Your IRL pictures! Like your spamming\posting HQ's LAIR

'I love electronics more than shopping for clothes. xD'

You don't hear this often from a girl!
I like you even more now [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; :3

Also Monj, I like parties so..yea, show 'em :3
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[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ;
Aiiiih thank you...
I've sometimes in the past had the alt nick Full Spectrum or All Color in my mind. I do love atmosphere ! And find it quite essential.
Your starring at the chandelier and my pc haha well, your as cool as ever, maybe I should just post this as well then...and older picture from last summer when I did some pc tweaking and tuning to my pc ^^

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ;
Nice nice nice, looks like your loving good eh, umh I meant living just now...
Looks like a classy place. And a katana...I was looking at some really beautiful Katanas that I wanted to buy right before christmas....But I am not sure I've found one yet that don't just look good...I want it to be able to cut trough...emh, well whatever I want or need. I don't need a gun (actually I'll like to have that as well, but now I'm digressing) I only need my Katana, so yeah, like you mentioned, someone uninvited breaks in....They should run out again pretty quickly, unless it's time for a paint job anyway...
So u guys wanna see pics from my 18th bday party?

Sure can....oh wait, its that avatar to the left isn't it :P
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I'll probably end up buying more katana's eventually.
But the shop selling these is much too far away for me.. Oh well.. :deadsad:

Your pc looks nice :o
I love those ones with a transparent side like yours. Interesting stuff to see in there :3
here they are then :P

Firstly me and most of my class. My hand is like this as they were all fighting to be in the shot and I was the one being pushed around too xD


Me with two friends. Offcourse, they took my hat.


These guys are my crew from the street, alongside some girlfriends from class


Now here... Well here I was too lazy wash lipstick from my cheeks for 20th time xD


another one :


I may post pore if u guys ask me and if I dont get too lazy xD
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Well I built it for gaming. So water cooling as you can clearly see with the cpu running at 4.4 ghz at the time. That picture is from the time I joined AS last summer.

I'll show you an other pc build I had in the place I lived before that....when things went a bit wrong...just happenstance rly...

I love chasing after animals, well, if they try to run from me that is....This rabbit scratched me...but I did CATCH it :rolleyes: eventually. Hah!
I ran around all day on that day...And for some reason I love sharing that story.

I liked colors the previous place I lived before the previous place also ^^

And I also like snapping some pics...


[MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ; It looks fun to be pushed around ^^ I don't think I would mind....who knows...maybe you'll all trip and end up on the floor haha JK
Ah I see.. I'm not a PC gamer. More of the handheld gaming like DSi / PSP and stuff like that ^^

And I've never been able to catch a rabbit barehanded D:
How did you even manage that!? Those little fluffballs are too agile >_>

And those last 2 pics are gorgeous Genki *_* What a view. I'd love to take a morning walk there..
Ah I see.. I'm not a PC gamer. More of the handheld gaming like DSi / PSP and stuff like that ^^

And I've never been able to catch a rabbit barehanded D:
How did you even manage that!? Those little fluffballs are too agile >_>

And those last 2 pics are gorgeous Genki *_* What a view. I'd love to take a morning walk there..

Thanks, well the rabbit :evillaugh: Was my former neighbors, where I took the two pictures above....I had my eyes ont hat sneaky rabbit for some time....this time, neighbors was not home, and the rabbit conveniently trapped inside a fenced basically it all boiled down too who would be exhausted stamina vs it...I just ran around chasing it in the summer heat while looking over my shoulders for the neighbors to come back until I finally got the little critter xD muahahahah, then I pattet it and let it go, and told see, that wasn't so bad now was it :laughpanda:
I mean honestly...silly animals, running is like begging me to run after it...
it should be tankful frank wasn't there, cause then there would have been some kind of stue/soup boiling pretty fast I guess, and we could have invited the neighbors over for dinner.

I used to joke with them about that after some of their chickens disappeared...Like, emh sry, But I forgot to buy meat at the store, so I had to improvise, you don't mind do you ? I think I actually said that once with a total serious straight was actually a badger that had dropped by.

