[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Thanks for taking the time to post your method and knowledge Saeki, I personally found it very useful and I'm pretty sure others will too, that's why I asked you to share it :) I see a lot of people making great work already in the skin department, but it's mostly direct transfer skins, which in my opinion have the disadvantage of limiting character customization greatly. Old SkinTex in PC was basically just an overlay, although how skins are handled by that game is certainly not as complex as HS.

As I said in my messages, I do believe the future of skin making is going to be mostly overlays, with the occasional exception. So the sooner some basic knowledge in alpha channel handling is passed on, the better! Can't believe I pulled off the old PC muscle skin mod with so little knowledge of them :P

As for how my ports are going, let's just say that I'm extremely satisfied so far
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@enimaroah How do you set collider in monobehaviour editor? m_Colliders and m_Exclusions won't let me edit. I checked in ca_waist_03.unity3d, they'r same but will not pass through the body in game. And modify m_ReferenceObject has no effect.

Can we use other tags(4E2D) to control transparency slider in game because you mentioned SetRenderQueue?

How do you modify Asset Reference PathID? It still points to the original value after I drag and drop monobehaviour. There'r 2 SetRenderQueue at the same time. Although it works fine.
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The MB editor only allows original fields to be used. Arrays cant be changed in size in the current version. The only possibility you have is to search for other Dynamic Bone MBs where these fields are used.

In the Object Tree note the Message at the bottom! Ctrl-P dumps the PathID you can use in the MB as new target in references.

The Tag in Transforms (more precisely in GameObjects) does not do anything to transparency. The special value allows recolourability.
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Test report (V1.2.9):
Copy-Paste the animator from one file to another and ported the beach map. It works well. It's one test. I will do more with different environments. *Cracking knuckles*
Thanks for your report!

I did the same and had no problem with several Animators being pasted, but noticed one problem with external Materials. I had to use local materials, externals did not work.
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In the Object Tree note the Message at the bottom! Ctrl-P dumps the PathID you can use in the MB as new target in references.

Sorry, I don't know how to do "use in the MB as new target in references". I didn't find reference in SetRenderQueue MB. I changed m_root to the PathID of DynamicBone in DynamicBone MB and it works fine. But I'm not sure that is not the same thing.:)
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My friend Gil asked for some directions about overlay tattoos for SkinTexMod and he found my advice useful, so i thought about sharing with yu guys, since it can help someone else, there we go:

i actually used the direct skin from alexae's as base, try it, they work nice. that's the exactly thought i had, the other method limits the characters way too much.

what i did to make them all overlay was quite easy, remove the base (temporary) apply a white base instead, merge it, you'll have a white base merging with your tattoo designs. then here comes the trick: go to image adjustments and invert the color, now you'll have an alpha channel! select the entire image and cut it from your work, then paste it under the alpha layer and you'll isolate the base color to strictly only the area of the tattoos, that will make the perfect blending i did with my tattoos.

don't forget to undo the merging and the white base after you cut the final result from the image, or you'll have a white base inside your tattoos and it will not work, then save it as DDS DXT5 / generate mipmaps or TGA 32bit uncompressed.

just one more hint about alpha channels: the black color is actually what's going to be hidden, and the white is what going to show up, grayish tones will show fading, so be aware of imperfection in the black areas, or if a part of the tattoo isn't showing right because it's fading too much, you can adjust the balance of brightness of your alpha using brightness/contrast controls on photoshop, that will make grayish parts closer to white :p

You can also do, dds 8,8,8,8 32bp unsigned.
Also for future reference if there is a customization you want to preserve for a skin, use output default skin.
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Sorry, I don't know how to do "use in the MB as new target in references". I didn't find reference in SetRenderQueue MB. I changed m_root to the PathID of DynamicBone in DynamicBone MB and it works fine. But I'm not sure that is not the same thing.:)

The SetRenderQueue MB doesn't have any references to adapt. I was generally speaking (where PPtr<> can be seen), and you already did set the bone chain's root in the Dynamic Bone MB or it was correctly set when copied. That's fine in any case.
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Re: SB3Utility (GUI + Script)

Try to change the far clipping planes in the camera editor for abdata\adv\00.unity3d but no avail. The studio still clips at the same distance. Are there any other files I should pay attention to?
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Searching in the files for "far clip" leads to three files. The missing two are abdata\map\00.unity3d and abdata\scene\scenemanager.unity3d. The latter cant be opened in the SB3UGS. The former includes many!

