Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Like the timelords do? Hell yeah! Handling the time would be nice! Why? Due to presence of immortality makes you "Conquerer of the World" :evillaugh:

Lemme ask: "You know in my country clock show 01:16 for now?"
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Hmm another person missing a question xD and i asked space OR time :3

You find a gathering of leprechauns. They seem to be arguing about those "pesky humans" that keep stealing their gold. What would you do?
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hmmm.. I'd ask who was or were the persons who stole them.

Was your day good today?
I had quite good day, time went pretty fast by at work :)
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Yes, it was good. But you know what? Mama wasn't in the kitchen whole day long and she just blah-blah-blah! My headache is flickered, but that was a nice day against this.

How much novels did you read?
Light novels or visual or whatever else? The only novel i read was angel beats track zero...

How many manga are you currently reading?
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My part in the world? Im currently a student so i guess thats my part.

What is your oddest hobby?
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Sure why not XD The question is sort of open to interpretation.

An angel and a demon appear before you. They both ask you to follow them. Which one would you follow and why?
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Now, they're "the real" angel and demon. Why the hell would I want to follow the demon? There is no why, it's just ridiculousness to go with demon.

What did you understand about feelings from FMA?
I understood that anime that doesnt follow the manga ruin quite a bit and a remake would fix a lot

Would you prefer to be Al or Ed?
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I'd prefer Ed of course! He is genius and choosen one alike.

How old are you?
Currently 18 and going as crazy as i always have been

If you found yourself in Hinamizawa what would you do?
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Nope i live at a dorm currently and i doubt i should have a home theater here...

Have you ever completely misinterpreted someone's words?
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Can you ask me a question which is impossible to answer?
hmmm... Impossible no, But hard.

My Height is??

Are you going to get gifts from santaclaus in x-mas?? :)
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Your height is 160 cm? (Yes, metric)

What! I'm 20 sir, not 10!

What is "THE REAL DIFFERENCE" between cartoon and animes?
178cm dead.
Heh you're not getting anything? Mee too.. what a shame. :)

When was the last time you watched television?
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I do it but not willingly, just because of my parents.

When will you have a job?
Probably next year or something.

You are trapped in a falling tower. You are on the 10th floor and the tower is extremely unstable so any movements you make may increase the speed that it falls at. What would you do?
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Make my last words... (that's sad)

Oops, looks like I forgot to answer nr345 question before. : But I can't answer that though.. Easy answer could be that cartoon's don't use the same drawing style as anime uses, but some do.. soo.. I dunno :D It's a hard one.

you start noticing that you're heart starts beating weirdly when you're doing something. What will you do?
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I really want to play banned game right now, just because of using "you're". You have to say "your" or "thy". :D Anyway, it happens everytime to me, but if you ask it's like the Alexander(Hellsing Ultimate) faced with, so I'd play my last song to listen and flew to the sky.

Are you that bad about writing? :D
:D hah, didn't even notice that one. I just tend to type quickly :) so I guess that's it.

Do you use a laptop?
I do :P
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Yes, I'm using a high-top laptop which has i7 processor, high-end gpu and even plenty much of ram space.

Do you buy a magazine frequently and which one?

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