Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Silky smooth vanilla ice cream punched together with cookie dough and white chocy cookies.

Why don't I have more time to do stuff? D:

What is common sense to you that may not be to others?
I don't really understand this question? Is common sense not depending on the situation? Please clear me up samyeung46, that might be a big gap of my knowledge ._.!
Maybe Chemistry? Some Chemistry seems more "common sense" when the rest of the group insist that it is too damned confusing xD

What's your favorite science related subject if you have to choose one? xD
No one ignored you...since you never asked a question, I just answered samyeung's one, and you asked samyeung to clear you up, I therefore have no responsibility to clear it up as I might hold a different perspective of what "common sense" mean to him/her (don't know gender! xD)

In your case, now that you asked me a question, I think common sense can either be "basic knowledge" (But one must define what is basic) or knowledge that seems to instantly make sense to you is another way of putting it.

Did that explain it? xD (Yes this is my question)
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Lol i left it an open ended question there is no right answer since everyone thinks differently XD It was basically asking what is common sense to you. And yeah i guess that explains what common sense is.
Im a guy :3 Though i guess Sam could be either gender :/

So now that we explained the definition of common sense anyone want to poke at how your common sense may differ from others? (for me it seems that theres a pile of actions disapproved of by society [like climbing trees] except i didnt know till someone told me [not that i stopped climbing trees anyway])
lol @ climbing trees, and thank you KingArturia for explaining! Sorry if my "pff (...)" sounded rude, wasn't meant so :ooo to answer your question, I think it would be how the universe was made.. but I think I will never get an answer to that question D:

What do you think why humans dream?
I believe one can only dream to be successful, to dream is to have this fantasy, imagination for creativity, however in terms of scientifically explaination, I do have a video for you,

Is alright, I didn't find it rude, don't sweat it friend!

Now, What's your dream!
Sweat? I don't sweat O_O My dream? To become happy and have wonderfull daughters wo will be happy to be my children <3 and maybe Change the World a little ;O Btw: Thanks for the vid! :)

What is your dream?
Its that state when the mind is about to awake and i dont really know the rest :/ I guess since youre waking, your mind is starting to work and you get odd dreams.
Oh mehs shouldve posted faster :/
Hmm dream, so far to get out of college and live a decent life.

What is your most recent dream?
Don't sweat is another way of saying "Don't worry about it", that's all. Me? My dream is to time travel, I've always wanted to do that, maybe I just regret too much as some people might say xD But I just find the concept interesting I guess. If not, I would give everything just to meet Saber and talk to her, that's all I want...

Who would you give everything to meet?

PS: Me a bit slow! to answer Sam's question, my most recent dream was driving with my friend and I don't remember the rest! xD
Give everything :/ Hmm im not sure about everything but i would like to meet Hinagiku from HnG or Negi from Negima... only two non extremely traumatized character i could think of out of my current favorites

If you could skip between reality and anime with slight drain to your life span every time, would you?
Natsuno Koori! I'd sell my house if I'd get to just have lunch with her <3

How much sleep do you get a day?
Depends, I do try to keep it to be at least 6 hours a day! xD

Studied in Uni? If so, what subject, if not, what did you do? XD
Hmm i currently undeclared but i want to do animation :3
And the question that got skipped XD
If you could skip between reality and anime with slight drain to your life span every time, would you?
I'll give up my life to be able to live with Saber, I don't care about this world... >.>

Same question as Samyeung
Don't sweat is another way of saying "Don't worry about it", that's all.

Thanks again lol, @ question:

yes definitly it would be awesome :D and awesome question btw, so I will ask the same question, would you? :)

Edit: lol that was actually a crosspost, didn't see Kings post and that he/she also cede the question :) funny..
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Hmm currently im not completely sure if i would. I would probably need to find an anime that i really liked first. Save that ability for later.

What if you had Saber for a servant and the Holy Grail actually did grant wishes?
Well, everything Saber wish, I will give it to her, so I would destroy the Grail if necessary, to be apart with her if necessary, as long as it is HER wish. Everything for her!

Well well, what would you do with your dream girl if you can spent 1 hour with her?
I'm together with my dreamgirl ;OO But if it would be my animudreamgirl... :gotidea:..:innocent: :3 Don't ask me that question! I will skip it, someone else may answer >< dirtydirty thoughts >_<
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*Awkward silence* Hmm well i guess talk and ask her out on a date.

What if you had one week with you dream girl and would never see her again?
Terrible.. terrible Questions! I want not even think about it D: ... and hey what was that awkward silence thingy about >_>? tzzz
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