, authorized under the 1940 "Two Ocean Navy" building program and funded in Fiscal Year 1941, were the last of their kind ordered by the U.S. Navy."

It was authorized during 1940, not 1942. Which by that time, Yamato have already taken shape, which soon 1 year later was built and launched during 1941. So comparing technology, it would at least be 5-6 years apart between the two battleships, which back in the time makes a heck of a difference because if Yamato were to be built knowing Aircraft Carrier would have been a major threat, their AA armament would have been much better designed than what she was initially built with (though she did went under major rework later during the war to improve her AA armament, but to change what is already built is very hard and there are major limits to what they can do, also the fact that there is no time to make any major improvement either.)

Also I cannot remember where I read it before but Type 1 AP rounds would have roughly the same penetrating power as the Mark VII used by the Montana, if the Montana was built to withstand the Mark VII (her own shell) and the Yamato was also designed to withstand her own Type 1 shells, then I don't see how Montana's belt is far superior than that of Yamato's? Since from what I can see they're both designed to withstand their own shells which between the two shares roughly the same penetrating power? If that is the case they would just be firing at each other and not doing much most of the time if it does land on the armor belt...(but in real battle majority of the shots do miss, you'll be lucky to even land a shot, and normally when that happens it tend to cause massive damage during a battleship exchange)

"However, World War II's urgent requirements for more aircraft carriers, amphibious and anti-submarine vessels resulted in suspension of the Montanas in May 1942, before any of their keels had been laid. In July 1943, when it was clear that the battleship was no longer the dominant element of sea power, their construction was cancelled."

What was it about the parts that was used for Midway? Nothing of Montana was built, so nothing could have been used for Midway but her armor belt design.

Here is the source I used:

I make some distinctions with paper ships, there are cases like Myogi or Izumo which were ships made as rough designs which would be later used for other ships (Myogi= Kongou, Izumo= Yamato). Then there are paper ships which could have been done if the nations didn't run out of money or thing of that nature (Montana, Ibuki). Then there's unbuildable designs like the german H-classes or japanese A-150 (they had trouble building the 460mm guns, how on earth would they build 510mm guns?).

Some source suggests that one, maybe two 510mm twin turret was built, though without a reliable source I cannot say for sure whether those actually exist or not. (Though it won't surprise me if they did build the 510mm gun, considering IJN had the balls to build the largest battleship in the world after all. And no, USS didn't "run out of money" but saw that Montana herself would her no purpose in future of naval warfare. It is very clear by the end of 1942 that battleships itself is becoming useless compared to the fair superior Aircraft carrier. I mean this is proven really well if you've ever entered a battle back in CBT with two Tier X Hakuryuu CV, they pretty much can take on a team of their own just the two of them. (and yes I was on their team, I remember the two of them just make the enemy completely useless). If this happen in a game, which is more or less a "simulation" of what could have happened, think of it this way, you can launch 32 aircraft at least (for Hakuryuu, not sure about Midway since I never encountered one yet), 64 with two of those CV and they're wrecking havoc in a simulation, imagine a real life situation.

Let us take Operation Ten-Go, the last moments of Yamato, she was met with nearly 400 aircraft bombarding her constantly for 2 hours before she was taken down. Imagine that as two Hakuryuu chasing you when you're on your Yamato, yep, you're going to sink before you even see the Hakuryuu. So if you ask me, the USS saw the future that the IJN didn't foresee, the power that CV displayed which is why in the end they went for Midway instead of Montana rather than running out of money, its the fact that they would build a large lump of steel shield that would probably be able to achieve 1/10 of what Midway could achieve (if not less), cost efficiency of Midway vs Montana is just clear what the USS should do.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

That's a long answer but i'll try to do my best.

There is no chance in hell of Yamato being able to land a shot at 42km, the 46cm guns' effective range was 25km iirc. Montana has the Mark 8 super-heavy shells which are lighter (200kg) than the Type 1 shells but are more effective at penetration combine that with the 3 extra barrels Montana has and she can throw more weight than Yamato. I don't know much about steel yet (as it will be part of my career in the future) but to put it simply STS is a tougher and lighter steel with a heavy nickel%, this steel was used as a structural steel rather than just armor. Other than the belt which both have the same amount of steel, on other places of the ship the Montana has slightly more.


