KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I will use 4BB, 1CA, 1CV 1CL, 1CAV 2CLT, 2DD for E-5 it seems to be the most efficient comp. I don't trust Mogami enough so i'm training my newly acquired Suzuya to use as a CAV. I'll inform the result when i actually start the map
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I will use 4BB, 1CA, 1CV 1CL, 1CAV 2CLT, 2DD for E-5 it seems to be the most efficient comp. I don't trust Mogami enough so i'm training my newly acquired Suzuya to use as a CAV. I'll inform the result when i actually start the map

I can't reach boss node with any comp other than the one I'm running atm, even with the one I'm running atm I'm still hoping things don't hit too hard (generally miss but someone I get trolled quite hard and just get orange in 2nd node), out of interest what are you attempting this on?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I can't reach boss node with any comp other than the one I'm running atm, even with the one I'm running atm I'm still hoping things don't hit too hard (generally miss but someone I get trolled quite hard and just get orange in 2nd node), out of interest what are you attempting this on?

While i would love to do this on easy since i have no interest on getting the e-penis medal but i fancy the idea of farming Isokaze which i can do on normal difficulty-
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage



E-4 (easy) cleared!

4th: Boss, A-victory (flagship: heavy damage)
(CLT+CL+4DD, route: E-H-I-K)
5th: Boss, S-victory
(4CA+2DD, route: B-D-G-I-K)
6th: Boss, A-victory (flagship: heavy damage)
(CLT+CL+4DD, route: E-H-I-K)
7th: retreat, node I, heavy damage: Haguro (wan-pan)
(4CA+2DD, route: B-D-G-I-K)
8th: Boss, A-victory (flagship: heavy damage)
(CLT+CL+4DD, route: E-H-I-K)
9th: Boss, S-victory
(4CA+2DD, route: B-D-G-I-K)

If a mistake of LOS check was excluded, I was able to clear it by sorties seven times. I have a feeling that there is a big difference in easy and medium.
As for the ships which a boss dropped, I wasn't able to meet a new friend only by CVL at all... :(

The Braves



Support Expedition fleet for Boss
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage



E-4 (easy) cleared!

Congratulations man! You made it!

While i would love to do this on easy since i have no interest on getting the e-penis medal but i fancy the idea of farming Isokaze which i can do on normal difficulty-

You can get any ships on any difficulty as far as people are concerned. Difficulty only effect the rewards you get at the end no?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

It's written in wiki that the following equipment is necessary for the E-5 attack.
(The red color is the equipment that I have.)

- Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout)
My Sendai is Lv54 now.

- Searchlight
Sendai: 54, Yamashiro 39, Furutaka 38, Kirishima: 32, Jintsuu: 30, Ayanami 24 now

- Star Shell
Sendai: 54, Ayanami: 24 now

- Type 91 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell
- Type 1 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell
(Quest B31: I don't have Nagato.)

- Fleet Command Facility
I don't have Ooyodo.

- Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
Hatsushimo: 37 now
- Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
Fubuki: 27 now
- 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
I don't have Akizuki.

- Type 32 Surface RADAR
- Type 14 Air RADAR
- FuMO25 Radar

Well, I don't have Akashi too. What should I do?....:sigh:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

First attempt at E-3.

Surface Combined Fleet = 1st fleet {Nagato, Mutsu, Kaga, Suzuya, Mogami, Kaga}, 2nd fleet {Shimakaze, Shigure, Agano, Kongou, Ooi, Kitakami}

Fleet survived quite well against enemy attacks but ended up going to node F (which I didn't really mind) and then node G (which I did mind). Gonna see if they go the same route again before swapping Ooi out for another DD perhaps.

EDIT: Changed 2nd fleet to go C->E->H->K route, got there and sunk all enemy ships BUT the boss. WTF?! Fuel also decreasing at a rate of holy hell
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

It's written in wiki that the following equipment is necessary for the E-5 attack.
(The red color is the equipment that I have.)

- Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout)
My Sendai is Lv54 now.

- Searchlight
Sendai: 54, Yamashiro 39, Furutaka 38, Kirishima: 32, Jintsuu: 30, Ayanami 24 now

- Star Shell
Sendai: 54, Ayanami: 24 now

- Type 91 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell
- Type 1 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell
(Quest B31: I don't have Nagato.)

- Fleet Command Facility
I don't have Ooyodo.

- Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
Hatsushimo: 37 now
- Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
Fubuki: 27 now
- 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
I don't have Akizuki.

