
[2011-10-13 22:18] <&Zero2DS> i just fapped to 3 dragon. . . .

Even for those who love bestiality, this is taking it to the next level.
The Legendary Ecchi Knight
[07:28] <&Zero2DS> no wai
[07:28] <&Zero2DS> i still have 3 dragon in my bed
[07:29] <&Zero2DS> my bed is full atm
[07:33] <&Tessu> so thats where Gdragon has been in silence all this time
[07:33] <&Tessu> so what did you do to him?
[07:34] <@iankay> so thats where gdragonx was :#

Checkmate, sex, and costs!
<Subnet_Zero> you were making me out to be really mean
<&Checkmate> it's just an example
<&Checkmate> don't nitpick the details
<&Checkmate> Subnet_Zero
<&Checkmate> you know
<&Checkmate> I were like you
<&Checkmate> I can fix everything
<&Checkmate> I can do everything
<&Checkmate> but I don't
<&Checkmate> because I can see the costs
<&Tessu> is it expensive? to have sex?
[10.18-20:39] <@animegio> some game comes out that day?
[10.18-20:39] <~_Firebird_> some game getting released?
[10.18-20:39] <@WsE> hellooooooooooooo
[10.18-20:39] <@animegio> ah
[10.18-20:39] <~_Firebird_> ah.
[10.18-20:39] <@WsE> lol
[10.18-20:39] <~_Firebird_> lol animegio
[10.18-20:39] <@WsE> you both
[10.18-20:39] <@WsE> boob bros
[10.18-20:39] <@animegio> lol _Firebird_
[10.18-20:39] <@animegio> this was bad :>
[10.18-20:39] <@WsE> you guys are getting gayer
[10.18-20:40] <@WsE> uncool


[10.18-20:56] <@corocoro> well, i knew phoebe has boobs
[10.18-20:57] <@corocoro> didn't know animegio also had some manboobs going on
[10.18-20:59] <@animegio> we buy lingerie together
some... extraction from ASL private channel
<&Checkmate> I do typing and fapping daily
<@Coolio> it's just that better for me if it's in jpg
<@Coolio> :P
<@Toss> png is ok?
<@ASL|Saber> 24 hr fapping
<@Coolio> yeah sure. i don't mind
<@Toss> ok
<@Coolio> just that it's bigger
<@Coolio> Uhh.. same check
<@Coolio> lol
<@Coolio> that's my HAND exercise

some editing in here and there
<&Checkmate> I do typing and fapping daily
<@ASL|Saber> 24 hr fapping
<@Coolio> Uhh.. same check
<@Coolio> lol
<@Coolio> that's my HAND exercise
*advent of the ninja*
[16:01] <&Checkmate> hey Zero2DS
[16:01] <&Checkmate> thanks to Ignis
[16:01] <&Checkmate> I was be able to flirt a fujoshi in our forunm
[16:06] <@Wintereise> >flirting over the internet
[16:06] <@Wintereise> >fujoshi
>iggy flirts with a fujoshi
>said fujoshi must have imagine iggy with *someone*

>iggy flirts with a fujoshi
>said fujoshi must have imagine iggy with *someone*

[10.25-19:23] <&corocoro> well, it's a fujoshi
[10.25-19:23] <&corocoro> she probably fantasized about you and fire going at it :p

Stop stealing my lines. :P
<@Wintereise> I told zero about that, but dunno if he listened
<&Checkmate> did you listen, Zero?
<@Coolio> Lul
<@Coolio> Zero's taking a shower
<@Coolio> i'll tell him when he comes out anyway
<@Gdragonx> ... ... so you're with him now?
<@Gdragonx> i see
<@Gdragonx> ... ...
<&Checkmate> ... ...
<@Gdragonx> *grin*
<&Checkmate> did you take a bath, Coolio?
<@Coolio> i just reached his house


Coolio comes to Zero2DS house
Zero2DS immediately take a bath
Coolio wait for Zero2DS to come out
!!!I don't want to know!!!
Lol, before Coolio thought of going to Zero's house, this is what happened.