Montana: 12x 41/50 guns with mark 8= 28800kg/per min
Same amount of armor thick wise but tougher pound per pound.

Yamato: 9x 46/50 guns with type 1= 26280kg/per min
Same amount of armor thick wise.

Now add Montana's radar and Yamato doesn't stand a chance.

Now i'm most likely wrong about Midway, it's something i heard quite a bit of time ago, it's not the hull itself but the hull design.

Considering they burned almost every documents regarding Yamato there is no proof they ever built the 51cms. When i mentioned running out of money i was refering to the IJN (which is why i mention Ibuki), we all know the USN during the war just swam on money.

It's not fair to say the IJN didn't forsee the future of CVs considering they were the first nation to have purpose built carriers. It's more that the conservatives just gave up on them after the death of CVs more imporant spokeman, Isokuro Yamamoto. And even this is partly correct since they made huge hybrid with ships like Mogami and Ise after they lost their last carriers in the Marianas


Gotta love IJN CA torps
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

There is no chance in hell of Yamato being able to land a shot at 42km, the 46cm guns' effective range was 25km iirc. Montana has the Mark 8 super-heavy shells which are lighter (200kg) than the Type 1 shells but are more effective at penetration combine that with the 3 extra barrels Montana has and she can throw more weight than Yamato. I don't know much about steel yet (as it will be part of my career in the future) but to put it simply STS is a tougher and lighter steel with a heavy nickel%, this steel was used as a structural steel rather than just armor. Other than the belt which both have the same amount of steel, on other places of the ship the Montana has slightly more.


Montana: 12x 41/50 guns with mark 8= 28800kg/per min
Same amount of armor thick wise but tougher pound per pound.

Yamato: 9x 46/50 guns with type 1= 26280kg/per min
Same amount of armor thick wise.

Now add Montana's radar and Yamato doesn't stand a chance.

It's not fair to say the IJN didn't forsee the future of CVs considering they were the first nation to have purpose built carriers. It's more that the conservatives just gave up on them after the death of CVs more imporant spokeman, Isokuro Yamamoto. And even this is partly correct since they made huge hybrid with ships like Mogami and Ise after they lost their last carriers in the Marianas

Being able to throw more steel at the enemy ship is definitely an advantage but it won't outright put you as "far superior" than that of your opponent. If taking all possible encounter into consideration, having an range of 42km though it might not exactly be effective but that shouldn't mean impossible to land shots at such distance (chances being slim but not impossible, whether the shot landed will do damage I don't know considering how much velocity it would have lost during the travel time, but giving the chance and the right condition and assume infinite trials the Yamato will eventually be able to hit at 42km). Oh also I believe I have read somewhere that Yamato's armor belt is not just a simple 410mm thick belt, it was actually designed to be angled in such a way that shots being fired at certain ranges are just close to impossible to connect, just like how the armor is currently working in WoWS, Yamato herself have the best "immunity" zone ever existed back in WWII naval history (which like I mentioned before she was designed to withstand her own Type 1 shell...)

Oh and that Mark VIII Super Heavy shell you mentioned, I went and did some more reading, from the sources I can read with decent accuracy (ones that could reference from books) there were no suggestion that the Mark VIII is far superior in terms of penetrating power than that of Type 1 46cm, the source I read this information from seems to have suggested that it was near or equal in terms of penetrating power but weighted less than the Type 1 fired by Yamato, this is an extract of their passage:

"Originally intended to fire the relatively light 2,240 pound (1,016.0 kg) AP Mark 5 projectile, the shell handling system for these guns was redesigned to use the "super-heavy" 2,700 pound (1,224.7 kg) AP Mark 8 before any of the USS Iowa class (BB-61) battleships were laid down. This heavier projectile made these guns nearly the equal in terms of penetration power to the 46 cm (18.1") guns of the Japanese Yamato class battleships"

Oh I'm also able to find out about what the Mark VIII was truly designed for in the follow extract:

"Like the Mark 5, the Mark 8 projectiles were designed to be used in long-range gun actions against Japanese ships ("Plan Orange") and for that reason they were to be fired at relatively low muzzle velocities and high gun elevations. These conditions would result in a steeper angle of fall in order to enhance their deck armor penetration capabilities."

