A minor accident, in my friends car, he decided to try to look kool and backed out of a parking spot at church real fast, toyota pickup was behind him, i loled.
Have you ever played the lame dating sims on newgrounds?
Well, I've had couple of almost unbelieveble situations in my life that I had denied happening of it, but in the end I just had to accept it.
But I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for :D
Nope, not becouse of anime. Other things in my life make me think all sorts of things about my career..
Have you ever wanted something supernatural or something like that to happen to you what happened in anime?
I've daydreamed about those sort of things. I'd like to have some nice girl falling from the sky and we'd start dating and have a happy life. And lot of sex. The End. :)
Well, in anime it kinds of happen in a dumb or unrealistic sort of way that doesn't appeal to me much. But I guess I've thought a bit about it, just like everyone else.
But let's get serious: have you ever imagined yourself killing your best friend in a gruesome way?
Nope, though one time I got tree branches as present from santaclaus :) I don't remember what bad thing I did that year becouse it's so long time ago :D
Have you ever broke something becouse you were angry??
I've done it few times, usually I've done it in school, once threw my mechanical pencil and it broke and stuff.
Actually it's childish as hell.. Why the hell did I do it? : /