Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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Endure is not as reliable as Substitute.
You're a sitting duck if your opponent predicts the endure but that can be hard in some cases.

Substitute has the added bonus of protecting you against status conditions which might ruin your set-up.
Endure is not as reliable as Substitute.
You're a sitting duck if your opponent predicts the endure but that can be hard in some cases.

Substitute has the added bonus of protecting you against status conditions which might ruin your set-up.

Isn't it more funny if you use Endure then? Since Substitute is the same pattern over and over since you kinda can't fail with that tactic?
Well Endure has the element of surprise I suppose :3
But yea as Endure, Substitute has it's own little problems.

Substitute is reliable but predictable and the opposite is true for Endure.
Well Endure has the element of surprise I suppose :3
But yea as Endure, Substitute has it's own little problems.

Substitute is reliable but predictable and the opposite is true for Endure.

Just grab some speedy pokemon that can 1H-KO with any move they got :goodtea: That's my way of beating the E4 so I guess that it would work against players as well? :/
That straightforward approach won't work against skilled players.
You'll be outpredicted and countered before you even know it :3
Flail? It's rather easy to stop.
There are defensive monsters remember? Steelix, Skarmory and Rhyperior to name a few. They can roar/whirlwind/attack it to stop it's killing spree.
Heck even a Gengar with focus sash/Choice scarf trolls it to death

Edit: And not to forget, priority moves eat Linoone without Extreme Speed
Flail? It's rather easy to stop.
There are defensive monsters remember? Steelix, Skarmory and Rhyperior to name a few. They can roar/whirlwind/attack it to stop it's killing spree.
Heck even a Gengar with focus sash/Choice scarf trolls it to death

Edit: And not to forget, priority moves eat Linoone without Extreme Speed

"If the holder has full HP and is hit by an attack that would otherwise cause fainting, it can survive with 1 HP."
Are you sure that Focus Sash will activate? :goodtea:

Still, It's all about trying to read your opponents mind. If a person sends out a Steelix and the opponent sends out a magical attacker then Steelix will be fucked. Hell, the opponent can even start with a water type for no reason whatsoever?

Off to watch TV so brb :/
I meant a Gengar holding focus sash. Even if Linoone is faster, shadow claw will not KO gengar and gengar kills Linoone instead.
Assuming linoone is at very low hp..
And Gengar With Choice Scarf easily outspeeds Linoone after a salac berry boost.

Yea that's a possibility too but yea battles are Mind games, guessing what your opponent will do next and counter that.

And steelix is by no means f*cked if it accidentally gets matched up with a special attacker. Switching out again is always an option.
Switching Pokemon happens A LOT during battles and predicting the upcoming poke can mean your Victory or your Loss.

I'm off for dinner and work stuff too!

I battled many times and lost a few times because of a prediction error :3
I meant a Gengar holding focus sash. Even if Linoone is faster, shadow claw will not KO gengar and gengar kills Linoone instead.
Assuming linoone is at very low hp..
And Gengar With Choice Scarf easily outspeeds Linoone after a salac berry boost.

Yea that's a possibility too but yea battles are Mind games, guessing what your opponent will do next and counter that.

And steelix is by no means f*cked if it accidentally gets matched up with a special attacker. Switching out again is always an option.
Switching Pokemon happens A LOT during battles and predicting the upcoming poke can mean your Victory or your Loss.

I'm off for dinner and work stuff too!

I battled many times and lost a few times because of a prediction error :3

Can Gengar hold 2 items at the same time? :/ Switching out is cowardly. Take it like a damn man, not as a cunt.

I guess that's why I hate pokemon battles with people. They take everything dead serious. Why not just use 6 pokemon that you like and try to do your best with those instead of using some kind of cheap tactic that's been used an infinite ammount of times by others?

It becomes boring :/
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; hmm unfortunately I'm playing Emerald, no power bracer there. maybe later when I play Black..

linoone? My party is all linoone and zigzagoon, just for searching rare candies lol
[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION] ; Oh I see..Yea then there's not other choice is there :3

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; I need to pick my words better :3 I meant that either a Gengar with Focus Sash or a Gengar with Choice Scarf beat Linoone's case.
Everyone sees it differently I guess. There's 2 groups of people, those who just play for fun and those who put much effort into the competitive part. It's just a part of Pokemon. They wouldn't implement such 'difficult' mechanics if it weren't for the battles.
As for me, it doesn't get boring. I still like the battling but I just don't do it anymore. Probably because most of it is directed to BW and Diamond and the others are kinda forgotten.
Only downside, I can't stop thinking outside of the competitive play xD
Just as you mentioned before you like Aggron I immediately thought of other steel types that are better for usage D:
hmm that's because Aggron get 4x damage grom Fighting moves. It's defense stat still ridiculously high though.
[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] ; I have nothing against the gen 3 and 4 pokemon... but after sapphire was released, it seems like pokemon after that just started getting...... well.... stretched? Just wasn't the same stuff.

