Your IRL pictures! Like your spamming\posting HQ's LAIR

More random pictures. nothing new lawl~~~

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we dismantled engines today at school~ Mazda 626 LX

good way to secure the engine or what??


Later on when we dismantled the engine we found a DEAD mouse in it~ didnt take a picture of that~
Dayuuum, it'd be awesome if my laptop's keyboard had a backlight.
Hmm ok xD Maybe it crawled in and got lost... but mice arent that dumb... i dont think?
it looked like it has been living there. we found mouse poop in the engine compartment b4 we found the mouse~
no. it was in the car. but we took it out for training and stuff. groups of 2 and 3 on different cars.
the cars we use for this training is cars that where suppose to go to the scrap yard and get crushed, but we get some of the cars for training. the mouse was in the engine on our car (my group). this is a very very very very VERY old Mazda 626~ it prob been dead for a long long long time~
i wonder to :P maybe we will find something else when we dismantle it more ^^

I coulda sworn I got Vol. 1 and 2, not Vol. 1 and...1
...yeah...I feel really stupid. I don`t think I`ve ever done that before. Ironically I was actually wearing my glasses for once.
Most likely. Imma try tomorrow afternoon. The only thing I`m worried about is if they actually have a copy of Vol.2. I saw at least 8 of `em on a shelf so they better. Just saw the spines though, didn`t pay attention to the numbers. For all I know it was 8 copies of Vol. 1.

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