[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

You will like the cache for textures and materials best in v1.2.15. It will save a lot of time when making maps.

Top #2 is the texture preview. I hope that the additional rescaling I removed reduces memory consumption a bit.

Most of the other changes were fixes.
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You are welcome!

I currently have ready only one additional fix which allows to edit the lobby map. It wasn't missed by anyone and had therefore no high priority.

Now I need your reports. If you detect any error or have a suggestion then please let me know.

Is it possible to change the position of face bones?

I'm trying to change the position of the cf_J_pupil_s bones with Blender to put them at the center of some custom eye meshes, but I can't seem to do it right, since the bones always come with a weird rotation.

See this for example:


I've tried doing it two ways, one is moving the bones to the center of the eye with edit mode, and the second way is doing the same with pose mode, then applying the pose as rest pose. See how it comes with a weird angle rotation.
Blender and rotation of bones, a never ending story. It strongly depends on the Blender version you use.

What exactly do you want to achieve? Transform- and Bone-Matrices can be edited in Sb3UGS. But I doubt that changing Transforms will be visible in game. They will get overridden by speaking animations. If you want an additional rotation just "add" it to all bones.

I will take a look at your file a little later.

I have used your file, deactivated the original cf_O_eye_R and changed the translation of both matrices by -0.01.

Next test with Blender.

Sorry, Blender 2.76b doesn't work. I moved the right eye, and the export scaled the bones by 0.01. That is complete nonsense.

Last try, I will update Blender.
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Blender and rotation of bones, a never ending story. It strongly depends on the Blender version you use.

What exactly do you want to achieve? Transform- and Bone-Matrices can be edited in Sb3UGS. But I doubt that changing Transforms will be visible in game. They will get overridden by speaking animations. If you want an additional rotation just "add" it to all bones.

I'm using Blender 2.77.

I want to reposition the eye bones so that they'll be in the center of a custom eye with a different position than that of the HS eyes. If I don't, the eyes end up rotating in strange ways.

So far, I have been able to actually move the whole eye, but the rotation distortion is always there.
Hm, I doubt that this can work at all. The rotation of the eyes if they look at the camera is computed. If you move the root of cf_J_look_{L|R} the same rotation will produce a squint, except if the computation considers the new position.

I couldn't find out how to edit the rest pose in Blender 2.78.

Sb3UGS loses precision when Transform or Bone matrices are assigned. While it is easier for humans to read
animatorEditor0.SetFrameMatrix(id=96, m11=1, m12=0.00000003567639, m13=-0.0000002121057, ...
this kicks coplanar faces out of their planes. The eyes and their eyewhite meshes are such an example. As soon as you touch their Transform or Bone matrices you must touch the other's with the same operation. For testing purposes I increased the precision, but this is still no good solution. It seems I must give up readability of the procuded scripts in favor of functionality and transport the values in long hex format.
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Sb3UGS loses precision when Transform or Bone matrices are assigned. While it is easier for humans to read
animatorEditor0.SetFrameMatrix(id=96, m11=1, m12=0.00000003567639, m13=-0.0000002121057, ...
this kicks coplanar faces out of their planes. The eyes and their eyewhite meshes are such an example. As soon as you touch their Transform or Bone matrices you must touch the other's with the same operation. For testing purposes I increased the precision, but this is still no good solution. It seems I must give up readability of the procuded scripts in favor of functionality and transport the values in long hex format.

Would this help with custom hair bones? (same names, different length/position/rotation).

For the eyes, in the end I gave up and put the eyeballs back to the original HS position, using wideslider to set them where I need them for the custom head. Not the best solution ever, but it somewhat works for now.
No, I dont think so. Hair doesn't require anything precise, neither in skeleton nor in bones. I haven't noticed any coplanar faces in hair.

But, you can test this intermediate v1.2.16. I was right in the middle of something else, so it isn't a regular release. But I tested manual changes in Transform and Bone matrices and that worked now precisely.

We had skin creation for hair in the old xx units. I could add this for the Unity plugin as well if it is useful.
I think I have forgotten how to mod HS studio. But after doing everything right. I find it irritating that it is not working and I don't know the reason why?
What's wrong now?
I think I have forgotten how to mod HS studio. But after doing everything right. I find it irritating that it is not working and I don't know the reason why?
What's wrong now?