For all you other people. Blaziken is baws!
hmm considering the importance of EV, why it's hidden? the impact of EV is very huge for stats and yet we're not informed about which Pokemon we should defeat in order to increase... let's say, attack for the example.
This, exactly. I know that The Pokemon Company sells commercial strategy guides containing information sites like Serebii and Bulbapedia have, so perhaps it's a marketing strategy to have you get the guides for the best EV training. But I'm baffled that there's no easy way to finding out your current hidden stats. I find it easiest to use save hacking software like Pokesav or Pokegen (which you could also use to cheat, of course).

[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] ; I must say..Showdown looks pretty cool :o And it's even animated! I'm pretty sure I'll be trying it out very soon.
I know and as I said before Wifi battles take much more effort.
Gen II has to be my favorite gen and Suicune is my all time favorite poke and that will never change :3
Even still I have carefully bred/Ev'd over 4 boxes of Pokemon in Diamond. And I even ended up with a Buizel with 31 IV for all stats! The memories of eggs all over the place xD. It had plus points though as I hatched 9 shiny pokemon while breeding ^^
Yeah, breeding is fun, and no words can express the feel you have when an egg hatches and yields you a rare Pokemon with lots of potential. However, as you said, it's still too much effort. In other monster-raising games, such as Dragon Quest Monsters, breeding is quite instantaneous and you don't have to wait too long just to hatch an egg. I guess that's why such games have a lot of monsters only available through breeding unlike Pokemon.

The Focus Sash talk reminds me of the strategy Marriland's owner employed. That Ratatta + Focus Sash + Endeavour + Quick Attack thingy. Gotta say it was a good one.

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; Focus Sash isn't like Focus Band whose success rate is rather random. Focus Sash is guaranteed to function (unless item effects have been disabled, of course), just like Sturdy, but it disappears after it activates. And Pokemon battles are serious business.

Personally, though, I employ a different style when playing online battles or league-style battles such as the PWT or Battle Subway as opposed to the adventure and fighting trainers in the games. The latter requires more strategy and planning, whereas with the former I can use whatever Pokemon I want, raise them in any way I prefer, and just sweep through all my opponents. The fun is in raising them rather than employing tactics.

[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] ; I have nothing against the gen 3 and 4 pokemon... but after sapphire was released, it seems like pokemon after that just started getting...... well.... stretched? Just wasn't the same stuff.
I actually like that the designs started to get more complicated once the games had colours (i.e. Gen III and onward). Some Gen I & II Pokemon feel too simple. Sure, such simplicity is also a signature of the series itself, but I could certainly appreciate more badass-looking monsters as opposed to modified natural creatures.
Badass monsters are nice but when they start getting ridiculous.... no point in having them :/
I remember collecting red, blue, green, and yellow shards in the previous generations. I believe Generation III was when it was started.

I just couldn't find much use for them back then, but now in Generation V I do. Same goes for the Battle Points. xD

Here I am, battling in the PWT or Battle Subway trying to get those points and shards. I finally have a reason to go battle somewhere to 'not earn experience', but to earn items for my Pokemon or for Move Tutors.

Despite the current criticism for Generation VI, I do feel that its somewhat 'youthful' appearance by its approach with the setting and 3DS platform will be quite worthwhile to try out.
[MENTION=29831][MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; I need to pick my words better :3 I meant that either a Gengar with Focus Sash or a Gengar with Choice Scarf beat Linoone's case.
Everyone sees it differently I guess. There's 2 groups of people, those who just play for fun and those who put much effort into the competitive part. It's just a part of Pokemon. They wouldn't implement such 'difficult' mechanics if it weren't for the battles.
As for me, it doesn't get boring. I still like the battling but I just don't do it anymore. Probably because most of it is directed to BW and Diamond and the others are kinda forgotten.
Only downside, I can't stop thinking outside of the competitive play xD
Just as you mentioned before you like Aggron I immediately thought of other steel types that are better for usage D:

Meh it's just to think simple and then you're out of the competitive play immediatly :goodtea: Like my reason to use Aggron xD Rock Head + Double Edge was an awesome combination in my Sapphire and he had a good ammount of Attack for being so tanky :3 You could also catch an Aron at the cave near the 2nd gym so you could get him pretty early.

