[LPW #16] One year for Anime-Sharing

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I will only need to visit one if im in a near death situation.
Sore dake da
Leave me a VM and I shall do it tomorrow. I don't feel like doing anything today while being sick like this. D:
Ditto above.

Friends were drinking liquor while I got 'drunk' on plain water. :3
Should be creating more animu threads later...
Or maybe someone kind can do them.

*hints to coro and kou*

Hmm, corona wasnt that engaging as I initially thought....
General read I guess?
Haven reach any battles yet, but :

1. Guy enters Shinya
2. Guy kills mobs
3. Guy doesnt really think its weird
4. Guy meets red-head
5. Red-head introduces guy to 3 others
6. Girl comes from the sky
7. Girl gives Guy and Red-head a daughter
8. GUY STILL DOESNT FEEL WEIRD <- COME ON~ Give some reactions? Your life just spiraled out of control, you ok'ed at sleeping in a temple with 6 other girls. There ought to be something you need to SAY!

I cant really see the flow, especially when the protag is like "when life gives me lemons, i make lemonade."
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Not really to me. Was comtemplating to drop, I shall see the battles to drop.
^ YOURS?!?

Belated happy birthday!

[MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION]- It's your birthday? o.o

If it is Happy Birthday. >_>
Happy birthday, I didn't see your birthday, did you key it in the forum?
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