The latest update doesn't consider list files in \abdata\studio\list\itemlist\honey. It seems that the parent folder is now used.
The latest update doesn't consider list files in \abdata\studio\list\itemlist\honey. It seems that the parent folder is now used.

Yeah. I used the latest update the 10/14 N something (550Mb). And Using SB3 v1.2.15. So How do I fix it? I wanted to create a my folder and place stuff there in the studio abdata folder.
Now HIR asking for update. (9/30 sub). More like a downgrade for me who updated to latest version
There is more to this. abdata\map\ramoram\Desktop\01.unity3d produced a collision with abdata\studio\list\itemlist\honey\01.unity3d. So my statement above is wrong.

I reverted 00.unity3d and 01.unity3d and in abdata\studio\list\itemlist\honey.

In a new file 79.unity3d I added my item with the next free ID:
	2		293	7	バイブ(ハニー) copy	studio/itemobj/honey/obj77.unity3d	p_item_vibe_copy
To ensure that there is no collision I renamed the TextAssets to ItemList_Honey_79_Sheet1 and ItemList_Honey_79_Sheet2.
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There is more to this. abdata\map\ramoram\Desktop\01.unity3d produced a collision with abdata\studio\list\itemlist\honey\01.unity3d. So my statement above is wrong.

I also feel like this statement is also wrong, :XD:. I am putting files in the studio\itemobj\honey\Ramoram_mods\AG3_Maps.
The "Desktop" doesn't come in between. I just put those files in the desktop and compressed to winrar and uploaded in MEGA.
Oh well I already editing the "00"List and let the people themselves use the HiR to resolve it because mine is not working.
I working two games side by sides (SBPR & HS). Because I am fixing the texture flicker problem and it's going good. :D
I finished the first batch AG3 maps. But I can't release it because I found a bug and a crash.

In HS, the temple map has a weird bug. When camera move away from the "Cat Statue" it gives a strange texture problem and it's surrounds like fences and others. Some rails gets missing when camera zoom out. But this bug is not in SBPR. So what's wrong with this HS material anyway? Ideas folks?

About the crash. The Town-square and Town-alley can't be load. Studio get's stuck and *puff* found out that it has crashed.
Here are the files.

Back-up List "00" and temporarily remove List "01" to make the items appear in studio> Because HiR is not working with me. So I am using the SBPR method :XD:. They found in "Other" category.


Is it possible for materials to perhaps contain code that makes items use simpler geometry, or simply disappear, after a certain distance?
I mean, if the in-game materials work based on nodes, that could potentially be the case, though I haven't worked with nodes myself, so I couldn't exactly judge on that.


Well, on that note, update on my end: I've completed 3 more bangs! :runhappy:

I got some help for Enimaroah and Fillgood on Philia's hair, as I was getting confused as to why my tangents were blue when they were supposed to be red.
Turns out I had to take my unwrapped UVS to mirror them horizontally, so they'd be read from left to right, instead of from right to left.

(I may or may not have been struggling with this since I started modeling and modding :diploma:
Don't mean any disrespect by this, I think this might have been miscommunication on both our parts)


I'll note here that for any jagged polygons, that's merely because I haven't edited the weight distribution yet, and some parts of the side hair got put on the front-most bone.

... I'm not sure how many I have left that I'll do. I wanted to get proper side-hair in at some point (The ones I've currently imported clash a bit, due to their normals/tangents being odd. They also don't completely fit the game's style.)
I found the following information about unity shaders in case it's helpful to anyone:

"Before the actual body, the concept of tags is introduced. Tags are a way of telling Unity certain properties of the shader we are writing. For instance, the order in which it should be rendered (Queue) and how it should be rendered (RenderType).

When rendering triangles, the GPU usually sort them according to their distance from the camera, so that the further ones are drawn first. This is typically enough to render solid geometries, but it often fails with transparent objects. This is why Unity allows to specify the tag Queue which gives control on the rendering order of each material. Queue accepts integer positive numbers (the smaller it is, the sooner is drawn); mnemonic labels can also be used:

Background (1000): used for backgrounds and skyboxes,

Geometry (2000): the default label used for most solid objects,

Transparent (3000): used for materials with transparent properties, such glass, fire, particles and water;

Overlay (4000): used for effects such as lens flares, GUI elements and texts.