They were designed to achieve good deck armor penetration rather than aiming at the belt (which normally have far superior protection than most other places on the ships), so if you ask me them two ships firing at each other would be aiming to penetrate deck armor instead of belt armor more than anything...

Oh this is also an extract from the same website regarding the 46cm guns mounted on Yamato:

"The 46 cm/45 (18.1") cannons used on the Yamato class were the most powerful guns ever installed on a battleship. While closely matched by the USA 16"/50 Mark 7 at long ranges, in a close-range engagement the penetration power of this weapon was unsurpassed. "

So it seems to me that the Mark VIII Super Heavy was just matching in terms of penetration effectiveness, not far surpassing.

And it seems some calculation was also done for the turret provided with the information they could get their hands on, it is possible that the Yamato's highest range would be 42km, but known calculated effective range with an impact velocity is 30km. Though like you've mentioned, the Montana have 3 more bullets to fire compared to the Yamato, with the added better radar guided shots it'll definitely put the Yamato into a hard fight, but I don't see how Montana would be a clear winner in an actual engagement, they would be evenly matched is what most data would suggest, Montana definitely having an edge in terms of accuracy and more RPM but that shouldn't rule out Yamato being unable to win against Montana.

Hm, it is hard to say whether they really foresaw the power of CV in the battle, but the fact that they went for Yamato seems to confirmed their thinking of "Battleships are still far superior than that of Aircraft Carrier", which obviously turned out to be a big mistake. Also the fact that Shinano, the IJN Yamato Type CV was actually built mid conversation, Shinano herself was actually suppose to be the third ship to join her sisters, but later to be converted to CV. Akagi and Kaga was originally meant to be a Heavy Battle cruiser (something similar to Kongou) but was later converted into CV.

Also it would be great if you can provide some sources of where you read your information, this would give me more information I can use on evaluating between the two ships, I've provided sources whenever I can as well, so at least this doesn't make me sounds like I'm just making something out of thin air.

Source used:
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I'm not really using sources besides times when i need actual numbers like shell weight and such since if i did i would be far more detailed in my answers. When i'm not using some books from my library (which i haven't in this opportunity) i use pages like (heavy US bias here) and . Feel free to shrug me off if you don't believe my word though

I'm fairly confident when i'm saying Yamato doesn't stand a chance versus Montana, paper specs are roughly the same like we mentioned before but it all comes down to accuracy. With Montana's radar she can fire at the same target outside of visual range without giving a second thought to weather, smoke screens etc (this is important as shown by the Battle of Samar when Yamato lost sight of the targets with the combination of smoke and rain squalls) and also firing at the same target while maneuvering these are features Yamato can never achieve.

On a side note as a random fact, Montana would actually be able to shoot nuclear shells after the 50s :/ (W19)
I would say it's pretty impossible for Yamato to hit Montana at 41km when most BBs had single digit accuracy % even on their effective firing ranges and Montana would not be a sitting target.

Wouldn't BB/BC/FBB to CV conversions actually prove that the IJN saw the importance of carriers?
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I'm not really using sources besides times when i need actual numbers like shell weight and such since if i did i would be far more detailed in my answers. When i'm not using some books from my library (which i haven't in this opportunity) i use pages like (heavy US bias here) and . Feel free to shrug me off if you don't believe my word though

I'm fairly confident when i'm saying Yamato doesn't stand a chance versus Montana, paper specs are roughly the same like we mentioned before but it all comes down to accuracy. With Montana's radar she can fire at the same target outside of visual range without giving a second thought to weather, smoke screens etc (this is important as shown by the Battle of Samar when Yamato lost sight of the targets with the combination of smoke and rain squalls) and also firing at the same target while maneuvering these are features Yamato can never achieve.

Wouldn't BB/BC/FBB to CV conversions actually prove that the IJN saw the importance of carriers?

