
[2011-12-06 11:01] * ~Checkmate has no same sex friend
[2011-12-06 11:01] <~Checkmate> less complicated
[2011-12-06 11:01] <~Checkmate> never want
[2011-12-06 11:01] <BakaBaka> o.O
[2011-12-06 11:02] * ~Checkmate would only consider best friend with a girl
[2011-12-06 11:02] <~Checkmate> and ya, I have a best friend <3
[2011-12-06 11:02] <&Ignis-> you know
[2011-12-06 11:02] <&Ignis-> [2011-12-06 11:01] * ~Checkmate has no same sex friend
[2011-12-06 11:02] <~Checkmate> someone I get to treasure
[2011-12-06 11:02] <[MENTION=2688]Lavo[/MENTION]> though it was amusing hat
[2011-12-06 11:02] <&Ignis-> implies you have different sex friends
[2011-12-06 11:02] <~Checkmate> Ignis a few
This is what happened when [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] is tired

<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> and anyways... prolly my head is spinning atm... so i shall go to bed..
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> Nightos
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> :3
* Coolio is now known as Coolio-
* [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]- WinAmp: OKAS-086 x-jav.net [120:58m/118kbps/48kHz]
* [MENTION=5413]Wintereise[/MENTION] stabs Coolio-
* &ASL|Imouto stabs coolio

now we know who is the real pervert in ASL. . .
Meh, that was an honest mistake. I was merely peeping at imoutos. :( nothing more. Zzz

P.S i'd go for anything cute. So if an imouto or an oneechan isn't cute, i wont touch it. :p
December 09 - [OKAS-086] Incest Mother Like Doggy Style

Any other excuses, Coolio-kun?
warning: please always make 5 meter range from coolio at all costs

* [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] (ゝω・)v ~ ♥ AzuAzu
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> Oh yeah
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> >.<
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> aliase works
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> hahaha
<&ASL|Riida> I'll go and quote that
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> >.>
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> was testing
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> >>.
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> >.>
* [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] smacks Zero
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> >.>
* &ASL|Riida dodge
<~Ignis-> lol
* [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] (ゝω・)v ~ ♥ Zero2DS
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> WRite that too
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> >.>
<~Ignis-> nice, go quote that
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> ORZ
<~Ignis-> ...and that
<&ASL|Riida> orz
* [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] chu Ignis-