I will try to find a way to access the Camera in the scenemanager.
Let's talk about SSAO, actually it's been discussed here, but it's quite difficult to find, I collect these information so that more people could see it.

Cyberbeing found the place where the noise texture stored, it's a 32x32 texture. I tried to change it to uniform noise, gaussian noise and bayer matrix, any noise pattern I tried can produce much smoother shadow than the original one.

And there're some SSAO presets in Assembly-CSharp.dll, Cyberbeing changed HIGH_PRECISION_DEPTHMAP_OFF to HIGH_PRECISION_DEPTHMAP_ON and SampleCount.medium to SampleCount.Ultra. SSAO looks very different with HIGH_PRECISION_DEPTHMAP_ON, maybe because it's only an option for unity 4.

Here're some initial values in public class SSAOPro : MonoBehaviour

[Range(1f, 4f)]
public int Downsampling = 1;

[Range(0.01f, 1.25f)]
public float Radius = 0.125f;

[Range(0f, 16f)]
public float Intensity = 2f;

[Range(0f, 10f)]
public float Distance = 1f;

[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float Bias = 0.1f;

[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float LumContribution = 0.5f;

public Color OcclusionColor = Color.black;

public float CutoffDistance = 150f;

public float CutoffFalloff = 50f;

public SSAOPro.BlurMode Blur;

public bool BlurDownsampling;

[Range(1f, 4f)]
public int BlurPasses = 1;

[Range(0.05f, 1f)]
public float BlurBilateralThreshold = 0.1f;

Changing these values won't make a difference in game, but I found another place to lock blurpasses value, should fix some scenes.

I don't know how to make patch. Try it only if you have installed 追加データ & スタジオ Ver.4

What's in it?
1. noise texture changed to 16x16 bayer matrix
2. blurpasses locked to 3 pass
3. SampleCount.medium changed to SampleCount.Ultra
4. Assembly-CSharp.dll is not patched with any other patches, so if you use WideSlider and other IPA plugins, you'll have to run xxxpatch.exe again.
Are you sure, you are talking to kaka1990, because you solved my problem. :XD: After reading your post. I checked the "CustomRenderQ" it was set to 2000!. I set to 0 and it's fixed. If I set to negative value. It doesn't receive shadows.

This thing also drives me crazy. My meshes won't recieve shadows, whatever i set CustomRenderQ to -1 or 0 or 2000 or 3000.:(
And another interesting discovery, shortcutHS offers AO debug and DoF debug option, we can see the depth map it used for AO and DoF does not cover all the items, some of the hair and accessories are added after depth map is calculated, so they won't get proper AO and DoF effects. I don't know if it's possible to fix.
This thing also drives me crazy. My meshes won't recieve shadows, whatever i set CustomRenderQ to -1 or 0 or 2000 or 3000.:(

I don't know what mesh are you working. If it's for studio objects and doesn't receive shadows. Check Studio inside there is a vertical tab on your right side of the screen. Check "Configuration" and look at "Self Shadows" settings. Tweak the settings to see the effects. If not that in SB3 tool when you are go to "Mesh" tab and look for the "Attributes" see about the "Cast and Recieve" shadows. To enable shadow effect set "1" means "On" and "0" means off and mark the tickbox
I don't know what mesh are you working. If it's for studio objects and doesn't receive shadows. Check Studio inside there is a vertical tab on your right side of the screen. Check "Configuration" and look at "Self Shadows" settings. Tweak the settings to see the effects. If not that in SB3 tool when you are go to "Mesh" tab and look for the "Attributes" see about the "Cast and Recieve" shadows. To enable shadow effect set "1" means "On" and "0" means off and mark the tickbox

It's a part of high heels. I checked attributes and they'r all 1. Help me check it if you have spare time, i appreciate it.

Edit: NVM, I found that's because i attached SetRenderQueue MB to mesh. It recieves shadows after i remove monobehaviour. Still don't know what is setrenderqueue and how to use it exactly. Thank you anyway.:)
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SetRenderQueue can be understood when making or analyzing hair. The values in the MB together with the material's CustomRenderQueue define the order for rendering the meshes. In a test I choose consecutive values for strand of hair from inside (nearest to head) to outside.