[00:46] <@Coolio> i'll regret my whole life if i'm pumped dry
[00:46] <Tsubame> too bad Discipline Zero not yet have a uncensor version
[00:46] <@iankay> Pumped dry?
[00:46] <Tsubame> and the episode is too short
[00:46] <@iankay> Coolio................
[00:46] <@Coolio> O_o
[00:47] <@iankay> why would a guy get pumped
[00:47] <@Coolio> Whut? O_O
[00:47] <@Coolio> idk?
[00:47] <@iankay> oh shet i forgot it is you
[00:47] <@Coolio> to be CPR-ed?
[00:47] <@Coolio> LUL what were you tihnking
[00:47] <@Coolio> lol
[00:47] <&Tessu> coolio...
[00:47] <@Coolio> i was flooded with sea water and seaweed
[00:47] <@Coolio> >.<
[00:47] <&Tessu> I dont know what to say
[00:47] <@Coolio> need someone to pump me
[00:47] <@Coolio> LOL
[00:47] <&Tessu> that's just wrong
[00:47] <@Coolio> Whut?
[00:47] <@Coolio> O_o
^ Shet i can't stop laughing about it since yesterday. That was such a joke. >.<
[2011-10-28 12:13] <&Checkmate> oh hey Iggy
[2011-10-28 12:14] <~Ignis-> o hai Checkie
[2011-10-28 12:14] <&Checkmate> long time no see
[2011-10-28 12:14] <~Ignis-> yeah l;ike 4 hours
[2011-10-28 12:15] <&Checkmate> no, like 4 years
[2011-10-28 12:16] <~Ignis-> oh poor ya
[2011-10-28 12:16] <~Ignis-> so have you gotten married during the 4 years time span during which we didn't get to meet?
[2011-10-28 12:16] <~Ignis-> -during
[2011-10-28 12:20] <&Checkmate> and no Ignis
[2011-10-28 12:20] <&Checkmate> I'm not married yet
[2011-10-28 12:20] <&Checkmate> ronery
[2011-10-28 12:20] <&Checkmate> wanna get married?
<&Checkmate> how's the assignment
<&Zero2DS> done this morning
<&Checkmate> play more eroge now?
<&Checkmate> what's Coolio doing there?
<@Coolio> To play of course
<@Coolio> :3
<&Checkmate> Zero and Coolio playing together
<&Checkmate> ok I don't wanna know what kind of game you're playing
<@Coolio> ero
<@Coolio> :3
Coolio> @shinn|sleep Quit (Quit: Bed with Zeros' RORI!) <-- That is the best
Last edited:
<@Zero2DS> nah my setup is always like this http://ignis.anime-sharing.com/vault/files/24131_xzlbe/DSC00594.JPG
<@Zero2DS> except the pillow and blanket
<@Zero2DS> it will be removed if my imouto is here :3
<~corocoro> so, you remove your blanket for your imouto?
<~corocoro> so she can better snuggle up to you?
<~corocoro> and then... patapon!
<&Checkmate> knowing Zero, yes ^
<&Checkmate> he should be using his imouto instead of the pillow
<@Zero2DS> since i sleep in other place with my imouto
<@Zero2DS> so i only sleep like this if my imouto is not around :3
<~corocoro> ah, zero the imocon
<~corocoro> you're making checkmate jealous
* &Checkmate is not imoucon
<@Zero2DS> shimatta
<@Zero2DS> gomendasai~
* @Zero2DS goes to sleep before he said anything weirder

[2011-11-11 07:23] <Checkmate> AzuAzu, do you know any fewds that improve reproduction?
[2011-11-11 07:24] <AzuAzu> r u planning on making lolis?
[2011-11-11 07:24] <AzuAzu> and i dunno? eel?
[2011-11-11 07:24] <AzuAzu> lol
[2011-11-11 07:24] <Checkmate> eel? good idea
[2011-11-11 07:24] * Checkmate notes
[2011-11-11 07:24] <Checkmate> no AzuAzu
[2011-11-11 07:24] <Checkmate> I plan to be Productive
[2011-11-11 07:24] <AzuAzu> productive www
[2011-11-11 07:25] <Checkmate> yeah, Productive™
[2011-11-11 07:25] <AzuAzu> i assume u dont mean at work :p
[2011-11-11 07:25] <Ignis> marriage soon, Checkmate?
[2011-11-11 07:25] <AzuAzu> yeah, we're getting married soon
[2011-11-11 07:25] <Ignis> ohhh congrats
[2011-11-11 07:25] <AzuAzu> come to our wedding?
[2011-11-11 07:25] <Ignis> sure, Aussie isnt that far :3
<@ASL|Saber> Zero, Wanna grab a cup of coffee and talk about Imoutos in Starbucks?
<[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> i'd rather stare at them
<[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> then just talk about them
<&Zero2DS> no. . . i just finished my breakfast with my imouto :3
<&Zero2DS> too full to eat :3
<@ASL|Saber> I see...
<~kilacco> id rather do them
<~kilacco> than just talk about or stare at them
<&Checkmate> do what?
<&Zero2DS> do diz i think http://ignis.anime-sharing.com/vault/view/full/24841_lwef4
<[MENTION=4345]Saber[/MENTION]|Bed> i am on bed
<[MENTION=4345]Saber[/MENTION]|Bed> ignis... are you sure about tonight..
<~Ignis-> no
<~Ignis-> go away
<~Ignis-> hmph
<[MENTION=3322]strayer[/MENTION]> lol
<[MENTION=4345]Saber[/MENTION]|Bed> D:
* [MENTION=4345]Saber[/MENTION]|Bed sobs
<@Azu^0> no one wants to hold my hand
<@Azu^0> :<
<@Azu^0> i swear i washed them
* &Zero2DS force strayer to hold azu's hand
<[MENTION=3322]strayer[/MENTION]> i have no have hands AzuAzu
<@Azu^0> oh
<&Zero2DS> i want to sleep [url]http://ignis.anime-sharing.com/vault/view/full/21791_e8165[/url]
<[MENTION=3322]strayer[/MENTION]> i have only tantacles

