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  1. 필리핀 사람

    EU Would Banning Porn??

    To varying degrees pornography is already banned in Europe. It's just how much is not seen or censored.
  2. 필리핀 사람

    Do you own a gun?

    Why do people own guns? I can not fathom why they would own them. It's a paradox, here in America you can own all the guns you want...but when it comes to can only do it at gun ranges or in self defense. The whole idea gives me the impression of the gun owner living in fear of...
  3. 필리핀 사람

    Comeback of Megaupload?

    I've heard that the whole reason for the site going down in the first place was pressure from Hollywood...big business.
  4. 필리핀 사람

    Why the World Didn't End Yesterday.

    I will be honest, I texted or called most people I knew that day. Just in case the world would end, but it did not. I wonder why...or did something happen behind the scenes that none of us know about...
  5. 필리핀 사람

    Gun Violence: Can it be solved with greater gun control?

    I once heard that why there is so little gun control is because the white people view guns as the last piece of "protection" that they have. They might feel "safer" with a gun, simply because the Europeans have had such power in America...and to see that power go way...some might be afraid of...
  6. 필리핀 사람


    These days, people fall into two groups. Those who know how to cook, or those who order food all the time.
  7. 필리핀 사람


    These days we all need to know how to cook to one level or another. There's no harm in cooking, but I think the problem is with cleaning up after your done.
  8. 필리핀 사람

    Why does everyone on this site have display pictures of females?

    Pictures of women are nice, most of us are men. Why would we have pictures of ourselves?
  9. 필리핀 사람

    The Future of Transfers/Downloads?

    The internet is the last place on the planet that is truely unregulated, and where anyone could remain unknown if they so wanted to be. The corperations want to regulate the internet because everything is free there, there's no profit to be made in any of it. True, some copyrights need to be...
  10. 필리핀 사람

    Youtube - Upload licensed content

    I own a YouTube account, and I know for a fact that if there's any claim on a video you upload it's best that you delete it. Why? Because even if your allowed to have a video up with content, it will still be taken down once it has obtained enough views. I've seen that often, and I originally...
  11. 필리핀 사람

    Any idea on what an anime club does?

    I have seen the good side and the bad side of such a club. The bad thing is that such a club will no doubt atract those with no life and no friends. The "weird" people that naturally show up to such meetings or gatherings. The good is that you will also bring those who are level headed on the...
  12. 필리핀 사람

    what type of music do you listen to?

    I don't really listen to music, I can't name any artists or genres within Music. Mostly video game music, if that even counts. I have also heard of some classical artists.
  13. 필리핀 사람

    4th of July

    How did people spend that day? I spent it with a friend, it was pretty amusing.
  14. 필리핀 사람

    Rapid Gator? File Factory? Those file hosts are too weak...

    I've actually given this some more thought, I feel sad about this. We have these other sites, and I know they can't operate for free. I bet some people would want to donate to them to keep them running, but there's the trust factor. How would we know these sites are reliable? I'm thankful for...
  15. 필리핀 사람

    Married, Single, or in a Relationship?

    I'm single, but I'm trying everything I can to get into a relationship.
  16. 필리핀 사람

    Do you care about the number of posts you have ?

    I've never cared about the # of posts that I have, although I have read responces from others on other forums who do care. I find it sad that some people value the amount of replies you gives them the fake impression that they are more important because of that.
  17. 필리핀 사람

    Airbus A380 Vs Boeing 747

    I don't put much faith into some things that are 'Made In The USA' anymore, I think that a AirBus should become the new Air Force One. Why? Because there isn't much other choices, there's a sort of monopoly where the government is always forced to pick the usual planes. All that's different is...
  18. 필리핀 사람

    Are Anime Fans Shy?

    To a point I am shy, it's not that I would not want to talk about it. But it's something that I don't discuss with everyone. If you don't know about Japanimation, then I won't ever mention it to you. If you already know it, then I will mention it from time to time.
  19. 필리핀 사람

    Rapid Gator? File Factory? Those file hosts are too weak...

    The issue is this, since Megaupload was taken off line. There's really no file sharing site besides the old Rapidshare that anyone can use for anything. I suggest we get used to these new hosting sities.
  20. 필리핀 사람

    What is your opinion on Time Travelling?

    Such a idea has to exist in some form, I'm not a scientist. But it's foolish to think that at this point in humanity's development the idea "No" can be said to time travel. We're still using fossil fuels to barely escape the planet's atmosphere and aliens are using us as experiments. When would...