Ask a question and next person have to answer.

At 9, That's when I started working.

Where ever deprived of TV, music, games, etc. when you were younger?
It depends on your idea of Adult: Sex-14, Lawfully-17, Mentally-8 lol!

No, I never watched TV an stuff when I was a kid, I worked on cars, trucks, and bikes and other things with my dad all the time, I was totally an outdoor person.

Ever feel like it is time to log out but you do not want to?
Unfortunately yes, If I don't though I'll be late for school and I don't like being late. (not til' tomorrow)

Do you like Tic-Tacs?
Yea I love Tic Tacs I keep a few different kinds in my purse at all times hehe

How as your day Will? :D Missed ya!

Do you want to ever try pro sports?
Please say your favorite Tic-Tac is cinnamon.

Thanks for "missing" me. I feel wanted. :)

I've had a good, but fast paced day. Woke up, watched my siblings, did some school work, went to ball practice, picked up supper, came back and am now working on school work. About to take a test....

Do you like K'nex?
Never looked at the before.

Do you know what Lincoln Logs are? lol
Oh Yes!!!! I used to have mountains of them when I was little. I would spend half the day making tomorrow's new line of Housing models. Hehehe!

But since you asked, did you play with them?
I only played with legos :D

Do you have any talents? (musician, writer etc.)

@Kimmy it's Kevin :)
I wouldn't say talents. I'm too modest for that. I will say that I dabble though. Yes, I am a musician. I play guitar, piano and dulcimer. I also fiddle with electrical and mechanics.

Do you play with tinker toys?
No, not yet. I need to acquire a bullet proof display case first. My siblings can be quite unforgiving to things that don't belong to them at times.

Do you read manga online or from a book?
I read manga online. Can't find a way for buy manga books sadly.

Let's see, hmmm, what is your favorite animal?
yes, but i've only had them twice

What do you want to do when you 'grow up' if you have 'grown up' did you achieve what you wanted to do.
YES! I have like 200+ Anime Figurines! haha OTAKU KIMMY To The Rescue!

Yes I have achieved everything I wanted in life. I really do not have any more goals left other than get old an die, maybe have a child before I get to much older don't know tho. :)

Have you ever tested parts for a PC Company and had to sign a NDA? (NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement)
Nope, I can't handle none of that stuff :)

Have you tried to go out with a girl/guy and then you noticed that she/he already has a boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever??
*Yes, today was my doomsday :D haha*
Yea I have had that happen before.

WAIT! You asked her!?!?!?!?! Proud of you :) sorry she was dating someone all ready if that is what you mean tho :(

What is the latest you have stayed up to watch a show you wanted to see?
I've never waited for a show to start, becouse I have a digital receiver on my television which has hdd on it, so I record the program if I want to.

Oh no don't be so proud... I couldn't ask her out, but I'm glad I didn't, it's quite a long and a funny story :D
shortly explained, I went to a cafe with her, and her best friend (girl on our class) and when we were in the cafe, this guy showed up in there, and they had a small kiss and the guy asked her that if she would go to their place today (I assume he had been to her's house already) If would've asked her, It woul've been a total shitstorm after that hahaha.. :)

Have you stepped on a nail??
Yes I have.

Well then that did work out pretty well, you learned she was spoken for with you it getting really awkward after asking then her having to say she had a BF. Cool tho you 2 got to hang out some :) She will remember that if the relationship she is in does not work out, who knows :) Proud anyways SO THERE!:P

Have you ever dropped a hammer on your foot?
Oh yes I have, and even a 6 kg (13.2lbs) sledgehammer, when i was "repairing" the volvo that broke in the field.
it's the best thing to do when wearing only sneakers. Perkele echoed in the air after that.

What do you think about piracy?
Depends on the type of Piracy :D hehe :whistle:

Its a Pirate's Life For Me! YARR! hehe

Do you have pirated software?
*If you choose not to answer, that is fine LOL! - IF you DO answer DO NOT say what*
I wont comment on that.. :)
If you are reading this CIA you just sucked my balls.. :D

Ever seen a video where in tokyo train station the guys with the uniform stuff people in the train so that the doors could close?
(youtube; Train stuffing in Tokyo)
Yea I have seen that before. When we went to Japan, they actually do that we saw it 1st hand LOL!

Are you going to visit Japan at least 1 time in your life?
I hope I would get that a chance to get there. It would be cool!

Would you get into the "space ride" thing that the Virgin company are making, if you could?
I remember they were talking about some space ride thing in news some time ago. I don't know if it'll happen anytime soon.

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