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; Focus Sash isn't like Focus Band whose success rate is rather random. Focus Sash is guaranteed to function (unless item effects have been disabled, of course), just like Sturdy, but it disappears after it activates. And Pokemon battles are serious business.

Personally, though, I employ a different style when playing online battles or league-style battles such as the PWT or Battle Subway as opposed to the adventure and fighting trainers in the games. The latter requires more strategy and planning, whereas with the former I can use whatever Pokemon I want, raise them in any way I prefer, and just sweep through all my opponents. The fun is in raising them rather than employing tactics.

Sturdy remembers me of the annoying pokemon in gen 5 which was supposed to get 1 shotted but instead the leader decided to throw 3 potions on him so his Sturdy activated 4 times in 1 battle...

Why are pokemon battles serious business? Is it because players are desperate to win? Or is it because they feel humiliated if they lose at a game which they've played ever since they were young?

Why is it fun to raise them? Isn't it basically just alot of exp farming? >_> I would never even put the effort into raising a pokemon just for competitive play :/ It sounds plain boring to make every single member of your team completely perfect.

I remember collecting red, blue, green, and yellow shards in the previous generations. I believe Generation III was when it was started.

I just couldn't find much use for them back then, but now in Generation V I do. Same goes for the Battle Points. xD

Here I am, battling in the PWT or Battle Subway trying to get those points and shards. I finally have a reason to go battle somewhere to 'not earn experience', but to earn items for my Pokemon or for Move Tutors..

The shards in Gen III could be traded to get evolution stones.

Unless you are a competitive player, what exactly will you use the items to when you've completed the game? Against more battles in the Subway? :/
Why are pokemon battles serious business? Is it because players are desperate to win? Or is it because they feel humiliated if they lose at a game which they've played ever since they were young?

Why is it fun to raise them? Isn't it basically just alot of exp farming? >_> I would never even put the effort into raising a pokemon just for competitive play :/ It sounds plain boring to make every single member of your team completely perfect.

1. I guess people just like the fun of. Mindgames, Rivalry and just being the better Breeder I guess. Since only legitly obtained Pokemon are allowed during competitions. Not sure how to explain it.

2. I'm not sure about that either. For me it was the satisfaction of hatching the perfect Pokemon to train and eventually battle with. I mean, if you hatch your perfect Pokemon after 61 eggs you bet it feels great. And I felt eager to train it so that I can use it. It just made me proud of some sort I guess. Breeding takes a lot of effort as I mentioned before getting everything the way you want.
Of course at times it can be boring..I admit that but that didn't stop me ^^


I agree with that. Also why I eventually gave up breeding and because I practically bred everything I wanted too. There's nothing left for me to breed. It's not that I'm gonna breed 5 of the same Pokemon just for different movesets. 1 or maybe 2 is more than enough.

I remember that Rattata..boy..did that thing caught me off guard when I first battled it >_>

Indeed Gen 1 en 2 were simple but that didn't take the fun out of it. I prefer it a bit simple than way to elaborate to be honest. All the new 3D stuff doesn't appeal to me much..
Here I am, battling in the PWT or Battle Subway trying to get those points and shards. I finally have a reason to go battle somewhere to 'not earn experience', but to earn items for my Pokemon or for Move Tutors.
Sure, gathering BP and shards is fun, but my main reason for battling in PWT and Battle Subway is just because the battles themselves are fun, actually. Plain and simple. PWT is even better as it has a nostalgic touch to it. I mean, come on, gym leaders of all generations! And they're tough too!

If I just wanted quick BP, I could perhaps enter the single train (not the super single train mind you) with very strong Pokemon, wipe out everyone in the first 7 battles, let myself be defeated in the 8th battle, rinse and repeat. That way, I'd always meet very weak opponents I could wipe out quickly and earn 3 BP each time. But that'd destroy the fun. No, that's not what I want.

Why are pokemon battles serious business? Is it because players are desperate to win? Or is it because they feel humiliated if they lose at a game which they've played ever since they were young?

