Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Yeah I'd told them to stop helping, becouse I'd propably messed something up myself in that situation.
Last qustion of this day. Must get sleep. Can't keep my eyes open anymore..

A girl calls you, and wants to meet you. You don't know anything about the girl. Would you go meet her in the planned place?
Depends who it is and why she knows me. If there is some explanation behind her actions then i might meet her otherwise i wouldnt.

You discover a meeting of big foots in the forest. While you are watching, you hear a snap of a branch behind you and feel something's breath on your neck. You lunge forward and narrowly dodge a large fist intended to smash you. The big foot growls menacingly, alerting the other and you suddenly find yourself running through the dark forest trying to escape. What would you do?
sit and wonder why.. maybe run like hell ~ it really depends if still the chase is on... probably pretend to be dead..

If you had to choose, which could you live without: TV, the internet, a telephone or friends? why?
I would live without a tv since i basically dont watch tv anyway XD ill jus connect the screen to my laptop or computer :3 screws the news XD

You are lost and suddenly Lelouch and Light walk by. They both seem to know where this place is and if you follow one of them, you might be able to find out why youre here. What would you do?
Do I have to pick one of them or do they go to the same direction together?
If that the case, I think I go with Light, since I don't know Lelouch background at all.

You apply for a job, but they require you to have some experience, but to get that experience, you need to get the job.
What do you do to get that job, if there's only 1 job available around? And you cannot go oversea to gain experience.
depends on the job, if its IT do volunteer work. During high school, hell even now i offer to do IT jobs, fix computers, kill viruses etc for free just for the exp. If the job is urgent, as in u need the experience now but can handle the work then maybe fib a little? but yeah, offer to work at the place or similar places as a volounteer/trainee temporarily if exp is all you need, most employers would be grateful to have the extra hands even if only for a while.
Have you ever written a song? if yes, what was it about and did you have inspiration?
Not really but ive written poems for random reasons. Usually cuz im bored.

Do something related to the job to get experience and shove a shining resume in the job interviewer's face.

Your mission is to discover what the mission is. What would you do?
Ask the one that gave me the mission. And if he/she wouldn't tell me, I'll guess some creative interrogations would be needed to squeeze out the info outta them.

Feeling horny at the moment?
I did, after playing Shera My Witch just now. I think I'm gonna go back early today.
Not really XD though i really should be sleeping

You wake up and the world is reversed. What would you do? (left vague on purpose) :3
As in guys turn to girls and the other way around? Sound interesting.

How's the weather outside right now?
It's raining here, at 3:02 AM, which is nice, for me, coz it's cool and soothing when I go to bed....soon.
hmmmm.. Maybe I'll post a picture of weather outside.
becouse I'm bored.
I'll go have a smoke and take a picture from a sidewalk next our house, and edit it to this post soon.
The picture is quite dark. Oh well..
+7,5C* right now.
Unusually warm at this time of the year. Hasn't rained much either.

What kind of weather does your place usually have?
*seriously, I'm interested*
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It was raining yesterday night and its sunny today though that usually means heavy fog later on.

The world starts spinning the other way randomly one day. What would you do?
hmmm.. propably watch the news afterwise :D they wouldn't talk about enything else.
And that would have other consequenses too propably. :D

What do you think about cats?
Theyre cute usually XD unless something happens :/

A random group of people kidnap you for some random reason and you find yourself tied in a random house. What would you do?
Firstly ask if there's anyone out near. Then try to get myself out from there somehow.

Do you know what you'll propably do for your living when you go to work somewhere?
(If you're working already, did you know you were going to do that kind of work when you were younger?)
Nope but i want to do some art and computer related stuff.

What if your favorite creature (real or not) appeared before you?
My favourite creature... hmm.. maybe it would be nekomimi :)
Though I'm not overly into that thing, but I do like them. :P
I'd propably pet her :D

Do you like suprises??

If you can read this, you've just been suprised. Do you like it?
If it's filled with traps, it's propably not wise to do anything :D
I'd yell for help desperately..

What time do you go to sleep usually?
Depends what day it is but i try to sleep before 2AM

A dragon representing each of the four elements (fire, water, earth, air) appears before you. You have to choose one dragon and participate in a survival game against the other three dragons. Which dragon would you choose and why?
Fire, hand down, fire. Fire kicks ass and chews bubblegum. Reds my favorite color (besides aqua ^^), u can scorch earth, deflect/manipulate air and evaporate water.

btw, how the f*** do u get the member thing below your avatar, ive been here longer than most of you and is still dont have one!
Well fire is still pretty awesome, and i hate thunder/lightning as an element. Fire beats ice but metal is pretty kickass...
Probably fire OR metal....
Yeah ill keep fire
What would your choice be out of all the ones you've already put up
Fire, ice, water, earth, thunder, metal, air
I couldn't find the question, so I guess I'll ask~

Long or Short Twintails?
Long look nice. Plus long twintail mean than she got long hair, which can be fashion in many shapes too, like pony tail, braid, twin braids, bun, double buns, etc.

Which month of the year is your favourite?

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