well TOTALLY BLAST them all on eps 12 (just watch it 30 minutes ago)

for Shu , yup totally high expectation from NOW , since its totally new starts, for story Mana and Gai, especially Mana its totally out of my prediction :thumbup: kinda taken a back with how can Gai using his void!? well from story i think there will be HUGE story after this one *13 *hope so*
This episode = MFW.

Dan Eagleman got married and had a son. After years of toiling and labor for serving the American army using GUTS Dan finally managed to acquire a few days off. So he decides to take his wife and son on a luxurious ship cruise to Japan to recuperate his GUTS. On the ship deck one thing(food on this ship is bad!) led to another(The toilet has a darn queue!) Dan and his wife started arguing about Dan's domestic violence tendencies, which led to bruises all over the son when he tried to protect his mother from the angry father's beatings. Dan's wife wanted him to get help but he insists he is a healthy, jovial man who would overcome anything with GUTS. The argument reaches a boiling point and Dan tried to push his wife, and as usual, his son steps in between them to protect his mother from harm. So Dan ends up pushing his son...over the rail on the edge of the ship and into the ocean. Dan's son lost all his memories due to this traumatic experience and floats to a nearby beach, where a boy and a girl found the son. The son is named Triton by the girl. Because apparently Momotaro is too normal a name.

Next episode: SCHOOL FESTIVAL! hahaha
I found myself enjoying ep 12 alot. The whole reverse situation between Gai and Shu was a pretty cool idea that added to the story rather well :3
Ok, back during early period of this series I said Shuu and Gai will serve as catalysts for each other's character developments, but that was obviously little wrong considering Shuu already served as Gai's catalyst waaaaaay long ago. Who could have guessed? I knew Gai was going to die somewhere mid season to ultimately serve as a stepping stone for Shuu's development, but it was still nice knowing Gai aspired to become Shuu and that Shuu can always become Gai should he choose to. My only gripe about this part is that it kinda adds oil in water considering Shuu just determined that he can't be like Gai like couple of episodes ago.

My guess about Gai in his early years was true, he did indeed know Shuu and he did indeed have a crush on Mana who had a crush on Shuu (shotacon alert!!). The part about Gai washing up on Beach was kinda random though. No explanation on how he ended up there or his background. I mean, he wasn't in amnesia or anything considering he mentioned his father during conversation with Mana.

Anywho, Mana being a trigger for Lost Christmas didn't surprise me that much. She wasn't going to be revived either way when the main heroine is needed as a sacrifice. She also scares me...she's got a faint Yandere factor in her but not in an extreme way as Yuno (Mirai Nikki) is.
Also, Keidou is every bit of typical and boring villain as I had predicted. His wish to be the next generation Adam bores me. He's in the wrong show (coughEvangelioncough). I wonder what happened to him though? Dead? No explanation on exactly who he was either. Speaking of which, I wonder if he was speaking metaphorically when he said the city is built on Mana's imaginations. I assume that's the case since the city didn't exactly collapse when mana disappeared.

Lastly, Shuu is now able to pull Voids out without the host fainting like previously thanks to having being evolved as the "king". Guess that explains the shot of Inori being awake while Shuu is flying with her void. I wonder how many stages of evolution there is. I presume there will be more to come during the last half of the series.

There were few anomalies that I found rather funny in this episode...like Gai's coat somehow surviving and flying to Shuu when Gai and Mana were blown away. Dramatic, but funny. But overall very dramatic episode. The last interaction between Shuu and Gai was touching. It was the first time in the show that I found Gai interesting as a character. I reckon Shuu is going to be leading the remaining Undertakers in Gai's place (wearing Gai's coat, ofc). Now he can start developing as an obnoxious badass. :3
^ no idea, coro says to use spoiler tags in case of spoiling ppl who haven't been following the series back when the forum started. Most forums don't use spoiler tags after fansubs is out though :3
well if you think it first, why you open the thread if you know there will be spoiler there....

well GuiltyCrown already used "trump card" that usually used in last episode on some average story, the development from here will be the judge whether this one will be epic story or not :)
Here's the single rule of thumb as to designing a badass main character: give him a long scarf and a coat.