In Unity4 SBPR Aastaroth made a tutorial for this, but there SortingID and LayerID controlled the behaviour.

The new version of Sb3UGS can handle the Animator scenemanager in scenemanager.unity3d. Please let me know if the Camera in the map file or in the scenemanager work.

I still need to find the problem with external assets which aren't accepted by the studio :/
Hey guys,

I'm trying to make all the clothing colourable but there's like 3 outfits I have the same problem with.
Adding the 4E2D tag only applies to one of the submeshes, but the other one remains unaffected.

Anyone knows how to solve this?
That's a limitation from the game. When you have a mesh composed of multiple sub-meshes the 4E2D tag only works in the top sub-mesh. You can change the order of the sub-meshes but the problem remains.

The only workaround I know is to export all the sub-meshes, use Blender or another editing program to combine all the sub-meshes into a single one, and import that back into the file.

For Blender: Export all the sub-meshes in fbx format using SB3UGS. Load in Blender using import>fbx, with scale set to 1000. Select all the sub-meshes using Shft+RightClick, and combine using Joint (Ctrl+J). Export from Blender using export>fbx, with scale set to 0.001.

Use SB3UGS to import the combine mesh back, replacing the original in the object tree. When you import the combined meshes back, you will replace only the top sub-mesh in the list, so be sure to remove the remaining sub-meshes which are no longer needed or you will have duplicates and interference.
That's a limitation from the game. When you have a mesh composed of multiple sub-meshes the 4E2D tag only works in the top sub-mesh. You can change the order of the sub-meshes but the problem remains.

The only workaround I know is to export all the sub-meshes, use Blender or another editing program to combine all the sub-meshes into a single one, and import that back into the file.

For Blender: Export all the sub-meshes in fbx format using SB3UGS. Load in Blender using import>fbx, with scale set to 1000. Select all the sub-meshes using Shft+RightClick, and combine using Joint (Ctrl+J). Export from Blender using export>fbx, with scale set to 0.001.

Use SB3UGS to import the combine mesh back, replacing the original in the object tree. When you import the combined meshes back, you will replace only the top sub-mesh in the list, so be sure to remove the remaining sub-meshes which are no longer needed or you will have duplicates and interference.

It's quite strange, though, because I've seen a similar limitation with Blender itself when working with multiple separated meshes joined into one.
In my case, I was selecting three strands that were put together from the very beginning, selecting my prioritized quad and then unwrapping in quad mode.

It would make the strand the selected quad was on come out properly, but the others merely came out as a square stacked on itself over and over again, creating a texture repeat that was not very pleasant to look at.

Perhaps there's more to this than meets the eye?
For testing purpose I put a copy of an Animator for the waist p_acs_waist_kimono_ribon_00 into a head file and renamed it to p_acs_head_kimono_ribon_00. The external material was set to "(none)", but can be corrected.

For the list entry I used ID 350077, and copied the other fields. The list file got invalid - the changes in Sb3UGS 1.2.5 produced a wrong file header.

So the good news is, that copying Animators works! I will release the fix for the file header soon, may be tonight.

Download a tattoo mod and study the files. If no one has posted a tutorial until then please ask more precisely at which point you need more details.

I already make a new tattoo texture thanks toSaeki's guide but then failed to replace already existed one using SB3GUI,the program just wont save it for me ?
Hey guys,

I'm trying to make all the clothing colourable but there's like 3 outfits I have the same problem with.
Adding the 4E2D tag only applies to one of the submeshes, but the other one remains unaffected.

Anyone knows how to solve this?
True, only the first submesh uses this Tag as Belgar17 said.

But no one hinders you to create a Transform for each submesh.

I already make a new tattoo texture thanks toSaeki's guide but then failed to replace already existed one using SB3GUI,the program just wont save it for me ?

You are working INSIDE the game folders? or have you encountered any error? Note messages in the Log window.


Please use the [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread for your question.


Please use the subforum for Requests and Releases. Thanks.
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Thanks enimaroah for your advice,I have managed to import my new tattoo into the game.
However I dont know what I did wrong that cause this abomination


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