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  • Well Ted Cruz just dropped out the Republican Presedintial Race, so no one left to stop Trump now from winning the Republican Nomination :/
    Yeah I don't like Clinton, but anyone is better then Trump. All my family is republican, but they are not voting for Trump.
    Nope, I was at home and didn't knew she was gone, she went to a movie and bump into Otaku event and got death note from there eh eh xD
    With me?
    I fine xD

    My sister came back from some event and gave me a death note ^^...

    I will add it to my otakus collection in my glass closet
    I may will :p

    What do you mean by what is a buddy?
    Like the meaning of it?

    Buddy can mean a friend :9
    Yes, I will definitely remember your next birthday and the ones after it xD :chuuni_salute:

    That's okay Shi :)
    Hi nanashi,

    Only realised now that it was your birthday last month after I saw the thread dedicated to your birthday a little while ago :wasclose: Very sorry about this! :deadsad:

    Just wanted to wish you a very belated birthday and hope you had an amazing one!
    Oh. sorry sorry! I had thought you meant that. My bad:(
    Okay. Then tomorrow it is.
    Good night for now?:)
    Oh. Great! but sadly I have to sleep right now:(
    I am kinda waiting for a message from someone and after that I will post just one thing in the spam section before sleeping.
    This is practically the only time I see you online after returning from college (before that you'd be offline, right?).
    So, basically its pretty much hard finding a right time to talk to you for some reason XD
    So 11:00 then? Haha wish I was like you, its kinda 1:12 A.M here and I am siting like an owl in front of my PC even though I have college tomorrow.(from 8:30 A.M to 5:35 P.M)
    I have been going to sleep from 12:00 or 1:00 A.M since 4 years maybe (the habit got kinda rubbed off on me now XD)? and still look like a zombie in the morning.
    (Its getting worse lately my health I mean)
    I got confused for a second there haha
    Oh so its 9:28 P.M then? and my question is when do you sleep though?
    Well I am from India:D and I believe that maybe 3 hours and a 30 minutes difference? maybe? correct me if I am wrong okay?
    I see. Just a curious question what country are you from? Hope you don't mind me asking:D
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