Unity also allows to specify relative orders, such as Background+2, which indicates a queue value of 1002. Messing with Queue can generate nasty situations in which an object is always drawn, even when it should be covered by other models."
I found the following information about unity shaders in case it's helpful to anyone:

"Before the actual body, the concept of tags is introduced. Tags are a way of telling Unity certain properties of the shader we are writing. For instance, the order in which it should be rendered (Queue) and how it should be rendered (RenderType).

When rendering triangles, the GPU usually sort them according to their distance from the camera, so that the further ones are drawn first. This is typically enough to render solid geometries, but it often fails with transparent objects. This is why Unity allows to specify the tag Queue which gives control on the rendering order of each material. Queue accepts integer positive numbers (the smaller it is, the sooner is drawn); mnemonic labels can also be used:

Background (1000): used for backgrounds and skyboxes,

Geometry (2000): the default label used for most solid objects,

Transparent (3000): used for materials with transparent properties, such glass, fire, particles and water;

Overlay (4000): used for effects such as lens flares, GUI elements and texts.

Unity also allows to specify relative orders, such as Background+2, which indicates a queue value of 1002. Messing with Queue can generate nasty situations in which an object is always drawn, even when it should be covered by other models."

Oh, I see, so it's like the order of objects in a mesh hierarchy, but applied as a shader method!

In short, since things don't appear properly if they appear after a transparent mesh (and are behind it) you make the transparent meshes take more time to load so that everything else can load before, thus avoiding conflict

So we load items further away first, so that the objects in front will actually appear in front, instead of being printed on top of, aye?

Could this be the issue then?
Some objects in the background are on a short render queue when they should be on high-delay in the render queue, thus hiding anything that appeared before it, creating the error Ramoram is seeing?
running into a really frustrating issue. Trying to edit Sitri hair by replacing the bangs. made a copy of hair for standalone, with local material. Replaced the bangs and apply the same material to the mesh used by the rest of the hair. Everything looks good in SB3U, but in the game the new bangs are invisible.
If I set the material to NONE, it shows up in the game, sans texture

running into a really frustrating issue. Trying to edit Sitri hair by replacing the bangs. made a copy of hair for standalone, with local material. Replaced the bangs and apply the same material to the mesh used by the rest of the hair. Everything looks good in SB3U, but in the game the new bangs are invisible.
If I set the material to NONE, it shows up in the game, sans texture

Have you checked that all the normals for the bangs are actually pointing outward from the head? Also, if you are using the textures for the back hair in the bangs also, is the UV Map for the bangs actually located in an area of the texture with have hair instead of being empty?
And you don't have to put your hair in the hair sets section. If you put it in the back hair menu you can use any bangs you want with it.
Have you checked that all the normals for the bangs are actually pointing outward from the head? Also, if you are using the textures for the back hair in the bangs also, is the UV Map for the bangs actually located in an area of the texture with have hair instead of being empty?
And you don't have to put your hair in the hair sets section. If you put it in the back hair menu you can use any bangs you want with it.

tried it with the texture map without alpha channel and indeed the bangs are somehow remapped to the apha section of the texture map, WTF?!

now i'm even more stumped as to wtf is going on. UV map looks fine in Metaseq. looks fine in SB3U. material is standard with no tile scaling.
The original shader for the bangs uses alphablending. So you cant use a texture without alpha channel or the tips of the hair will get opaque.

But I currently have no idea why the hair is not rendered without knowing what else you did change. Is it invisible on all angles and never rendered or is it clipped only sometimes? It might be the priority in the SetRenderQueue MBs.
Trying to understand modding a bit and I have a question (hopefully I am in the right place):

I have two mods and they both seem to take up the same slot (id)? How do I modify this so it doesnt happen.

Can I just open the .unity3d file in notepad? I ask this because when I do, I see garbled messages, but I can make out something that looks like an id and the name of the mod in there. If I change these values, will I be ok?

The mod in question is the newly released Caleep heels mod on hongfire. It overwrites the cute elysium heels slot in my game.

Sorry for the long winded question.

UPDATE: So it seems as tho changing the numbers that appeared to be IDs caused all my characters to appear without skin textures? Not sure how those two are related.....
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