I thought the new OP is generally pretty well done. I like how snow and Apocalypse Virus are imaged as same matter and Inori sitting in field of flowers at the start and end of the video. Song is also lot more upbeat than the first, hopefully signifying the change in pacing as well.

Anyways, mostly Ayase episode as she tries to cope with the loss of Gai, and typical bullies and terrorist attack to help her get over it. Her Void is self-explanatory, if not a little bland. I was waiting for her to do a variation of Spin-zaku but that never happened, but Shuu Yoko-Ichimonjigiri'ing the End Rave was good enough for me. Now that I look back we haven't seen much of Shuu with Inori's Void since the first few episodes...I hope that changes in the last half.

The Daryl x Tsugumi scene was rather random. I wonder if this is a start of something new? Or maybe not. Either way, I hope Daryl also gets more spotlight. He's like the only interesting villain left for me.

It looks like Keidou is alive and is the Prime Minister of Japan now (lol?), although probably not the same Keidou we've seen last episode. Shuu and the students are locked out and is about to be the victims of military's plan C. But hey...since Shuu is now able to pull Voids out without having the host faint, and evidently pull more than one of them at the same time, he's got a huge arsenal of weapons literally in his hands. Can't to wait how he fares.
New opening is nice, animation is great, song is also good.
Ending hmmm is ok but I didn't care to much about it.

Now wonder how will they progress from now.
it's getting more interesting... so i guess the Funeral Parlor next mission is to overthrow japanese goverment under Keidou.
Some of this episode gave me chills, it was great. Dont think much of the outro.. but i have high hopes for Guilty Crown ^.^
Observations while watching the episode:

-New opening. Three minutes in, and I already like this episode better than the others.
-Okay, is Ayase's wheelchair used? Because it's not that easy to fall out of them.
-Hey guys? Next time you demonstrate friendliness, don't make a face that the villains from Karate Kid use.
-Shu, you're going to use the power again, okay? Quit running away.
-Oh great. Daryl's going to get redeemed. Look forward to that.
-The bad guys of the episode have really weak motives, but given that Scarface is backing them up and because they are quarantined, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
-Void evolution was the reason Gai could move last episode? Really? Weak!
-Ayase's problems are just boring. Next!
-Wow, that action scene was awesome! Hopefully, Ayase stays cheerful now.
-As usual, Inori has barely any screen time.
-Seriously, will that guy just die?

All in all, I liked this episode. I had my problems with it, of course, but there wasn't anything really bad about it (except for some of the dialogue in Ayase's scenes, those goddamn bullies, and the new convenient Void power-up). Plus, there's actually a developed relationship in the anime now. Finally!
wow , okay they have good start even though its too cliche story (Ayase problem and Shu cowardness) , its actually a bit unexpected that "new king mode" too convenience , well have a bit romance will spice up the story , new opening : normal one not eye catching as the previous opening , well just expect more story, what will they do from now on
Nice new OP but didn't really to my liking. this episode more like a "break" after all mess from before. not too interesting since i see less action. but gonna love ayase's void. pretty much more usefull than anyother. good for either dodge or surprise attack. and yes maybe ayase and shu pair would be much better~
I really enjoy this anime, and i LOVE how it did not end where it rightfully could of, and most animes do. when i saw then new post for the new season i was like HOLY WTF Batman! this is some good stuff here.
Irony, I was still looping that video in the afternoon around 7 hours ago, now its removed.

Keep it up I.G.~ Set the correct tone for this show~
up to this episode i still don't know what the point or merit for Keido to isolate Loop 7.
nothing much to tell i guess in this episode, except we could see Tsugumi's void, it's a gadget to make clone and can be remote controlled.
and at the end of episode, i don't know what's the real intention of Yahiro dividing the student from the measure of their void power
Congrats to Tsugumi for getting her cherry popped having her void extracted. The way the said sounds dirty.