- Type 32 Surface RADAR
- Type 14 Air RADAR
- FuMO25 Radar

Well, I don't have Akashi too. What should I do?....:sigh:

Make use with what you have got, then see where it takes you. But the AA cut in is really important pre final version of Boss, not so much for boss final form in my opinion, since pre final boss is pretty 3 Hell Cat Squad (1 boss 2 Wo CV) so you need something along the line of 2xx effective AA stats I think.

First attempt at E-3.

Surface Combined Fleet = 1st fleet {Nagato, Mutsu, Kaga, Suzuya, Mogami, Kaga}, 2nd fleet {Shimakaze, Shigure, Agano, Kongou, Ooi, Kitakami}

Fleet survived quite well against enemy attacks but ended up going to node F (which I didn't really mind) and then node G (which I did mind). Gonna see if they go the same route again before swapping Ooi out for another DD perhaps.

EDIT: Changed 2nd fleet to go C->E->H->K route, got there and sunk all enemy ships BUT the boss. WTF?! Fuel also decreasing at a rate of holy hell

Sounds like a normal day in the Naval District :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

First attempt at E-3.

Surface Combined Fleet = 1st fleet {Nagato, Mutsu, Kaga, Suzuya, Mogami, Kaga}, 2nd fleet {Shimakaze, Shigure, Agano, Kongou, Ooi, Kitakami}

Fleet survived quite well against enemy attacks but ended up going to node F (which I didn't really mind) and then node G (which I did mind). Gonna see if they go the same route again before swapping Ooi out for another DD perhaps.

EDIT: Changed 2nd fleet to go C->E->H->K route, got there and sunk all enemy ships BUT the boss. WTF?! Fuel also decreasing at a rate of holy hell

I was trying hard with the surface combined fleet, and only managed to sink the flagship when I changed it to quick response combined fleet.
Also, how can you have 2 Kagas in your 1st fleet?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I was trying hard with the surface combined fleet, and only managed to sink the flagship when I changed it to quick response combined fleet.
Also, how can you have 2 Kagas in your 1st fleet?

Whoops! Nagato, Mutsu, Kaga, Suzuya, Mogami and Hiei.

Hmm, I guess I'll try the Quick Response if Surface refuses to work out for me.

@King what formation did you use for boss node? Front-facing all the way until boss node then Battle?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Make use with what you have got, then see where it takes you. But the AA cut in is really important pre final version of Boss, not so much for boss final form in my opinion, since pre final boss is pretty 3 Hell Cat Squad (1 boss 2 Wo CV) so you need something along the line of 2xx effective AA stats I think.

Thanks, King.
Yes, I realized that the A-A stats was very important in E-3. In addition, the Night Scout seems to be important in E-5, too. I'll do leveling for a little while. However, I must bring up levels of DD to 70 from 30 to get A-A stats. To be frank, it's severe in terms of time... :(
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Thanks, King.
Yes, I realized that the A-A stats was very important in E-3. In addition, the Night Scout seems to be important in E-5, too. I'll do leveling for a little while. However, I must bring up levels of DD to 70 from 30 to get A-A stats. To be frank, it's severe in terms of time... :(

Yea time is running out indeed, I only half way through E5 Hard Mode, the pre-boss node is trolling me for the past 5 or so sortie and then when I get to boss none of my BB will hit anything for some odd reason, so I went into NB with like 5 ships left to clean with only 4 attacks so my progress have been slow, hopefully RNG will be a bit more graceful to me next time.

Whoops! Nagato, Mutsu, Kaga, Suzuya, Mogami and Hiei.

Hmm, I guess I'll try the Quick Response if Surface refuses to work out for me.

@King what formation did you use for boss node? Front-facing all the way until boss node then Battle?

If you're talking about E3 then I went formation 4 (Basically Line Ahead for normal maps) for all node xD
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Fk E-2. I don't need Ooyodo. ;~; Will farm E-3 now I guess...
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Have you completed E-4 or E-5?

I cleared E-4, but I didn't start E-5. I don't think I would be able to clear it, even on easy. Might or might not try it.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

You can get any ships on any difficulty as far as people are concerned. Difficulty only effect the rewards you get at the end no?

Drops are affected by difficulty (and of course your battle ranking B,A,S etc). Isokaze only drops on medium+ difficulty, there have been no reports of Isokaze dropping on easy.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Drops are affected by difficulty (and of course your battle ranking B,A,S etc). Isokaze only drops on medium+ difficulty, there have been no reports of Isokaze dropping on easy.

o.O though having done some reading, from what I can see only Isokaze doesn't drop from any difficulty o.O Strange, I wonder why Dev decided to do that xD Battle Ranking effecting drops isn't a new thing so I'm not surprised, but most of the time for gold background you only need A or above, unless they made it so Isokaze only drop S or above then I don't know. I know generally Rainbow background only drop on S or Perfect S only.