Didn't most of the convertion took place after Battle of Midway where they lost pretty much their main CV force? (namely Akagi, Kaga, Hiryuu and Souryuu) From that point onward IJN pretty much have suffered mainly defeat until the end of WWII when they surrendered, they converted the BB into BBV and CA into CAV etc was because of their lost of main CV fleet no?

Paper spec wise if you ask me Montana won out of just how much later the ship was built. If you want to compare a ship that was built near similar time, the famous Iowa (which is basically where Montana's main design ideas was based from with improved armor yet using the same armament but better radar), she was never once within the range of Yamato, in fact during Operation Ten-Go, no ship was ever within the range of Yamato, Iowa was just ordered to be escorting the carrier fleet that carried out raid on Yamato, if Yamato is truly that inaccurate as one may suggest, I'm not sure why USS have to be so scared of engaging this enemy which is just a sitting duck with nothing but inaccurate shots. (Especially when USS clearly have Air superiority during Operation Ten-Go, I doubt that spotter aircraft that the Yamato have loaded will be of any use at all). Now back to Yamato vs Montana, assuming this battle was done just the two ships clashing with each other, I don't remember Yamato or Montana was ever loaded with smoke screen (though I'm probably wrong in this respect), so Yamato not being able to see Montana is kind of out of question, weather will be a hit to Yamato but unless its a massive heavy storm which could effect the use of spotter plane that was on Yamato then Yamato still have accuracy to hit Montana. And it makes me want to question this, if the radar is as accurate as it seems to suggest, why was Montana loaded with Spotter Seaplanes? Surely that will just be a waste of time when you could just use radar guided shots?

Let's take Bismarck and Prinz Eugen as an example, considered one of the best ships that the Kriegsmarine have commissioned, both of which have their up to date Radar loaded onto the ships battled against the HMS Hood (a rather old ship) and HMS Prince of Wales (a similar up to date ship built by Royal Navy compared to the Bismarck) . Battle result in the lost of HMS Hood and a damaged Bismarck, during the exchange, Hood was pretty much sunk because of a citadel shot that landed but what's more interesting is this, Prince of Wales fired a total of 23 salvo (before she had to retreat due to gun jamming), which equates to 230 shots fired, only 7 connected. During the engagement, Bismarck fired 5 salvos , 40 shots before 2 even connected (though the two that did pretty much sunk Hood), but even with what seems to be state of the art radar shots still probably have an accuracy of ~5% landing the target from that exampled engagement from above which is a real battle engagement.

And no, due to how cookies work with Google engine, what you find on your side might not necessary appear on my side, I want read information that I might not be able to find on my side.
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

If they didn't care about carrier they would just shrug off the lost carriers, but yes it was after Midway and finally lost the remaining CVs at the Marianas.

Montana has a scout plane because it can go to huge distances to well... spot enemy ships, Montana's (and Iowa's) fire control is based on radars not data from scout planes. Iowa was designed to escort CV task force which is why she has such heavy AA power and has weaker armor to fit through the Panama channel. There is no reason to put your ships in risk of enemy shell fire when you can sink them from the distance, the US is smart enough to use carriers to their advantage why take the risk?

Also, any ship can have smoke screens. It's as easy as to inject oil into the smoke stacks.

The german radars were just as bad as japanese radars and could not blindfire so not sure why you bring them up. Checking right now about the amount of Bismarck shots in "Battleship Bismarck (Anatomy of the ship)" by Jack Brower, says here Bismarck shot 93 shots and took 3 hits.

Here is the whole fight and later sinking if you are interested
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

On a side note: Tirpitz and Bismarck is making their way to WoWS, I'm looking forward to sailing with my Bisko.

[EDIT] [MENTION=3]Checku-sama[/MENTION] A recent game I've played on the Fuso xD IJN just pretty much for nerfed again this new big patch before official release.



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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I think I lost interest in this shitty game completely. Mostly, because how of the developer balance the game in a very lolzy way.
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Wargaming's running outta steam...

...seems like carriers are going to heck this time around...

