Have you ever...

No, but I did punch a metal goal post one time because my team-mates couldn't figure what to do and I was the only who knew what was going on.

Have you tried to break a board with a karate-chop?
Not tried but did. Took martial arts when I was small so yea uhh we did that a lot in class anyways.

Have you ever seen someone hit by a car when you were standing there?
Seeing it? No. but I was very close the to scene when it happened - morning, in front of my collage, a student got hit by a car.

Have you ever pick you nose, only to found out that there are people looking at what you're doing?
HAHA! Nope have not done that, I go to the restroom and use tissues I do not pick my nose lol!

Have you ever gotten food poisoning?
Nope, I'm pretty resilient to any and all things. (omg he's super human)

Have you ever had that feeling where somebody's staring at you but there's no one around?
Yea I get that from time to time hehe

Have you ever walked into a situation you felt was a bad thing to be around?

Yea I get that from time to time hehe

Have you ever walked into a situation you felt was a bad thing to be around?
Yup, it was kinda awkward.

Have you ever saw/noticed something at the corner of your eyes, but it not there when you look at it?
I always noticed like light or white spot at the corner of my left eye. Either there's something really there or my eye playing trick on me.
Yea I get that as well, but it is a shadow in my right eye.

Have you ever forgot to pay the power bill, and they came and shut off your power :( I did that today :(
That sucks, but no hasn't happened to me yet, YET.

Have you ever wanted to tell someone about something but never really knew how? (How do you tell a complete stranger that her nip is hanging out? You can't win if your a guy.)
Yeah. Many times..

have you ever sneezed in public and "something" came out of your nose?
now that's awkward.
Yeah, and there's absolutely nothing around to wipe it off.

Have you ever........?(that's it, have you?)
No I havent.. since I got no gilfriend :D (you can propably figure out what I'm talking about)

Have you ever sat down on a sofa and just sat there for almost half our doing absolutely nothing?
(I don't know why but I did a while ago...)
Nope, I work, school, games, camp, cook. never a minute where I can sit and do nothing.

Have you ever wanted drank coffee before going to bed??? (Cowboy coffee un-filtered or a latte is the best!)
I did and it was not a good idea. Couldn't sleep so instead I stayed up and watched anime.

Have you ever waken up one morning and felt like you could take on the world (or at the very least punch a whole through the wall)?
Yes, usually after drinking coffee before bed xP

Have you ever went to do something extreme and then chickened out?
Why yes, thank you for asking. (Bungie jumping seems fun from the bottom, emphasis on those words right there)

Have you ever done something so amazingly awesome that it takes away ALL your luck for the rest of that day?
That kinda thing is hard to remember.. becouse I really have a bad luck all the time. so if I do something awesome at day, the evening goes like hell no matter what I do. :)
(well not always..)

Have you ever talked to someone and when your about to say something important, he / she doesen't listen to you, but listens someone else thats talking the same time you were?
That's ****** irritating. Happened to me twice today!
Pretty much every day at work - usually followed by the person talking over me asking a question I just answered !

Have you ever de-railed your own train of thought ?
Yeah, especially when I'm thinking about something important.

Have you ever raged because of a video game?
Ninja gaiden trilogy >.> (NES versions not the newer ones, those are easy)

Have you ever pronounced it Ninja.... "Gay"den?
Nope, though I've heard it before.

Have you ever laughed uncontrollably for no reason before?
Depends on what you mean by no reason, I have randomly cracked up cuz of something i remembered xP but never for no reason at all.

Have you ever gotten tazed?
your lucky i noticed my render in yer sig... or i might have been alittle upset by losing it just now >.> xD

Have you ever been arrested?

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