KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

This event seems to be pretty tame, maybe because all the bitching after last event's last dance.

Suzukuma (well, mogamis)/Ro might be used in E5 pathing, lol.

E2 went pretty smoothly, some accidents along the way but nothing really worth mentioning. No real route requirements, just a recon check at the end. So do whatever. Now to see what to conserve on E3...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

E4 cleared on hard mode

Route taken BFEM

Carrier combine fleet :

Fleet 1 :
Ise kai
Fusou kai
Akagi kai
Shoukaku kai
Souryuu kai
Kaga kai

Escort Fleet :
Naka Kai ni
Kirishima Kai ni
Fubuki kai ni
Maya Kai
Hatsushimo Kai ni
Mogami Kai
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

If this system is being implemented for real, I can imagine everyone with lv1 PVP fleets and PVP dying out soon after.


I have murder 3 of his waifus. :D ring Kiso, KTKM and Ooi. I-401 is the only waifu left.
Poor teitoku check his fleet and :( wonder what the f**k happened to his waifus.

ProTip : Don't let your waifu out when AFK. Otherwise, the event above might happen.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Now the question... Should I try E-3 Medium or go with Easy?! I have really low level fleet right now. I'm not sure that I will be able to find enough leveled ships for this locking mechanic :korokke_tenten:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Need confirmation, if I do E-3 on Easy can they participate on E-4 Medium/Hard?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

2 more boss kills before I clear E-1 Hard. Hopefully by the time I clear E-2 there would be enough info available for me to decide my fleet comp for the following maps since I still don't have the luxury of having many ships suitable for the event.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

E-2 Hard. Carrier Task Fleet (blue one).
It was easier then it seems. I panicked for nothing :D

So far ; 2 runs, 2 clean sweep. And got my last Shiratsuyu DD from boss, this is a keeper.
Also got that Yuugumo from preboss and scraped.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Hmm... E-3 Medium... 5 runs - 3 boss kills. Just because every second run node D - Abyssal Naka-chan T_T

Fleet: 1FBB-1CVL-2CA-1CAV-1DD. Girls are just above level 30, only Kumano is level 50.
Can not say that this map is diffucult. The only problem is Naka-chan.

I think I can do it :korokke_uwooo:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Hmm... E-3 Medium... 5 runs - 3 boss kills. Just because every second run node D - Abyssal Naka-chan T_T

Fleet: 1FBB-1CVL-2CA-1CAV-1DD. Girls are just above level 30, only Kumano is level 50.
Can not say that this map is diffucult. The only problem is Naka-chan.

I think I can do it :korokke_uwooo:

Ganbatte ! just think of the freedom of ships to choose on E4 and E5 :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

E-3 Medium - clear! 10 runs - 7 clean kill. 3 retreats before boss node.
Route - A-C-D-E-J

The fleet that made it possible

Some really good drop from boss node victories


Now have to think about E-4 fleet composition.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Well E1 hard mode seems...tame.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Being Poi is suffering. :nekopara_sigh: 6 runs ; 6 clean sweep.


Also, 2x Hiryuus.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Everyone make progress :)
I'm processing E2 now. My fleets:

CV: Green in highest slot. Total 5 reppu.
Nagato: 2 red gun, 1 AP, 1 recon
Maya: AACI

Sendai: 2 red gun + Night scout
Haguro: 2 red gun, recon, radar
Poi + Ayanami: each 1 red gun + torp + Star shell/search light
KTKM + Ooi: full torp

I will change the equipment if needed. Here i go.

EDIT: 1st run is smoothly :D
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@moemoe-kyun So, your waifu is :shoukaku: ? :puniko_thumbsup:
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I'm starting E-3 now, wish me luck everyone. :nekopara_tehee:
my fleet:

EDIT: 1st run went perfect, my girls did their best.:nekopara_pleased:
Hope the rest will be good~~~
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Good Luck wind_zero. I'll join the raid too, I'm going for Hard and see how it goes.
Team Myouko & Justice Curry!

First run and forgot to equip my night equips. :(
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

This is an easy enough event that there is no point planning around needing to kill in yasen. Just go with your standard doublehits and be done.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

3 run with clean kill, need 3 more :D. I'm taking a break while repairing scratch :)

@wind_zero Good luck ^^

@FireShark Yep and thank :D. Good luck with your raid. ^^
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@ecael You're right. I didn't even have to go yasen. Lucky Hiei CI and took out the BB, making everything a cake walk. No closing torp as well.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@FireShark ecael is right, I didn't equip any night battle equipments but my 2 runs seem very good without them. btw :nekopara_goodluck:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Did they ninja buff CV in Kidou Butai Combined Fleet? Their accuracy and damage seems rather high compared to normal o.O
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@Arturia I got that feeling too after my Taihou lands pinpoint nukes. She miss way less compare to last time.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦


E-3 done.
E-2 gave me some trouble.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

E5 Hard Clear

Route taken : BDFIN & ACFIN ( radar doesnt seem to work on whirlpool ultimately reaching boss node at close to 0 fuel hence ships tend to take more dmg)

Boss is a Installment target so Type 3 shells are essential.

Boss node has :

Boss - Anchorage water demon
Escort Fortress
Escort Fortress
BB - Remodel flagship

Fleet 1 :
Nagato Kai
Haruna Kai ni
Hiryuu Kai ni
Hiei Kai ni
Mutsu Kai
I-58 Kai (Repair Team) <---used to tank the boss hits

used boss support expedition to help with the little minions.
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