what the. . . >.>;;
ORZ Checkmate actually went to see it. Good one. :P Great incest though. >.>
<BakaBaka> sensei
<BakaBaka> teach me
<BakaBaka> how to anal with coolio
<[MENTION=5413]Wintereise[/MENTION]> ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
<BakaBaka> winter
<BakaBaka> please demonstrate
<BakaBaka> i learn better by example
<BakaBaka> coolio
<BakaBaka> i love you
Wnat kind of convo was that lol
<[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> Orz
[14:16] * BakaBaka equip kamina glasses
[14:16] <&kilacco> 冒涜
[14:16] <orisa> kamina is the manliest man ever
[14:17] <+K0u> will iggy's drill pierce through the heavens?
[14:17] <orisa> too short.
[14:17] <BakaBaka> but
[14:17] <&kilacco> wha-
[14:17] <BakaBaka> BUT
[14:17] <&kilacco> how do you know
[14:17] <BakaBaka> simon's drill was tiny
[14:17] <&kilacco> orisa
[14:17] <&kilacco> seen mine?
[14:17] <orisa> we slept together silly
[14:17] <&kilacco> w
[14:17] <&kilacco> ara
[14:17] <BakaBaka> and it pierced the shit outta everything
[14:17] <BakaBaka> o.o
[14:17] <[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> ORZ
[14:17] <+K0u> azu is sad
[14:17] <&kilacco> I forgot that already
[14:17] <orisa> it's ok i drugged you
[14:17] <+K0u> brb quoteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[14:18] <&kilacco> I rarely sleep in my own bed, you see
[14:18] <[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]> ...
[14:18] <@Shiori> ...
[14:18] <[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> ...
[14:18] <&kilacco> ...
[14:18] * orisa coughs
[14:18] * kilacco moans
[14:18] <@Shiori> .............
[14:18] * BakaBaka jizzes
[14:19] <orisa> (;゚∀゚)=3
[14:19] * Shiori sneezes
[14:19] <~Checkmate> what is this I don't even
[14:19] * kilacco caem
[14:19] <BakaBaka> OTL <===3
[14:19] <orisa> wow Baka
[14:19] <yepperoni> Idiot!
[14:19] <orisa> sick!
[14:20] <&kilacco> that looks like a...
[14:20] <[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> ?
[14:20] <[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> 3 OTLs
[14:20] <&kilacco> facing left
[14:20] <[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> is wut i see
[14:20] <&kilacco> o
[14:20] <@Shiori> I'm six and what is this?
[14:20] == nanoha-sama [[email protected]] has joined #anime-sharing
[14:20] <&kilacco> baka is into that
[14:20] <[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> im nine, shiori
[14:20] <[MENTION=5537]AzuAzu[/MENTION]> ;D
[14:20] <@Shiori> Nanoha... Welcome
[14:20] <+K0u> quote from tessu
[14:20] <&kilacco> what do you mean, shiori
[14:20] <+K0u> buttsex kinshi!
[14:20] <&kilacco> this is our love nes
[14:20] <&kilacco> t
[14:20] <@Shiori> ....
[14:20] <BakaBaka> wait wait
[14:20] <BakaBaka> WAIT
[14:21] <BakaBaka> what r u guys talking about
[14:21] <&kilacco> purity
[14:21] * Shiori slaps kilacco
[14:21] <&kilacco> innocence
[14:21] <BakaBaka> <BakaBaka> OTL <===3
[14:21] <yepperoni> Stupid!
[14:21] <&kilacco> iyaa~n
[14:21] <BakaBaka> OTL x 3
[14:21] <&kilacco> mo~tto
[14:21] <orisa> i thought it was a fart
[14:22] <@Shiori> Bus ride to hell now: baby crying
[14:22] <BakaBaka> o.O
[14:22] <&kilacco> 騎乗位
[14:22] <BakaBaka> no a fart is like
[14:22] <BakaBaka> Orz <3
[14:22] <&kilacco> riding on me
[14:22] <orisa> no that's for buttsecks
[14:22] <&kilacco> is better than the bus
[14:22] <BakaBaka> o.O
[14:22] <&kilacco> just saiyan
[14:22] <@Shiori> ...
[14:22] <BakaBaka> u like buttsecks?
[14:22] <orisa> i do
[14:22] <orisa> it's tight
[14:22] <BakaBaka> i can provide buttsecks
[14:22] * Checkmate shall remember the old, truly happy day -> http://ignis.anime-sharing.com/vault/view/full/25973_jalh1
[14:22] <@Shiori> No
[14:23] <&kilacco> it may hurt, but I'll try my best!
[14:23] * Checkmate dreams
[14:23] <@Shiori> The pure and innocent iggy shall be remembered
[14:23] <&kilacco> Checkmate stole his purity and innocence
[2011-12-14 21:03] * feng ([email protected]) has joined #anime-sharing
[2011-12-14 21:03] <feng> !list
[2011-12-14 21:04] <&Ignis-> o feng
[2011-12-14 21:04] <&Ignis-> your artwork is fabulous
[2011-12-14 21:04] <&Ignis-> but why do you lack in plot and development?
[2011-12-14 21:04] <Terumi> lol
[2011-12-14 21:05] <~Checkmate> ditto
[2011-12-14 21:05] <~Checkmate> what's your next project ?
[2011-12-14 21:05] <~Checkmate> I vote for a nukige
[2011-12-14 21:05] <~Checkmate> nukige + nice artwork is a feast!
[2011-12-14 21:05] <~Checkmate> huehuehue
[2011-12-14 21:05] <&Ignis-> ^
[2011-12-14 21:05] <&Ignis-> an akasaka fd is fine too
[2011-12-14 21:05] <&Ignis-> more minato is never bad
[2011-12-14 21:05] <~Checkmate> with tentacle
[2011-12-14 21:06] <~Checkmate> do-able
[2011-12-14 21:06] <&Ignis-> and chainsaws
[2011-12-14 21:06] <&Ignis-> mmm.
[2011-12-14 21:06] <~Checkmate> no thanks
[2011-12-14 21:06] <~Checkmate> I'll take tentacle
[2011-12-14 21:06] <~Checkmate> or
[2011-12-14 21:06] <~Checkmate> be the tentacle lord \o/

