[LPW #101] Welcome to Persona 4 Arena Ultimax AKA LPW 101

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Okkki, I had my coffee hihihi. It's gonna be a warm day, like a rainforest, with coffee, and Trance.....ahh yes, trance from the heart of my soul. I would love to have shared it with a bunch. Taking [MENTION=79737]Calculator[/MENTION]; on a "trip" to tranceland, and [MENTION=18465]Renajoy[/MENTION]; on a trip to see the rainforest, tripping is optional however for you xD Only crammy doesn't have a choice when I turn up the art of trance in the forest :evillaugh:

The Dark Side of the Moon?
Lool nope sorry, that would be too hippie for me ^^

What I was listening to while writing that though was actually from something called. "Art of trance" album: Praxia (but it doesn't need to be specific, just as long as you drink this rainforest concoction,....)
:runaway: No dark side of moon in my rainforest xD Careful or I'll up the dosage and give you an extra powerful trip to the rainforest. Just look at the glass I'm holding in my pic....I might make you drink it ALL. Then you will hear sounds thats not even there hohoho.
1st: Hello and g'morning all^^!

It's funny how samy goes to sleep when I go online and when he wakes up when I go to bed :goodtea:

...Well, because Samy is how/as a vampire: He goes online; when actually for him sleeping-time is (Think; -9 hours!), and he goes sleep; when he actually wake up must...:goodtea:~>
Well, I'm now for lunch away, where then... Later guys^^!
[MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; do you look into your server today?
Hmm... i think thats enough research for today... =w= Not going to touch that tv tropes pages or im not sleeping tonight... =w=
Oh0.o...! ...It seems, that not much happened is since ~ 3 hours...

...Anyway, hello guys, who really active is here...:goodtea:~>
Xj I just thought it was the quickest and most efficient way to kill it ^^ plus I'm merciful, and heard drowning is not such a bad way to go. Untested by me though.
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