Regarding the terrain/place...yeah I've had many walks around those parts, and I got many more pictures as well !
It used to be wonderful for star gazing at night as well...clear glittering skies, with shiny glittering starts in the night sky, without the light pollution. Then after watching the morning star, Venus, and Mars, and Jupiter, I would come back in and maybe have a zip of sake and enjoy the company of my friends here on AS....It was that place on the pictures that was to be my final destination and resting place.........I'll make sure you see some more pictures if you want..
Whoa I see :3
Well..I tried catching a wild one..but I failed in the end D:
I will catch one someday..I WILL!! o.o

The way you explained the place and the surroundings made me really jealous Genki..
We don't have that kind of landscape over here.. It's as flat at a loli D:
Being a poor university student, I live in a single room in a shared house. Life is fun until the guy across from me breaks out his guitar and starts to sing loudly and obnoxiously. He's not bad, but he sings the same stuff over and over.

Anyway, here's my humble, slightly messy abode.









Yeah, so that's my life at the moment.
Nice comp set up

The comp i build has 3 raid drives set up
I see.....but does it have one of these >J

Whoa I see :3
Well..I tried catching a wild one..but I failed in the end D:
I will catch one someday..I WILL!! o.o

The way you explained the place and the surroundings made me really jealous Genki..
We don't have that kind of landscape over here.. It's as flat at a loli D:
Flat as a loli ;) You make it sound cute !

Well then, you might like this one then.


Ignore the date on that last pic, my camera was not adjusted...It was actually taken just a little bit before that I think. This is where I rested a bit after getting my rabbit. I wonder if anyone thinks I'm cruel for doing that...

I think I might be reposting some pictures now, I might have posted some of these earlier in the thread.
[MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] ;

Nice desktop set-up ^^
Those nendoroids are cute as well <3
About the drawings..
1. Shirayuki Mizore > Win
2. Suminoe Ako and Riko > Win
3. Misaka Mikoto > Win

All characters I really like. You deserve a truckload of cookies <3

The hoodie is cool too ^^
I like the color a lot. I have lots of purple stuff xD

And those Maltesers are all MINE! D:
Hey ! you can draw !

Kind of. It takes me aaaaages to get anything decent done, I'm still fairly bad at doing anything original, aside from the one on the top right, which I only used other images for a pose reference.

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Thanks, I really like the colour too, it was between red and purple and I'm not a big fan of red. The Maltesers are my Advent Calender. Despite being a mature human being, I still want one every year until I die!
i would post a couple pics of my computer and tv setup, but there is so much trash in my room it's ridiculous lol
Here are some pictures that have digged up in my folder and Tumblr. I don't have a picture of my computer since it's just a beat up laptop from six years ago.



Guro... o.o /me goes stare at genki's peace and nature stuff for a bit... excluding where he thought it was wabbits season~

Hmm... my place is just a mess... with more messes and more over that...
First off...

[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ;


I like fixing things and catching worms more than shoe shopping or fancy parties. xD

So, seeing your pictures really make me smile because it is difficult for me to do anything like you do without being deemed 'unladylike' or 'unnatural' to most of the Asian community. xP

I particularly enjoy looking at any of your outdoor shots. Tall, proud trees and vast, blue skies. ^^

[MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

Looks like one heck of a party. xD

Glad that there are pictures because you can then laugh and feel young again as you get older.

Hmm... that sounded somewhat oddly bleak. xP

Happy belated birthday! <3

[MENTION=8824]sky[/MENTION] ;

I want everything that you have. :bloodthirsty:

Haha~ You have really cool belongings. It's a mini paradise. ^^

I'm quite fond of your poster~ <3

[MENTION=39264]❤Hanako❤[/MENTION] ;

Love the username by the way~

You're a very lovely lady. Can't help noticing if that is a painting or not in the first picture behind you.

Cool computer too in that second picture.

Sorry about that. My eyes wander. x3

Liked the T-shirts you were wearing. Nice sense of style~
[MENTION=8824]sky[/MENTION] ;

I want everything that you have. :bloodthirsty:

Haha~ You have really cool belongings. It's a mini paradise. ^^

I'm quite fond of your poster~ <3

Well you cannot haz! Mine!! Muahahahaha!!!!

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