Have you ever...

No but I would love to have the funds to do so :D

Have you ever had a PC die and you did everything to fix it (buying new parts and such) only to find out it was something simple?
Yes one time I had that happen, it ended up being the power button its self was toasted, I replaced 800$ in parts, could not believe it. That is when I decided to go to school for PC's.

Have you ever got so mad at your PC you tossed it in the trash?
(Did that 2 years ago with a brand new Alienware Laptop, it made me SO MAD! so in the trash it went.)
Only my new plasma but by mistake thank God for the warranty .

Have you ever play dumb with someone?
Yeah, more often than I should truthfully.

Have you ever had to lower yourself to be on par with another?
Yes too many times... around 2-5 years... with my nephews.... so cute :)

Have you ever think how it will be when you are married?
Yes on my high school Gym Teacher, Mrs.Wright, she was cute cute cute! :3

Have you ever told someone you had a crush on them, and they in turn admit they like you too?
i had but i got rejected and i woke up few days later she told me that she like me... i was very confused.

Have you ever stop thinking what are you going to do next day?
Not really.

Have you ever asked someone out that would be by society's standards "Out of you league" ?
Yep and she went with me, and she is still here :)~ Do not EVER let your dreams go, one day they will happen

Have you ever dropped a heavy object on your foot, an said a bad word not realizing your mom, or dad was standing behind you?
Hit my foot with heavy object and then cuss like crazy? No, but hit my thumb with hammer then cuss like old sailor in front of everybody,? Yes.

Have you ever saw a dog stumbled coz it didn't notice there was a small step on the walkway?
Saw once, while in the car. Make me laugh so hard.
No never got to see that. I would have laughed as well tho I am sure.

Have you ever seen a cat jump out of a tree and land inside a trashcan?
Jan was taking the trash out one day and we have this big old tom cat in the neighborhood, the cat sits in the trees and hisses and growls at people. I think maybe one of the dogs freaked out the cat, it jumped out of the tree as Jan was walking under it, and in the can the cat went, I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.
Never seen something like that before.

Have you ever been psychical with someone of the same sex?

Yes Kimmy we know been there done that :P :D
Does it have to do with sex? I can't imagine do that with all those testosterone.

Have you ever open your anime/manga collection, coz you ran out of idea to post in the The Last Letter Game Anime V1?
Nope, I did not like that one so much so never got involved with that thread.

Have you ever wondered how much money you have spent on Anime, Manga, Egoge Games ect.?
Nope because I don't spend money.......... I mean yeah I wonder how much I spend via the electricity and internet service I need for it.........

Have you ever felt that you have enough anime/manga/visual novels?
No! never! lol must get more, like a zombie for it or something.

Have you ever wanted to go outside and run around naked just because you can?
Nope coz I might get arrest by the cop, especially with my current age. But if it was 30 years ago...

Have you ever been to the cinema only to found out the movie you wanna watch actually have come out yet?
Happened to me when I wanted to watch Star Trek Genesis, end up watching The Frightener.
Yes, when Star Wars EP-3 came out, a friend had tickets and her husband could not make it to go, so she invited me.

Have you ever woke up scared witless?
Yes; mainly when I die in dreams but don't wake up. It's a haunting experience.

Have you ever died in a dream?
No, not died, but darn close that is so freaky you wake up sweating and all in a panic.

Have you ever had total control of your dreams, everything you wanted to happen in it happened.
Apparently yes so yeah :P well you know what comes next >< Problem is i cant control the duration of the dream :(

Have you ever thought what it would be like if there was no anime ?
No never thought on that one.

Have you ever missed something that was rite in front of you, and you kept looking for it for hours?
ohh yes especially when its the same colour as the background just like my tv controller and my sofa ><

Have you ever took the wrong bus and ended up lost?

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