noted on asl's notes that strayer only have tantacles/ tentacle :3
[03:32:52 PM] * @Shiori kisses Azu
[03:33:56 PM] <[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> passonate, long, juicy, deep french?
[03:38:50 PM] <@Shiori> Deep French
[03:40:04 PM] <~Ignis-> what a nice scene to see when I just got back

Pft.. someone stole Ignis's partner. :3
[12.01-21:14] <@ Zero2DS> i will be offline in those time lol
[12.01-21:14] <@ Zero2DS> mostly offline
[12.01-21:15] <~corocoro> ...
[12.01-21:15] <~corocoro> so, when were you planning to tell us about your vacation?
[12.01-21:15] <@ Zero2DS> 18 nov to 2 jan
[12.01-21:16] <@ Zero2DS> 18 dec*
[12.01-21:16] <@ Zero2DS> wew
[12.01-21:16] <~corocoro> that is a long time
[12.01-21:16] <&Checkmate> why offline
[12.01-21:16] <&Checkmate> what are you doing?
[12.01-21:16] <@ Zero2DS> helping parents
[12.01-21:16] <~corocoro> pataponing his imouto
[12.01-21:17] <&Checkmate> ah
[12.01-21:17] <&Checkmate> the regular stuff
[12.01-21:17] <@ Zero2DS> and i know my net speed sucks in ina
[12.01-21:17] <&Checkmate> sleeping with your imouto too
[12.01-21:17] <&Checkmate> not so bad
[12.01-21:17] <@ Zero2DS> probably very limited time online
[12.01-21:17] <@ Zero2DS> <<< sleeping with imouto everyday atm
[12.01-21:17] <~corocoro> helping his parents is just a front
[12.01-21:17] <~corocoro> so he can keep doing it during the break
[12.01-21:17] <@ Zero2DS> no no no
[12.01-21:17] <@ Zero2DS> cant and i shall not
[12.01-21:17] <&Checkmate> .
[12.01-21:18] <&Checkmate> <@ Zero2DS> <<< sleeping with imouto everyday atm
[12.01-21:18] <&Checkmate> .
[12.01-21:18] <&Checkmate> imoucon to the core
[12.01-21:18] <&Checkmate> we have too many imoucon
[12.01-21:18] <&Checkmate> any particular reason?
[12.01-21:18] <@ Zero2DS> there is nothing wrong with it
[12.01-21:18] <+Coolio> lolol
[12.01-21:18] <@ Zero2DS> I'm not an imoutocon
[12.01-21:18] <@ Zero2DS> its just a regular skinship
[12.01-21:18] <+Coolio> last time i even slept with my bro when i was a kid or anyone coming to overnight...
[12.01-21:18] <+Coolio> >.<
[12.01-21:18] <&Checkmate> okay.jpg
[12.01-21:18] <+Coolio> but yeah
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> nothing wrong lol
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> :
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> :P
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> it's imouto
[12.01-21:19] <&Checkmate> not in the same bed alright
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> lmao
[12.01-21:19] <@ Zero2DS> ^^^ there
[12.01-21:19] <~corocoro> sleeping in the same bed as your imouto is not normal or regular once one of you is over 10
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> actually
[12.01-21:19] <@ Zero2DS> its just a cultural difference
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> he's on the same bed as her
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> lol
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> :3
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> yeh
[12.01-21:19] <~corocoro> nope
[12.01-21:19] <~corocoro> coolio agrees
[12.01-21:19] <~corocoro> meaning it's not cultural
[12.01-21:19] <&Checkmate> I don't get to have such luxury
[12.01-21:19] <&Checkmate> so
[12.01-21:19] <&Checkmate> I don't know
[12.01-21:19] <~corocoro> just imouconal
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> LOL
[12.01-21:19] <@ Zero2DS> . . .
[12.01-21:19] <@ Zero2DS> coolio is half singaporean
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> how is that not the same culture?
[12.01-21:19] <+Coolio> lol
[12.01-21:21] <+Coolio> imouto wa suki! oneechan wa DAIII suki!

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