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  • I'm doing well! (*´ω`*) Lately Angelique Retour had been uploaded by a kind uploader so I'm having good time playing it \(^o^)/ What about you?
    it is tough, poor me, RIP :(

    Lol, like you don't need a bitchy one (that also happens to be an ass) "providing" for you. She can provide only rumours xDD Here some rhymes for her:
    Twinkle Twinkle, little snitch,
    Mind you own business you nosey bitch ^^
    Don't fall for that, Vishy, she can't even reach your level and she just tries to lower you xDD
    well there are some other games in the series that i need to play but the first one yes i finished. :D
    Hmm, 6 or more oral exams and same number for my written exam :( So, kinda 12 :(

    Pfsss, I got that too, it's a pretty common thing in high school. Even in uni or even jobs. You can't really help it since some people are just twisted and mean and are envious of you...You need to be strong and stand high ;) Keep in mind that the funny thing about rumours is that you found so much about yourself that YOU didn't even know xDDD That's my politic nowadays xD It was a period when it hurt me too (mean people and nasty rumours) but if people consider me worthy of being rumored about then I am someone right? ;) From what I can deduct, the person that did that to you is just bitchy and karma will hit her hard, one way or another ;)

    Hmm i don't know well firstly his route was the one i played first. and uhm his voice is really smexy. And well he is not that bad of a guy well of course he does some really bad things but i don't know he seems like a guy that would be fun to hang out with.
    One week, but I plan to study here and there too cause after that a hellish exam session will come :( RIP me -_-"

    So....something bad happened these days? I don;t mind listening if you want to talk about it ^^
    Awesome bishie, thank youu! :bliss: I think it washed away all my tiredness xDD
    Something happened? :(

    Pfss, *arrows for guilt* :( he is such a worrywart , but one that makes you hug him harder xDDD I didn;t intended to make him worry tho, I was busy these days but I finally got holiday <3 *hearts hearts*
    i already feel i shaved off 10 years of my life just today to be honest :D
    Oh well studying is very important. i will try not getting paranoid this time :D
    Ohayo, Vishy-chan! ^^ Sorry, I was quite busy these days, sorry I made you worry *hugs her* Missed me? xDD How were you these days? ^^
    yes i know she said i should stop worrying too but until i speak with her i just can't stop with worrying .
    Yes i know i wrote an apology a little bit after i wrote her THE message and i know it's not about pity or anything but i simply can't get these anxiety out of my mind that easily i know this sounds really ridiculous and i know that most people would not want to ever again talk to me after all these so i'm really grateful for all of you.
    yes i know and that makes it even worse that even tho i know she is busy i said those ridiculous stuffs like it would be better for me to leave so i don't trouble her anymore and stuffs like that. now i really hate myself for this.
    mo it's not about that one. I sent a PM to her yesterday about stuffs like that after i over reacted something due to my own Incompetence
    I think she used her phone to come online but not online anymore (for some reason the indicator shows she is online) Well i kinda got paranoid about things like she not want to talk to me ever again and kinda said stuffs like i'm just a bother and that i should leave and stuff like that... But you don't need to worry about her i'm sure she will appear sooner or later today.l
    Well it's uhm i kinda said things to Ali-chan that i should not said and well i made her worry with it because i'm an idiot.
    She is lecturing you? What a pompous little b*tch she is. it really makes me angry.
    It's just my own stupidness striked again and i made some mistakes. and i was worried about it all night.
    Oh what she did again? I'm so want to beat her up...
    Don't worry i'm not forcing myself to read them. Just i kinda not slept too much and stuff so i decided to not read it today.
    Oh so it was not a good day? What happened( Only if you want to talk about it)
    Not read the last shota one i was kinda not in the mood of reading a long manga like that so sorry :(
    So how was your day? I hope it was good :)
    Oh no, the songs thing was just an example :P There are countless things you could talk about such as your school work as an example~

    Childish? :shocked: Cause animes like Elfen Lied, Attack on Titan, Hellsing, etc., are suited for children ;p

    That's okay Vishy-chan, it makes me happy to hear that I was able to help you in some way :fulfilled: Always here for you if you need someone to talk to lovely~
    Good morning/afternoon/evening (Depends on when you will get this message :D)
    I'm here to make my progress report.
    So today i read .traeH and Halloween Rhapsody
    Halloween Rhapsody was really cute i liked it and uhm maybe this will sounds kinda stupid but .traeH kinda it felt like it's about my own life. I mean i never had friends no one bothered with me then all of a sudden i found three incredible friends :D
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