Cats do... routinely. Which sun is better, Sol or NKN 2170?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Jan 29, 2014 #951 Cats do... routinely. Which sun is better, Sol or NKN 2170?
MoodWhiplash III「女帝」 Elite Member Nov 24, 2013 2,067 63 Jan 29, 2014 #952 Your question results in the two stars leaving to bicker, leaving Earth to die in the darkness. What's the best way to mess with Texas?
Your question results in the two stars leaving to bicker, leaving Earth to die in the darkness. What's the best way to mess with Texas?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Jan 29, 2014 #953 Ban football. No, don't really do that. We don't want all those Texans going wild! Why is life like a box of chocolates?
Ban football. No, don't really do that. We don't want all those Texans going wild! Why is life like a box of chocolates?
MoodWhiplash III「女帝」 Elite Member Nov 24, 2013 2,067 63 Jan 30, 2014 #954 (Yeah, that's a horrible idea) Because humans taste like chocolate if you psych yourself into it. How can we improve air travel?
(Yeah, that's a horrible idea) Because humans taste like chocolate if you psych yourself into it. How can we improve air travel?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Jan 30, 2014 #955 Use giant fans, so the air travels faster. Why do noses run and feet smell; isn't that all mixed up?
MoodWhiplash III「女帝」 Elite Member Nov 24, 2013 2,067 63 Jan 30, 2014 #956 Because the linguist who came up with those expressions had an insane foot fetish. Who let the dogs out?
Because the linguist who came up with those expressions had an insane foot fetish. Who let the dogs out?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Jan 30, 2014 #957 Some idiot on Peoples Court who got sued because his dogs bit someone. Do kisses really taste sweeter than wine? Spoiler: Reference video for the kisses question
Some idiot on Peoples Court who got sued because his dogs bit someone. Do kisses really taste sweeter than wine? Spoiler: Reference video for the kisses question
MoodWhiplash III「女帝」 Elite Member Nov 24, 2013 2,067 63 Feb 8, 2014 #958 The Question Genie traps you in the room with a fat lady. She's got wine. In her mouth. What will it take to stop Toei from trolling in their shows?
The Question Genie traps you in the room with a fat lady. She's got wine. In her mouth. What will it take to stop Toei from trolling in their shows?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Feb 8, 2014 #959 Have Chris Hansen investigate them. Summer or Winter?
MoodWhiplash III「女帝」 Elite Member Nov 24, 2013 2,067 63 Feb 8, 2014 #960 Endless summer, Endless Eight. Enjoy. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Feb 10, 2014 #961 Wrestle a bear?~ How much did does it take to bribe the fairy god mother?~ Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Feb 10, 2014 #962 Buy him a drink, first. Can two fit in a canoe? Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Feb 10, 2014 #963 No because the canoe sunk =/ Where does the bunny rabbit go when it disappears?~ Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Feb 10, 2014 #964 Into a magician's hat. If time froze, what would make it thaw? Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Feb 10, 2014 #965 Give it a moment ;p Why does the other kid always run off? =/ Reactions: ewebsitecanada
MoodWhiplash III「女帝」 Elite Member Nov 24, 2013 2,067 63 Feb 12, 2014 #966 The kiddo likes you, but is too embarrassed to be around you. What's that burnt smell? Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Mar 10, 2014 #967 Rubber pancakes. Does daylight savings really work? Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Mar 11, 2014 #968 Nope =/ I still get home after it gets dark either way =/ And i want that hour of sleep =/ Who has to die for daylight savings to be over? =/ Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Nope =/ I still get home after it gets dark either way =/ And i want that hour of sleep =/ Who has to die for daylight savings to be over? =/
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Mar 11, 2014 #969 In the Fall, they sacrifice the worst anime of the Summer. Do you know the muffin man? Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Anayomex 唯一の存在です Elite Member Nov 16, 2013 136,577 4,832 Mar 30, 2014 #970 Sure he's right above you. Do you know that ghosts exist? Reactions: ewebsitecanada
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Mar 30, 2014 #971 No, but if you hum a few bars, I'll try to fake it. How many miles to Timbuktoo?
Anayomex 唯一の存在です Elite Member Nov 16, 2013 136,577 4,832 Mar 30, 2014 #972 Zero, you live there! How much time is needed to take one step?
paK0 Trusted Member Elite Member Jun 21, 2013 744 173 Mar 30, 2014 #973 2,36598 seconds, no matter how fast you walk. How did the cheese get its holes?
Anayomex 唯一の存在です Elite Member Nov 16, 2013 136,577 4,832 Mar 30, 2014 #974 Invisible little rats are making the holes. Why humans blink eyes?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Mar 31, 2014 #975 Blinking is a secret code to our alien overlord masters. Why do babies breast feed?