Your IRL pictures! Like your spamming\posting HQ's LAIR

I see my old thread was still kept alive eh.. I wonder how much incriminating evidence is piled up between these pages now.....

Lots of nice pics....It's always interesting seeing how life is for others. Some nice landscapes too.
Partying like bawses we are

[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION]; hiiii idt we've met :o
your avy is beautiful~ :P
[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION]; hiiii idt we've met :o
your avy is beautiful~ :P

Hi there, I've seen you before, and I'm pretty sure our paths have crossed before in some random ways before my long absence I've just come from. Nice to meet you in a more direct fashion @~SnowAngel~
In fact I was just reading about id, ego and super ego, and you came up, cause you'd have some insights into these matters wouldn't you ?

My avatar heh, thank you ! So is yours as well though :)
Just like and Angel...
I wonder if it was in regard to the one I have now, or the one right before, because I just changed it just recently.

P.s saw some nice purple skies and landscapes just a few pages back.

P.s.s sry but I rly tried summoning you...but it seems you are unsummonable...
Hi there, I've seen you before, and I'm pretty sure our paths have crossed before in some random ways before my long absence I've just come from. Nice to meet you in a more direct fashion @SnowAngel
In fact I was just reading about id, ego and super ego, and you came up, cause you'd have some insights into these matters wouldn't you ?

My avatar heh, thank you ! So is yours as well though :")
I wonder if it was in regard to the one I have now, or the one right before, because I just changed it just recently.

P.s saw some nice purple skies and landscapes just a few pages back.

lol yes I have some insights into stuff like that~ my teachers encourage to be skeptic of theory stuff, it's mostly fun tho :3 I've started some psy topics, but tend to not lead them well since I'm too busy x-x
oh I meant the avy you have now~ lol
idk if the skies were mine? x-x i don't remember having purples skies.
hmmm I didn't start being at a-s until about late july or something :o
Well you seem like a very helpful and caring person. Your avt suits you.

Yeah I tend to agree about being sceptic to theory also...cause once something appears to be established even if its just a theory, many just shut down in a way...the power of "authority" kinda thing, and people just accept it and stop considering or asking critical questions.

Well I at least remember some land like places, that looked somewhat idyllic.
Hmm late july was about the time I left...I couold be confusing you name with Snowkitty or what ever that nick was again....deliberately misspelled with an h in it afaicr.

Oh and hey ! why did the summoning not work on you ? @~SnowAngel~

P.s I don't think I will be on on very much longer for today.. since it's already nearing 3am here.
You need @ and ; like this

I'm going to work on german for a test. bies~ :3
ohh it was snowkitteh i think :o
[MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION] ; thanks, can't remember it was like that before I left ^^

Auf Wiedersehen then. May you be ready for the times ahead. And keep your heart warm, for when the world grows cold. Until we meet agian if chance would have it.
@genki~ The change to the mention system is fairly recent~ Snow was also ushio back then?
@genki~ The change to the mention system is fairly recent~ Snow was also ushio back then?

lol Yeah I see that, since you forget too follow the instructions yourself just now...Hi again sammy.
Yeah I remember seeing that before, think maybe her name was written in a script also...presumably kanji or something along those lines could that be the case...huh, amazing. That I might actually remember or know something like that, if thats even the case though. But I might just be mixing things together.

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ;
Well sam....its a been awhile hasn't least here on AS

I see your post count has kept rising some more...I can still beat it. But don't fear, I'll let you keep the spam crown for safekeeping.
Hmm well i expected you to poke in again ;p But yeah it wasnt engrish~

Have fun trying to take it? ;p
Hmm more stuffs~ :runhappy:
Yupp indeed happy happy new stuff :cheering: Good day !!!!! I got my genki today. It's just appropriate, instead of colorful fireworks for our dear Ojou-sama, I have some colorful lights instead.

My new place and setup hehe....What you are about too see in these pictures is....that I like colors,...and lights xD
Click the picture for a bigger view of yet more colors !!!



Oh and I like cashews soo.....I asked one of the asian stores in town if I could buy a bit more with some discount hihi, well at least I got 10kg now.

When ever I'm in a a different mood I can change the colors around.
As it's a LED lamp with over 768 shades of colors....and it's own remote control



Eh if anyone wonders.... part of the decoration was already like this when I moved in.......
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Hmm so many colors everywhere xD But how do you get 768? xD

Well, remark, I said 768 shades of colors ;) Yah I like colors alright...maybe I should get an air moisturizer so I can have a rainbow inside as well !
Well i do believe that it would be difficult to tell shades apart if they close... Maybe 36 or 48 would satisfy meh x3
Well i do believe that it would be difficult to tell shades apart if they close... Maybe 36 or 48 would satisfy meh x3
Meh too to be honest. But it has this mode I can put it in to change trough all the colors gradually, and if it had only a few wouldn't look as gradual.
I am seriously in awe of the colors~ *_*

My dear Genki! What a wonderful atmosphere you have set up~

I confess... I was staring at that gorgeous chandelier and your computer most of the time. x3
Love those colors Genki :3
I like different lightings as well. I decided to post a few pictures too.
(Not of myself though :x) Just a few random pictures I took.

My pride and joy. I love going out and take pictures of..whatever I see. Friends, family and nature are my favorite subjects.

Yup, I like teddy bears :3 They're all stacked on my closet (which I can't reach without the use of a chair ._.) I won all these at fairs and stuff like that ^^

I love sharp stuff. And these are SHARP, no joke. If you enter my house uninvited and I don't know you..consider yourself dead :evillaugh: (And I'm sort of safe during the zombie apocalypse o.o)

Yea, I love watching anime on the big tv :3 But it can't play .mkv files :deadsad:
My parents like red. We have red curtains / tv stand / kitchen.

Not much going here. PS3 on it. TV above it. And some random stuff :3

Gave up on Kanji after these.. Just too hard to remember all of them. I can't tell the difference ;-;

Probably the most expensive 'item' in my room. If I ever lose this life will end. :deadsad:

More pictures can be requested ofcourse :3
But I don't much special to show anyway.
Perhaps my imouto? :3
Lol i thought it was going to be somewhat of a movie set with opposing colors and stuff when i first saw~ xD

Hmm your place is nice too x3 So much random stuff~ /me borrows cards~
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Love those colors Genki :3
I like different lightings as well. I decided to post a few pictures too.
(Not of myself though :x) Just a few random pictures I took.

My pride and joy. I love going out and take pictures of..whatever I see. Friends, family and nature are my favorite subjects.

Yup, I like teddy bears :3 They're all stacked on my closet (which I can't reach without the use of a chair ._.) I won all these at fairs and stuff like that ^^

I love sharp stuff. And these are SHARP, no joke. If you enter my house uninvited and I don't know you..consider yourself dead :evillaugh: (And I'm sort of safe during the zombie apocalypse o.o)

Yea, I love watching anime on the big tv :3 But it can't play .mkv files :deadsad:
My parents like red. We have red curtains / tv stand / kitchen.

Not much going here. PS3 on it. TV above it. And some random stuff :3

Gave up on Kanji after these.. Just too hard to remember all of them. I can't tell the difference ;-;

Probably the most expensive 'item' in my room. If I ever lose this life will end. :deadsad:

More pictures can be requested ofcourse :3
But I don't much special to show anyway.
Perhaps my imouto? :3

I want that katana so badly. >.<

Your plushes are adorable, but that katana is hypnotic. Lol~

More electronics. D:

I love electronics more than shopping for clothes. xD

Love the layout of each of the rooms. Chic in yet homely.

Keep at it with the Kanji~ ^_~
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