[LPW #101] Welcome to Persona 4 Arena Ultimax AKA LPW 101

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/me summons tornado
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Frank your turning Sammy into a mini version of you :1

Seeing you around Sam, just like you said....

But then I have to get going agaaain, me and my drop "byes" :evillaugh:
Oh p.s. and Beast, I didn't know what it was, but looks possibly very good.
Oh p.s. and Beast, I didn't know what it was, but looks possibly very good.

So far it would appear that it is quite possible that the reason Miyazaki was not working on Dark Souls 2, was because he was busy creating Demon's Souls 2 with his old team and Sony. Project Beast could end up being the Souls game I was looking for, so that I can kind of sweep DaS2 under the rug. DaS2 still wasn't a bad game, but to me it was nothing compared to the first two. I never even beat it yet because I got so bored of it.

It could also end up being a prank/fanart/something else entirely though.

/me runs off to bed
Oh crap, then sammy has kept us blind this whole time :/ /me sends Frank some anti sam pamplets as comfort. We must engange the worlds best scientists, and put sammy through an imouto transformation machine, and then let you adopt him..umh her, >< and let you teach ..... :? IT to be nice xD So he/she/it can have a proper upbringing and not make others feel bad.

Night Elos.

Oh, @Pyre: I recently deleted a game called Darksiders 2 for the same reason, even though I was right at the end. Thats very dejecting.

/me out.
What horrible rumors are you spreading about me? /me stabs frank repeatedly with a twig =/

Why are you trying to turn me into an imouto? /me stabs genki repeatedly with a fish =/
Why are you trying to turn me into an imouto? /me stabs genki repeatedly with a fish =/

:laughpanda: You must have known that would be your fate when signing up here sooner or later :hapjudge:
/me looks at sammy with a fish in his hand 0.o then steals the fish and kisses it just in case it turns into a princess, but since nothing happens tries drowning it in some water instead.

Oh and sammy you must be nice to Frank, you might even be related. He might call out to you one day, and say....Lu..eh Sammmy ! I am your father.... !

Just look at the striking resemblance between the two of you, I can soon enough not tell you apart:

DANGER: countdown has begun...Yyes..yes I"M doing IT!.
Okkki, I had my coffee hihihi. It's gonna be a warm day, like a rainforest, with coffee, and Trance.....ahh yes, trance from the heart of my soul. I would love to have shared it with a bunch. Taking [MENTION=79737]Calculator[/MENTION]; on a "trip" to tranceland, and [MENTION=18465]Renajoy[/MENTION]; on a trip to see the rainforest, tripping is optional however for you xD Only crammy doesn't have a choice when I turn up the art of trance in the forest :evillaugh:
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