[LPW#54] Thou art I...and I am Thou..from the sea of thy soul i come fourth

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thank heavens i didn't throw the PS (1st gen) but i guess i will manage the small screen of PSP :lol:
i only played persona 3 & 4. that's all of my shin megami experience lol what are the others like [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]?

p.s. I think it's awesome you say uguu lol
Extreme hatred towards Minato's new name. Going to keep calling him Minato. >_>

Also, pretty much any SMT is worthwile. I have yet to find a bad smt.
I'm hyped for SMTIV. :3
okay, thanks for the info gwee:>

hmm...i think i have the devil summoner before..
ohh game talk? o.o
been playing fire emblem radiant dawn recently~ it's really cute :P
thank heavens i didn't throw the PS (1st gen) but i guess i will manage the small screen of PSP :lol:

Aye~ the first few generation PSPs were much better than the current ones since it's easier to get install custom firmware on them without bricking the hardware at all.

i only played persona 3 & 4. that's all of my shin megami experience lol what are the others like [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]?

p.s. I think it's awesome you say uguu lol

*ehehe* I only say 'uguu~' when I get really excited about something. SMT games generally follow the rule of:
- Story enemies being tough at the start and near end game. The final boss however is small fry once you reach a certain level.
- Silent Protagonists. God I love these. :3
- You can only fight a secret boss on a second playthrough or higher and the secret boss is too all powerful unless you're maxed out/prepared. Using passives that null any attack will cause the secret boss to OHKO you on the first/second turn.

SMT III: Nocturne. By far the best SMT game out there. Similar to the Persona sub series, you fight using demons/deities. They learn skills by levelling up also. The demons/deities have to be recruited however, before you can use them. The MC can use skills depending on the Magatama he equips and will learn the skills depending on his level and during time of equipment. Turn based. Critical hits, hitting a weak-point, missing, dodging, blocking an attack entirely will either increases your's or your enemies' amount of turns.

Digital Devil Saga 1/2 follow the Final Fantasy way of learning skills in which you equip a skill and use it over and over until it's learned. The secret bosses are a homage to SMT3, so you'll be in quite a surprise if you plan on playing a second playthrough. Battle system is similar to SM3.

Seems I mixed up Devil Summoner and Survivor. I apologise... OTL

Devil Summoner 1/2 (Darn you Europe for not releasing 2 here) plays differently from the other SMT games. Instead of being turn based, it's an action RPG, like the Tales games with free run, where you move around fighting demons. You can have one demon fighting beside you, or switch out, like Pokemon. They attack on a regular basis but need the menu to be opening up in order to use more advance skills. The MC fights with a pistol and a katana.

Either way, you'll have a great experience with any of these games. The PS2 days was definitely the golden era for RPGs. :goodtea:

Hello, Snow! Long time no speak~ OwO/

Radiant Dawn is a good game, but it's easy mode compared to it's predecessors. :goodtea:
Hello, Snow! Long time no speak~ OwO/

Radiant Dawn is a good game, but it's easy mode compared to it's predecessors.
hiiii~ :o
I keep dying and I have it set to easy mode ;; It feels alot like a book so it keeps me interested XD I love the characters and sothe
Yep yep. The previous thread has been close. :D

Aye BlueMage. I've tried many times to play 'The Answer', but I always ended up going back to play 'The Journey' multiple times. :goodtea:
My brother is really obsessed with SMT games. I've never played them, but from what I've watched from him they all just look like grinding hell. ^^;;;;
@AhGwee - Eh you only play The Answer for the epilogue story anyway. It's much better to play The Journey (still like the Answer though :P). You should finish it.

Also, Radiant Dawn is godlike. Path of Radiance and RD are my favorite FEs :p (played everything from FE6~13) I don't judge games by their difficulty anyway.
hmm...you said it gwee>.<...why did they make the answer anyway?...the ending has already

feel bittersweet=/
hmm...you said it gwee>.<...why did they make the answer anyway?...the ending has already

feel bittersweet=/

They wanted us to understand WHY that happened. :p (And to give the group (mainly Aigis) a bit more development.
They are~ SMT titles that aren't names Persona are much more grindy since you need to collect drops off enemies (otherwise known as nodes) in order to max out stats. It's well worth the grind in my opinion since it earns you a large sum of money at the same time. :goodtea:

But yes, grindy. Only ever have time to play them over the summers since I can't stop playing them when I start. :P

I found 'The Answer' to be quite boring though. Not enough story/development and too much Tartar. Maybe one day Blue~ :goodtea:
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; wow. i haven't really looked into nocturne all that much but i do have very broken information about it. i knew that it was shin megami, and i'm pretty sure i heard about Dante from DMC being in it?? so the gameplay is just like persona, but just means of getting the persona/demon is different? and did you say earlier it was getting remade? to which system?

i've never been a big fan of most final fantasy games, so i don't really know exactly what you mean by the way of learning.
also i don't know the Tales game so i don't know what you mean lol. is it similar to how diablo plays? and by that i mean you run around and fight in the same perspective as you do when your wandering.

i don't have a ps2 anymore, so i always need to wait for remakes to the vita or ps3. i miss it though. one of my favorite games was inuyasha and the secret of the cursed mask. i threw a fit when the game got scratched, and i ended up breaking my ps2 lol
hmm.....yes,but still...when i beat the last boss in the answer i feel like...man...what the heck:robot:


@ infamous : yes, dante is the secret character in nocturne...but i don't really like him

Nocturn is also one of my brother's favourites, but I don't think he ever plans to play it again after getting everything once XD

Also Matador was just a stupid idea.
I found 'The Answer' to be quite boring though. Not enough story/development and too much Tartar. Maybe one day Blue~ :goodtea:

Eh, after you get it going you can finish it very fast.

@infamous: (Sorry to barge in but >_<...)Yeah Dante is on the international Nocturne version (the JP have a version with Raidou Kuzunoha though). And i wouldn't really tell you the gameplay is the same. Nocturne has some differences from Persona games aside from demon fusion/recruitment though. Nocturne uses the Press Turn system which Persona doesn't have. (Altough "One more" turns are somewhat similar to it). And heck, P1/P2 are greatlly different from P3/P4 just so you know. =p
congrats on taking over sam dark~!

Thank you Nazaka but i will lost soon enough from King sam

I sold our ps2 which wasn't working :o I might get another someday, but I don't see it happening anytime soon~

Well i always maintenance them to be in perfect order all my Play Station PSP PS2 PSP3 and general all my devices (expect from my laptop where the problem is from factory) :(
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