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  • PART 2

    Another way is to butt into someones conversation. Yes, I know that can be totally rude but that's why you gotta choose wisely when you do it xD
    For example:
    Person A: "Did you hear about that new song that's coming out by blah blah."
    Person B: "Yeah, I can't wait for it! I've been dying to hear it!"
    You: "Oh hey, are you guys talking about blah blah? I love his/her songs! I also heard that you can buy it from here cheaper than... blah blah."

    In class, you could ask someone for help. Even if you know what to do, just ask anyway. And when they're done helping you, try to strike up more conversations. Also, the good old, "can I hang out with you?" question never hurts. Sometimes it's just good to be honest and ask that you just want to be their friend ^^

    I know you can do it Vishy-chan, you're like one of the most friendly people I know on AS that went from 0 to 100+ friends in the span of a few months :XD: Granted, it's easier online than in RL but deep inside, you're brave and strong. I just know you'll be able to make some friends! ^^

    By making friends, you'll have an easier time dealing with rumours and more people will realise that what that girl is spouting is just lies and nothing more :fulfilled:
    PART 1

    That's okay, I'm glad I could have been of some help! :fulfilled:

    No, you didn't, but it's alright :P It's cool that you're from India! I've always wanted to see what it was like there as I have quite a few Indian friends that usually talk about it. Just to make things fair, I'm from Australia~

    You didn't offend me or anything, so don't worry :) It's a shame that you don't have clubs or volunteering programs over in India :( Although that doesn't mean you still can't make friends~ I know you said you're a quiet person but you're going to have to get the courage to speak up if you want to make some friends. I know that's not easy, I use to be really shy person as well because of my social awkwardness but I'm learnt to not care about things as much and just do it. Don't even think about it, just go for it. (Of course, if you rather be alone, that's okay too as I know some people prefer just being alone. Although you don't come off to me as that type of person :P )

    I find it helpful to look for people that always seem to be alone as well. Perhaps they're too shy to speak up and make friends, so if you were to talk to them and try to befriend them, I'm sure they'd greatly appreciate it! If there aren't people like that around, you could try complimenting someone about anything in particular. For example, I complimented a girl's shoes last week and asked her where she got them from to strike up a conversation. We both shared a common interest for fashion, so that was our starting point to becoming friends. If you guys have uniforms though, you could compliment someone about their hair (such as how amazing their hair is and what products they use), jewellery (that is a really pretty, where'd you get it from?), etc.

    (So my message is too long, so this is part 1 xD )
    oh i kinda need to go away for about half an hour so if you are here when i return let's chat some more :D
    Well my agents said you really liked Yoh so i said why not :D (In my head Yoh and Kanata are a couple to be honest :D )
    Well flowers age nice things but bishies are the best :D
    you can have some fun with him if you would like :D
    Oh so you are an only child? I did not know that. Sorry.
    Oh Beautiful flowers but uhm could i keep the guy instead of the flowers?
    Well we have a better computer but my brother uses it at this time everyday (and usually i take a walk at this time but now it's raining so i can't) so i must use this one.
    Well it's both the operation system is old and it's the boxy type too. It barelly can run a web browser so watching video or play games is impossible
    Oh i always forget to click on view conversation so i have to delete my own messages a lot :D
    Well since i have to use the really old compuuter the only thing i can do is talking with you for the time being (Wich is a great thing to be honest usually i want to do so much thing i don't even know where i should start )
    Oh i glad you liked him :D
    Hmm No as far as i know there is no dark cloud over my head today. Thanks for asking :)
    So what are you doing right now?
    oh okay then i'm relieved :D If he don't want to kill me then he can cut my hair as much as he wants :D
    And here is one for you :D
    Oh good to hear it was a better day than yesterday :)
    Of course i like it! He looks good :D (oh hey that's a scissor i see there? hope he don't want to stab me with it :D)
    *Gama-chan the stalker is in action* Nah don't worry i was just kinda visited your profile and saw that you are online so:
    Greetings Vishy-chan. How was your day today?
    Ah, good old jealousy. It's always jealousy when it comes to people who spread rumours :/ Shows how really insecure people can be.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with such a person, Vishy-chan :( My first suggestion would be to talk to her about it and stand up for yourself. Show people that you're not that kind of person she's making you out to be, but you said you're a relatively quiet person so you probably don't want to go with that option. My other suggestion would be to acknowledge that rumours are being spread about you but don't show that you give a flying crap about them. She wants a reaction from you, she wants to see that you're upset by it. Even though they hurt, don't let it get to you because in the end, why waste your time on a pathetic girl that has nothing better to do with her sorry excuse of a life?

    You're probably thinking, "that's easier said then done Invisible Hero", and you're right. It is hard to not let something that isn't true and is really upsetting not get to you, but keep your head held high Vishy-chan, remember that you're an awesome, smart, strong and an incredibly sweet person. So take care of yourself, immerse yourself in friends that really care about you (like Gama-chan, Ali-chan and I :P ) and the things that you love.

    You could also talk to your parents and have them talk to the school, but sometimes that's not the greatest option as it can make things worse.

    With your no friend situation at college though, do you have clubs that you could join (that interest you of course) or volunteer stuff? It's a good way to meet people :)
    Hi, no problem. :) And thanks :nekopara_laugh:

    Yep, I don't mind at all. I'm glad to meet you! I love watching Indian drama's ♥, they're interesting and have a different feel in to them. I especially love their music and comedy too. It's a nice change compared to Korean and Japanese drama's. :) Although the episodes are longer, I still enjoy the plots very much. xD
    Thank you c:
    Goodnight and sweet dreams Vishwa c:
    Well she is already went to sleep so we can't get in contact with her until tomorrow. but well i told her all my dark secrets so u think you can tell her your troubles too :D
    Oh well i was thinking about going to sleep too so good night Vishy-chan let's talk again sometime :)
    To tell the truth as a subject of bullying for more than five years (in elementary school) hearing things like this reeally makes my blood boiling . I hate bullys i don't understand who the hell they think they are to make others school life a living hell. Hmm so it's your last year? and how much longer this year is?
    Hmm that's kinda a hard situation she sounds like a typical bully and sadly in my experience they won't leave you alone so i don't know what could you do about it.
    Phew then i get to live for another day :D
    Hmm i think you should keep your distance with her she sounds a bit crazy if she consider this "friendship"
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