He finally admitted to being a tentacle lover.
[12.15-14:44] <@ Coolio> Stop trying to vibrate my pants!
[12.15-14:44] <@ Coolio> It hurts
[12.15-14:44] <@ ASL|Ilya> O.o
[12.15-14:45] <@ ASL|Ilya> wtf are you doing?
[12.15-14:45] <@ Coolio> Loool
[12.15-14:45] <@ Coolio> Im on my phone
[12.15-14:45] <&corocoro> you're phoning with zero
[12.15-14:45] <&corocoro> and your phone is in your pants, vibrating?
[12.15-14:45] <@ Coolio> Yea
[12.15-14:45] <&corocoro> ...
[12.15-14:45] <@ ASL|Ilya> ....
[12.15-14:45] <&corocoro> that's more than i wanted to know
[12.15-14:45] <@ Coolio> ...
[12.15-14:45] <@ ASL|Ilya> tmi
[12.15-14:45] <@ Wintereise> -___________________-
* ~Checkmate bows to K0u the erogod
<~Checkmate> bowing to the erogod everyday help me to reach the ending (H-Scene) easier
* +K0u ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Rizon webchat: http://qchat.rizon.net/)

Your take on the above? :3
Certain figures replaced to protect privacy.
[12.19-10:58] <&corocoro> seriously, if i wrote an eroge
[12.19-10:58] <&corocoro> the prota would end up foreveralone
[12.19-10:58] <@ Wintereise> same
[12.19-10:58] <&corocoro> and the imouto dies
[12.19-10:58] <&Checkmate> > die
[12.19-10:58] <@ Wintereise> Lucky fucking bastids\
[12.19-10:58] <@ Wintereise> imouto dies
[12.19-10:58] <@ kureko> lol don't tell anymore I don't want to know the eroge name >.<
[12.19-10:58] <&corocoro> just to screw with people :p
[12.19-10:58] <@ Wintereise> osananajimi gets hit by a train
[12.19-10:58] <&Checkmate> > you die
[12.19-10:59] <@ Wintereise> ( `ー´)
[12.19-10:59] * &corocoro high-fives eise
[12.19-10:59] <@ Wintereise> corocoro
[12.19-10:59] <@ Wintereise> Let's do it
[12.19-10:59] <@ Wintereise> ( `ー´)八(`ー´ ) corocoro
[12.19-10:59] <@ kureko> lol
[12.19-10:59] <&corocoro> ^^
[12.19-10:59] <&corocoro> i'm in :p

So violent, although I am 100% fine with imoutos forever out of any story.
Spare my osananajimis~
Not like its never done before HUEHUEHUEHUE
[2011-12-20 08:27] <Checkmate> I find Japanese is rather easy to pronounce
[2011-12-20 08:27] <Checkmate> generally
[2011-12-20 08:27] <leefan> not maDIson
[2011-12-20 08:27] <Ignis> lolol
[2011-12-20 08:27] <Micchi> poor tomoyo.
[2011-12-20 08:27] <Ignis> Checkmate, you're Asian :p
[2011-12-20 08:27] <leefan> haha i never speak japanese so i actually have a really shitty accent whenever i try
[2011-12-20 08:27] <leefan> its funny
[2011-12-20 08:27] <Micchi> they changed your name and not meirin (i think?)
[2011-12-20 08:28] <leefan> because i've heard enough to recognize good/bad accents
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Checkmate> Ignis - actually because I have a habit of repeating the cute line of some heroine
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Checkmate> hence I get the pronoucation right