Come on guys, bless me with your luck so I can pull through please!
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Final E-5 medium comp i decided to use.

First fleet.
Haguro KN 87: SK34, SK34, FuMO25, Recon plane
Musashi K 76: 51cm, 46cm, T91 AP, Observation plane
Nagato K 75: 46cm, 46cm, T91 AP, Observation plane
Mutsu K 71: 41cm, 41cm, T91 AP, Observation plane
Kirishima K 73: 41cm, 41cm, T91 AP, Observation plane
Kaga K 73: Reppu, Reppu, Reppu (601AG), Reppu

Second fleet.
Prinz Eugen K 47: 20.3cm, Quad Ox, Quad Ox, Quad Ox
Kiso KN 85: 15.5cm (secon), 15.5cm (secon), Type A midget sub
Kitakami KN 75: 15.5cm (secon), 15.5cm (secon), Type A midget sub
Sendai KN 67: 20.3cm (no.2), 20.3cm (no.2), night recon
Shigure KN 73: 10cmHA+AAFD, Quint Ox, Type 13 air radar Kai
Yukikaze K 68: Quint Ox, Quad Ox, Starshell
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Thank you King. I'll take your advice and try Surface first. Tomorrow, i'll try E-5. 2 days for restock is completed, me resources reach cap now ^^. Just little bit and my Isuzu will reach 50. Oh yes i'm just done kai2 for Kitakami. Anyway tomorrow i'll post my fleet and the result.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I must say normal support expedition and boss support expedition are a must for E-5
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Thank you King. I'll take your advice and try Surface first. Tomorrow, i'll try E-5. 2 days for restock is completed, me resources reach cap now ^^. Just little bit and my Isuzu will reach 50. Oh yes i'm just done kai2 for Kitakami. Anyway tomorrow i'll post my fleet and the result.

No problem, I'm around to help anyone who needs it ;)

I must say normal support expedition and boss support expedition are a must for E-5

Really? I've yet to send a single support expedition and I'm nearly on Boss Final rotation [Hard Mode] (either I'm on it now or I'm nearly there, can't tell from the bar sometimes). Pre-boss node have trolled me for the past 2 sortie :/ I shall try it again tomorrow.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I'm repeating a recipe for AP Shell, but they use steel 3000, and only two appear.


obtained Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout), Searchlight, and Star Shell.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I'm repeating a recipe for AP Shell, but they use steel 3000, and only two appear.


obtained Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout), Searchlight, and Star Shell.

Unfortunately both Type 3 and AP shells don't come cheap :/
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Ehhhh i don't have shell >.<.

Report for 1st try E-5 easy: Surface Naval task force
Fleet 1: Nagato-Kongou-Hiei-Haruna-Kumano-Kaga. Kaga full fighter + saiun.
Fleet 2: Kirishima-Isuzu-Kitakami-Yudachi-Yukikaze-I58.
Route: A-C-E-H...

Nothing special in node A although i face Naka-chan. Node E, i face 1 yellow Ta, 2 yellow Ru, few girls have minor and medium damage. Node H: Aircraft Carrier Demon + 2 Wo. Sh*t!! I can't get AS. I-58 get heavy damage so i withdraw.

I'm trying Quick Respond.

2nd try: Quick Respond. I-58 get heavy damage at node A ---> withdraw.
Fleet 1: Nagato-Kongou-Akagi-Kaga-Souryuu-Hiryuu. All CV equip best fighter in higher slot. FP is about 220.
Fleet 2: Replace Kirishima with Haruna. Other girls are the same.

3rd try, Quick Respond, replace I-58 with Kumano. Still the same route. Get AS at node H but Kongou get heavy damage in air combat then i have to withdraw.

Now i plan to try node B 1st and pass maelstrom. (total 6 radars in the fleet)
Sh*t i forget that CV is slow ship...

4nd try: nothing special, heavy damage at node A.

5nd try: heavy damage at pre-boss >.<. Damn my today luck.


Edit 2: 6th try ( quick respond ): finally pass maelstrom, node F seem easier than node E. I finally reach boss and manage to kill her in night battle :D. All thank to Akagi, Kongou and Yukikaze fight well. ^^
That's all for today. I guess i'll level up Naka and try node B. The enemies in southern route seem easier than the northern route, at least for the 1st and 2nd node. With 6 radars in the fleet, i pass maelstrom and lost 19 fuel. After defeat the boss, fuel and ammo bar is 1.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Awww~~ She is so cute. Another new addition to the crew. :3


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