"- Hey guys, look at this neat void measuring device I found lying on the ground! How do I know what it's used for? It came with the manual obviously! And there's absolutely nothing suspicious about the fact it was right next to the truck of the guys who tried to slaughter everybody yesterday. Nope. Not at all.

- Awesome! Let's use it to rank everybody and turn this school into a totalitarian state!

- Brilliant."

Fun facts:

Tsugumi's void level is 1488.
Guilty crown takes place exactly 100 hundred years after the beginning of WWII.
Today is holocaust memorial day.
The Void measuring device is obviously a "gift" from Segai. Seriously, some wannabe terrorist group who got all worked up for having a cannon fodder Endrave unit just happened to be owning a high tech device that associates with power unknown. Unless Segai purposely threw them the bone or Yahiro (can't tell if srs) still has something under his sleeves, we are going to have a serious problem with credibility of the intelligence of the characters.

So I think this episode's most worthwhile highlight, despite the whole deal about Shuu becoming the new school president (and I'm not going into details about that because I always knew Shuu is awesome), I think, is Inori "fending off" the possible rapists and lying to Shuu about it. God knows what exactly she did to those poor souls worthless pieces of shit that was apparently too horrifying to show on TV, but one thing I found great about this approach is that it adds a subtle flavor and humanity to her character. She doesn't want Shuu to know what she has done, which is a big leap for her character since the beginning of the series when she was all live and let die coldness. I'm almost positive we haven't seen the end of this little extravaganza and it'll probably come back and bite Inori in her cute little buttcheeks.

This episode made me wonder if Shuu has a Void himself--he is 17 after all. But the scouter says his power level is over 9000 device shows his Void level as "xxxx", or does his Power of the King have an unknown side effect on his Void? Or perhaps some more secret in Shuu himself...

Lastly, that guy with glasses wears the gayest and ugliest thick frame glasses I have ever seen.

Such a sad episode! I admit I didn't expect Hare to die until she (or rather, Tsugumi) put up her death flag by confessing to Shuu. It's true when they say kindness doesn't pay off...
With Hare's sudden death, Shuu has manned up into a cold unforgiving dick which is what everyone wanted. ;_;
He literally raped Void out of Inori and punched Souta's face into oblivion (although I don't really care about the latter). Are you happy now people?!

Hare's bit about "The Kind King" was touching and fitting for Shuu's situation. You show overwhelming kindness to people but all you are left is with angry mobs and a sunk kingdom (not a GundamW reference). Ironically Shuu has become exactly the opposite of what Hare wanted him to be. It's unfortunate really, but if anything it taught Shuu that he has to make difficult decisions and sacrifices for the best (and in terms of the show, something had to happen to turn Shuu into a dark figure that he is in the OP). I just wish the sacrifice wasn't Hare ;_;

Sigh. Have a lot more to say but I won't because I'm too saddened by the death of one of my favorite characters in the show. Q.Q
my prediction becomes reality.... remembering what they've did before to Shirley...
sad episode :( It half just turned into Death Note, Keeping the good and getting rid of the trash. I personally hope it only lasts a few episodes.
AND HARE! DDX Aww I had big suspicions that she would die, Sad that the came true :X
The story seems rather interesting. It and Nisemonogatari are my Favourite shows for this summer :)
sad episode :( It half just turned into Death Note, Keeping the good and getting rid of the trash. I personally hope it only lasts a few episodes.
AND HARE! DDX Aww I had big suspicions that she would die, Sad that the came true :X
The story seems rather interesting. It and Nisemonogatari are my Favourite shows for this summer :)

The situation calls for it though. If you think about it rationally, it'd be best to save the most useful members that are key to their survival first especially since the vaccine is limited. Yes, it's unfair, and cruel. However, the virus isn't the only problem that they have to deal with, but GHQ as well--which is an even bigger threat since those guys can wipe them out with proper planning. Shu can't protect the entire student body by himself if the enemy strikes in large forces. Geez, I'd hate to be in his position. D=

I was waiting for Hare to heal Ayase's legs, but I guess that will never happen anymore.

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