[2011-12-20 08:28] <leefan> yet i still can't pronounce it properly myself
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Checkmate> all thanks to eroge again
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Ignis> I *think* I pronounce it just fine :<
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Ignis> Checkmate: including the H scenes :3
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Checkmate> lots of my classmate in Japanese class ask how the hell did I pronounce so good and so natural
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Checkmate> w
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Ignis> ww
[2011-12-20 08:28] <Checkmate> Ignis sometimes
[12.26-20:04] <~corocoro> [12.26-20:04] <+Coolio> i'll poke your head :P
[12.26-20:04] <~corocoro> [12.26-20:04] <%WsE> you can eat mine
[12.26-20:05] <~corocoro> wse giving head to coolio?
[12.26-20:05] <%WsE> ...
[12.26-20:05] <%WsE> yes
[12.26-20:05] <~corocoro> or is it the other way around? :p
[12.26-20:05] <%WsE> as of right now i am
[12.26-20:05] <+Coolio> Whut!?
[12.26-20:05] <%WsE> <.<
[12.26-20:05] <+Coolio> D:
[12.26-20:05] <+Coolio> you got me conrnered there bro
[12.26-20:05] <+Coolio> D:
[12.28-23:58] * ~corocoro leaves this for the ww section:
[12.28-23:58] <~corocoro> ***
[12.28-23:58] <~corocoro> hmm, WsE and Will98
[12.28-23:58] <&Checkmate> hmm
[12.28-23:58] <~corocoro> we need another guy starting with w!
[12.28-23:59] * corocoro is now known as woroworo
[12.28-23:59] <~woroworo> www!
[12.28-23:59] <%WsE> ...
[12.28-23:59] <%WsE> Wheckmate
[12.28-23:59] <%WsE> Wignis
[12.28-23:59] <%WsE> Wessu
[12.28-23:59] <%WsE> WazuWazu
[12.28-23:59] <~woroworo> pfft
[12.28-23:59] <~woroworo> it's WzuWzu!
[12.29-00:00] <%WsE> :(
[12.29-00:00] <~woroworo> it's all Woolio's fault!
[12.29-00:01] <%WsE> lol
[12.29-00:01] <&Checkmate> heh
[12.29-00:01] * %AzuAzu WzuWzu
[12.29-00:02] <%AzuAzu> fail
[12.29-00:02] * AzuAzu is now known as WzuWzu
[12.29-00:02] <%WsE> indeed
[12.29-00:02] <%WsE> make it wazu!
[12.29-00:02] <%WzuWzu> now i sound very asian
[12.29-00:02] <%WsE> much cuter too *_*
[12.29-00:02] <%WsE> like dokidoki
[12.29-00:02] <%WsE> wakuwaku
[12.29-00:02] <%WsE> wazu!
[12.29-00:03] <%WzuWzu> lol
[12.29-00:04] * ~woroworo goes to change random usernames on AS
[12.29-00:07] <~woroworo> *done*
[12.29-00:09] * ~woroworo wonders how long the victims will need to find out
[12.29-00:18] <%WzuWzu> Orz
[12.29-00:18] <%WzuWzu> just noticed
[12.29-00:18] <%WzuWzu> lul
[2012-01-05 15:44:19] * &Checkmate only baits his waifu to his room
[2012-01-05 15:44:39] <& Ignis-> I never baited anyone to my room
[2012-01-05 15:44:40] <& Ignis-> ┐(´~`;)┌
[2012-01-05 15:44:40] <& Checkmate> oh
[2012-01-05 15:44:41] <& Checkmate> damn
[2012-01-05 15:44:43] <& Checkmate> I remember now
[2012-01-05 15:44:46] <& Checkmate> yeah I did bait her
[2012-01-05 15:44:52] <& Checkmate> by using a strange smell in my room
[2012-01-05 15:44:56] <& Checkmate> it's an attractive smell
[2012-01-05 15:44:57] <& Checkmate> w
[2012-01-05 15:44:58] <& Ignis-> ROOFIES
[2012-01-05 15:45:03] <& Checkmate> chemicals
[2012-01-05 15:45:08] <@ Gdragonx> loll
[2012-01-05 15:45:08] <& Ignis-> chloroform
[2012-01-05 15:45:10] <& Checkmate> euw
[2012-01-05 15:45:16] <& Checkmate> not that
[2012-01-05 15:45:19] <@ Gdragonx> cookies!
[2012-01-05 15:45:24] <& Checkmate> I don't want to put her to sleep
[2012-01-05 15:45:34] <& Checkmate> you can't have fun with a girl sleeping soundly on your bed
[2012-01-16 01:15:55] * & Checkmate wants to go back to see his waifu too
[2012-01-16 01:15:59] <& Checkmate> damn Zero
[2012-01-16 01:16:01] <& Checkmate> you keep going back
[2012-01-16 01:16:03] <@ Kirito-> wew
[2012-01-16 01:16:03] <& Checkmate> for your imouto
[2012-01-16 01:16:06] <@ Kirito-> no
[2012-01-16 01:16:10] <@ Kirito-> my imouto is in here lol
[2012-01-16 01:16:15] <@ Kirito-> she is studying in here :S
[2012-01-16 01:16:18] <& Checkmate> oh
[2012-01-16 01:16:22] <& Checkmate> so you are living together
[2012-01-16 01:16:23] <& Checkmate> nice
[2012-01-16 01:16:25] <& Ignis-> lol
[2012-01-16 01:16:26] <& Checkmate> under the same roof
[2012-01-16 01:16:26] <& Checkmate> yay
[2012-01-16 01:16:31] <& Checkmate> that's good
[2012-01-16 01:16:35] <@ Kirito-> sleeping on the same bed