I'm noticing WoWP's trend of fumbling somewhere in OBT with this one now, and the N2O smell is very strong, too...
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I think I lost interest in this shitty game completely. Mostly, because how of the developer balance the game in a very lolzy way.

I don't blame you, the way WG is balancing the game right now is fairly lolzy in my opinion. Well official launch came sooner than I expect but they have announced it to be 17th Sept I think? If you ask me BB is still UP, Cruiser still OP, CV is OP as fuck if you play high tier, DD is pretty useless and got nerfed quite bad recently, though USS just recently received a buff of them being able to use Defensive Fire from Tier 6 onward....IJN got nothing but nerf again xD Typical...

...seems like carriers are going to heck this time around...

Carrier have been strong provided you play smart, but the new balancing system and new "Spray and Pray" made me think that they're fucking the IJN over again. Though then again its not exactly news is it?
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I knew it. The devs are indeed taking sides and of course, their USS side.

I got a question about CVs. Let's say if their planes are all shot down, do they stay there with nothing or magically get respawn after a few seconds?
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I knew it. The devs are indeed taking sides and of course, their USS side.

I got a question about CVs. Let's say if their planes are all shot down, do they stay there with nothing or magically get respawn after a few seconds?

All you have left to do is to go Kamikaze (especially if you're the IJN side because most of their top speed are like 30 kts which is pretty fast) and ram them to take down another ship (most likely BB because DD/CA/CL are all too fast for you and they can kill you before you reach them) by sacrificing yourself, but its a 1 to 1 trade so why not, you're out of planes anyway. There are cases where DD ramming bigger ships will not cause the ships to sink but do massive damage and flood damage (if their repair is down), but in terms of CV is always 1:1 trade!

And yes it is getting more and more apparently that USS is getting favoritism over the IJN, USS normally are either untouched or buffed (with a few nerfs every like few major patch) but IJN pretty much get nerfed every patch (with a few buffs every like few major patch). I can't wait to see if they will introduce a USSR fleet, that's when the real favoritism will show...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I can't wait to see if they will introduce a USSR fleet, that's when the real favoritism will show...
I quit the game after spending ugh, 500$ into this :D, atleast my gold remain unspent and intact :D
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I quit the game after spending ugh, 500$ into this :D, atleast my gold remain unspent and intact :D

:P You get all your Doubloon back, but it takes nearly twice as much exp as it used to before to technically your $500 to get to the Tier X would require nearly $1000 now....
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I need people to play on NA, so damn bored of playing solo. Add meeeeeeeeeee

IGN: Menemy

DDs: T5
BBs: 20k short of T7
CL/A: 20k short of T7
CV: T6


Don't want to double post

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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

World of Warships is now officially launched. I'm still miles away from my Yamato but I'll get there someday...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

With a launch like this you'd think they' be putting the Tirpitz on sale but it looks like it's relatively close to the same cost as the Atago which is what I was expecting for a regular price. Just a special offer at normal prices in a bundle ... unless Wargaming plans on selling the Tirpitz for a lot more than the Atago which in either case I won't be buying it until it comes on sale. If it is on sale for less than regular price right now then it's way too much. Well Wargaming is gonna make a killing on that ship either way.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

World of Warships is now officially launched. I'm still miles away from my Yamato but I'll get there someday...
They wipe the stats again right?
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

With a launch like this you'd think they' be putting the Tirpitz on sale but it looks like it's relatively close to the same cost as the Atago which is what I was expecting for a regular price. Just a special offer at normal prices in a bundle ... unless Wargaming plans on selling the Tirpitz for a lot more than the Atago which in either case I won't be buying it until it comes on sale. If it is on sale for less than regular price right now then it's way too much. Well Wargaming is gonna make a killing on that ship either way.

Wait I'm a bit confused with you right there, are you saying you want the Tirpitz to go on sale again without the attached bundle or actually go on sale? Because technically the Tirpitz have been on sale already no?

They wipe the stats again right?

Nope, you kept everything from OBT, that's why I'm like 1/5 from Amagi right now... xD
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Nope, you kept everything from OBT, that's why I'm like 1/5 from Amagi right now... xD
What about my premium days? Won't get reset as well? Woot? wut?

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Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]

ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: