KanColle Headquarter!

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; Yamato is still a fragile girl after all. :)

Anyways, I like to point out that final princess had an AP shell (FP +15, ACC +5) so sparkles usually won't save you from her shots, which is 90% instant taiha/red. She also comes with two 15-inch fort gun (Armor +3, FP +13, ACC +4) and 180 Avengers (Torp +13, ACC +2) < don't be surprise if her opening chuuha/orange your girls.

4fight mid for chip w/ 2cv1bbv2ca1clt, south 3fight yasen route 2bbv2bb1cv1ss for closer, didn't bust out Yamatos. Feels like if we want to lottery for the last kill then might as well as go 3fight route bot w/ a decoy.
4-5 final heh? I'm going 3-5 now and 4-5 will be next :). It seems the middle route is easiest. 4-5 - an additional monthly medal :D.
It is gonna be a fairly expensive medal.
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South route with a SSV tank still need quite some luck getting pass night node even with searchlight and night plane activated. I used the BB searchlight on Musashi and she got CI to taiha/red by Ne-class. That bit3h cut-in like 8/10 times.
There's also one time where everyone survive until the DD taiha my Shioi to 1 HP.

No wonder.. she has freaking 70 LUCK points. :8 Didn't notice that before.

Anyone got AACI by her before? Better think twice using attack planes for extra air power. Extra care going 4-5 middle route.

[MENTION=40274]Murakumo[/MENTION]; Nice! Use it on you fav ship girl.
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Finally got her kai ni'd. Also managed a couple subs and Fubuki. Leveling destroyers really is a pain. I did it on 4-3 and 5-2.

Remember you have a fan here, do snap some awesome angles pictures.:D I'm no fan at collecting figurines but I do enjoy looking at them.

Ok, I will. It's too late for me to say this, but I never really planned on collecting figurines. I just looked at them. And then I went crazy. =/

Mine was shipped yesterday :3 I just hope Custom can handle my awesome Yamato,...

Mine got shipped yesterday. None of my Kancolle figures got stuck at customs (Kongou and Mutsu). Maybe they get a special pass? :D

Got to hear Akino sing Miiro live yesterday. So nice.

Gratz. I am not really a fan of live shows, but I still have a couple Animelo lives on my HDD (2014 featured Toyama Nao singing Kancolle songs :3). The US thing was a surprise. xD


Air Princess too.

I have read enough doujinshi to welcome any of the abyssal kanmusu! But really, I like them. (lol)
Mine got shipped yesterday. None of my Kancolle figures got stuck at customs (Kongou and Mutsu). Maybe they get a special pass? :D

Maybe they do! I don't know :P Just checked, mine is in the country, just waiting for it to get out of custom I guess xD
South route with a SSV tank still need quite some luck getting pass night node even with searchlight and night plane activated. I used the BB searchlight on Musashi and she got CI to taiha/red by Ne-class. That bit3h cut-in like 8/10 times.
This was effectively a trade of buckets for resources, since most of your fails will be node 1 instead of 3 or 4 like middle route. Searchlight is the biggest trap for yasen nodes though, worthless except to almost guarantee to get something taiha'd.

Tsu's aa hurts, people are packing like 20~30 extra aa to deal with the level of hurt she brings on planecount.
Just an unlucky run and I thought it is better to let our most heavy tanker take the hit instead of the weaker ones. Didn't know she can't even eat a torp cut-in. Still, who else can survive a torp cut-in if a Yamato-class couldn't?
A normal cut-in like from Ta-class is alright but every time I see a torp cut-in, I know it will be chuuha or most probably taiha. Never seen scratch damage from it.

I'm starting to feel cheated with this searchlight decreasing enemy's cut-in rate.

About Tsu AACI, we can check the amount of planes we have after each node with KCViewer Fleet Details.
I remember seeing my Kaga's 20 torp planes slot went to 0 after the first node. :( That's when I stop using torp planes for 4-5 middle route.
Just an unlucky run and I thought it is better to let our most heavy tanker take the hit instead of the weaker ones. Didn't know she can't even eat a torp cut-in. Still, who else can survive a torp cut-in if a Yamato-class couldn't?
A normal cut-in like from Ta-class is alright but every time I see a torp cut-in, I know it will be chuuha or most probably taiha. Never seen scratch damage from it.
Yasen numbers are too silly, no point even trying to tank it with armor. If I am going to run searchlight decoy I'd run it with a dodgetank.

Yamatos are better served at the middle route, yasen nodes will taiha when it wants so might as well as run some cheaper stuff there.
Hmm... it's quiet here ^^.
I'm trying 4-5, middle route, 1 BB 2CV 3CA.

Edit: 1st run green T at pre boss and Haguro get heavy damage...
Edit2: no problem for 2nd run ^^
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Kancolle Kai from P.A.

Their description

Gamers are going to enjoy new console improvements with novel fleet combat experiences with the introduction of actually controlling the girls, advanced weaponry (like the twin high-angle trajectory gun mount), and special tactical skills (different types of sonar), all involving the Kanmusu!

I wonder if that is even true. :chuuni_huh:

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Cause there's nothing worth discussing at the moment? :yawn: Again, good luck with 4-5 final. :D
There isn't not much info about kancolle kai game play >.<. We have to wait until they release O_o.
Yesterday 4-5: about 20 runs and 6 runs reach boss. Fakku my luck yesterday ( about 7k fuel, 7k steel were burned + ~30 buckets ). The final form is hard. 2 times yesterday and 1 more today but i still can't kill her.
4-5 is quiet hard. >.<

4-5 clear!!! After 8 runs, 4 reach boss and 4 retreat. I've got good luck in the last run. Wanko miss the 1st and the 2nd she aim Kaga. The Ru is heavy damage before she fire. Yamashiro and Mutsu do great although they medium damage after the aerial combat. The CAs aim the escorts and eliminate them waaahaaaa. Night battle with only Wanko face 5 girls ^^. Haguro do the last hit while Ashigara lowering Wanko's HP, there is Choukai as backup. Fufufufu Thank my girls, they do their best this run. :D


About 10k fuel, 10k steel, 3k bauxite and 7k ammo + 50 buckets are burned for 4-5. Well this medal isn't cheap ^^.
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Awesome luck there. Congrats on clearing 4-5 and +1 blueprint.
Even if she's alone with full HP, you'll still be able to destroy her. With your 5 girls + night scout proc = Abyssal, you are already dead.

Any plans to run again next month?

Also, type 32 radar kai fairies are Ise and Hyuuga!

They might carry that for K2. Can't wait for their K2 :D
Rot away~ Fuksou and Yamash8ro. Sorry but my hate for their character is high due to many reasons. LSC and them yada-yada on bad luck.
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32kai not bad, glad that for once 500 reward is worth it.

4-5 costs looks like it can fluctuate a lot, I've seen 20k+ and 3~4k figures. Potentially 5-5 is cheaper lol.
There is still 10 days before this month end. I guess i'll try 5-5 too. If it's cheaper like ecael say then i won't do 4-5 next month. Or i'll do few times per week. I just don't like to see my resources decrease that many in 1 days >.<.

@fire the fairies for skilled lockout look like Ayanami and Choukai ^^

@King Lucky charm for LSC had arrived right? ^^
5-5 is only cheaper if you have all the stuff to make the sub route basically just a farm, the cost goes up steadily as the quality of your support and equips drop. 4-5, from how it looks for the first month, looks pretty annoying to cut down rng factor while costing a decent bit to run. So overall for me 4-5 is potentially more expensive.

I imagine the evaluation will change in a few months, but for the moment being 4-5 can be pretty terror~

This month was like 5kish for 4-5 and <15k or so for 5-5, but while I have confidence in keeping the latter under 20k except with the worst of circumstances, I can't say anything about the former at all. Yet.
[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; 5-5 is more RNG heavy. Reminder, you will face Elite Re-chan (opening torp) two times in a run before final.
Do try the SSV route first with node & boss support and see how it goes. If you can field Yamatos it's easier cause Re's opening is very unlikely to dent them.
If you get T-green in her node, well.. you know what to do.

Use high luck SSV or have fun failing at boss kills most of the time.

OR you can copy what she did but not the air support. Got vids from 1st to last kill. She's one of the KC event vanguards, Shinhwalee.

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; you use the sub route for 5-5?
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Sub route is super easy if you have good enough supports, cv+cvl route isn't too bad but imo more subject to luck and only serves to let you skimp enroute support.
5-5 Sub route. Will show you a taste of it.
Bad luck on node 2 tends to be what does people in, but yeah as your equips and support fleet improves the map gets easier.

Is it wrong that I laugh at a 2015 first clear of 5-5 vid because it takes 2 digits worth of attempts.

Use high luck SSV or have fun failing at boss kills most of the time.
ro-chan might be doable if you ring, the dodge is pretty high.

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