Kirito- = Zero2DS.
[2012-01-16 01:19:41] <&Checkmate> my waifu wrote on her facebook: "Girls always spend a lot of money just to improve the appearance. I feel bad for whoever marry me in the future"
[2012-01-16 01:19:49] <&Ignis-> true that Checkmate
[2012-01-16 01:20:21] * &Checkmate flag a retreat order
[2012-01-16 01:20:24] <&Checkmate> I can still retreat
[2012-01-16 01:20:33] <&Checkmate> oh wait
[2012-01-16 01:20:35] <&Ignis-> Checkmate: why.jpg
[2012-01-16 01:20:39] <&Checkmate> every girl is the same anyway
[2012-01-16 01:20:42] <&Checkmate> so it doesn't matter
[2012-01-16 01:20:45] <&Ignis-> indeed
[2012-01-16 01:20:48] <&Ignis-> go for boys now, Checkmate
[2012-01-16 01:21:21] <&Checkmate> <&Ignis-> go for boys now, Checkmate < NO
[2012-01-16 01:21:24] <&Ignis-> :D
[2012-01-16 01:21:39] <@Kirito-> wew
[2012-01-16 01:21:49] * &Checkmate cuddle to Zero
[2012-01-16 01:21:54] <@Kirito-> D:
[2012-01-16 01:21:54] <&Checkmate> warm~
[2012-01-16 01:21:56] <&Ignis-> ...
[2012-01-16 01:22:12] * @Kirito- make sure to make 10 meter distance from checkmate
[2012-01-16 01:22:25] <&Checkmate> euuww
[2012-01-16 01:22:32] * &Checkmate curls up to Ignis
[23:09] <&Ignis-> I just had sex
[23:09] <&Ignis-> and it felt so good
[23:10] <&Checkmate> you?
[23:10] <&Ignis-> ah shit
[23:10] <&Ignis-> wrong channel to say that

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誰ソ彼ホテル hewwooo can you please reupload fikper or mexashare links? :(
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