Why is it fun to raise them? Isn't it basically just alot of exp farming? >_> I would never even put the effort into raising a pokemon just for competitive play :/ It sounds plain boring to make every single member of your team completely perfect.
I dunno. Everyone might have their own reasons, but I don't consider myself desperate to win, nor do I consider losing humiliating. After all, very slight differences in very simple things―like speed, type match-ups of the first Pokemon in the field, and the like―can impact the course of a battle significantly. A single missed attack can lead to disaster and turn the tide for the rest of the battle. That, in and of itself, has its own fun.

As about the fun in raising Pokemon... I think that's a very broad question directed at pretty much RPG aspects in general. Or monster-raising games, if you'd rather narrow it. Why because it's fun of course! I'm not a fan of excessive EXP farming either, but that's not all there's to raising Pokemon. Personally, there's this irreplaceable feeling of satisfaction when I manage to raise the Pokemon I want the way I want, no matter how insignificant that might be.

Competitive teams? Not really. I have many considerations when choosing Pokemon, some of which incoherent to their prowess in battle but I still consider important anyway, like their looks. Like, I don't think I'd raise a Garbodor even if it suddenly had a new Forme with Rayquaza-like stats. I don't really seek to make all my Pokemon perfect either; just the way I want them.


I agree with that. Also why I eventually gave up breeding and because I practically bred everything I wanted too. There's nothing left for me to breed. It's not that I'm gonna breed 5 of the same Pokemon just for different movesets. 1 or maybe 2 is more than enough.

I remember that Rattata..boy..did that thing caught me off guard when I first battled it >_>

Indeed Gen 1 en 2 were simple but that didn't take the fun out of it. I prefer it a bit simple than way to elaborate to be honest. All the new 3D stuff doesn't appeal to me much..
That, and every time I get close to spending too much time getting Pokemon, I tend to think that there are still other Pokemon games in this generation... and there'll be new generations too, so I'd rather not exhaust every single option in a single game. As for moveset-focused breeding, I rarely do so except for Pokemon I know I'll use for long or in specific tourneys like Battle Subway and the PWT.

And I dunno about you, but when Black and White first came out, I jumped in joy. True, the earliest generations were simple, but such simplicity had its own charm. I'm not saying they were bad, no. I grew up with them, after all. But B&W had a revolutionary breakthrough in the world of Pokemon by the way they refined the battles. That's a much better way to make the most of the dual screens in comparison with Gen IV, if you ask me.

Of course it's true that you can exhaust the Pokemon and their possibilities but the thing is with every new generation stuff changes.
Pokemon get new and more options (well..most of them) and it gives even more options to with them. That's how I see it at least.

I can't say I was jumping from joy but I was pretty excited to be honest. The 3D stuff was a major break-through in Pokemon so I was curious to see how it worked out. Many mechanics had changed in a positive way.
And the use of both screens isn't really something I find "great" but it's there and convenient :3
And the games just seem to get more and more options. But I want more. I want to be able to go to a different region, much like Heartgold/Soulsilver.

But yea..I can't deny that I'm sort of waiting for Pokemon X and Y.
The only thing bothering me is having a 3DS to play it. Don't know if I'm gonna buy a 3DS just for that game.
I think I'll wait a bit and see some videos/gameplay and stuff that end up on Youtube before deciding.
(Knowing me..I'll end up buying it >eventually< but when I dunno xD)
hmm i think xerneas and yveltal are good names. it sounds like some JRPG monsters
Well for me it's like this:

Xerneas, the name is cool but the Pokemon itself is Ugly
Yveltal..exactly the opposite xD
hmm xerneas isn't cool because of his/her oversized and colorful antlers, right?
Yeah, ditto on most part. Especially about extra regions like in HGSS (or the original Gen II games). Though, with what B2 & W2 have to offer, I suppose it'd be too much if they also included extra regions (but Sinnoh being accessible from Unova would be awesome) since they already included gym leaders from all regions. As about the 3DS, yeah, same here too, not sure if I'll get the console as I'm not sure anything else interests me...

As about the new legendaries, yeah, Xerneas isn't quite cool. Its antlers aside, there's this pair of hands or whatever protruding from its chest area which just look weird. The proportions look somewhat off too, what with its oversized neck and very thin body. Yveltal, on the other hand, looks nice (also great colour combo). As mentioned, the name kinda makes me think of some JRPG-kind divine being. It doesn't sound very Pokemon-ish, though.

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