Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Not sure :/ I dont really drink coffee all that much...

What if everyone could get 100% activity?
if so easily get 100%activity they will be bored.. that's what i learned todat.. heh...

what happen if mod reset your activity to 0% again.>?? XD
there will be party.. heh...

what kind of food do you like..?? have taste indonesian food..?
Romance Comedy, non-serious ones.

What's the most expensive thing you've broken?
The first thing that popped into mind was to say your heart but then i thought against that XD Hmm what to say :/ If you mean fully broken i would say not much though i probably contributed to the eventual destruction of various things.

What is the largest thing youve broken?
Azu heart.. eh .. largest../?? don't remember exactly what things i have broken..

what is your favorite actress..??
Kiyohiko Azuma :bliss:

What would you tell a time traveller from the '90s? You just can tell him 3 things before he would disappear (and never will come back!) again. So what would you tell him? That he should tell you the lottory numbers? About 9/11? And he would prevent/try to prevent/do whatever you wanted him to do, because he is just such a good guy! Or would you just tell him about Smartphones, the Internet? Because you want nothing to be changed? :3
I would tell him about the current depression, that the world was taken over by aliens, and that the world is going to end next year :3

Professor Oak appears and asks which of the three pokeballs you would like. What would you choose?
Ima go the one with Cyndaquil :3 (Johto region ftw!)

Would you resort to cannibalism or rather starf (or starve, which one is it o.o?) to death? :o
I would say starve at this time but starvation changes people :/

What would you do if everything in the world switches colors?
I think it is starve.. mhh I would rather starve.. but I think in the end my will to survive, if I'm honest, would probably be stronger : /

Edith: D: Crosspost

Mhhh If everything would suddenly change color? Probably freak out and make a thread on this forum:"What things have now which colors? (Discovery Thread!)" Or something like that lol

What do you like about Anime? (Name one thing, or two :3)
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I would say the art and everything :3 Western animation doesnt evoke quite the same feelings

And the question skipped What would you do if everything in the world switches colors?
switched colors..??? kind examplee..?? heh...

today... what breakfast menu do you have..?? XD
You mean lunch? xD I had dreams for breakfast :3

Switched colors in that red turned green, orange turned blue, purple turned yellow, black turned white, etc. :3
heemm............ will be more colorfull world.. but dunno in traffic lights.. Red= Purple, Yellow = Blue, Green =Pinky... will be Funny i guess..
hhe... jaaa what lunch do you have today..??
Ramen and now porridge :3

What would you do if you woke up and was the only one who noticed that the world had changed?
i think it's make me happy... being special.. but kinda ronery...:goodtea:

what will you do if u know if u die u gonna go to heaven..??
Then I'd hope its good quality anime.

Should I have cheaper or more expensive (and godly) ice cream this afternoon?

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