Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Harbinger reminds me of some monster in several rpgs.

What time is it over there?
Right now. Food taking a little longer to cook than normal....

What is the Pi worth to you?
The first thing i think is the guy from bleach then i think strawberry.

What do you think of when hearing sakura?
Do i like otaku? I guess... whats not to like?

When you hear bearcat what do you think of?
lol.. pedobear came to my mind just from the bear..

Where's nr345? haven't seen him around lately. :)
He said he quits the spam section :/ Saw those ppls with really large numbers of posts and got discouraged or something... Im sure hes around somewhere.

What would you do if a giant turtle appears?
I heard you mentioned about me :D I'd HUG IT! Those poor old turtles need to be hugged!

What is it like being part of the great project A-S?
Hmm fun i guess since i get to spam the day away :3

What would you do if a giant peach floated down the river?
If it was strangly huge, I'd try to catch, otherwise I woldn't even notice that.

What do you think about super-ego professors? Are they ok for you or just stupid?
Depends but i dont particularly like people with large egos :/ If he/she is actually really good at teaching maybe... If not then he/she shouldnt have that large ego.

What would you do if you were in a flat plain and a thunder storm started?
I'd dance with that natural symphony. It feels my soul even now.

You find yourself in a room after you've got blackout somehow and that room has a TV and a bed, but has no exit. What'd you do?
If there is no exit I would propably try to sleep. It saves energy. :)
And something would happen if I go to sleep (my guts tell me so)

Hah! looks like nr345 is back on business? :P

Someone is knocking on your door, and you ask who is it. However no one answers, Yet the knocking continues.
What will you do?
Open the door and bop the deaf idiot on the head. If theres no one there i would assume some other idiot was doing a ding dont dash type thing.

You wake in a dark room. Outside the window it is storming and you hear dragging chains in the hallway. Every so often you hear a slow dragged out wail asking for help and moaning about pain. What would you do?
Window! Smash it and get the hell out! heh :)

You walk on sidewalk, suddenly car sound comes very close. Next thing you know you get up from someplace, you can't see, or hear anything. What happened and where are you?
Lol this is almost "make an epic survival story" thread now :D
Afterlife of course :3 Gonna expect Yuri to come along with a gun sometimes soon.

For some reason you find yourself falling toward the ground. Wind rushes past you fast enough to chill you inside. The ground is getting continually closer and you feel the need to do something. What would you do?
err... ground is getting continually closer..?? shot out for help.. Run if i can i guess.. if not than i will pray hope this nightmare over soon.. >,<

what will u do if your house getting flooded.?
Hmm open a door and let the water run down the hill then wonder how a house on a hill got flooded in the first place.

What would you do if someone started a fire while cooking in your kitchen?
get ready to shoot fire extinguer.. or get my water gun soon.. XD
(on the hills?? never scared to fall of sam.>??)

have you ever make a food by yourself..?? n what food..??
I do all the cooking in my house. I cook for my imouto~ She's vegetarian, so a lot of our meals have tofu.

Have you ever considered kidnapping a loli?
Nope... (Sam's mind- That person likes lolis too much) XD
@Second Flight actually part of the hill disappeared into the sea a couple years ago

Would you ever do something illegal if forced?

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